Hyrule18975 Posts
Counter-Strike: Global OffensiveRelease Notes for 7/6/2018[PANORAMA]- Users on Linux and OSX can now also opt in to Panorama UI by adding “-panorama” to their launch options.
- Adding broadcast stream panel for CS:GO Minors and Majors in the main menu.
- Adding link to Steam Market for items in containers.
- Added ability to use gift packages.
- End of match scoreboard now reveals other players’ skill groups.
- End of match scoreboard now has Wingman skill group models in personal skill group display
- Dead players are more distinct from living ones on the scoreboard.
- Scoreboard now has per-player voice volume control.
- End of match mouse control is delayed to avoid clicking out of window and losing focus.
- Adding ability to enter numerical values for certain settings.
- Updated grenade icon size
- Fixed not showing all grenades owned by a player in their overhead UI during freezetime.
- Fixed friendly decoys showing up on the radar with an odd color and a random number/letter.
- Fixed friendly decoys showing up as enemy ghosts when they detonated.
- Fixed wiggly countdown timer while defusing bomb
- Fixed an issue that caused death notices to attempt to translate player names
[GAMEPLAY]- The functional change to the decoy that shipped with the last update will not be reverted: from here on decoys will be radar-visible by the team that threw it and not radar-visible to the enemy team.
[MISC]- Updated Steam and CS:GO account restrictions for users in Netherlands and Belgium:
- Steam Trading and Steam Market features are now re-enabled for Steam accounts in Netherlands.
- Customers in Netherlands and Belgium will be restricted from opening containers.
- Various crash fixes
- Fixed a regression in reliable avatars for tournament game servers.
- Set max value for the zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse slider to 1.5 in the options screen.
Hyrule18975 Posts
Counter-Strike: Global OffensiveRelease Notes for 12/18/2014[MISC]- Added a holiday-themed Midnight Riders Music Kit, available as an offer for a limited time.
- Updated the artwork on the M4A4 | Griffin.
- Fixed server browser displaying very few results to users. (Thanks, Gamemann)
- Fixed some cases where players would not smoothly slide along certain kinds of geometry while moving.
[MAPS]- Train
- Widened lower ladder room.
- Blocked visibility from Bombsite B lower ramp to T ramp.
- Pushed back T spawn slightly.
- Updated collision model on train bumper models.
- Fixed some spots where C4 could get stuck.
- Fixed sun orientation.
Hyrule18975 Posts
Counter-Strike: Global OffensiveRelease Notes for 1/8/2015[COMMUNITY MARKET]- Keys purchased from the Steam Community Market are given a seven-day trade and market restriction.
[GAMEPLAY]- Reduced P250 ammo from 5 magazines to 3.
- Reverted CZ nerf to ammo and fire rate.
[MISC]- Added the Chroma Case, that features new finishes for knives.
- Added UI for showing multiple offers.
[MAPS]- Mirage
- Fixed a bug where players could clip through a wall near CT spawn
- Removed center scaffolding near hole to CT sniper position
- Train
- Extended buyzone for T spawn
- Further optimizations
- Dust2
- Fixed bullet penetration through arch models in tunnels
- Fixed collision for door top of mid
- Added Goose to Goose
- Facade
- Updated radar
- Fixed fade distance on props
- Updated player clips in areas where bomb could be lost
Hyrule18975 Posts
Counter-Strike: Global OffensiveRelease Notes for 1/15/2015[GAMEPLAY]- Fixed P2000 ammo capacity.
[MISC]- Fixed a corrupt packets issue that occurred when a client attempted to play on community servers after official servers.
- rcon stats now include server frame simulation time ms, stddev of simulation time ms, and tick precision ms.
- Fixed an exploit used by malicious servers to bypass SERVER_CAN_EXECUTE restriction on connected clients.
- Fixed achievement icons not displaying.
