On September 12 2011 05:02 semantics wrote:Show nested quote +On September 12 2011 04:47 Derez wrote:On September 12 2011 04:43 semantics wrote:On September 12 2011 04:41 Derez wrote: The game itself it quite fun, but I have to say that I find it hilarious that they want to make this into an actual 'e-sport'. Half the time spent in the matches is going to consists of pauses because of random crashes due to the terrible terrible coding. You seriously can't run a professional competition on an engine this broken to the core. which game dota or hon? I rarely see them pausing matches due to crashes, often because someone Internet cuts out or they are asking about a rule but i haven't seen too many where they said someone crashed in hon. In dota they solve this by saving the game every 10 mins cuz they have no reconnect XD Was talking about HoN. Been playing a little with friends and I don't think I've played a single match where someone didn't crash yet. Compare that to SC2 where I can't even remember the last crash. Whatever engine HoN runs on, its absolutely rotten to the core. Haha okay if you wanna use that kind of logic, i run hon regularly with about 12 friends, who ever is on at a time. I've never not once had them crash during a game, I've had them crash before a game, i've had their Internet cut out, I've had a laptop over heat, never a crash while in game. So with personal experience being the only form of logic here HON is the best everz. Perhaps you should stop loading shitty mods with your games or playing on mac and linux (because lets be real directx is for games not shitty opengl)and be more gosu.
That's the weird part, all of us are running no mods whatsoever seeing how were all absolutely terrible at it and we are all running windows. We are also all gamers so drivers etc. are up to date and we aren't running ghetto PC's or anything. I honestly don't understand it at all, it's just highly frustrating.
Not that we can play anyhow with the S2 servers having a tin can and wire internet connection, or so it seems.
sad day, so many games not being counted i remember they said before that they were trying to get that fixed too
On September 12 2011 07:52 FinestHour wrote: sad day, so many games not being counted i remember they said before that they were trying to get that fixed too http://hondmg.com/ranked/angrytestie Clearly hondmg has set the servers on fire like every other stats related project dealing with hon. Herp everyone knows hon has issues with mySQL which they are suppose to get off of in Hon 3.0 which supposedly will get all these update and downtimes issues a problem of the past.
Soooo. Smurfing. It makes ~1500MMR about worthless to play any more. Either you're carried by some 1850 douche who yells at you for stealing a kill from him as he goes 24/2/7, or you get raped by some random team of 1850 douches who all have 10 games on their accounts and are 9/10 in those 10 games with a 3:1 k/d ratios. Had about 4 straight games of nothing but this. And with HoN free to play...this will never stop.
I asked one of the guys why he's smurfing, and his only reply is......."1800 is too tryhard". Basically.....i can't handle competition, I have to stroke my e-peen raping people exponentially worse than me.
So annoying...i guess I'll learn to try and support better, and hope the smurf is on my team?
On September 12 2011 12:22 Sm3agol wrote: Soooo. Smurfing. It makes ~1500MMR about worthless to play any more. Either you're carried by some 1850 douche who yells at you for stealing a kill from him as he goes 24/2/7, or you get raped by some random team of 1850 douches who all have 10 games on their accounts and are 9/10 in those 10 games with a 3:1 k/d ratios. Had about 4 straight games of nothing but this. And with HoN free to play...this will never stop.
I asked one of the guys why he's smurfing, and his only reply is......."1800 is too tryhard". Basically.....i can't handle competition, I have to stroke my e-peen raping people exponentially worse than me.
So annoying...i guess I'll learn to try and support better, and hope the smurf is on my team?
You can play public games, get a verified account and play verified only, there are smurfs, but not very many are actually 1850 mega-stompers.
Whether or not you get the smurf, you're the only consistent factor in your games. If you make 1 smurf lose every 5 games you get smurf'd, and push your smurf to 5/5 wins in the same series, you move up, further out of the smurf zone.
Once you get to 1600, the smurfs and just solid players starts to blur, by the time you hit 1750 you really can't tell anymore, and the smurfs aren't really smurfs anymore just good players.
On September 12 2011 12:33 Rakanishu2 wrote:Show nested quote +On September 12 2011 12:22 Sm3agol wrote: Soooo. Smurfing. It makes ~1500MMR about worthless to play any more. Either you're carried by some 1850 douche who yells at you for stealing a kill from him as he goes 24/2/7, or you get raped by some random team of 1850 douches who all have 10 games on their accounts and are 9/10 in those 10 games with a 3:1 k/d ratios. Had about 4 straight games of nothing but this. And with HoN free to play...this will never stop.
I asked one of the guys why he's smurfing, and his only reply is......."1800 is too tryhard". Basically.....i can't handle competition, I have to stroke my e-peen raping people exponentially worse than me.
