United States41995 Posts
On December 11 2010 16:18 stealthgerbi wrote:I cant wait till my alt is in the hatchery. He can fly a t2 fit hurricane and I have near unlimited isk so I can always bring one on fleet ops. Cant wait to help you guys out  Yeah, I'll accept you when you calm down.
United States41995 Posts
Just fucked up pretty hard. Came off sick tilt from eve poker to find out that OHGODNONOTAGAIN had undocked in his rifter and died to a loki on a station despite the guide on how not to let that happen. Went on sick tilt and decided to just throw drakes at the WTs. Lost one stupid then fail disengaged the other, leaving drones on. Just horribad by me. Really quite pissed about it. We're still 200m to 90m up on the day but it's not as good as 200m to 10m so .
Lalalaland34484 Posts
What happened to 'that's it, I'm done for the day.'
United States41995 Posts
On December 11 2010 19:01 Firebolt145 wrote:What happened to 'that's it, I'm done for the day.'  They had more guys than I thought they had, I was pissed off about other stuff and I made a stupid call. Didn't take any reimbursement for it. That was just me throwing ships away. Edit: This is why I quit online poker. It just puts me on massive degen tilt in everything I do if poker is going badly. Sure it's easy money but it's just not worth it.
United States41995 Posts
Got incredibly sleep deprived, stayed up all night playing eve poker, made 300m ISK, went highest stakes and blew it all on one hand, logged back onto EVE and attacked a WT fleet that had two basilisks and an oneiros. Actually didn't do badly but there's only so much a drake can do. The absolution was what actually managed to chase me down and kill me though. Anyway, took a short break then came back and killed a phoon which was worth more than my three drake losses put together so that makes things a little better. Also I put some of my war loot in the hangar, it totalled well over a hundred mil with t2 salvage included. Not half bad. Plenty of t2 autos and tungstens for you guys.
Lalalaland34484 Posts
I wonder what that akimo guy's story is.
EDIT: I also wonder what kwark's reaction would be like if he was the leader of their crew and listened to glyphor's reasoning for the lost bs rofl
Hey Kwark, I PMed you. Don't know if I made mistake or so, but I'd like you to answer me and tell me if Iwas supposed to do it differently.
Kind regards, Martin
United States41995 Posts
Sigh, another highly annoying drake loss. So I was camping them while watching tv and had my drones out. They undocked about 7 bs on 0 at me so I immediately tried to redock but not before one of my drones had gotten me aggressed. Wasn't much I could do at that point, instantly popped. Hadn't been in that situation before, wasn't aware that they'd go after anyone redboxing you regardless of whether you targetted them or not. So it cost me a drake for the lesson which happens. Sucks but whatever, will know to keep drones in bay in future so I have more options open to me.
Lalalaland34484 Posts
rofl a bs from every single race and a rupture and a hound. unlucky
so drones basically auto-target + automatically go after anyone locking you? that sucks.
United States7481 Posts
i'm pretty sure that after you launch them, you can click "return and orbit" and they won't attack anything unless you specifically tell them to.
Whats been said, drones will only attack if you get attacked (and they are not set to passive) or if you tell them to.
Where's my sugardaddy now?  Anyway I got hold of a thrasher and currently learning the necessary skills, I could use a bit of help though with the 4x tractor beams... I'll pay you back no problem once I get started salvaging!
Lalalaland34484 Posts
Think that's about 5million total, not too much.
hey guys I was looking for a mentor + 21 day trial, kwark gave me the go ahead and I just got back from out of town last night. I wanted to start soon b/c i'll be on vacation for a week starting the 17th so I was hoping I could start soon and train Minmatar frigates or something at lvl 5 while I'm off in another land
Hey guys, Esso here. Still reading the thread now and then. I see Kwark is still going for all out wars against anything that moves . Losing any large rigged lately xD ? Fly safe
Lalalaland34484 Posts
On December 12 2010 07:45 Marradron wrote:Hey guys, Esso here. Still reading the thread now and then. I see Kwark is still going for all out wars against anything that moves  . Losing any large rigged lately xD ? Fly safe :D 4 drakes today worth 191m total lololol
nvm killed a phoon and a wolf worth about 180m so even with kwark throwing ships away we've almost broken even
United States41995 Posts
They got a massive gang of BS together and camped an empty system while we in turn went to hunt Yama, their leader. We located his loki 25j away from where we live and closed in on our unsuspecting prey while their battleships high fived each other in local. Eventually we caught him on a gate, unfortunately with a drake and a neutral oneiros with him. In the resulting battle we lost a drake and a rifter. Incredibly unlucky on our part, what should have happened was a loki getting caught moving around by a gang of ninjas, unless he has an escort for every jump he takes no matter how far from the battlefield we just got sucked out on here.
[04:22:03] KwarK uK > do you always have an oneiros with you or were we unlucky? [04:22:17] kaizoku ojisama > unlucky [04:22:22] kaizoku ojisama > very unlucky
United States41995 Posts
Had a long conversation with Yama on many subjects. He and I seem to occupy largely the same role within our respective corp/alliances and have largely the same views on things.
It was all very good mannered on both sides, he complimented our flying and fits and we shared mutual anguish at the level of incompetence we both have to deal with (Tenraw afk mining just 2 jumps from emol for example). He offered to blue us afterwards which I politely declined, largely for ideological reasons, they'd make a valuable ally (IF WE EVER NEEDED LOGIS LOLOLOLOL). We're probably not going to redec them although if you guys ever get sloppy and I feel the need to trim the fat then war with them would be a very effective way of doing it. Anyway, onto the news.
We're going to let the war run out on the morning of the 16th with mutual consent. Unless we manage to lose a billion isk of stuff in the next 3 days I'm going to claim victory although I imagine they'll do the same. So our priority at this point has to be stopping Karah missioning. Obviously everyone in eve is going to have fun buying and playing with their new toys on the 14th which is basically Christmas come early so from then until 22:00 eve time on the 15th we'll be showing them what we can do with a few more SP. I expect maximum attendance (from both sides), this is gonna be awesome.
From 22:00 to the end of the war will be a time of duels, games and general merriment. Arranged 1v1s will be rigorously enforced by both myself and Yama and hopefully we should be able to get a t1 rifter melee (10 vs 10 or something) going which will be epic.
hi i cant seam to download EVE it without being currupt. I clicked the download button on the EVE website and it then told me to manualy download it here: http://www.eveonline.com/download/?fallback=1 however the file showed there is currupt and i have tryed a few times, can anyone help me?