Metagaming in EVE - Page 66
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Canada2277 Posts
In the past (not too long ago actually) race/bloodline affects your starting skills a LOT. But now they've changed it to starting with almost no skills but instead have a 2x learning speed bonus for your first couple TL's eve corp also has this thread: I have a question of my own for the TL EVE corp: What are the current requirements of joining? I'm in a corp that helps out new players experience eve outside of npc corps and we've been wardecced by griefers. Looking to escape to somewhere and willing to put the effort into working for a safe place to call home. | ||
Serbia1416 Posts
I have a question of my own for the TL EVE corp: What are the current requirements of joining? willingness to pirate and a mean "yarrr!" | ||
Canada1981 Posts
On March 16 2010 06:42 Not_Computer wrote: Your race/bloodline mainly affects your avatar (picture). It doesn't matter what race you are anymore cause you can easily crosstrain skills into other races. In the past (not too long ago actually) race/bloodline affects your starting skills a LOT. But now they've changed it to starting with almost no skills but instead have a 2x learning speed bonus for your first couple hundred thousand skill points. TL's eve corp also has this thread: I have a question of my own for the TL EVE corp: What are the current requirements of joining? I'm in a corp that helps out new players experience eve outside of npc corps and we've been wardecced by griefers. Looking to escape to somewhere and willing to put the effort into working for a safe place to call home. gotta wonder, is it E-UNI? | ||
United States41117 Posts Quick skirmish between PL and RAGE/ME/flotsum NC formed up in h-5, jumped MR4 through into FDZ. Fleet comp was 100+ hacs/bs/tackle, jumped into a PL close-range Hac gang, fight on the gate was won by the NC, PL jumped MR4. NC chased and killed a bit more, at which point dead PL reshipped into bombers. At this point i lost connection and went to play some CnC gens, but if someone could take over thats sweet. I suppose "real PL" is different things to folks, but to me we're starting to be back where we were in 2008 times -- fun loving griefers with 20-30 typical dudes with about 60 max in gang shooting anyone we can without worrying about losing spaceships. The KB link is actually a bit misleading, it includes a timeframe where about 6-8 different skirmishes occured. We started off the night in about 50 strong armor hacs + logistics gang and fought about 150 NC Gem Block BC heavy gang. I knew this was gonna hurt rather badly since the hostiles had about 18 logistics, 9 scorpions and maybe 20 other BS with everything else in long range BCs which would literally tear us a new on after they got in optimals. Still -- didn't want to miss a chance for a fight, so off we went to the MR 4 gate with hostiles jumping in in waves to reduce lag. This messed up my plan to do fancy overviews a little and lost of few early kills, but ah well. Lag was pretty intense for 200 only local -- and at start NC Gems were dying quite fast with us taking no losses. However, battle turned soon enough as their BCs got in range and 9 scorps got to work on our logistics. I called a deaggro at one point after we had lost 3 Zealots with reps no longer holding -- but then some new info came in from someone to say we were now tanking fine thanks to Sniggwaffe bomber wing taking out 100+ drones from the field. This was of course a mistake, since the hostiles had started to deaggro and had warped off after taking 4-5 waffe bombs on the face to rep up... so as soon as they returned -- we started to lose more Zealots and I called another deaggro and jump through gate. We pulled off the gate in MR4 with NC Gems jumping after us, this worked to our advantage with reps holding and our optimal giving us the advantage again. However, our scouts had logged off to reduce lag and 40ish strong RZR(?) BC gang had entered system and they warped 40km in front of our HACs inline with our burnout spot. There was some miscommunication on comms, someone (not naming any names : Cool) called "shadoo warp us out" -- which I didnt' really spend time thinkuing about and just did it. That was a fatal mistake as RZR gang put up a bubble just as I initiated warp and we lost 6 HACs and our damnation for no good reason... uups, my bad Smile. 230 in local, 50ish in our gang with now maybe 7 more in pods -- we called for people to clear the market locally out of Zealots and reship. 