On August 03 2017 19:56 Ragnarork wrote: The deagle is hardly problematic in its current form because it requires a lot of skill. You have to stand still. You have to aim carefully and precisely. You have to wait between shots or you're just giving in to a lot of RNG (except at very close range).
Here the aim is to reduce the strength of pistol spamming.
Ideally I'd like them to remove the one-shot headshot from the five seven, P250 and Tec9.
You mean head armourless? I think thats ok to stay short to mid range.
France9034 Posts
No, only the one-shot headshot on helmets. That you can, for $300, get a pistol that kills in one headshot a fully armored opponent breaks the idea of a sane risk-reward system in my opinion. Same thing for the five seven & tec9. They should still be luxury pistol that do damage through armor (unlike the usp and the glock), but not kill with one headshot.
France9034 Posts
Counter-Strike: Global OffensiveRelease Notes for 8/7/2017The following changes from “” are now live. [GAMEPLAY]- Shipping initial changes to pistols with the goal of emphasizing skillful use of the weapons, beginning with the Tec-9.
- Tec-9: The Tec-9 has been adjusted to emphasize aiming while retaining the weapon’s high mobility. The current changes include:
- slightly improved accuracy when taking a single shot
- significantly reduced accuracy when firing rapidly
- magazine and reserve ammo reduced to 18 and 90, respectively
- Extended the existing camera height restriction system to include cases where a player is in the air, preventing the first-person camera from rising above their third-person head.
- Players will now make a landing sound if they un-crouch while crouch-jumping.
- Fixed several inconsistencies where sounds were not broadcast when a player was occluded by a wall. (Thanks, simpleavaster!)
[LINUX]- Cleaned up the way CS:GO launches so there is one fewer process
France9034 Posts
Counter-Strike: Global OffensivePre-release Notes for 8/15/2017The following changes are in the “” CS:GO Beta depot. [GAMEPLAY]- Shipping more changes to pistols with the goal of emphasizing skillful use of the weapons.
- Five-SeveN: The Five-SeveN has been adjusted to reward tactical positioning and defensive play.
- Slightly improved accuracy when firing several shots rapidly.
- Substantially reduced accuracy while moving.
[PERFECT WORLD]- Prime status is now immediately granted to Perfect World accounts with identity verification.
- Enabled support for custom avatars in game.
- Enabled access to the developers console.
[MISC]- Overhauled internal weapon data representation. All weapons are expected to behave identically to aside from the Five-SeveN and bugfixes listed below.
- Fixed an issue that caused players to not drop their 2nd flashbang if they are killed after throwing 1 flashbang during the round.
- Fixed an issue where sniper bots didn’t like the Scar20.
- Fixed an issue where buying non-weapon items would restock ammo for all your weapons.
- Fixed some corner cases where buying items via console could ignore the user’s loadout selection.
- Fixed an issue where attempting to drop undroppable items (like grenades) would count the items value towards the player’s “donations” for the round.
- Fixed a rare issue that could cause players to show incorrect holstered weapons.
- Fixed an issue where decoy grenades could make sounds from the wrong weapon.
- Fixed “buy” console command to list all options instead of being a hardcoded help string.
- Map editing: env_gunfire entities can now fire all weapon types (e.g. weapon_m4a1_silencer or weapon_revolver)
- Fixed a memory leak related to spectating.
- Adding ability to initiate trades from friend’s context menu.
- Improved map load times in some circumstances.
Overhauled internal weapon data representation. All weapons are expected to behave identically to aside from the Five-SeveN and bugfixes listed below. What does this mean?
France9034 Posts
It means that weapons do not have their stats in separate files like before (ak47.txt, m4a1.txt etc.) but everything is in a items_game.txt or something.
Basically, just dev things about where they put their things.
They mention rightfully so that it doesn't change anything to the weapon stats themselves.
France9034 Posts
Counter-Strike: Global OffensiveRelease Notes for 8/17/2017Releasing update [GAMEPLAY]- Shipping more changes to pistols with the goal of emphasizing skillful use of the weapons.
- Five-SeveN: The Five-SeveN has been adjusted to reward tactical positioning and defensive play.
- Slightly improved accuracy when firing several shots rapidly.
- Substantially reduced accuracy while moving.
[PERFECT WORLD]- Prime status is now immediately granted to Perfect World accounts with identity verification.
- Enabled support for custom avatars in game.
- Enabled access to the developers console.
