[16:36] <csheep> wait so elem
[16:36] <csheep> ur playing lol
[16:36] <csheep> east vs west
[16:36] <csheep> right?
[16:36] <Elementaryschool> supposedly
[16:36] <@Souma> oh right I needed to ask Team East
[16:36] <Elementaryschool> echo said me or wala is playing
[16:36] <@Souma> if it was okay if we pushed the game back an hour to 3:00 P.M. PDT
[16:36] <@Souma> on the 26th
[16:36] <ecael> wala just actively refuse to play now
[16:36] <Elementaryschool> oh
[16:36] <Elementaryschool> you guys decided on lame times
[16:37] <Elementaryschool> go with wala
03[16:37] * popo (popo@Rizon-6763D915.resnet.ucla.edu) has joined #tladt
[16:37] <ecael> 18:36 ecael wala just actively refuse to play now
[16:37] <warara> i might be out of town saturday
[16:37] <csheep> wala doesnt want to play
[16:37] <csheep> so wek ind of need you elem
[16:37] <csheep> cuz uta is sketchy as fk
[16:37] <warara> no said no yesterday cus I thought game was yesterday and I felt sick
[16:37] <Elementaryschool> i said like weeks ago
[16:37] <@Souma> lol gao
[16:37] <@Souma> never saw that.
[16:37] <Elementaryschool> i dont wanna sit up to 2am or more just for league
[16:37] <gAOxI> those are some good logos
[16:38] <gAOxI> lol
[16:38] <Sentenal> so how did west manage to lose dota
[16:38] <csheep> uhm
[16:38] <csheep> blahzor lost his will to live and dodged
[16:38] <warara> quote tonight
[16:38] <Sentenal> while cheating
[16:38] <warara> beast east
[16:38] <csheep> kupons didnt play
[16:38] <csheep> so they tried to rig it
[16:38] <@Souma> nobody cheated Sent
[16:38] <csheep> and then they lost anyways
[16:38] <@Souma> so shut up about that already.
[16:38] <csheep> :|
[16:38] <Sentenal> csheep said you did
[16:38] <@Souma> you listen
[16:38] <@Souma> to cheep?
[16:38] <@Souma> lmao
[16:38] <ecael> you listen to cheep's words?
[16:38] <ecael> >>
[16:38] <Sentenal> why would he tell a lie
[16:38] <csheep> pls
[16:38] <csheep> east coast are honorable
[16:38] <csheep> :3
[16:38] <ecael> pls lol
[16:38] <csheep> but yeah blah didnt play
[16:38] <csheep> and kupons didtn play
[16:38] <csheep> adnt hen euros carried us
[16:38] <csheep> ind ota
[16:38] <csheep> o/
[16:39] <csheep> duros + scumbag wala
01[16:39] <Anelace> dis pp
[16:39] <Elementaryschool> uh
[16:39] <Elementaryschool> wreak
[16:39] <Sentenal> so turns out, west is actually the dodgers
[16:39] <csheep> yea
[16:39] <@Souma> we didn't doj the match though in its entirety
[16:39] <@Souma> just lost
[16:39] <csheep> well 2 of ur top 3 players dodged
[16:40] <@Souma> uh our top two players played
[16:40] <@Souma> rabid and Wreak #1
[16:40] <csheep> while captain kip led east to glorious victory
[16:40] <@Souma> :D
04[16:40] * echo-afk is now known as EchOne
[16:40] <rlentless> lol my friends started betting games
[16:40] <rlentless> lost a total of $24 in 3 days
[16:40] <rlentless> in csgo
04[16:40] * Ferrose[afk] is now known as Ferrose
[16:41] <@Souma> that's like, two dinners.
[16:41] <@Souma> or like
[16:41] <Elementaryschool> wat
[16:41] <Elementaryschool> thats like a week of food...
[16:41] <Elementaryschool> ;_;
[16:41] <@Souma> almost four cases of beer.
[16:41] <EchOne> if both elem and wala are unavailable, we need another person for top
[16:41] <@Souma> well
[16:41] <EchOne> sent can you be on our main lineup for top?
