On April 12 2008 16:58 zulu_nation8 wrote: some questions, in the center lane, sometimes a blood red spot will appear then disappear, what is it?
I've seen some replays of snipers going scattershot early and guinsoo, wtf?
Is there a program that let's you see which heroes are in a replay, their kill/deaths, gold farmed, etc. Like on the dota-allstars replay site?
In a couple LoH Tb replays, I see him going two crystalises, why?
Thank you 2 crys is statisticly better than a buriza so if you plan to end the game before it will come back to bite you i guess its good?
especially on an illusion hero like terrorblade
I would rather have +agi and one buriza (very late) on a terrorblade thought personally, since the +damage from crys doesnt help much.
also, item slots on TB is hard to do, since lots of people go 484686x wraiths
The blood red spot, I'm going to assume you just killed someone and it's the rune insignia to show that someone died there. If I'm wrong, then...?? o.O
Sniper going Scatter, you know they'll be ricing all game.
The blood red spot is from the item bloodstone. If you read the item it says you heal your allies and still get xp and vision from the area in which you died.
Snipers who go early guinsoo and scattershot now, or even previously did so because assassinate used to be a 5 second cooldown so mana regen disabler sniper was viable. People who do so now, either saw it in older replays, suck, or are higher level players who have to play the disable on their team since nobody else can.
LoH goes two crystals because he can do whatever the fuck he wants, and because it gives you better damage gain early rather than finishing buriza. TB is about finishing the game mid to late not EXTREME late game.
You're welcome.
OH LOL I just got pawned. QQ...
On April 10 2008 16:18 zulu_nation8 wrote: Ah ok thanks. Can anyone tell me more about Zhaoyun and Mr.Lucifer? They appear regularly in IHCS and are probably the best Chinese players although neither of them live in China.
Zhaoyun is aka enigma formerly of XsK
meh, bad calculations, nvm
Can you guys give me some tips as to how to farm better? When I play with friends they always say I'm a slow farmer and shouldn't play dps. But I lasthit decent I think, I can usually get all creeps if I'm alone, 100 by 30min, etc. But when I'm only farming I rarely join in fights and tp to save towers, etc. I think my problem is I have bad awareness and die too much or doesn't get enough free kills early game with dps. What are some tips as to how I can improve? Also, when do I get bot before the dps stuff and when to just go straight dps stuff? Thanks
You're asking questions that don't really have straight up answers I'm afraid.
How to farm better: 1) You should be aware of 5 enemy dots on your minimap pretty much at all times, don't rely on teammates to tell you when their lane leaves. Especially the lane next to yours.
2) If you're soloing, you should try to lane against their solo in almost all situations (potm/qop good examples where it doesn't matter).
3) RUNES - Make sure your team goes to rune spots every 2 minutes.
4) Practice last hitting when you're alone. Can you get every creep when there's no enemy with you? Do you have enough experience to know when two creeps are dying at the same speed, you need to kill one first and then go after the other while still making sure to last hit each. This gets even harder with enemies trying to deny, and then good enemies who use their attack animation to their advantage.. striking their creeps twice before you can react to get a deny. etc etc. It becomes almost a mindgame in a good solo matchup.
The biggest tip for me, though, is just experience. If you can't feel yourself getting ganked before it happens, you're probably not focusing enough on the game and its too hard for you to last hit effectively and do both.
Creep markers for a solo lane should look something like this: *20 minutes* Average- 50 Good - 75 Really good - 100 Travka with Necrolyte - 130? =[
*60 minutes* Average - 250 Good - 300 Really good - 350 Maelk with Shadow Fiend - 450? =[
i acknowledge fzero's qop with no ss is very viable
On April 13 2008 18:57 FzeroXx wrote: You're asking questions that don't really have straight up answers I'm afraid.
How to farm better: 1) You should be aware of 5 enemy dots on your minimap pretty much at all times, don't rely on teammates to tell you when their lane leaves. Especially the lane next to yours.
2) If you're soloing, you should try to lane against their solo in almost all situations (potm/qop good examples where it doesn't matter).
3) RUNES - Make sure your team goes to rune spots every 2 minutes.
4) Practice last hitting when you're alone. Can you get every creep when there's no enemy with you? Do you have enough experience to know when two creeps are dying at the same speed, you need to kill one first and then go after the other while still making sure to last hit each. This gets even harder with enemies trying to deny, and then good enemies who use their attack animation to their advantage.. striking their creeps twice before you can react to get a deny. etc etc. It becomes almost a mindgame in a good solo matchup.
The biggest tip for me, though, is just experience. If you can't feel yourself getting ganked before it happens, you're probably not focusing enough on the game and its too hard for you to last hit effectively and do both.
Creep markers for a solo lane should look something like this: *20 minutes* Average- 50 Good - 75 Really good - 100 Travka with Necrolyte - 130? =[
*60 minutes* Average - 250 Good - 300 Really good - 350 Maelk with Shadow Fiend - 450? =[
Strafe with SF 60 minute 600CS ez
Maelk is also playing against higher tier players who don't let him farm as much as we are allowed to farm though. So that's not a very fair comparison now is it. ;p
*paused* (so strafe has enough time to think of his next words against paper)
just isnt true;( im not so bad
i just lose cuz of pewpew
iunno how I am known as the farmer Pew farms in jungle every game for 50 mins lol wtfux
On April 14 2008 07:17 MYM.Testie wrote: iunno how I am known as the farmer Pew farms in jungle every game for 50 mins lol wtfux
well there's a farmer, that being you. and then there's someone who farms the entire game and still only has boots of travel and wraith bands, need i say who?
So a friend wants to 1v1 me with the same hero, the rule is whoever dies three times or loses 2 towers loses the game. Which hero should I pick or does it matter? Are these rules dumb?
shadow fiend, or broodmother if he sucks.