[MISC]- Overhauled internal weapon data representation. (Thanks SlothSquadron and koga0995 for spotting unintended changes)
- Fixed an issue that caused players to not drop their 2nd flashbang if they are killed after throwing 1 flashbang during the round.
- Fixed an issue where sniper bots didn’t like the Scar20 (Thanks BOT Vitaliy!)
- Fixed an issue where buying non-weapon items would restock ammo for all your weapons.
- Fixed some corner cases where buying items via console could ignore the user’s loadout selection.
- Fixed an issue where attempting to drop undroppable items (like grenades) would count the items value towards the player’s “donations” for the round.
- Fixed a rare issue that could cause players to show incorrect holstered weapons.
- Fixed an issue where decoy grenades could make sounds from the wrong weapon.
- Fixed “buy” console command to list all options instead of being a hardcoded help string.
- Map editing: env_gunfire entities can now fire all weapon types (e.g. weapon_m4a1_silencer or weapon_revolver)
- Fixed a memory leak related to spectating.
- Adding ability to initiate trades from friend’s context menu.
- Improved map load times in some circumstances.
Does T-side molotov cost 600$ nowadays. Atleast it does in matchmaking apparently.
edit: apparently its a graphics bug lol.
France9034 Posts
Yeah, it's not supposed to be the case.
At first I thought it was another mishap like the tec9 unintended buff.
France9034 Posts
Counter-Strike: Global OffensiveRelease Notes for 8/21/2017[CSGO- Happy Birthday CS:GO! Activated Party Mode.
[AUDIO]- Turned on asynchronous audio mixing on for all users by default. This one-time change forces snd_mix_async to 1 and sets snd_mixahead to 0.025 which are the new default values. These changes eliminate some audio skips and makes audio play at a lower latency.
[MISC]- Fixed an issue that caused buy menu to show incorrect price of molotovs/incendiary grenades after switching teams.
- Fixed an issue that caused the convars mp_ct_default_grenades and mp_t_default_grenades not to function properly. (Thanks Fasguy!)
- Fixed an issue that caused the final weapon in demolition mode to be unavailable to CTs.
- Fixed an issue that caused the killcount HUD to disappear when using knives.
- Fixed Community Message button function when viewing CS:GO Profile.
- Fixed taser and knife icons overlapping.
France9034 Posts
Counter-Strike: Global OffensiveRelease Notes for 9/11/2017[PERFECT WORLD- Enabled person to person trading.
[MISC]- Fixed a rare crash on dedicated servers that disallowed votes
- Fixed players sometimes losing helmets when restoring round backups in tournament matches.
- Added error detection when failing to fully initialize NVIDIA graphics driver.
France9034 Posts
Counter-Strike: Global OffensivePre-release Notes for 9/12/2017The following changes are in the “” CS:GO Beta depot. [GAMEPLAY]- Significantly reduced unarmored aimpunch.
- Additional changes to pistols with the goal of emphasizing skillful use of the weapons.
- Glock: Slight adjustments favoring accurate players who close the distance to their opponent.
- Increased base damage
- Reduced damage at longer distances
- Slightly improved accuracy while firing rapidly
- Slightly improved accuracy while moving
- P250: The P250 has been adjusted to reward longer-distance engagements, particularly against unarmored opponents.
- Increased base damage
- Reduced armor penetration
- Improved damage at longer distances
- Reduced accuracy while moving
France9034 Posts
Counter-Strike: Global OffensiveRelease Notes for 9/14/2017[PERFECT WORLD]- CS:GO is available today in mainland China through partnership with Perfect World.
- The CS:GO Launcher can be downloaded from the official Perfect World website at http://www.csgo.com.cn/download/index.html, or the game can be launched by Perfect World players using -perfectworld launch option after they have completed their Perfect World account registration.
- All Perfect World players with a valid registered Perfect World account who play CS:GO during the launch month will get a promotional gift package free of charge which will include the following limited-time exclusive items:
- one sticker from the “CS:GO Perfect World Sticker Capsule 1”
- one sticker from the “CS:GO Perfect World Sticker Capsule 2”
- one graffiti from the “CS:GO Perfect World Graffiti Capsule”
- After the promotional exclusivity period, in October, both Perfect World sticker capsules and the Perfect World graffiti capsule will be available for purchase worldwide.
[ECONOMY]- Added the Spectrum 2 Case, featuring 17 community designs. In the Spectrum 2 Case, the rare special item will be the second generation of knives in Chroma finishes.
[GAMEPLAY]The following changes from the “” CS:GO Beta depot have also been included in this update: - Significantly reduced unarmored aimpunch.
