On June 28 2011 10:16 JeeJee wrote: related to above -- are the layers in order? ie always sedi > ii > ie > meta? different colours of dwarves in u-screen and just in general -- do they mean anything? an easy way to change preferences (ie say 10 idles, i want them all to start mining)
In the upper right there is a red vertical number that counts how deep you are. If you want your other dwarves to start mining, make sure you have enough picks, turn off everything that might distract them and turn on mining. The colors are Purple for your n menu people, white for masons, brown for farmers, grey for miners, green for hunters and animal dwarves etc.
As a general advice, df.magmawiki.com holds most the information you need.
why do names sometimes flash in u-screen Flashing dwarves have achieved a legendary skill, such as a craftdwarf after making an artifact due to a mood.
any easy way to search for a particular dwarf? 'u' takes you to the unit page, where all dwarves are listed downwards. I don't think there's any search function, so if you have 200+ dwarves, finding the specific one you want might be tough, but it's a lot better than trying to find specific dwarves through the root screen.
any easy way to search whether the caravan is offering to trade a particular good? Not really. You can assure they have that type of good by making a request to the liaison who comes with the dwarven caravan, but aside from that, you'll have to figure out how the trade screen is sorted to make searching for specifics easier. As example, weapons are the category before cloth bins and clothes / upper-body armor, while greaves are below the cloth-bins and food-section.
what's up with the negotiations (those sliding bars from 100% onwards) and "view our documents" or whatever) -- what does that do? That's the goods request - the first time you get that screen (per caravan, obviously), you can ask them to bring specific types of goods. The more you request for them to bring, the higher the price for that object will be once they return, but they will bring that item guaranteed (as long as you're not requesting too much, as they have limited space).
bins? how do they work? (making stockpiles not need to be so huge etc) Some types of goods (Finished Goods, weapons and armor etc.) can be stored in bins, which saves a lot of space, and makes transporting easier. It's simply a method of room conservation.
how to tell what layer I'm in? (atm I'm using stuff like, well if I see sphalerite I must be in metamorphic) That's pretty much it - the type of stone in your layer tells you what layer you're in, as the layer type decides what types of gems, stones and metals are possible.
related to above -- are the layers in order? ie always sedi > ii > ie > meta? Layers are in order, but some areas lack some of the upper layers (and thus iron ore), which is what makes finding a good embark so important, if challenging at times.
different colours of dwarves in u-screen and just in general -- do they mean anything? The colors are based on the job/s they're got most skill in. Farmers have a light brown, hammerdwarves a cute purple-pink, metalworkers grey and so on.
an easy way to change preferences (ie say 10 idles, i want them all to start mining) Dwarf Therapist
Thanks! Yeah I have read the wiki a lot, but sometimes it doesn't have particular information that I'm looking for (or more likely I'm looking in the wrong place) edit: or now that I think about, the most likely explanation is just information overload haha
So for bins, I built some iron bins, my dwarves will figure it out right? I tried placing them in the stockpile area but that didn't work. I figure it's like rock pots/barrels for liquids, as in, they just know, right?
I also did find magnetite so I know I have the "right" layer, but I've almost dug out all of it and haven't found squat. It's not guaranteed to get any coal, is it?
So for bins, I built some iron bins, my dwarves will figure it out right? I tried placing them in the stockpile area but that didn't work. I figure it's like rock pots/barrels for liquids, as in, they just know, right? Each storage section will try to always have one empty bin in addition to every bin in use - if you've got a lot of storage piles, there will be a lot of bins around everywhere, meaning you'll need a lot. You can reduce / increase bin ammount per stockpile if you highlight the storage pile with 'q', which can help moderate which pile is to get bins first, if bin quantity is a problem.
And yes, it's exactly like pots and barrels, but for a different type of thing.
I also did find magnetite so I know I have the "right" layer, but I've almost dug out all of it and haven't found squat. It's not guaranteed to get any coal, is it? Ever since 31.19, metal spawning has been recoded which causes scarcity and lack of variance. In addition, the world editor treats coal as a metal for generation purposes, meaning that if your embark location only says "Shallow metal", as in singular "metal" instead of "metals", that biome will only contain one type of metal in the sedimentary layer. This could be magnetite, as in your case, or one strain of coal or one of the other ores of iron. Finding a site with both coal and iron ore is very tough with the new versions.
It's a pain, and I personally hope it's a bug since I hate being forced to use magma for my metal industry instead of having the possibility of a more shallow-digging fort. I haven't seen much other complaints about it though, so I'm afraid it's here to stay. Shame, as it limits game possibilities in my opinion.
Is there anyway to check if your embark location will or will not have a sedimentary layer? I set my parameters and everything always seems find. Decent amount of soil, shallow metals, deep metals. no aquifier, etc. But then I find out I have no sedimentary layer and struggle because my metal industry is working off things like tin and copper instead of iron/steel.
On June 28 2011 13:03 omgCRAZY wrote: Is there anyway to check if your embark location will or will not have a sedimentary layer? I set my parameters and everything always seems find. Decent amount of soil, shallow metals, deep metals. no aquifier, etc. But then I find out I have no sedimentary layer and struggle because my metal industry is working off things like tin and copper instead of iron/steel. You might want to change the world you made to a plentiful for metals.
