EVE Corporation - Page 1746
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United Kingdom34 Posts
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Hyrule18975 Posts
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Jones Hawkwood
Belgium54 Posts
On January 14 2014 05:36 rhiload wrote: i play dayz. we should play dyaz Cool, I'll send you my Steam user name. Also: I should check out that thread, but I like my EvE players. =3 | ||
United Kingdom34 Posts
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United States81 Posts
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Lalalaland34484 Posts
This is hilarious. | ||
Canada2277 Posts
I had previously brought in a RLML Osprey Navy as a joke to fly with a corpmate, who to this day never brought in his osprey navy. It sat in my hangar for a while with those awful post-Rubicon rapid light missile launchers that got nerfed to hell. With it's trollsprey buddy never going to come, it would seem my poor osprey navy would collect space dust (spust?) forever... Then in December when silly fleetmates were unsure of how to engage an obviously bait Maller (c'mon, you guys are in Ishtars), I decided to bring it out again. Of course I refit it for HAMs for maximum brawlage. The ruse didn't go as planned with the Ishtars going in at the same time as the HAMsprey, thus defeating the purpose of bringing a HAMsprey. Nonetheless we grabbed a Maller (that the HAMsprey longpointed) and a Hyena (that the HAMsprey scrammed). Maller: http://shieldbattery.killmail.org/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=21005821 Hyena: http://shieldbattery.killmail.org/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=21005892 On our way back home, we bumped into a Rupture that was afk on a gate. Even more interesting was the fact that this Rupture pilot was an old corpmate of mine from before I joined The Hatchery. I attempted to hail the pilot hoping to give a friendly warning, but alas I opted to blow the ship up because that is what long lost friends are for. Rupture: http://shieldbattery.killmail.org/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=21005944 Pod: http://shieldbattery.killmail.org/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=21006161 Feeling underwhelmed I went on home. Perhaps I shall use the HAMsprey another day. The next day I was chatting with a corpmate about how awful this lowsec system was and that there would be no one here to fight. So I went through and saw a... well, long story short, I killed a poor Brave Collective dude that was mining. Procurer: http://shieldbattery.killmail.org/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=21017676 I felt bad so I paid him back the in-game estimate value of the ship he lost. Unrelated, I went home with my HAMsprey, came back out in my Crow and killed another dude in a Probe. Probe: http://kb.eveaquila.com/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=45014 Again, feeling bad, I paid him back the in-game estimate value. Third day, I went around looking for fights but only huge blobs of 20+ that I wasn't interested in dualboxing against. On my way back I stumbled across another miner. With my trusty Ishtar on my other account, I engaged the mighty mining barge and struck it down. Procurer #2: http://shieldbattery.killmail.org/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=21034453 Seemed the guy was afk mining so I popped his 111 mil pod too. Pod: http://shieldbattery.killmail.org/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=21034452 Then an icestorm hit my city and I lost power for a week. Once I got back, it was HAMsprey time again. So I took my beloved out to Cobalt Edge (with some risk averse friendly support of AQUILA-mates) and went around stirring up trouble. Seemed that the locals thought my HAMsprey would be an easy kill and a valiant Malediction went in for tackle. In fact, it was so confident it pointed TWO people at the same time! However, it quickly got scram webbed and melted without mercy under the intense kinetics of my scourge heavy assault missiles. Malediction: http://shieldbattery.killmail.org/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=21134529 The locals later responded by bringing in an interesting fleet of remote armor repairing sentry dominixes with shield kiting support. It didn't go to well for them. Battle Report: http://kb.eveaquila.com/?a=kill_related&kll_id=45301 Condor: http://shieldbattery.killmail.org/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=21134608 Sabre: http://shieldbattery.killmail.org/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=21134795 Arbitrator: http://shieldbattery.killmail.org/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=21134836 I got hurt pretty badly holding point while our gang was tearing theirs apart. Low in shields I warped out. The enemy gang gate crashed and my fleetmates continued the fight on the