[16:41] <@Souma> your subs are Sentenal and Seki
[16:42] <csheep> >24 bucks
[16:42] <EchOne> seki said he is only gonna cast
[16:42] <Sentenal> for what
[16:42] <csheep> >4 cases of bear
[16:42] <Elementaryschool> why are you still having
[16:42] <EchOne> he can't be a main
[16:42] <csheep> *beer
[16:42] <Elementaryschool> shit times for it
[16:42] <csheep> fk u
[16:42] <EchOne> I can't have people on main when they can't commit
[16:42] <Sentenal> o lol?
[16:42] <csheep> EchOne ecael znf Elementaryschool
[16:42] <csheep> lets play lol
[16:42] <EchOne> "I might not feel like it" or "I might be out of town" invalidates them as lineup candidates
[16:42] <csheep> need to practice and shit
[16:43] <@Souma> it's only an hour later than what you agreed to previously Elem
[16:43] <Sentenal> what time is lol again?
[16:43] <EchOne> sorry csheep I'm DMing tonight
[16:43] <csheep> so east can gloriously sweep
[16:43] <@Souma> I mean if you can't make that commitment then w/e
[16:43] <csheep> cant playr ight now?
[16:43] <EchOne> it's at like... 6pm eastern on saturday or something?
[16:43] <csheep> for a game?
[16:43] <Sentenal> eww 6pm eastern?
[16:43] <EchOne> I have 18 minutes till we're supposed to start... caller ar eyou here?
[16:43] <Elementaryschool> no souma
[16:43] <@Souma> there are two choices
[16:43] <Elementaryschool> when its at night
[16:43] <Elementaryschool> its not "just an hour"
[16:43] <@Souma> 3:00 P.M. PDT 26th or 2:00 P.M. PDT 27th
[16:43] <@Souma> Elem you stayed up past 3:00 A.M. almost every fucking day the past week.
[16:43] <rlentless> this is the LoL game?
[16:43] <@Souma> don't tell me about 'lame times'
[16:43] <Elementaryschool> uh
[16:43] <WreakHavoc> lmao
[16:43] <Elementaryschool> what
[16:43] <EchOne> lol am I hearing souma talk to someone else
[16:43] <rlentless> nvm
[16:43] <EchOne> about staying up late?
[16:43] <Elementaryschool> just cos im online
[16:44] <rlentless> nobody reads motd souma
[16:44] <Elementaryschool> doesnt mean
[16:44] <ecael> I really
[16:44] <Elementaryschool> im at the computer
[16:44] <ecael> don't want to agree to time change
[16:44] <Elementaryschool> i have irc on almost all the bloody time
[16:44] <WreakHavoc> lol
[16:44] <Sentenal> i dont like any of those times. sunday is impossible, the saturday one would mean that i'd have to not go out that day like i normally do :/
[16:44] <WreakHavoc> whats the current time and whats the proposed time
[16:44] <EchOne> idc I just want a time where all my players can play
[16:44] <@Souma> well the time was never confirmed at 2:00 P.M.
[16:44] <@Souma> I just shot it out there to see if people could make it
[16:44] <@Souma> but one of West won't be back until at least 2:30
01[16:44] <Anelace> [16:44] <EchOne> idc I just want a time where all my players can play
01[16:44] <Anelace> good luck with that lol
01[16:45] <Anelace> getting ten people together is tuff
[16:45] <ecael> yeah it is going to be even harder with league than dota
01[16:45] <Anelace> at least with bw you could postpone
[16:45] <ecael> because we have so many active dodgers
[16:45] <ecael> lol
[16:45] <EchOne> dota had people from hawaii and europe
[16:45] <EchOne> if we can't fuckin arrange league then we all fail
[16:45] <@Souma> anyway it's an hour difference, or the same time but the day after
[16:45] <@Souma> Elem agreed to 2:00 P.M. PDT last time
[16:45] <@Souma> I don't see why he can't do it on the 27th
[16:46] <@Souma> but w/e
[16:46] <Elementaryschool> ?
[16:46] <Elementaryschool> you said 3pm "possibly"
[16:46] <Elementaryschool> and implied the current time was 4pm
[16:46] <EchOne> anyone have caller's number? is he still at the gym? he needs to know we have a session in 15 minutes
[16:46] <@Souma> ??