[MAPS]- Cache
- Exploit fix in Bombsite B
- Facade
- Cobblestone
- Fixed sticky spot under roof overhang at B
- Fixed overview map not matching the geometry at Gallery
- Raised ceiling and added trim in Gallery
- Fixed sticky clip brush at A
- Added clip brush to tapestry in CT sniper room so you can't walk through it
- Fixed floating electrical box in sewer stairwell
- Fixed missing texture above T ramp
- Removed handrail/clips and adjusted lighting in CT sniper hallway
- Fixed wooden platform clipping into stone in T spawn
- Made window bars in B tunnels & Gallery non-solid
Hyrule18975 Posts
Counter-Strike: Global OffensiveRelease Notes for 1/28/2015[GAMEPLAY]- Adjusted the radius at which incendiary and smoke grenades interact.
[UI]- Loading screens will now display the icons for maps that have item collections associated with them
- In Spectator Mode, Scoreboard and Server Graphic will now obey hud scale and position settings.
- Fixed New Items alert showing incorrect number of items up when coming back to main menu from a match
[MISC]- Added server convar tv_allow_camera_man_steamid that should be set on tournament servers to the full 64-bit numeric SteamID of production caster (e.g. 7650123456XXXX). Tournament production casters who launch the game with the "-interactivecaster" command line flag and join the in-game spectators will get all camera and voice recorded and broadcast on GOTV.
- Upgraded runtime libraries to use the latest Steam SDK.
- Fixed a frequent crash during map loading while the game was minimized.
- Various weapon CPU optimizations.
- Added flavor text to Chroma Case weapons.
[MAPS]- Mirage
- Fixed a bug where a boosted player in T spawn could peek into mid/CT sniper position.
- Moved a prop to make peeking into palace easier, CT side.
- Removed a strange boost in bombsite A.
- Nuke
- Fixed a bug where an incendiary grenade could explode on bombsite B ceiling beams and damage players in A site.
- Overpass
- Rerouted entrance into upper park from bombsite A.
- Changed mid cover in bombsite A, corners can now be shot through with rifles.
- Changed cover in T side of upper park.
- Moved T spawns forward slightly.
- Moved bombsite A plant zone up slightly.
Hyrule18975 Posts
Counter-Strike: Global OffensiveRelease Notes for 2/4/2015[MISC]- Reduced latency of voice audio.
- Community servers now can show viewer counts when players are streaming their match.
- Fixed regression in Deathmatch Bonus mission evaluation.
- Fixed a Deathmatch exploit where players could maliciously cause the server to run out of entities.
- Fixed buymenu's Accurate Range weapon stats being computed incorrectly.
- Fixed AWP viewmodel rendering when zoomed.
- Added flavor text to Arms Deal Case 1 and fixed typos in previous flavor text.
- Positional sounds spatialize to within 15 inches of the player and no longer "spread" to stereo when nearby.
[MAPS]- Major changes to Cobblestone
- Bombsite A:
- Made bombsite A courtyard smaller
- Removed spiral stairs at back of bombsite A
- Pushed forward side-balcony at bombsite A, making it easier to check corners before jumping down
- Added a static door to entrance to connector from bombsite A
- Shortened battlement in long A, making it easier to check
- Raised wall around bombsite A slightly, to give some cover when out in the open
- Added additional cover in bombsite A
- Removed balcony at CT side of long A
- Added an additional chest-height wall at A ramp
- Removed large boulders in A site
- Bombsite B:
- Made bombsite B courtyard smaller
- Rerouted T main entrance to bombsite B
- Made it easier to throw grenades into B site from a safe position as T
- Added some cover on T platform in bombsite B
- Moved bombsite B more to the middle of the courtyard
- Flattened ground at bombsite B
- Removed back of B area
- Hut at back of B can now be shot through
- Added a static door to entrance to bombsite B from connector
- Other:
- Removed stairs and overpass route from dropdown room
- Widened upper dropdown passage
- Added a ramp to dropdown to make it easier to peek into lower
- Players can now jump up via flowerbed in connector to get into dropdown room
- Removed walls in T tunnels
- Removed CT sniper room
- Added a static door to CT side of water room
- Tweaked layout of water room slightly
- Removed double window room near T spawn
- Moved T spawns forward a bit
- Added a direct ladder to T sniper tower
- Various optimizations
- Increased player visibility
- Fixed a bug where very few chickens were spawned
2nd Worst City in CA8938 Posts
Cobble is totally different. Kinda interesting.