10 minutes or so later, figth was on again in FDZ. NC Gem block warped to us @ gate and we tussled again, however once again after they got in their optimals we were melting. Crucially, Waffle bomber group got a good run in and killed about 40ish mixed ships. Still, lag had no cleared and we were losing Zealots with no reps landing -- so another deaggro and jump out. Waffles continued to bomb NC Gems with good success thou they had no spread out quite a bit, and they withdrew to rep their POS in system we had RFed few days ago. We used this opportunity to get in system and after trying to bait a fight with HACs -- I decided to swap us back to our comedy Drakes gang planned for the night. 50ish strong drakes and scimmies gang undocked and warped to MR4 gate for glorious battles. Hostiles soon followed and missile spam filled the space, with waffles once again succeeding in a brilliant bomb run on their BCs. I hesitated a bit too long with Noobjuice trying to talk sense into me about warping our gang of 50 on top of their 100-120 Sad... And so they all warped off. I spotted a carried at very edge of shields, so quick pwd enter later we appeared next to it giving it friendly bumps towards open space followed by awesome fireworks from missile streams. Thanny was about 50% structure when NC Gem block support arrived on grid and it became clear we coudln't push it over the limit and retreated back inside shields losing 4-5 drakes. We warped off back to mr4 gate to see if we could pull the support off to a fight with no POS guns involved. Minutes passed, cyno opened and NC Gem block dread fleet entered system supported by carriers. I took our drakes to the POS and watched the caps align towards station -- and then enter warp. I thought ah well, they've gone off to dock -- but to my suprise (and Fintroll's delight) -- they landed on our staging tower instead Shocked. 4 Titans logged on, 5th shortly following and we moved out side of shields while drakes did shield games on their support and dictors wizzed to do bubbles. Hostile dreads entered siege, and our titans started to DD their carriers (well, tried, as the case was with me since it was my first cap DD in Dominion and I moved inside shields before damage had arrived Embarassed). 5 Titans and one supercarrier focused their sieged dreads now while drakes and POS worked on their support with dictors getting refills from the SMA and bubbling hostiles. As expected, hostiles siege cycle ended with the first and they started to try to get off the field, without incapping any mods (they were shooting at Sn8kez Avatar I think and got it into armor by the end). We tried very hard to keep bubbles up, but NC Gem Block was doing well keeping our dictors at single bubble life cycle. Our drakes and POS were doing a number on their support however as well and they had lost all of their logistics before the second DD timer came around. Another 5 carriers met their instant death and dreads were now dropping. RZR bomber squad came into rescue at last cycles and bombed the bubbles around the cap fleet allowing most of them to escape. Props for good use there. Hostiles retreated off our tower, and we followed them to chill in their POS giving friendly nudges to their carriers still inside the tower. Not much went on here aside from little cat & mouse games and both parties went off to import more ships. SNIGG in particular put in an order for 50 new dictors from the corp stock Crying or Very sad. Rumour is Dinique started importing more Zealots DURING the HAC op, which is probably wise given we lost about 30 Zealots in total Laughing. So yeah -- good fun was had by both sides, thanks for the night! Another excellent skirmish and LOAD of fun in the FDZ-zone -- we had 4 entities all looking for fights at the same time with gangs that could do damage. And at one point in time, we were all on 2 sides of same gate all shooting each others Laughing. Here's the tl;dr KB link: 19:00:00&end_time=2010-03-13 23:30:00&system=FDZ4-A - it excludes losses and kills by Darkside. (-D-) in FDZ. Night started with another attempt to get our comedy suicide BCs killed since we failed yesterday. So we formed around 19:00 with NC Gems fleet coming to camp us for a bit while forming, then heading off as we swapped to bombers to kill some other gang somewhere else in the general area. This gave us opportunity to re-ship and go with our DRAEKS again -- which we did just in time for Creamster being reported on M-M gate in FDZ with aggro in armor HIC. Our 50ish gang landed on gate and dispatched with the HIC with scouts now reporting 20ish HACs in M-M from -D-. We quickly dropped