On April 26 2013 03:39 tofucake wrote: Are they doing random interviews with players on stream? If so, I want them to interview Ueberlisk so he can declare he is king of Molden Heath.
He can't. He is not wearing his Oddelulf S1 box hat.
- Removal of Ice Fields from Hi-Sec. Ice fields have been removed from the celestials table on latest Test Server Build(source Datamining). Likely moving to scanned down sites instead. - New Ice Belt names have appeared in some data tables: Blue Ice Belt, White Glaze Belt, Smooth Glacial Mass Belt - T2 Ice Harvester Cycle halved from 500 to 250 seconds, presumably they are doubling ice harvesting rates to balance the difficulty of finding an ice field via exploration.
oh good game for fuel prices and this is kinda neat
On April 26 2013 03:39 tofucake wrote: Are they doing random interviews with players on stream? If so, I want them to interview Ueberlisk so he can declare he is king of Molden Heath.
He can't. He is not wearing his Oddelulf S1 box hat.
- Removal of Ice Fields from Hi-Sec. Ice fields have been removed from the celestials table on latest Test Server Build(source Datamining). Likely moving to scanned down sites instead. - New Ice Belt names have appeared in some data tables: Blue Ice Belt, White Glaze Belt, Smooth Glacial Mass Belt - T2 Ice Harvester Cycle halved from 500 to 250 seconds, presumably they are doubling ice harvesting rates to balance the difficulty of finding an ice field via exploration.
oh good game for fuel prices and this is kinda neat
Assuming they made changes to discourage bot mining, it would be much more interesting if they'd just adopt a policy of resource scarcity. Especially if the resource in question was rigged to rotate, having periods of booms and busts would help make the eve population a little more mobile, as well as adding some more volatility to the market place.
On April 24 2013 11:30 DefMatrixUltra wrote: I think he means "leaving the comfort and safety of your mother wormhole" is uncommon rather than "shield > armor" for roaming.
I see WH people in lowsec all the time, usually it's the standard T3/Guardian type of fleet.
It certainly isn't done by any one alliance/corp as much as VoC
One-two punch of burn jita and massive industry changes, the market is sooo fucked hehe. In hindsight Thul seems like the thing to have invested in, an R64 at about 2k, yeah...
I really don't like what they did with the resources rebalance (both on ores and moon goo). Changing the disposition of static resources won't change anything. People will still sit on the ones they have and make an agreement with their neighbours not to touch their income (and do arranged fights).
They should really look at scarcity and making resources move around dynamically. Doing it statically every two years isn't going to cut it on the long term. And scarcity could be applied to high and low too, for interesting results.
On April 27 2013 06:44 hugman wrote: One-two punch of burn jita and massive industry changes, the market is sooo fucked hehe. In hindsight Thul seems like the thing to have invested in, an R64 at about 2k, yeah...
forgot the R64 stuff too. got myself the reasonably priced gneiss that was available in jita tho
On April 27 2013 07:06 hugman wrote: I hope it's just a stopgap measure, static supply is what allows those extreme bottlenecks to happen in the first place.
I think what they are doing is theoretically smart. Imagine you're the guy working for CCP trying to make sense of and model the market. There are so many moving pieces, and the market is really fragile in a lot of different ways that probably are related (but it's difficult to tell exactly the relationship).
As the developer, they have an idea of the theoretical maximum supply of particular things (like minerals or moon goo). If that maximum supply was allowed to vary (up or down and for many different items) over time, it would have a completely unpredictable effect on the market. While the devs may still know the theoretical maximums and minimums, the players don't. Market forces are controlled by only 2 things: CCP "direct" intervention (systematically creating and "destroying" items like minerals) and player perception. If even the players that "understand" the market can't get a fix on it, the faith/trust aspect of the market would be unreliable, and it could result in catastrophic events.
By "shuffling around" the rarity and value (and perceived value) of certain items, CCP gets to do "the same thing" with a different data set and compare it to previous data sets. They might actually learn something important this way about how their market works, and that can only benefit players.
So that looks pretty damn awesome, especially gate jumping. Bad news is that with all these upgrades Kwark's computer will soon be unable to multibox reliably once again.
On April 27 2013 15:25 Firebolt145 wrote: --video---
So that looks pretty damn awesome, especially gate jumping. Bad news is that with all these upgrades Kwark's computer will soon be unable to multibox reliably once again.
They didn't change anything in the engine. From what he said, they updated the textures of some ships (i.e. not a new texture, it takes up the same space in memory). The in-space GUI elements will only affect CPU usage (reasonably high chance they are drawn using what is effectively just primitives and thus take up little to no extra memory) and only when they are drawn.
If you turn GPU options down very low, you can run clients essentially as if the game only uses CPU (and it's only a problem in Jita or big null fights where the client CPU is doing tons of work). I always thought EVE was weird for this reason. If you turn all the GPU options up, you get a huge FPS drop with even 2 clients. But with them all down, you can run lots of clients with seemingly no "overhead" cost to the CPU. Not really sure why that's the case.
So that looks pretty damn awesome, especially gate jumping. Bad news is that with all these upgrades Kwark's computer will soon be unable to multibox reliably once again.
Take that loading bar. I love this coming change. It seems CCP can make some decent changes after all
So that looks pretty damn awesome, especially gate jumping. Bad news is that with all these upgrades Kwark's computer will soon be unable to multibox reliably once again.
Take that loading bar. I love this coming change. It seems CCP can make some decent changes after all
Their design/graphical team has been making pretty amazing changes for the last few patches. No one ever doubted those guys ^_^