other side. While listening to the fangirls squealing on comms I realized I could probably catch a kill of someone trying to disengage from the battle. I immediately warped to the gate they were fighting on the other side of and waited. "Keep damage on the Oracle, he's deaggressing. Oracle jumped, damn." Hehehe... I got this. Oracle loads grid, I overheat all the things and go in for the kill. Oracle is locked, I see he's in low armor about to go into structure. All weapons go. "Dominix jumped out. Something else jumped out. They're all disengaging." Oh shit, I gotta finish this fast. Dominix shows up and drops sentries, I begin a half-assed wiggle to up my transversal. Hurricane Fleet Issue decloaks really close to me as the Oracle pops. I'm taking serious damage so with my microwarpdrive overheated I burn for the sun. I'm 20km from the Hurricane Fleet, bleeding into armor. 25km and I'm entering structure. 28km, damn this guy is overheating his longpoint but I just need to get a bit further. Warp Drive Active And off I go! Oracle: http://shieldbattery.killmail.org/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=21135005 Dominix: http://shieldbattery.killmail.org/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=21135049 Mity HAMsprey > :D Hurricane Fleet Issue > rofl Mity HAMsprey > 45% structure Other Enemy Pilot > GF Mity HAMsprey > gf Looking back at their fits, it's no wonder they died in a horribly. If I had the spare isk of a sprich space tycoon, such as those in this very TL EVE Corp thread, I would have reimbursed them all. Then I got busy with work and was not able to HAMsprey it up for a while. On my grand return I decided to try catching ratters in anomalies. Easy right? Perhaps not in a HAMsprey alone. So I opted for a Talos wingman in the form of myself dualboxing. Here we go. Ishtar: http://shieldbattery.killmail.org/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=21384502 This poor guy was already warned by his fellow corpmates but was afk. It seemed like his corpmate was not only unimpressed but also unsurprised: Victim's corpmate > link killmail Myself > only if the killed guy requests himself Victim's corpmate > ill just have to scroll throught the corp loses later Victim's corpmate > =( Myself > there can't be that many corp losses to scroll through Victim's corpmate > dude Victim's corpmate > who do you thinck we are Myself > i stand corrected For those of you familiar with the nullsec scene, these guys are from FWeddit... which are supposed to be Faction Warfare (hence FWeddit) but have somehow found themselves renter pets under a nullsec coalition. Victim > Kill: Victim's Name (Ishtar) Victim > Sorry didn't see the request haha Victim's corpmate > fucking ospray Victim's corpmate > top lel My corpmate > next level stuff Well it seems like everyone is enjoying themselves, so I'll just quietly step out... and set up this drag bubble on the only stargate exiting the system. Oh look, a pod got caught! Pod: http://shieldbattery.killmail.org/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=21384501 Hehehe... okay, now I really went home after this. Now this brings us to today. I've been flying Crows often (and dying in them often as well), so I should know their strengths and weaknesses right? Or at least have an idea what to expect? Well then. I was looking for some carebears ratting anoms when I stumbled across a bubbled gate. With a Tayra industrial hauler sitting in the bubbles 15km off the gate (too far it wouldn't make it to the gate if it were attacked). And a lone Crow watching the Tayra from a safe distance of 40km away. With my Talos on the other side ready to jump in and die to a bajillion ships showing up from a cyno, I sent my mighty HAMsprey after the Crow. The crow burned off a little bit so I immediately switched to the Tayra. The Tayra had a tank, but nothing the mighty HAMsprey couldn't handle. With the Tayra almost down, the Crow was burning in hot, closing in. I faced the Crow, intensely, watching, waiting for the moment. 40km. 30km... Tayra: http://shieldbattery.killmail.org/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=21398994 ...25km. 20km... 15km... NOW! I turned on my microwarpdrive, and my already preheated scram and web landed on the Crow and I approached F1 like many elite PvPers do. The Crow was shooting me, doing little damage, no problem. Its shields were going down. But wait! It's shields were going up again?! And I looked at my damage, I was doing rather little per volley, no way should I be doing this little against a Crows default resists. And what's this?! I'm taking massive damage! Oh what is going on here?! Agh!!! Nonetheless I hold my ground as any idiot who sucks at this game would. I'm bleeding into armor, but so is the Crow. I make the decision to bring in the calvary and ruin what would have been a fun solo kill. By the time my Talos loads grid and beginning to lock