aggro, put Angel forward in a Dictor and got them bubbled on gate. However, as we entered warp just before the bubble went up, Angel reported another 20ish on the other side of the gate Surprised. Oops moment and I decided to jump in since hostiles had party aggroed on Angel (seems like no one in EVE can resist putting pot shots at her -- which makes her the PERFECT dictor/forward). -D- gang was a bit disoriented as well, thus they did not aggro on the other side of the gate and just reapproach and repped with guardians tanking us fine and jumping out as we reapproached gate. It was obvious the -D- gang were in Armor HACs with several logistics, thus it gave a bit of pause to us as we reapproached gate. As we contemplated jumping in -- they warped off back to FDZ gate with us taking the chance to enter again. More cross-warping occured as we landed on the FDZ gate @ 0 and they warped off with us jumping out... Ah well, both parties wanted to setup at optimals which is grand enough. Our forward in M-M tried furiously to smack -D- into jumping to us in FDZ as we did not at this point want to leade FDZ again since NC was reported moving back towards FDZ since their Medium Tower was coming out of RF. Few minutes later NC fleet was reported in H-5 and we warped off to MR4 gate leaving cloaked Dictor on the M-M gate with bombers. As -D- fleet entered local, we entered warp back to the gate and with 6 bombs + our missile swarm managed to drop one Ishtar before they deaggroed and jumped out again. At this point we setup again on Mr4 gate and the -D- dudes convoed us to see if they could join in for a fight on the MR4 gate. Shamis doesn't let me set blues anymore -- so I told them if they warped on the gate, I wouldn't shoot them -- so they came into FDZ and setup 400km off our drakes on the gate. NC had now about reported 220 or so in total, and White Noice/XIX had entered behind one of their reinforcement gangs in H-5 picking off straglers with about 40-50 mixed HACs. NC decided this was the time to jump in and so, with us standing in FDZ with about 50-60 Drakes+Scimmy and 40ish HACs from -D- @ 400km. To my suprise, -D- went balls to the walls and warped to gate @ 0 Shocked. Lag worked to our advatage at first since local bloomed to about 500 at this stage and stuff died probably without loading at first. Quickly however the first wave of Nc recovered and warped to a on-grid regroup losing only a handful since our dictors could not activate bubbles at all... Still, it was slow going and we had to change aligment multiple times since lol-drakes range. As second wave of NC was finally loading after about 10mins fighting -- the first Nc wave warped to 0 on our gang, now 200km from the gate. Their bubbles did not work either however, so we simply changed alignment and MWDed (few drakes trhough their whole fleet) without dying and got back in range of the gate and our of range from the wave 1 fleet. This gave us a good fighting chance and we picked off juicier T3/T2 targets while -D- duked it out on the gate. Once Wave 1 had gotten our of their own bubbles -- I asked -D- in convo to de-aggress and get out of the fight since there's no way they could tank much in that lag with their guardians. They decided to jump us a group to WN/XIX in MR4 and had a nice fight looking from my cov ops at least (don't have either KB handy). We said o7 and wished them well while continuing to fight in FDZ for a while. After NC regrouped both waves, and aligned towards us - I knew our time had come and warped the fleet out JUST as they landed on top of us. We lost one hero HICtor I believe and Angel in a dictor with maybe one Drake dying somewhere 300km off the gate since their ship was unresponsive. Our mumble was dying, so we went off to the POS, swapped to TS and called 10min break for more beer and toiletries. I also asked about 20ish dudes to swap to bombers and we reformed 2 fleets while on break. All our usual bomber FCs wanted to play with drakes instead, so I said fuck it and created two fleets on two screens on the desktop and FCed both from the same TS chan. This, shall we say, aggrovated my usually now chill manor on TS as we tried to set everything in place and the MM/RZR gang left during this quiet period leaving maybe 120-140 NC Gems only in FDZ. We put our drakes on the MR4 gate and I tried to setup bombers for slingshot... but things just weren't going fast enough and as NC Gems entered warp -- I gang warped our drakes to safety. To my surpise, the NC Gems who landed 50ish from the MR4 gate, started to move towards the gate instead of aligning