[16:46] <Elementaryschool> [00:36:33] <@Souma> if it was okay if we pushed the game back an hour to 3:00 P.M. PDT
[16:46] <@Souma> yes
[16:47] <@Souma> [15:42:55] <Souma> there are two choices [15:43:12] <Souma> 3:00 P.M. PDT 26th or 2:00 P.M. PDT 27th
[16:47] <@Souma> can possibly even do 1:00 P.M. PDT 27th
[16:47] <Elementaryschool> thats not back an hour to 3
[16:47] <@Souma> but that's just a 'possible'
[16:47] <EchOne> wait this is because a west player doesn't come back till 230 pm pdt?
[16:47] <@Souma> what do you mean that's not back an hour Elem?
[16:47] <ecael> it was suggested at 2pm
[16:47] <ecael> pushed back one hour
[16:47] <ecael> to 3
[16:47] <@Souma> yes
[16:47] <ecael> ??
[16:47] <@Souma> exactly.
[16:47] <Elementaryschool> thats
[16:47] <Elementaryschool> forwards
[16:47] <Elementaryschool> an hour
[16:47] <@Souma> FUCKING
[16:47] <Elementaryschool> ???
[16:47] <@Souma> EUROS
[16:47] <@Souma> GET OUTTA HERE
[16:47] <Elementaryschool> fucking americans
[16:47] <csheep> [18:47] <EchOne> wait this is because a west player doesn't come back till 230 pm pdt?
[16:47] <EchOne> lol
[16:47] <EchOne> words
[16:47] <ecael> ...huh?
[16:48] <csheep> why dont we have it
[16:48] <csheep> at
[16:48] <csheep> 12pm
[16:48] <EchOne> ^
[16:48] <csheep> and fuck the west guy
[16:48] <csheep> ?
[16:48] <@Souma> ?
[16:48] <@Souma> fuck you
[16:48] <csheep> lol west coast tryign to rig league too
[16:48] <EchOne> I think we should have it in like 11am pdt, so that we can all actually go out and do shit on saturday
[16:48] <csheep> by rigging times
[16:48] <csheep> so our plyaers cant play
[16:48] <@Souma> rigging LOL
[16:48] <EchOne> instead of fuckin staying at home playing league of legends
[16:48] <@Souma> we catered to your asses in DotA2
[16:48] <@Souma> shut the fuck up cheep
[16:48] <csheep> lol west coast
[16:48] <@Souma> you don't even know what you're talking about.
[16:48] <csheep> lol west coast
[16:48] <@Souma> echo that's impossible
[16:48] <@Souma> now
[16:48] <@Souma> can you guys do Sunday or what?
[16:48] <@Souma> go out on Saturday if you want
[16:48] <@Souma> just play the game on Sunday
[16:49] <csheep> why do you get to pick the time
[16:49] <csheep> why dont we pick the time
[16:49] <EchOne> lol
[16:49] <EchOne> 2pm sunday is suboptimal
[16:49] <@Souma> uh because I had to cater to your players for DotA2
[16:49] <@Souma> why do you think kupon didn't play?
[16:49] <@Souma> dumb shit.
[16:49] <@Souma> shut the fuck up and listen for once
[16:49] <@Souma> god damn cheep
[16:49] <Elementaryschool> whatever
[16:49] <Sentenal> sunday is impossible for me, if its saturday at like 2 or 3pm est i can play then
[16:49] <Elementaryschool> just hold your fucking game at 5pm or whatever
[16:49] <Elementaryschool> i'll just not play, goodnight
02[16:49] * Elementaryschool (~Elementar@Rizon-353BB4F0.bredband.comhem.se) Quit
[16:49] <Sentenal> later than that, fuck west coast for being uncooperative
[16:50] <@Souma> I already said 3:00 P.M. Saturday
[16:50] <Sentenal> pst
[16:50] <@Souma> oh est
[16:50] <@Souma> lol now WE'RE the uncooperative ones?
[16:50] <Sentenal> yes
[16:50] <@Souma> you give us a time and we have to follow?