my HAMsprey is in low armor and bleeding into structure. Guns already activated and waiting for the lock... I think my HAMsprey is already dead but I'll be happy to kill this Crow before it disengages an warps out. LOCKED! Boom! One-shot and the Crow is down! And what's this? My HAMsprey is still alive! Damn that was close. I congratulate my foe and breathe a sigh of relief as I await the aggression timer to leave the system. Me > gf Me > dat crow is beast Enemy Crow > yea Enemy Crow > gf My corpmate who was planning on joining the fight (a good two minutes too late) asks me to link the killmail, so without checking it I do. He laughs. I wonder why and as I'm about to open the killmail window he says, "Pithi A-Type" Well then, that would explain why I had such a hard time killing the guy. He probably had siege links too eh? Crow: http://shieldbattery.killmail.org/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=21398993 I went to check how much damage I was doing to that Crow when I realized... (lots of fighter damage before this) 04:32:12 Combat 357 from Crow's carrier alt - Einherji - Smashes 04:32:11 Combat 459 from Crow's carrier alt - Templar - Smashes 04:32:11 Combat 318 from Crow's carrier alt - Einherji - Smashes 04:32:11 Combat 283 from Crow's carrier alt - Einherji - Penetrates 04:32:10 Combat 541 from Crow pilot guy dude man (Crow) - Scourge Fury Light Missile - Hits 04:32:10 Combat 240 from Crow's carrier alt - Templar - Hits (lots of fighter damage after this) The Crow had fighters assigned to it! And so with a bit of disbelief and the last bit of adrenaline finally exiting my system, I placed the 163 mil small shield booster into my corp hangar and logged off my HAMsprey. ... and proceeded to lose a Crow on my main by ramming it into a scram AB Moa. GG. | ||
Russian Federation3631 Posts
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United Kingdom34 Posts
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United States1044 Posts
On January 14 2014 00:55 KwarK wrote: http://eve-kill.net/?a=kill_related&kll_id=21375052 Amok so good at game. | ||
Serbia322 Posts
Who is that top ishtar pilot? ![]() | ||
Serbia322 Posts
+ Show Spoiler + [Legion, Nightmare of Barleguet] Damage Control II Imperial Navy Heat Sink Imperial Navy Heat Sink Imperial Navy Heat Sink Nanofiber Internal Structure II Nanofiber Internal Structure II Core X-Type 100MN Afterburner Tracking Computer II, Tracking Speed Script Tracking Computer II, Tracking Speed Script Federation Navy Stasis Webifier Heavy Pulse Laser II, Scorch M Heavy Pulse Laser II, Scorch M Heavy Pulse Laser II, Scorch M Heavy Pulse Laser II, Scorch M Heavy Pulse Laser II, Scorch M Heavy Pulse Laser II, Scorch M Medium Energy Locus Coordinator II Medium Energy Locus Coordinator II Medium Polycarbon Engine Housing I Legion Defensive - Augmented Plating Legion Electronics - Tactical Targeting Network Legion Engineering - Power Core Multiplier Legion Offensive - Liquid Crystal Magnifiers Legion Propulsion - Fuel Catalyst | ||
Canada2277 Posts
On January 16 2014 12:30 0m3ga wrote: Any suggestion from fellow eft warriors? + Show Spoiler + [Legion, Nightmare of Barleguet] Damage Control II Imperial Navy Heat Sink Imperial Navy Heat Sink Imperial Navy Heat Sink Nanofiber Internal Structure II Nanofiber Internal Structure II Core X-Type 100MN Afterburner Tracking Computer II, Tracking Speed Script Tracking Computer II, Tracking Speed Script Federation Navy Stasis Webifier Heavy Pulse Laser II, Scorch M Heavy Pulse Laser II, Scorch M Heavy Pulse Laser II, Scorch M Heavy Pulse Laser II, Scorch M Heavy Pulse Laser II, Scorch M Heavy Pulse Laser II, Scorch M Medium Energy Locus Coordinator II Medium Energy Locus Coordinator II Medium Polycarbon Engine Housing I Legion Defensive - Augmented Plating Legion Electronics - Tactical Targeting Network Legion Engineering - Power Core Multiplier Legion Offensive - Liquid Crystal Magnifiers Legion Propulsion - Fuel Catalyst If you're going to do what I think you're going to do with it (mass killing Brave Newbies welping t1 frigates), then I guess it's alright. You are expensive. You have no tank, no point, slow speed compared to frigates/cruisers, better-yet-still-bad tracking, good-but-not-great DPS, less range than a Talwar and you are a scary tier3 ship that people will think twice to engage unless they intend to bait you. Personally I'd rather fly a cheaper laser ship that can do similar duties, such as Omen Navy, Zealot, or even an Oracle. Otherwise go ahead if you're flying in a fleet that can cover you if things go sour. edit: "You are expensive." | ||
Serbia322 Posts