Fixed a bug where very few chickens were spawned
The issue everyone was talking about.
Wow, cobble is sooooooooo T sided now. Just played one game, but you can almost plant the bomb on B before the first CT even arrives. You just have to rush through the new B long tunnel. I expect that to be fixed very soon.
France9034 Posts
Interesting, I kinda liked Cobble, despite its flaws. We'll see how it plays out.
Played a Game on Neo Cobble S: Got wrecked as CT with 4:11 for the Ts. We thought we gonna get scrapped as T.
We didnt, it went 15:15 in the End.
Especially attacking B was very efficient, the players on A had really hard time to rotate, when the bomb showed up near B. A very slow, hidden approach through Museum to the middle and then to long worked fine 2, when the enemy thinks window is a good position. Shure I play only in Nova Area, but think it could be the same for better players.
and we still have massive hitbox issues + other more relevant problems than breaking cobblestone again.
Hyrule18975 Posts
Counter-Strike: Global OffensiveRelease Notes for 2/12/2015[GAMEPLAY]- Smoke screen overlay fades faster now when exiting smokes quickly.
- Adjusted boundaries of smoke screen overlay slightly.
[TOURNAMENT SUPPORT]- Added server setting sv_reliableavatardata: when enabled player avatars are reliably exchanged between all players and casters on the game server, reliably delivered to GOTV spectators, and recorded in demo files.
- Added the ability to specify team logos just like we specify team names or flags (via convars mp_teamlogo_1 and mp_teamlogo_2 using team's shorthand image name).
- Team logos now show in the spectator scoreboard, the win panel and the player scoreboard.
- Added a new win panel string that shows the team name if they win the round.
[MISC]- Added ff_damage_bullet_penetration convar to control how much penetration power and damage is scaled when hitting a friendly when FF is off.
- Fixed pistol muzzle flash so it no longer stretches to the map origin at low framerates.
- Fixed fog clearcolor calculation that caused free-cam spectators to see bright colors behind level geometry.
- Speculative fix for spectating audio bug.
- Added player flashbang visual indicators with a progress bar that shows over players heads when you are watching via GOTV.
- Updated the first person flash effect when spectating someone via GOTV.
- Fixed bug which stopped CS:GO from working on OSX Snow Leopard.
- Added flavor text to the Bravo Collection weapons.
- Added 5 new Music Kit Offers.
- Added 12 new Sticker Offers.
- Fixed gamepads being reset and deactivated on map load.
- Added support for hot-plugging of gamepads rather than requiring that they be connected prior to game launch.
[MAPS]- Cobblestone
- Removed various boosts
- Further optimizations
- Tweaked layout of underpass room
- Moved door from CT side to T side of underpass
- Made cubby at entrance to Bombsite A smaller
- Widened arch at end of long A
- Set correct surface types on textures
- Brightened haystacks at entrance to Long A
- Updated collision on broken wall in bombsite A and B
Added support for hot-plugging of gamepads rather than requiring that they be connected prior to game launch.
people use game pads?
On February 13 2015 12:32 amazingxkcd wrote:Show nested quote +Added support for hot-plugging of gamepads rather than requiring that they be connected prior to game launch. people use game pads? yes.
the smoke changes are an improvement but i feel kinda iffy about the fact that the change is tied to your velocity when moving through the smoke.. the greyscreen only fades as fast as i wish it did if you do a strafe jump through the smoke with knife in hand (so you go momentarily at like 270 velocity)
The Cbble changes took all the Cbble out of Cbble!
Counter-Strike: Global OffensiveRelease Notes for 3/31/2015OPERATION VANGUARD- Operation Vanguard has come to a close
MAP GROUPS- Train has been added to the active duy map pool.
- Nuke has been moved to the reserve map pool.
GAMEPLAY- Smoke grenades are now more reliably kept track of on the client to prevent mismatches between smoke particle visuals and screen overlay visuals.
- Fixed players being able to double stack inside a smoke to peek out of the top (and be really hard to see from outside the smoke).