So annoying...i guess I'll learn to try and support better, and hope the smurf is on my team? You can play public games, get a verified account and play verified only, there are smurfs, but not very many are actually 1850 mega-stompers. Whether or not you get the smurf, you're the only consistent factor in your games. If you make 1 smurf lose every 5 games you get smurf'd, and push your smurf to 5/5 wins in the same series, you move up, further out of the smurf zone. Once you get to 1600, the smurfs and just solid players starts to blur, by the time you hit 1750 you really can't tell anymore, and the smurfs aren't really smurfs anymore just good players. it's a good thought, but just how much can a legit 1500 do to disrupt a 1900 MMR smurf? i went mid vs a smurf, and I couldn't touch him. Everything from blocking the creeps at the start, last hitting everything, etc. Nothing I could do was even remotely good enough to slow him down. I called the MIAs and did what i could, but it just doesn't really matter. I'd say I could possibly affect a smurf enough to make him lose maybe 1/20 if I get lucky with a good matchup....that's about it.
Also, to clarify...I'm not doing the usual, "I'm 1300 because of my teamates" whine. I just want fun games, regardless of eventual victor and MMR related whining. I've solo queued to 1600, but mostly because I play support decently well at times. But it isn't fun regardless. Playing support for a guy who is going to carry you regardless isn't really fun, and neither is trying to support your hopeless carry vs some guy that's a legit 1900.
On September 12 2011 12:38 Sm3agol wrote:Show nested quote +On September 12 2011 12:33 Rakanishu2 wrote:On September 12 2011 12:22 Sm3agol wrote: Soooo. Smurfing. It makes ~1500MMR about worthless to play any more. Either you're carried by some 1850 douche who yells at you for stealing a kill from him as he goes 24/2/7, or you get raped by some random team of 1850 douches who all have 10 games on their accounts and are 9/10 in those 10 games with a 3:1 k/d ratios. Had about 4 straight games of nothing but this. And with HoN free to play...this will never stop.
I asked one of the guys why he's smurfing, and his only reply is......."1800 is too tryhard". Basically.....i can't handle competition, I have to stroke my e-peen raping people exponentially worse than me.
So annoying...i guess I'll learn to try and support better, and hope the smurf is on my team? You can play public games, get a verified account and play verified only, there are smurfs, but not very many are actually 1850 mega-stompers. Whether or not you get the smurf, you're the only consistent factor in your games. If you make 1 smurf lose every 5 games you get smurf'd, and push your smurf to 5/5 wins in the same series, you move up, further out of the smurf zone. Once you get to 1600, the smurfs and just solid players starts to blur, by the time you hit 1750 you really can't tell anymore, and the smurfs aren't really smurfs anymore just good players. it's a good thought, but just how much can a legit 1500 do to disrupt a 1900 MMR smurf? i went mid vs a smurf, and I couldn't touch him. Everything from blocking the creeps at the start, last hitting everything, etc. Nothing I could do was even remotely good enough to slow him down. I called the MIAs and did what i could, but it just doesn't really matter. I'd say I could possibly affect a smurf enough to make him lose maybe 1/20 if I get lucky with a good matchup....that's about it.
The only thing you can do when your up against that kind of smurf, is just not feed him and hope your side lanes don't suck. Also watch what he does and see how hes raping so hard so you can learn from it.
I get those smurfs quite a bit in the 15-1600s and just kind of forget about the game, that's the worst part about Hon for me is that games are rarely rarely balanced teams. I always feel like it's swayed one way or the other, the games where smurfs are on my team just suck as well.
Hopefully the number of people playing Dota 2 will allow the game to have more balance in the matchmaking system.
I am finally dragging my mmr out of the pit I put it in when I first started playing, and it was nice to play a game where both teams weren't completely awful. I learned a bit about how to really support (instead of support/carry in noob games). Despite going 0/7 in the first 20-30 mins, wards plus lots of teamwork (people using mics, never occurs <1500) managed to push and win in about 40, going 2/7/25. It felt really good to play a good game for once, rather than one or two players just stomping. rhapsody is very good.
How's the competitive scene for this game for people who aren't pros? Coming from FPS games I would really like to play in something like ESEA.net or CSL. I've only been playing for about 2 weeks but I'm loving the game a lot more than LoL already. As for those leagues, where do people recruit people and find scrims? I'm guessing IRC or the in game chatrooms but I haven't seen any channel names on any HoN forums so far.
it's not hard to get into semi-decent games
matchmaking is usually okay games
ok ihl requires like 1700 mmr or psr i think, not sure if it's still running tho
channel clan scrim (i think?) for scrims and stuff
Going mid vs 1800s is one of the fastest ways to get better at doing it, since you can observe what they're doing in reaction to you very directly.
(Also the actual # of 1850 smurfs is very low because of the number of actual # of 1850 players is low - and the # of mid 1850+ players is about 1/4. As an 1850+ support player, I'm not a particularly strong mid past 1720-1750 range. People claiming they're 1850+ is probably 4-5x as many players as play at that range. If there were that many they wouldn't have to smurf so often instead of playing real games)
For high level hon games, the online kingdom IH has(had) a tier 2 open to any 1750+ players. Which... apparently died, again. I've seen at least 4 of these IHLs die, getting a little weird now. One is currently being started up again (http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/showthread.php?p=14278738 ).
It's not hard to get into games with semi-decent players, but it is hard to get into games with decent players who are willing to tryhard that specific game. (By which I mean pick intelligent lineups, be willing to to trilane, etc.)