On January 16 2014 13:23 Not_Computer wrote: If you're going to do what I think you're going to do with it (mass killing Brave Newbies welping t1 frigates), then I guess it's alright. You are expensive. You have no tank, no point, slow speed compared to frigates/cruisers, better-yet-still-bad tracking, good-but-not-great DPS, less range than a Talwar and you are a scary tier3 ship that people will think twice to engage unless they intend to bait you. Personally I'd rather fly a cheaper laser ship that can do similar duties, such as Omen Navy, Zealot, or even an Oracle. Otherwise go ahead if you're flying in a fleet that can cover you if things go sour. edit: "You are expensive." RIP legion, brb buying 10 nomens | ||
Russian Federation3631 Posts
On January 16 2014 12:30 0m3ga wrote: Any suggestion from fellow eft warriors? + Show Spoiler + [Legion, Nightmare of Barleguet] Damage Control II Imperial Navy Heat Sink Imperial Navy Heat Sink Imperial Navy Heat Sink Nanofiber Internal Structure II Nanofiber Internal Structure II Core X-Type 100MN Afterburner Tracking Computer II, Tracking Speed Script Tracking Computer II, Tracking Speed Script Federation Navy Stasis Webifier Heavy Pulse Laser II, Scorch M Heavy Pulse Laser II, Scorch M Heavy Pulse Laser II, Scorch M Heavy Pulse Laser II, Scorch M Heavy Pulse Laser II, Scorch M Heavy Pulse Laser II, Scorch M Medium Energy Locus Coordinator II Medium Energy Locus Coordinator II Medium Polycarbon Engine Housing I Legion Defensive - Augmented Plating Legion Electronics - Tactical Targeting Network Legion Engineering - Power Core Multiplier Legion Offensive - Liquid Crystal Magnifiers Legion Propulsion - Fuel Catalyst Victim: Omega Crendraven Corp: The Scope Alliance: None Faction: None Destroyed: Legion System: Barleguet Security: 0.1 Damage Taken: 4200 Involved parties: Name: get0wned noob (laid the final blow) Security: -0.7 Corp: Brave Newbies Inc. Alliance: Brave Collective Faction: None Ship: Tornado Weapon: 1400mm Prototype Siege Cannon Damage Done: 4200 | ||
Jones Hawkwood
Belgium54 Posts
I had some fun while cloaking, you don't need to read it. I had fun and I wanted to share. Edit: I accomplished nothing but confirmed my own ego. http://pastebin.com/yCHHQQjD | ||
Germany1405 Posts
On January 17 2014 00:06 Jones Hawkwood wrote: Edit: I accomplished nothing but confirmed my own ego. Do we ever do anything else? | ||
United States1044 Posts
On January 16 2014 12:30 0m3ga wrote: Any suggestion from fellow eft warriors? + Show Spoiler + [Legion, Nightmare of Barleguet] Damage Control II Imperial Navy Heat Sink Imperial Navy Heat Sink Imperial Navy Heat Sink Nanofiber Internal Structure II Nanofiber Internal Structure II Core X-Type 100MN Afterburner Tracking Computer II, Tracking Speed Script Tracking Computer II, Tracking Speed Script Federation Navy Stasis Webifier Heavy Pulse Laser II, Scorch M Heavy Pulse Laser II, Scorch M Heavy Pulse Laser II, Scorch M Heavy Pulse Laser II, Scorch M Heavy Pulse Laser II, Scorch M Heavy Pulse Laser II, Scorch M Medium Energy Locus Coordinator II Medium Energy Locus Coordinator II Medium Polycarbon Engine Housing I Legion Defensive - Augmented Plating Legion Electronics - Tactical Targeting Network Legion Engineering - Power Core Multiplier Legion Offensive - Liquid Crystal Magnifiers Legion Propulsion - Fuel Catalyst I have flown laser Legions before, and I would suggest an MWD fit over a 100mn fit. In my experience oversized AB fits tend to work best with missiles, not turrets. This is the fit I used, but I am not up to date on fitting changes to mods in the last year so I have no idea if this fit would still work. | ||
United States893 Posts
On January 16 2014 12:30 0m3ga wrote: Any suggestion from fellow eft warriors? + Show Spoiler + [Legion, Nightmare of Barleguet] Damage Control II Imperial Navy Heat Sink Imperial Navy Heat Sink Imperial Navy Heat Sink Nanofiber Internal Structure II Nanofiber Internal Structure II Core X-Type 100MN Afterburner Tracking Computer II, Tracking Speed Script Tracking Computer II, Tracking Speed Script Federation Navy Stasis Webifier Heavy Pulse Laser II, Scorch M Heavy Pulse Laser II, Scorch M Heavy Pulse Laser II, Scorch M Heavy Pulse Laser II, Scorch M Heavy Pulse Laser II, Scorch M Heavy Pulse Laser II, Scorch M Medium Energy Locus Coordinator II Medium Energy Locus Coordinator II Medium Polycarbon Engine Housing I Legion Defensive - Augmented Plating Legion Electronics - Tactical Targeting Network Legion Engineering - Power Core Multiplier Legion Offensive - Liquid Crystal Magnifiers Legion Propulsion - Fuel Catalyst Buy 2 zealots instead. I've tried to make the legion work, but it falls on its face even in EFT. I'd take just about any T2 DPS boat over it; Abso, zealot, deimos, Astarte, Sleipnir (<3), Cerberus....it's just nowhere near the proteus. And sadly, now that the stratios is out, it lost its cloaky prober combat site role, as it's even worse in that regard. | ||
United States41982 Posts
https://forums.eveonline.com/default.aspx?g=posts&m=4116412 Will this be the moment when damp strength on an info linked, strength rigged, hull bonused damp hits 100? | ||
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