Can and how should WL be used in a lineup without a full carry?
In my opinion only if you think you can get a rax before diffusal controls you. If their carries are non-agility, orb dependant, or not greatly benefited from feedback on images, you can often keep down the hero forced to farm diffusal. If an NA is forced to go diffusal by his teammates its very possible to give him a rough time with sent wards (not to mention book3) in a warlock pushing strat. He can not have made it in 40 minutes in if he's not given proper farming chances.
No.I'm not gonna continue now. I got a lot to say about this but I'm sleeping now. will edit in morning. But I think warlock and beastmaster are two heroes too good to ever pass up. If zeus is in the mix too I got no clue how you'd decide. With any two of these 3 heroes you can get a late pick carry and win, or use a pick strat, depending on your opponent picks. tomorrow I'll write out my opinion.
imo global strat can counter bm pretty easy. i've seen replays where bm's ganking efforts get completely shut down by a semi-global team.
china vs korea (WCG, eHome versus ToFu) ToFu plays BM and everytime he tries to gank spect ults in, and zeus ults if needed. if you guys want to learn how to play meepo pretty well you should watch it, tofu_chu plays a sick meepo.
imho i think my meepo is really up there, not that good of course but much better than most players. All thanks to watching replays by a lot of good asian meepo players and practicing nonstop for the longest time ;D
I should upload some replays of the undisputed Chinese king of meepo. He plays it with 200+ apm, all bodies separate at all times and farming from all of them. He also does poof the best in the world I think. Though the replays will be in 1.20 and you'll need the chinese version of dota maps.
I just realized what I should do now if I wanna play vp style ganking. First is to get good teammates, second is to ban spectre and tp.
Northern Ireland1200 Posts
There was a chinese version before 6.53 ? :O
yo zulu, can you post a replay of the meepo? sounds interesting =p
so this is basically how i play meepo
i like to solo bottom on sent and top on scourge. you know basic just try to last hit shit, and if you're up against a strong lane (eg sven/lina, sk/ts, etc..) then stay back, just not die and try to level. at level 6, i send my second meepo to jungle, pull creeps etc. i have my main meepo hotkeyed to 1, and the rest grouped on 2. it's just hella easy to poof all of them when i gank this way. if i needa heal any of them, i send them back and i send an extra one to lane while the others are jungling.
item build is treads, mek, vladmirs, blink (imo you kind of need this for later. it's not that difficult to dodge his nets if you see it coming. you just blink, net, POOF x3, rape rape net rape rape and more rape.
since most people here have played starcraft before (i'm assuming) it shouldn't be diffcult at all to multitask meepo in 2-3 different places. you just have to watch the minimap more imo.
On August 20 2008 16:30 Wysp wrote:In my opinion only if you think you can get a rax before diffusal controls you. If their carries are non-agility, orb dependant, or not greatly benefited from feedback on images, you can often keep down the hero forced to farm diffusal. If an NA is forced to go diffusal by his teammates its very possible to give him a rough time with sent wards (not to mention book3) in a warlock pushing strat. He can not have made it in 40 minutes in if he's not given proper farming chances. No.I'm not gonna continue now. I got a lot to say about this but I'm sleeping now. will edit in morning. But I think warlock and beastmaster are two heroes too good to ever pass up. If zeus is in the mix too I got no clue how you'd decide. With any two of these 3 heroes you can get a late pick carry and win, or use a pick strat, depending on your opponent picks. tomorrow I'll write out my opinion.
Pick up Deso and focus fire with Link, it hurts a lot mid game, it works well against supports and non-agi based carries. STR carries these days don't go for Curiass and if they see Deso, I rather have them working on an insanely expensive item rather than going for the broken Armlet.
yeah imo armlet is kind of situational i think, and only a few heroes are good with it =S
On August 21 2008 07:28 BlueRoyaL wrote: yeah imo armlet is kind of situational i think, and only a few heroes are good with it =S
Yeah, all 3 big STR carries are good with it, SK (after getting crit at 8-9), DK (after getting 16), CK (after crit). Then there's the new Lycan. It's a niche item for certain heroes but those certain heroes are seeing ALOT of play.
Anyone tried Armlet on Meepo? Does the stat increase work normally?
If you're getting armlet on meepo anyway you're a tard just don't bother --;
The stat increase should work, I think. HP loss on activation would only work on the main meepo, maybe! Could be pretty damn useful.
But then again, who has the money for that after mek/vladmir's? I doubt armlet would be a better choice than those, and once in late game, you'd probably want to stack hearts or something rather than an armlet, which is a first-item choice, not a late-game choice.
On August 21 2008 01:47 BlueRoyaL wrote: yo zulu, can you post a replay of the meepo? sounds interesting =p
He's got his own section and thread for his replays. I picked a couple of random ones. Note that they are all in 1.20 and using 6.51 cn which I included with the pack.
hearts on meepo x.x, seems pointless, meepo is a ganking dps rape machine, so putting a heart on your main meepo is pointless because the other team will almost never (and i literally mean never) target the main meepo, its that simple. You could say well he keeps his main meepo out front, but, if he wants to kill you, he has to bring in his other meepos or he just dies 1vx of your team heroes.
Testie plays a good meepo, but i cant really say how good it is compared to pros since he uses it on us.
You realize that the clones get str bonus from items?
Meepo's damage with no items is like a regular dps hero with pimped out items. He just needs to keep from dying long enough to deal his damage... heart helps with that. As with str pt and devotion aura and mek.
Just reavers instead of hearts can be good as well. You pay 2300 extra gold upgrading to a heart for just10 extra strength, which is what matters for your clones.
Yeah, and massing gg branches is more efficient than anything else. Item slots plzkthx.
Treads, Mek, Vlads - 3 Slots left How many reavers/hearts are you going to be able to buy in a real game?
edit: In addition, clones get 25% of the main Meepo's stats. So that 10 extra strength = 2.5 strength on the clones, barely noticable. The regeneration and extra hitpoint on the main meepo are pretty useless as well because people will target clones most of the time.
Messed up a bit, since the strength is rounded up. So you get 3 strength = 57hp
Portal? Possibly wards? Sapphire water? Obviously situation dependent. Making a blanket statement like "2 reavers > 1 heart" ignores the possibilities. Heck, you might even be going diffusal for wl or ok or maybe be holding a gem.
I'd rather finish a heart before buying a second reaver, if nothing else for the ability to carry a couple of sapphire waters.
Also I didn't say 2 reavers > 1 heart I said "Just reavers instead of hearts can be good as well