[16:50] <@Souma> fuck you.
[16:50] <EchOne> lolwat
[16:50] <csheep> thats wha tyou're doing?
[16:50] <EchOne> isn't that what
[16:50] <EchOne> you're doing
[16:50] <Sentenal> thats exactly what you are doing to us
01[16:50] <Anelace> this whole event
01[16:50] <Anelace> is such a clusterfuck lol
[16:51] <Sentenal> lol
[16:51] <EchOne> ok let's step back, are weeknights out for everyone?
[16:51] <Sentenal> no
[16:51] <Sentenal> any week night other than friday im 100
[16:51] <Sentenal> % free
[16:51] <@Souma> yeah you know what
[16:51] <@Souma> I shoulda said fuck the euros for dota2
[16:51] <@Souma> and just picked a timef or west coast
[16:51] <@Souma> that way we coulda had a full lineup
[16:51] <Sentenal> wahhhh wahhh
[16:51] <Sentenal> cry more
[16:51] <ecael> and the same thing would happen
04[16:51] <WreakHavoc> spazer
[16:51] <WreakHavoc> PLS
[16:51] <@Souma> you're the ones crying
[16:51] <ecael> because we'd have no players for east
[16:51] <ecael> lol
[16:51] <ecael> anyway
01[16:51] <Anelace> can't you guys even come up with decent drama
[16:51] <@Souma> we already gave you cooperation in dota2
[16:51] <@Souma> and now you won't cooperate with us for league?
[16:51] <ecael> I can't guarantee anything weekday for myself
[16:51] <@Souma> lmao
[16:51] <WreakHavoc> what if
[16:51] <WreakHavoc> milkis killed the event
[16:51] <WreakHavoc> canwe spin something out of that
01[16:51] <Anelace> yeah that sounds good wreak
[16:51] <ap0calypse> before the end of this event theres gonna be tladt-east and tladt-west chatrooms
[16:51] <ecael> milkis killed it by refusing to play for east
01[16:51] <Anelace> I got a pretty good laugh out of that last time
[16:51] <EchOne> wreak does that mean we're esports now
[16:51] <ap0calypse> fucking mobas are killing this channel
[16:51] <ecael> making us have to play with euros
[16:51] <ecael> ;;
[16:51] <Sentenal> playing at like 11 or 12 pst on saturday wont cut into any of your schedules
[16:51] <csheep> milkis ;;
[16:51] <@Souma> ???
[16:51] <Sentenal> playing at like 5 or 6 est will cut into ours
[16:52] <@Souma> CHOCO HAS WORK
[16:52] <@Souma> ON SATURDAY
[16:52] <Sentenal> fuck him
[16:52] <@Souma> WON'T BE BACK TILL 2:30 AT LEAST
[16:52] <Sentenal> hes a vegan
[16:52] <csheep> wait
[16:52] <csheep> wait wait wait
[16:52] <Sentenal> so basically
[16:52] <@Souma> he actually has to do shit
[16:52] <EchOne> lol guys calm down
[16:52] <csheep> choc ois a vegan
[16:52] <csheep> seriously?
[16:52] <csheep> ????
[16:52] <Sentenal> you are catering the whole thing
[16:52] <ecael> yeah
[16:52] <csheep> hold on this is important
[16:52] <Sentenal> around choco?
[16:52] <csheep> CHOCO IS A VEGAN?
[16:52] <@Souma> ???