God damn where does the time go playing this game
I was wrong in my earlier post. I'm definitely not getting the hang of this. So many things I'm missing... somehow my mayor mandated some nickel-silver items to be made, but despite sending tons of dwarves to search for that elusive nickel, I couldn't find any in time. Mayor gets upset and... disappears (????). No idea what happened to him. Somehow I get a new mayor and the only reason I notice this at all is because the new mayor got all pissed off demanding a new office, dining room etc. I was confused for a moment until I realized I was dealing with a new mayor here. At least this guy doesn't love nickel-silver.
Kind of disappointed though.. I'm 99% sure I picked a "shallow metals" site, since the starting guide insisted on it, but I still only found one of the iron metals, no coal or anything. I dug out like everything. I don't seem to have a lot of sedimentary z-levels (I might even have just one, not sure.. I only found magnetite on one level), because ~6 levels down I run into orthoclase, and the first couple of levels are sand.
Think I'll start over, see what a properly self-sustaining fortress is supposed to be. Having dwarves run out all the time to chop some wood and pick some plants isn't all that appealing
Toady needs to implement some kind of dwarven ghost buster squad system.
I'm already giving up... Maybe I should read a tutorial first...
It's true that the whole metals business is annoying... I have at least 3 different iron ores on my site, plus some copper/silver ore, but apparently no flux stone at all, which means that i must import it, and while I have some bituminous coal and such, you still need some charcoal to get that started, and the trees are getting scarce out there... Well at least i found a pretty massive vein of native gold and silver, so it's silver statues all around and golden thrones in the dining room... I also agree that we need some ghostbusting dwarves. I have like 5 ghosts right now so the game constantly hangs, i have tried engraving some slabs, but despite having 5 different kinds of slabs in storage my craftsdwarf keeps cancelling "engraving slab <Urist McGhost>. needs unengraved slab" I guess the ghosts don't want to leave and are making him mad ):
Oh and btw relating to my previous bloody misadventures, i don't think it was a loyalty problem as was described, since none of my dwarves was crazed or whatever. Upon checking, most of the armed forces were ecstatic, due to their royal bedrooms and the joy they took in slaughter recently...But now everything is cleaned up (except the bodies of the merchants, who apparently will never be buried) and i have stabilized again.
you must craft the slab first before you can engrave it, you know?
To put a spirit to rest, you must:
1. make a rock slab from a mason's workshop 2. engrave a memorial slab at craftdorf workshop. 3. build a slab via the build menu, and pick the correct engraved slab, (not always easy)
Once you do that you should get the "has been put to rest" message.
I basically build like 1-2 slabs when someone dies in an unreachable spot, then engrave one, then build allll my slabs somewhere in an old section of mining tunnel. Usually makes sure I get the right one, even if it also uses some random extra slabs lol.
On June 28 2011 22:22 Haemonculus wrote: To put a spirit to rest, you must:
1. make a rock slab from a mason's workshop 2. engrave a memorial slab at craftdorf workshop. 3. build a slab via the build menu, and pick the correct engraved slab, (not always easy)
Once you do that you should get the "has been put to rest" message.
I basically build like 1-2 slabs when someone dies in an unreachable spot, then engrave one, then build allll my slabs somewhere in an old section of mining tunnel. Usually makes sure I get the right one, even if it also uses some random extra slabs lol.
I dont know if it works for slabs, but when you want to place specific cages (with prisoners) you can do build cage -> and then press x for a specific / more detailed list of cages.
Ok, ill stream a new world of TL for people to come in and play with me sometime soon, ill post when as soon as i know.
p.s. elves came to trade, rejected my offer - calling me a dullard. My military had fun with their bodies.
While removing ramps around my fortress to funnel enemies and caravans in from one direction I accidentally removed my ramps to my fortress without realizing it. After awhile one of the dwarven merchants went berzerk. My military quickly disposed of him and anyone else that went mad and my fortress is stable again but EVERYTHING is being interrupted by eachother. It is so freaking annoying and frustrating. Is there any way to end this or is it now permanent because some of my dwarves and war dogs have tasted dwarven blood? (Side Note: One of my axedwarfs has 6 dwarf kills among his many others...)
Any hope for Dwarf Therapist on a Mac? I found a Mac version that someone had cloned but it must be outdated because I got when I tried to use it. The link referred to in the image just sends me to download the new Windows version of Therapist.
Welp, started fortress #2. Not that anything's wrong with my old one, but I couldn't find any coal. Hopefully this one will fair better. Here's the embark pic:
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/iprQV.png)
Found a layer of dolomite, so that's nice. No luck for coal yet, but I'm hopeful!
edit: also figured out how to get stonesense to work with 31.25! Wish it'd be a little more obvious (I even DL'd the one from a pack that was supposed to work with 31.25, but it didn't. Had to replace the memory.xml file) Cute bedroom design whee: + Show Spoiler + (stole it from wiki, haha. Think I messed up a bit though)
I always have stonesense open when I play but I rarely look at it. Maybe if I built cooler stuff. It does give people who see me play the game something to look at that makes sense though. But then, I usually have a whole bunch of windows open when I'm playing so people never really understand anything at all :/
So I read that + Show Spoiler +mining adamantite will eventually cause your city to get a bad message and you lose the game essentially. Is there any way to get adamantite armor and weapons without losing the game?
Just got out of a sick fight with an Ettin, which left two dwarves dead. Those things really disrupt the fortress until they're killed.