On September 12 2011 16:43 Nevuk wrote: Going mid vs 1800s is one of the fastest ways to get better at doing it, since you can observe what they're doing in reaction to you very directly.
(Also the actual # of 1850 smurfs is very low because of the number of actual # of 1850 players is low - and the # of mid 1850+ players is about 1/4. As an 1850+ support player, I'm not a particularly strong mid past 1720-1750 range. People claiming they're 1850+ is probably 4-5x as many players as play at that range. If there were that many they wouldn't have to smurf so often instead of playing real games)
For high level hon games, the online kingdom IH has(had) a tier 2 open to any 1750+ players. Which... apparently died, again. I've seen at least 4 of these IHLs die, getting a little weird now. One is currently being started up again (http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/showthread.php?p=14278738 ).
It's not hard to get into games with semi-decent players, but it is hard to get into games with decent players who are willing to tryhard that specific game. (By which I mean pick intelligent lineups, be willing to to trilane, etc.)
It's actually really hard to see exactly what way better players than you do, cause they crush you really hard, then crush every lane really hard, when you go try to replicate it, it's actually really difficult cause your simply not 100x better than everyone else.
I like losing lanes where they are just a bit better than me, and not nub stomping me. I can take what their doing and then actually look at it, since Im not just instantly dying and getting yelled at by my team.
watching that first blood was just painful ahah and i needa remember that euls blink dagger escape for dota and hon
Thanks for the link Nevuk. Guess there's not much in the competitive scene outside of the best of the best. Hopefully DOTA2's community will be better than HoN which from what I've seen so far in match making shouldn't be hard at all. Most people just bitch about every single team the team does and then afk in spawn for the rest of the game. This game is really fun but S2's server management and the shitty attitude most of the players have make love the game but hate the company/people associated with it.
you just gotta break out of the 1500 bracket :p the games arent much better but people afk less ;/
On September 12 2011 18:29 xZiGGY wrote: you just gotta break out of the 1500 bracket :p the games arent much better but people afk less ;/
i was at 1650, dropped to 1500 again because u still get matched with people around 1450-1700
HoN variance is 50 MMR max. Anyone who loses 150 MMR isn't because of smurfs or unlucky teams.
There are always people who rage and go afk but it happens less often at higher MMRs. In addition, people always continue to whine about their team. At 1850 MMR, my 500 MMR friend tries to correct me on stuff when I'm pretty sure my assessment of a team fight is more accurate.
On September 12 2011 12:38 Sm3agol wrote:Show nested quote +On September 12 2011 12:33 Rakanishu2 wrote:On September 12 2011 12:22 Sm3agol wrote: Soooo. Smurfing. It makes ~1500MMR about worthless to play any more. Either you're carried by some 1850 douche who yells at you for stealing a kill from him as he goes 24/2/7, or you get raped by some random team of 1850 douches who all have 10 games on their accounts and are 9/10 in those 10 games with a 3:1 k/d ratios. Had about 4 straight games of nothing but this. And with HoN free to play...this will never stop.
I asked one of the guys why he's smurfing, and his only reply is......."1800 is too tryhard". Basically.....i can't handle competition, I have to stroke my e-peen raping people exponentially worse than me.
So annoying...i guess I'll learn to try and support better, and hope the smurf is on my team? You can play public games, get a verified account and play verified only, there are smurfs, but not very many are actually 1850 mega-stompers. Whether or not you get the smurf, you're the only consistent factor in your games. If you make 1 smurf lose every 5 games you get smurf'd, and push your smurf to 5/5 wins in the same series, you move up, further out of the smurf zone. Once you get to 1600, the smurfs and just solid players starts to blur, by the time you hit 1750 you really can't tell anymore, and the smurfs aren't really smurfs anymore just good players. it's a good thought, but just how much can a legit 1500 do to disrupt a 1900 MMR smurf? i went mid vs a smurf, and I couldn't touch him. Everything from blocking the creeps at the start, last hitting everything, etc. Nothing I could do was even remotely good enough to slow him down. I called the MIAs and did what i could, but it just doesn't really matter. I'd say I could possibly affect a smurf enough to make him lose maybe 1/20 if I get lucky with a good matchup....that's about it. Also, to clarify...I'm not doing the usual, "I'm 1300 because of my teamates" whine. I just want fun games, regardless of eventual victor and MMR related whining. I've solo queued to 1600, but mostly because I play support decently well at times. But it isn't fun regardless. Playing support for a guy who is going to carry you regardless isn't really fun, and neither is trying to support your hopeless carry vs some guy that's a legit 1900.
It's easy to think you can't make things more difficult for a 1900, but even as a 1500 player, it can be done.
Make sure you pick a hero that will give you a decent match-up, and "punt" so to speak, just stay alive, get whatever farm you can, and when he leaves your lane to gank, push the mid tower while calling MIA.
Feed off the non-smurfs on the other team, and try to get shrink their ability to help the smurf.
I'm not saying you'll win every time, but a frustrated smurf can often cause disconnects on his own team/griefs and feeds, and they often get really careless after they get a few kills.
Keep working on all your fundamentals, the simple small things are what separate players skill-wise.