[16:52] <@Souma> we catered to you in dota2
[16:52] <Sentenal> fuck him, if he cant play, get someone else
[16:52] <@Souma> surely
[16:52] <@Souma> SURELY
[16:52] <ecael> that's what he said
[16:52] <ecael> lol
[16:52] <@Souma> we can get something for League
[16:52] <csheep> wtf fking choco
[16:52] <csheep> a vegan
[16:52] <csheep> damn
[16:52] <WreakHavoc> you didnt know
[16:52] <csheep> no i didnt
03[16:52] * Added csheep!*@* to ignore list
[16:52] <WreakHavoc> hes hardcore man
[16:52] <EchOne> csheep eca znf you guys can all do 3pm edt right? we just need to find a 5th for top
01[16:53] <Anelace> jesus this event filling up my ignore list real quick
[16:53] <@Souma> no
[16:53] <@Souma> we are not doing 3PM EDT
[16:53] <EchOne> er 6pm sorry
[16:53] <ecael> he means pdt
[16:53] <ecael> lol
[16:53] <EchOne> or 5 pm w/e
[16:53] <Sentenal> so basically, souma is saying "fuck all of our saturday schedules and plans, we want to cater to a single vegan, suck it"
04[16:53] <WreakHavoc> spazer
[16:53] <WreakHavoc> r u doing teh smash bit
01[16:53] <Anelace> no lol
[16:53] <ecael> sent
01[16:53] <Anelace> I want no part of this
[16:53] <ecael> stop it
[16:53] <EchOne> well technically this time is denying almost 3 of our players from playing lol
[16:53] <@Souma> Sent what you're basically saying is "West needs to go with whatever time the East wants for every single game."
[16:53] <WreakHavoc> ic
[16:54] <Sentenal> for a single fucking player on your side
[16:54] <@Souma> CS:GO was delayed because nagi had to go to a fucking wedding
[16:54] <Sentenal> you are forcing a time
[16:54] <@Souma> and a birthday
[16:54] <@Souma> and that's why League was moved up
[16:54] <Sentenal> that is bad for like 3 of our guys
[16:54] <@Souma> and now it's our fault
[16:54] <@Souma> lmao.
[16:54] <Sentenal> fuck choco, get someone else
[16:54] <Sentenal> if hes the only reason you cant play then
[16:54] <WreakHavoc> cheep
https://scontent-a-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/t1.0-9/p417x417/48_516547243231_7444_n.jpg[16:54] <WreakHavoc> how is he not hardcore
[16:55] <Sentenal> seriously, fucking over like of us for 1 person
[16:55] <@Souma> ils had to cater to Echo and play at 7, rlentless had to wait for wala to stop dojing the entire weekend
[16:55] <Sentenal> is hardly cooperative
02[16:55] * Maxie (Maxie@Rizon-85D26762.cust.telenor.se) Quit
[16:55] <@Souma> dota2 fucked over half our team so we could cater to the west
[16:55] <@Souma> to the east*
[16:55] <EchOne> wat
[16:55] <@Souma> and now for League we have to go with what you want AGAIN
[16:55] <EchOne> souma I didn't see any catering, he just suggested a time
[16:55] <EchOne> lemme reread the PMs
[16:55] <WreakHavoc> yes
[16:55] <WreakHavoc> albeit a really old photo LOL
[16:55] <WreakHavoc> yeah
[16:55] <WreakHavoc> dude
[16:55] <WreakHavoc> hes G
[16:55] <WreakHavoc> pls
[16:56] <WreakHavoc> uhhh
[16:56] <znf> uhhh
[16:56] <znf> we playing lol?
[16:56] <ap0calypse> holy shit choco is g as fuck
[16:56] <WreakHavoc> its from 06
[16:56] <Sentenal> "We plan on focusing on one game a week so that we can adhere to everyone's schedule."
[16:56] <Sentenal> so edit that out
[16:56] <WreakHavoc> dat pistol in his
[16:56] <WreakHavoc> pants
[16:56] <WreakHavoc> so good
01[16:56] <Anelace> znf pls
[16:56] <Sentenal> since you arent actually adhereing to everyone's schedule
01[16:56] <Anelace> we're busy having a drama moment
[16:56] <Sentenal> take that out of the OP pls souma
[16:56] <WreakHavoc> dude
[16:56] <@Souma> Sure, since you guys are fucking selfish faggots
[16:56] <WreakHavoc> hes got a pistol in there
[16:56] <znf> oh there's drama?
[16:56] <znf> wut happened?
[16:56] <@Souma> who expect us to do everything for you.
[16:56] <znf> o_O
01[16:56] <Anelace> geez man
[16:56] <znf> oh
[16:56] <ecael> do you count this as drama?
[16:56] <ecael> lol
01[16:56] <Anelace> can't you read the mood!?