out... So -- now with bombers situated, I took the opportunity and warped 3 timed waves on them deploying about 26 bombs. While all the NC Gems were heavy armor fit with no dmg mods, just resist & plates -- petty much all of their BS bought it (support had moved our of bomb range by now to the gate). We warped drakes in after and catched what we could while they got off the gate to regroup and lick their wounds. We set off to the Medium tower that had come out of RF about 1-2h earlier and went to shoot it with drakes while trying to catch straglers. As POS was entering armor, NC Gems warped maybe 30-40 mixed at 30 from our now 30ish drakes and 2-3 scimmies still shooting the tower. Quick panic after (I was reading KB when they warped in and went - WTFFFFFF) -- primaries started to go down, but their Scorpion managed to mess up our scimmies enough for us to lose a Scimmie + Hictor while they lost about 50% of their gang to our hero HICtor who had stayed behind with us to shoot the tower while everyone else was off looting/whatever. That, ended the engagements for the night with the tower now blowing up -- which is understandable given they now have large stage towers up in system and the medium wasn't really needed. Good fights all around -- good to see so many parties all shooting each others Twisted Evil. edit: apparently we somehow lost a carrier during the big shanigans? Can anyone from the other side say how that happened, since I have no clue Very Happy. Having left cold from our HAC roam to South, we formed up blood thristy suicide fleet of DRAEKS and scimmies with few failure BS and set our sights on the North. As we arrived to D7, a Battlestars Thanatos was found and scrambled in an anomaly about 5 minutes after our 60ish man gang had jumped into local and met its end fairly soon afterwards. We setup to gank some stuff at JBs and caught nothing at all, having a bit of luck at gates with some T1 stuff that jumped to us. Still, one NC gang was reported burning towards us with another forming up in h-7/D7 so we patiently sat in our own bubbles and waited. Hostile numbers were reported across 2-3 gangs at about 200. Soon D7 local bloomed with ships starting to warp to he h-w gate where we were sat. We cross jumped majority of the hostiles and setup drag bubbles to catch straggle just as a second NC fleet entered local from some other gate and also warped to us with the h-w fleet now also jumping in after us. Lag wasn't too bad, and we burned off successfully repping -- only losing 2 hero HICs and one Drake. Once we were out of range, we called it on the gate and warped off to a planet @ 100 hoping to draw some earlies. As expected -- few dictors soon arrived and died in their own bubbles while the hostile fleet was still in warp over to us. I think they landed @ 0 on the planet, but our align was taking us closer on them, which allowed us to maintain transversal and shoot plenty people burning towards us. It didn't seem like we were losing anything, while killing few towards us who didn't warp out fast enough. But, people started to spread out too much with few running out of cap (like my failure vulture) and so we had to warp off again to cap up. Since I was in rather suicidal mood -- I warped us all @ 0 on the h-w gate with a plan to drop aggro after popping few straggle and pull half on the other side. Of course since I had no eyes on the other side before this grand plan -- we were now @ 0 on a gate with about 100 BC/HACs shooting us and 100 BS/tackle waiting on the other side Cool. We lost 1-2 drakes to the HACs, went :condi: and jumped to the BS and burned off. I got neuted and died in the Vulture losing any eyes on the fight, hence I quickly called a warpout for the fleet to regroup. Don't think we lost anything else on that jump in, but I was gonna fight them all there if I had not died Sad (don't call the known FCs primaries people if you want to have a fight and kill more Sad). We regrouped in a 60au safe and got some eyes spread and burned in a dictor from empire. Plan was simple -- draw majority to us in a deep, initiate warp to GTFO-gate and bubble after init. Too bad our dictor was not quite on the same page and bubbled literally when I asked our deep safe WC to initiate warp Laughing. Oh well, we landed 12km off gate with now about 220 hostiles landing in the drag with us Embarassed. Thank you honorary NC hero dictor Cok Cola [SNIGG] Cool. Somehow miraculously we only managed to lose Mister Vee and a nighthawk on the other side with few people cross jumping back and GTFOing to safes for the night. We lost maybe 3-4 more BC on the bennyhill back to Obe, thou managed to bag one Raven in return. Good night all around since the battle was spread between lots of bennyhill tune - lost: 2 Bs, 2 HIC, 14 DRAEK, 5 losers (other BCs), 2 CS. Killed: 7 HAC, 8 BC, 19 Int/Dic, 3 BS. Thanks for not disapointing North! | ||