- Updated expiration of the smoke screen overlay to match more closely to the visuals of when the third person particles expire and vice versa.
- Updated the vertical position slightly of the smoke particles to reduce seeing though edges of the smoke (particularly at the bottom).
- Fixed spectator sometimes not getting the smoke overlay for the player they are spectating when that alive player is inside smoke.
- Improved spawnpoint selection code to not spawn at occupied spawn points or spawn points of a different team.
- Tagging values have been tweaked slightly to increase tagging on higher mobility weapons, and updated values for tagging on multiple hits to make it more effective (Added a guide to explain how tagging works: here
- Increased price of the M4A1-Silencer from 3100 to 3200 to align the weapon’s price with its utility.
- Increased Tec-9’s damage fall-off to reward players that close engagement distance.
- Lowered Tec-9’s magazine size to 24 to reward more discriminate firing.
- Lowered scoped movement values for AWP and Autosnipers.
- The accuracy of the MP9, MP7, and Mac-10 have been improved.
STATTRAK- Trade up contracts work on StatTrak weapons.
- There is now a StatTrak swap tool available for purchase. It swaps the StatTrak value between two of the same weapon.
SERVER BROWSER- Fixed the server browser showing the map workshop path in the “Map” column.
- Added a sortable column to the server browser to display whether a server is running a map from the workshop or not.
- Added a sortable column to the server broswer that displays icons for popular game mods running on that server.
- Server browser will save the layout changes made between game sessions.
- Updated the first time server browser pop up message.
UI- Fixed scoreboard hiding at match end when you bring up a player’s Steam profile.
- Added a game option in team options section to control whether lobbies get created with public access or private requiring invites for friends.
- Added Flavor Text to the Bank collection.
MISC- Add surround sound support (quad/5.1) on Linux.
- Marked nav commands as a cheat to protect against potential server exploits.
- Chicken kills are now logged in CS event logs on game servers including attacker and weapon information.
- HE grenade detonations are now logged in CS event logs prior to logging player deaths from corresponding HE grenade explosion.
- Added sv_reliableavatardata 2 game server setting for LAN tournaments production. In this mode the game server will load player avatars from corresponding csgo/avatars/76512345678-.rgb files (or csgo/avatars/default.rgb if the corresponding SteamID avatar is missing), and avatars will be recorded in GOTV demos. To produce avatars rgb files tournament operators can place 64×64 png player avatars as csgo/avatars/76512345678-.png and run the client-side command cl_avatar_convert_rgb to convert all 64×64 png files into rgb format.
- Optimized the process of logging in players to matchmaking backend during game updates.
[MAPS]- Dust2
- Opened up skybox around Long A double doors, Catwalk and Short
- Improved visibility around blue car in Long A
- Fixed render distance on a crate in CT spawn
- Mirage
- Opened up skybox around back of apartments
- Simplified sides of CT sniper window in mid
- Raised cover slightly in upper mid
- Fixed visibility through a crate in Bombsite A
- Overpass
- Opened up and simplified Bombsite A
- Added back stairs to pit near Bombsite A
- Opened up semi-open door in bathrooms, fountain side
- Cobblestone
- Smoothed out movement in Bombsite B
- Removed corner on left side of T tunnel into Bombsite B
- Haystack near Long A now requires a jump to get on top
- Train (Thanks c0tton and adreN!)
- Various optimizations
- Removed collision at top of ladders
- Pushed Bombsite A further back towards CT side
- Added a third train car to A site to reduce amount of long sightlines
- Added a peek-position inside T main
- Opened up area on the left side of T main exit
- Moved dumpsters in Ivy
- Raised crane in Bombsite A
- Blocked extremely tight angle from lower CT ramp towards T ramp in Bombsite B
- Prioritized CT spawn positions
- Cache
- Fixed an exploit boost at A
- Added a decal indicating the boundaries of the A bombsite’s plantzone
- Made white tarps on crates more spammable (Thanks Mod645!)
- Fixed shadows casting into A main shed from boost spot
- Improved readability from middle to A site container
- Shorrttain
- Added back to map rotation