[16:56] <znf> no
01[16:56] <Anelace> well eca
01[16:56] <Anelace> it's better than wa2
01[16:57] <Anelace> it's true that this isn't nearly as funny as the sc2 stuff though
[16:57] <znf> T__T; i'm sorry
[16:57] <ap0calypse> cant play wreak ;;
04[16:57] <ecael> fair enough spazer
[16:57] <nagisama> ?
[16:57] <nagisama> what's going on?
[16:57] <Sentenal> souma apparently doesnt know what "adhering to everyone's schedule" means
[16:57] <WreakHavoc> but
04[16:57] <WreakHavoc> spazer
[16:57] <ecael> sent can you stop it for a bit
[16:57] <WreakHavoc> will bigfan like it?!
[16:57] <EchOne> -.- lol guys please
[16:57] <EchOne> let's talk about this in a civil manner
[16:57] <WreakHavoc> if he doesnt is it really better than wa2
[16:57] <EchOne> not an antagonistic one
[16:57] <ecael> lol
[16:57] <@Souma> once again we are not budging on our time, if you can't cooperate with us this time when Choco and kupon were unable to play dota2 since we had to cater to the euros
[16:57] <@Souma> then fuck you
[16:57] <@Souma> period
01[16:57] <Anelace> [16:57] <EchOne> let's talk about this in a civil manner
01[16:57] <Anelace> [16:57] <EchOne> not an antagonistic one
01[16:57] <Anelace> pls
[16:57] <@Souma> West Coast will NOT get the short end of the stick again
[16:57] <@Souma> I am putting my foot down.
[16:57] <@Souma> take it or leave it.
[16:57] <WreakHavoc> somewhere in missouri kaal has his hands over his keyboard/mouse
[16:57] <WreakHavoc> ready to ban us all
[16:57] <Sentenal> so west coast is forfeiting
[16:57] <Sentenal> cool
01[16:57] <Anelace> remember when sent was in charge of drtl? almost ended in you guys not playing at all lawl
[16:57] <@Souma> no
[16:58] <@Souma> you are forfeiting
[16:58] <ecael> lol
[16:58] <Sentenal> nah, you are the one saying fuck 3 guys in favor of 1
[16:58] <@Kaal> i am not in missouri
[16:58] <@Kaal> do i have a clone
[16:58] <WreakHavoc> er
[16:58] <WreakHavoc> saint louis ?
[16:58] <WreakHavoc> oh
[16:58] <@Souma> I've given you two times, we can even do it later at night on Saturday if oyu want since Elem isn't playing
[16:58] <WreakHavoc> not moulin rouge
[16:58] <WreakHavoc> uh
[16:58] <WreakHavoc> baton
[16:58] <@Kaal> yea
[16:58] <@Kaal> I am in moulin rouge.
[16:58] <WreakHavoc>

[16:58] <@Kaal> xD
[16:58] <WreakHavoc> i got it
[16:58] <WreakHavoc> a second later
[16:58] <@Souma> If you rather do something late Saturday night we can do that too
[16:59] <WreakHavoc> pls
[16:59] <@Souma> or late Sunday night
[16:59] <@Kaal> no not for another month
[16:59] <WreakHavoc> i know where you live
01[16:59] <Anelace> lol are you serious sent
01[16:59] <Anelace> er
01[16:59] <Anelace> kaal
01[16:59] <Anelace> :|
[16:59] <@Kaal> i live in baton rouge lol
[16:59] <ap0calypse> i remember when this event was supposed to be a fun thing
[16:59] <@Kaal> I was looking for a place
[16:59] <WreakHavoc> he does
[16:59] <WreakHavoc> in SL
[16:59] <@Kaal> and found a place
01[16:59] <Anelace> pls apoc, this was inevitable
[16:59] <ecael> silly apoc
[16:59] <@Kaal> but not available until may 9 so
[16:59] <WreakHavoc> lol ap0c youre nuts
[16:59] <ap0calypse> lmao
[16:59] <Sentenal> i do too, apoc, then souma decided to try and fuck us over for a single vegan
[16:59] <ecael> ok sent
[16:59] <@Souma> LOL
[16:59] <ecael> fucking stop it
06[16:59] * Anelace whistles
[16:59] <@Souma> LOOOL
[16:59] <@Souma> Okay Sent it's all on us
[17:00] <EchOne> this would all be solved
[17:00] <EchOne> if uta could commit to play for us
[17:00] <@Souma> not even argue anymore on such a petty issue.