- Additional changes to pistols with the goal of emphasizing skillful use of the weapons.
- Glock: Slight adjustments favoring accurate players who close the distance to their opponent.
- Increased base damage
- Reduced damage at longer distances
- Slightly improved accuracy while firing rapidly
- Slightly improved accuracy while moving
- P250: The P250 has been adjusted to reward longer-distance engagements, particularly against unarmored opponents.
- Increased base damage
- Reduced armor penetration
- Improved damage at longer distances
- Reduced accuracy while moving
[MISC]- logaddress_add_http will automatically ignore duplicate entries.
France9034 Posts
Counter-Strike: Global OffensiveRelease Notes for 9/21/2017[PERFECT WORLD]- Added UI to see current Perfect World account balance and add funds from the main menu.
- Added ability to purchase keys outside of case opening.
[OPERATION HYDRA]- Operation Hydra passes are now 50% off.
- Fixed a rare case where Operation Hydra rewards were earned at reduced rate for accounts who maxed out their regular weekly XP.
- Fixed an issue where the Operation Hydra UI erroneously claimed that more stars would become available next week.
- Fixed an issue that caused some UI elements to show a gold operation coin for users with diamond coins.
- Removed weekly “Operation XP Exhausted” end-of-match warning for players with the maximum amount of event stars.
[MISC]- Fixed some cases where footstep sounds would not be heard. Thanks to /u/Jambozx for his video demonstration this issue.
- Updated Mac-10 | Oceanic to have more randomness in the texture pattern.
- Fixed several security exploits (thanks Sikari!)
France9034 Posts
Counter-Strike: Global OffensiveRelease Notes for 9/26/2017[GAMEPLAY]- Fixed rare cases when smoke would not extinguish fire when it bounces between the flames.
- Reduced the height at which smoke grenades that bounce off of walls can extinguish flames.
- Fixed a bug where bullets could sometimes fail to penetrate player arms.
- Reduced price by $100 for both the Revolver (now $600) and Dual Elites (now $400).
[MISC]- Fixed gloves not appearing on certain custom maps that skip default equipment.
- Added an option cl_crosshair_t for a T-shaped crosshair.
- Fixed StatTrak™ music kits not showing StatTrak™ logo in limited time offers.
- Fixed a case where certain cheats could approximate the random seed used on the game server.
- Added a way to acquire a worldwide CS:GO license for accounts running outside of CS:GO Launcher.
France9034 Posts
Counter-Strike: Global OffensiveRelease Notes for 10/5/2017[PERFECT WORLD]- Added a double-confirmation purchase UI for Perfect World users to help avoid accidental purchase clicks.
[GAMEPLAY]As a pre-release beta, the following changes can be previewed offline with bots:
- Smoke grenades now have 10 unit radius when deciding if they are close enough to a fire to extinguish it. This helps reduce the number of ‘gaps’ between flames which could cause a smoke grenade to not detonate.
- Additional changes to smoke grenade detonation to make smoke/fire collision more predictable in areas with rough terrain / ledges / stairs.
France9034 Posts
Counter-Strike: Global OffensiveRelease Notes for 10/10/2017The following changes are in the “” CS:GO Beta depot. [GAMEPLAY]- Updated version of de_dust2 added.
- Improved de_nuke bot navigation.
[AUDIO]- Unique jump landing sounds for all major surfaces.
- Unique sounds for picking up weapons, grenades and ammo.
- Unique bullet impact sounds for vehicles and barrels.
- Re-balanced music kit volume to be more in-line with the overall game volume.
- Improved resolution and quality of HRTF algorithm.
France9034 Posts
Counter-Strike: Global OffensiveRelease Notes for 10/18/2017[GAMEPLAY]- Replaced de_dust2 with updated version.
- Improved de_nuke bot navigation.
[AUDIO]- Unique jump landing sounds for all major surfaces.
- Unique sounds for picking up weapons and grenades.
- Unique bullet impact sounds for vehicles and barrels.
- Re-balanced music kits volume to be more in-line with the overall game volume.
- Improved resolution and quality of HRTF algorithm.
[MISC]- Both Perfect World Sticker Capsule Limited Time Offers and Graffiti Capsule Limited Time Offers are now available worldwide.
- Added normal maps for “Gut Knife | Autotronic”, “Bayonet | Autotronic”, and “M9 Bayonet | Autotronic”.
- Fixed case where players could be blinded by a flashbang outside the map and out of line of sight.
France9034 Posts
I only just realized that tofu was actually updating the first post with recent patches. I feel weird.