On August 22 2011 14:02 kinger256 wrote: Playing carry myrmidon is extremely satisfying. A better carry then one would think. Myrm doesn't scale well into late game compared to other carries so, no she isn't good. None of her abilities scale. Sure, you can stomp mid-game with shrunken+elder parasite+spellshards or whatever you want but that's not really viable.
His ult scales with attack speed. 
I've only played Myrm a few times and never really went that well. Think it's cause I'm not a big fan of his model/attack animation.
Hey guys have been doing up some team lineups lately to try out with my friends, wondering what you think of them? I'm mostly not happy with lineup 1 or the mid hero for lineup 2 =\ 1750-ish players.
Lineup 1
Defensive - Andromeda Predator
Middle - Aluna
Offensive - Pyromancer Hammerstorm
Lineup 2
Defensive - Hammerstorm Slither
Middle - Defiler
Offensive - Nymphora Armadon
Myrm's agi gain is like rock bottom bad unfortunately, he's beating Pebbles and someone else iirc, couple that with the attack animation and you have problems. He's a decent ganker though if you give him early levels. Shoot a fish at someone, wave form on to them, ulti and drop a weedfield is decent damage/disables.
If you come up with an uber pro lineup just make sure your friends are comfortable to play the heroes, otherwise they probably won't play as well anyway.
Give me Myrm and I'll be depressed about the game before it starts but put me on Witch and i'll be keen to get out and gank.
A good team lineup should have an idea behind it. A simple mission statement like "We want to push really early and ride that gold advantage into a midgame victory" or "We want to gank like crazy early on and shutdown their carries" or "We want to have 4 people on strong early game heroes while our hard carry farms".
So in that second lineup a Defiler pick screams push but Hammer Nymph and Arma don't really coincide with push, slither kind of.
Duno, Slither/Nymphora/Defiler is a strong push team.
If I was playing with 4 friends though I'd do some baller push team like Temp/War Beast/Nymph/Soul Reaper/Ophelia.
Or blink team of death... basically 5 gankers all with blink ability or item. WS/Hag/Mag/AM/Pebbles.
Also you have to do a fast rosh one game if you're playing all 5.
Australia8532 Posts
Serious question; what do you do when a few days ago you were just under 1700; HoN was a magical game and everyone is happy. A few days later you are now 1590; ready to uninstall and kill everyone you know.
Why HoN.. Why!?
Do you think S2 has an alogrithm that when you start winning they start stacking your team with bads.
Northern Ireland22207 Posts
Or...you're playing better players
On August 22 2011 20:58 bkrow wrote: Serious question; what do you do when a few days ago you were just under 1700; HoN was a magical game and everyone is happy. A few days later you are now 1590; ready to uninstall and kill everyone you know.
Why HoN.. Why!?
Do you think S2 has an alogrithm that when you start winning they start stacking your team with bads.
Standard. I used to constantly circulate between 1750 and 1600. Now I'm at 1400 or something after lending my account to a friend so at least I can only go up from there.
I was stuck at 1600-1700 for a while, then I spurted up to like 1780, and have been sitting pretty here for a while now
A lot of luck is involved if you solo queue indeed.
0-9 1960 mmr hag yesterday. Huehueuhe)
I think the funniest ez mode non-standard carry you can play is accursed. His passive gets crazy good when you combine it with some hardcore dps items like runed cleaver and thunderclaw, plus his q lets you finish with ease, his shield removes debuffs and does some decent AoE damage to boot, plus his ulti basically gives you 5 seconds of invulnerablity every 60 seconds. Combine it with a bkb right afterwards, and you have another 5-10 seconds of basically damage free fun. When you combine it with his passive and thunderclaw/runed, you can shred an entire team in seconds, basically risk free.
I'm pretty bad, but managed to get this to work vs some unverified 1500s, and it was the most fun I've had playing HoN so far. Especially because you know those people are going to be trying to play accursed as a carry for the next 20 games.
Against unverified 1500's you can make anything work. Accursed kind of works with farm as he is very good at being unkillable in teamfights and running around annoying people. If you want someone to fill that role though kraken works much better.
just run accursed mid, win game ezpz
On August 22 2011 11:07 JeeJee wrote:Show nested quote +On August 22 2011 10:58 wonderwall wrote:Andromeda is a pretty decent carry if you can get items with her, although it can be hard to farm amidst the incoherent rage of your team mates screaming at you to get wards. Damage aura and - armor as well as a good stun makes her pretty ownage though with items. It comes down to just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. Andro is made of paper in terms of squishiness, has a short attack range and all of her skills work independently of her items. pshh by that logic anyone that builds a soft carry slither is doing it wrong. people are just used to andro supporting, her stat growth isn't even bad. ¡viva la revolución of soft carry andro!
People just didn't play in early beta. Andromeda was THE carry. Send her mid, and carry via farm. Her attack animation was on broken levels of broken.
when you get past like 1650 you want to have like 2 friends you can at least que with that are good. else you might get non stop games of you +0 -1 with ppl in the 1200's haha
does the matchmaker take into account how many you queue with and try and match you vs. other premade teams?
I solo queued as a brand new account 1500 unverified and got to like 1580/1560 going 5-1 with ridiculous K:D:A ratio. Everyone in the games were terrible and my dota background allowed me to destroy everyone despite not knowing the HoN/DoTA hero translations or items.
I then started team queueing, 3-4 of us all ~1480-1560 and we just got stomped into the ground and the opponents were significantly better. We ended up going like 1-3 and being thouroughly trounced.
Was kinda weird.
On August 23 2011 01:04 crms wrote: does the matchmaker take into account how many you queue with and try and match you vs. other premade teams? Yes. Five-man teams are almost always matched against other five-man teams. If you're queued with anything else, it'll sort of match accordingly. For example, if you queue as a group of three, you might not be matched up against another group of three (plus two players on each team) because the MMRs might not average out close enough. The game prioritizes balancing the teams by MMR so you can end up with 3+1+1 vs 2+2+1 or 3+2 vs 4+1 or whatever.
On August 20 2011 10:31 SwaY- wrote: Yeah.. RIP HoN, free courier just nailed the coffin on this game. w/e.
At least it's good timing. This stuff just cracks me up. LOL? Free courier BREAKS the game.....really? Good teams buy one every single game regardless. Bad teams are too bad to notice. One support now has 200 extra gold to spend. Yes, the game is now totally broken...............OMFG, someone can get a doombringer 100 seconds sooner now!!?!? BUT MY E-HAN TIMINGS!!
Srsly? Just take a step back, and think about what you are saying.