01[17:00] <Anelace> pls
01[17:00] <Anelace> uta wants no part of this either lol
[17:00] <@Souma> gonna argue*
[17:00] <blahz0r> ok no more cleaning
[17:00] <@Souma> anyway
[17:00] <blahz0r> time for games again :O
[17:00] <rlentless> bro
[17:00] <@Souma> Saturday any time from 3 PM PDT onwards is fine, can be late at night or w/e
[17:00] <rlentless> 30 mins ago i stopped studying to play games
[17:00] <@Souma> or Sunday from 1:00 P.M.
[17:00] <rlentless> and i didn't do crap and now im back to studying
[17:01] <Sentenal> so cooperative, gotta cater to a single west guy
[17:01] <ecael> sent can you fucking stop
[17:01] <@Souma> lmao
[17:01] <@Kaal> why dont you guys just ask everyone whos playing when they cant play
[17:01] <blahz0r> ya you tell him ecael senpai
[17:01] <@Kaal> rol
[17:01] <WreakHavoc>
did we ever
[17:01] <@Souma> that's what I've tried Kaal
[17:01] <@Souma> and then Choco said
[17:01] <WreakHavoc> have a l4d2 stack ?
[17:01] <@Souma> he's gonna be at least 30 minutes late
[17:01] <EchOne> well we can access that information kaal, we just create an impasse as you see here
[17:01] <@Souma> just 30 minutes
[17:01] <@Souma> and now everything is going to shit
[17:01] <EchOne> where people have conflicts
[17:01] <@Souma> well
01[17:01] <Anelace> dun think so wreaku
[17:01] <@Souma> just an hour
[17:01] <@Souma> to be safe.
[17:01] <blahz0r> l4d2 is hard man
[17:01] <@Souma> just one fucking hour and Elem throws a hissy fit
[17:01] <@Kaal> l4d2 2 boring
[17:01] <ecael> saturday
[17:02] <ecael> for choco
[17:02] <@Souma> because he can't sacrifice one hour of his life
01[17:02] <Anelace> pretty sure a bunch of people dl'd it then never touched it again
[17:02] <@Kaal> elem lives in europe
[17:02] <@Kaal> lol
[17:02] <@Souma> when he's always on past 3 A.M. civing anyway.
[17:02] <WreakHavoc> ahh ic
[17:02] <Sentenal> so all this is over souma forcing choco's schedule on everyone else
[17:02] <ecael> ok sent can you drop it already
[17:02] <ecael> we got it
01[17:02] <Anelace> CHILLIN WHY
[17:02] <ecael> now stop
[17:02] <@Souma> is this Choco forcing his schedule one veryone else or is this Elem forcing his schedule on everyone else?
[17:02] <@Souma> because Elem's the one throwing the hissy fit
[17:02] <ap0calypse> sent sure likes making people mad LOL
[17:02] <EchOne> lol ap0c
[17:02] <@Souma> when all he had to do was be here one hour later.
[17:02] <Sentenal> fuck elem too
[17:02] <Sentenal> if he cant agree on a time
[17:02] <ecael> let's just play
[17:02] <ecael> 4v4
[17:02] <@Kaal> lol.
[17:02] <ecael> then
[17:02] <Sentenal> he can sit out
[17:02] <EchOne> aight 4v4
[17:03] <@Souma> lol
01[17:03] <Anelace> you shoulda known that already apoc
[17:03] <EchOne> gdi where's caller
[17:03] <WreakHavoc> anything else good come out of
[17:03] <WreakHavoc> PAX east ?