Canada978 Posts
What happened to GC and big boring fleet fights? | ||
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Canada1981 Posts
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New Zealand742 Posts
What kind of stuff do you do? | ||
Germany14079 Posts
TL corp is living in scalding pass, KZFV-4 to be precise. We're part of Gentlemens Club Alliance which has Sov there and GC is part of the southern coalition (Atlas/GC/Cow/Primary+Renters) and one of the biggest roaming alliances in the game right now. So, yeah, apart from our closest space we're red/neut to almost everyone. Main targets are AAA / Providence space / Wormhole raids towards NC space or syndicate. Most of what we do is just "random" roaming and killing whenever we can. However those good times might end soon for more serious campaigns. We'll keep TL updated from the frontlines. =P | ||
United States41117 Posts
On March 18 2010 12:15 ViruX wrote: I just re-subscribed after being away for a year, I used to be in Goonfleet - Goonswarm. What area of space does the teamliquid corp live in and who is the alliance friends with/enemies with? What kind of stuff do you do? ![]() | ||
United States41117 Posts
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1393 Posts
On March 21 2010 04:15 {CC}StealthBlue wrote: I'm itching to open my brothel: "Jewels of Jita". | ||
United States5866 Posts
On March 16 2010 06:42 Not_Computer wrote: Your race/bloodline mainly affects your avatar (picture). It doesn't matter what race you are anymore cause you can easily crosstrain skills into other races. In the past (not too long ago actually) race/bloodline affects your starting skills a LOT. But now they've changed it to starting with almost no skills but instead have a 2x learning speed bonus for your first couple hundred thousand skill points. TL's eve corp also has this thread: I have a question of my own for the TL EVE corp: What are the current requirements of joining? I'm in a corp that helps out new players experience eve outside of npc corps and we've been wardecced by griefers. Looking to escape to somewhere and willing to put the effort into working for a safe place to call home. Your first 1.6million SP are double speed. For the most benefit you really want all 1.6million of those SP directly into learning skills but this isn't really conducive to someone playing their first character because don't learn anything directly useful for the first two or so weeks it takes to get those learning skills trained. That being said having almost all of your learning skills done by the time you hit that regular training time period will significantly reduce ALL Of your skill learning time (you can get all basic learning to 5 and adv to 4 besides charisma before you hit 1.6mil). We're talking reducing frigate level 5 from something like 19 days down to 8 days. I have three characters right now. Two of them are from the near beginning of the game. Hyey which has been inactive every now and then and then my main which has been active since the game launched without pause. My third character is pretty damn new, I got her during christmas when steam had that 5 dollar startup fee and I just wanted another character for amarr ships...something ive never flown before. Because she was my third character I dumped all 1.6mil into learning and she's already sitting at 5mil or so SP in 3 months. Currently training her toward recon/cov ops/HACs. She skills up faster than Hyey does. Main will never be caught. Sp's are something like 85mil, 18mil, 5mil. | ||
Germany14079 Posts
![]() Everything what's wrong with eve in one picture. :/ | ||
United States489 Posts
On March 22 2010 11:44 r.Evo wrote: ![]() Everything what's wrong with eve in one picture. :/ True Story. That is why lowsec > 0.0, it's not one big napfest. | ||
Canada978 Posts
On March 22 2010 11:44 r.Evo wrote: + Show Spoiler + ![]() Everything what's wrong with eve in one picture. :/ GC seems to be NAP'd to an awful lot of people ![]() | ||
United States489 Posts
GC is napped with so many people because they are Atlas "Pets". They don't suck as much as the average pets (i.e. Black Star Alliance getting pwned by Goons), but they pretty much do whatever Atlas does. | ||
Serbia1416 Posts
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