[17:03] <ap0calypse> i did but i thought it would be more subtle
[17:03] <znf> [18:59] <ap0calypse> i remember when this event was supposed to be a fun thing
01[17:03] <Anelace> he ain't subtle
[17:03] <znf> dude ap0c
[17:03] <@Kaal> a new enemy starfighter trailer
[17:03] <znf> the moment I said
[17:03] <@Kaal> wreak
[17:03] <znf> "let's have fun"
01[17:03] <Anelace> he's ANYTHING but subtle
[17:03] <znf> someone said
[17:03] <WreakHavoc> ohh
[17:03] <WreakHavoc> ic
[17:03] <ap0calypse> this is some mother-tier passive aggressiveness
[17:03] <znf> "no fk you if we play we're WINNING THIS SHIT"
[17:03] <@Souma> eca
[17:03] <ecael> even znf is more cynical now
[17:03] <znf> and went super hardcore ;_;
[17:03] <ap0calypse> LOL souma
[17:03] <@Souma> how's Friday night for you guys?
[17:03] <EchOne> lol znf
[17:03] <ap0calypse> errr lol znf*
[17:03] <Caller> echo sry im in the middle of something
01[17:03] <Anelace> nooooo chillin
[17:04] <EchOne> eca znf has always been getting more and more cynical
01[17:04] <Anelace> ;;
[17:04] <znf> uhhh in any case
[17:04] <znf> I'm down for whenever
[17:04] <blahz0r> cheep youre already gonna quit in a 5v5 anyways
[17:04] <znf> souma seems really mad but it seems like he has good reason
[17:04] <blahz0r> you know why?
[17:04] <znf> let's just do something later
[17:04] <znf> ;__;
[17:04] <EchOne> ~.~ ic, caller will you be done in the near future tonight?
04[17:04] <ap0calypse> is chillin out spazer ;;
[17:04] <ecael> idk about any weekdays for myself souma
02[17:04] * popo (popo@Rizon-6763D915.resnet.ucla.edu) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[17:04] <blahz0r> cuz someone will take your "fucking blue buff"
[17:04] <znf> we can be hardcore about winning
[17:04] <Caller> give me like 5 misn to throw this game
[17:04] <znf> but let's be nice
[17:04] <znf> and civil
[17:04] <znf> and love each other
[17:04] <znf> ;_;
[17:04] <blahz0r> and you must have that "fucking blue buff"
[17:04] <znf> like a nice happy family
[17:04] <ecael> I might randomly have to stay at work till 12
[17:04] <znf> ;___;
[17:04] <znf> pls
[17:04] <WreakHavoc> LOL
[17:04] <WreakHavoc> blahz0r pls
[17:04] <EchOne> znf idk what kind of family life you have
[17:04] <Sentenal> what time friday
[17:04] <@Souma> mmm so weekend only?
[17:04] <EchOne> but I've never been as mad at human beings as I've been towards my family lol
[17:04] <blahz0r> milkis do you wanna train
[17:04] <ap0calypse> at this point its obvious tladt cant do competitive things
[17:04] <znf> oh that's true echo
01[17:04] <Anelace> uhh I think that was winners?
[17:04] <znf> -3-
[17:04] <ap0calypse> we should just stick to secret santa
[17:04] <@Harukakka> amusingly blue buff is no longer something to be mad over imo
01[17:04] <Anelace> so not out yet
[17:04] <@Harukakka> not like when i was kassadin and ppl stole my blue buff
[17:04] <znf> lol ap0c
[17:04] <znf> xD
[17:04] <@Harukakka> :|
[17:04] <ecael> lol
[17:05] <ecael> gg
01[17:05] <Anelace> ya it's just something to be blue about rite
[17:05] <EchOne> .
[17:05] <blahz0r> ya go quit southlight
[17:05] <ap0calypse> i thought winners was pp/hax?
[17:05] <blahz0r> just because someone took your fucking blue buff
[17:05] <Milkis> train for what
[17:05] <blahz0r> go waste 4 other peoples time
01[17:05] <Anelace> idk apoc
01[17:05] <Anelace> I DON'T HAVE A BRACKET
[17:05] <@Harukakka> the reverse way of looking at it
[17:05] <ap0calypse> ;;;;;;;;
01[17:05] <Anelace> ;;;;;;;
[17:05] <blahz0r> even though you dont need da fucking blue buff
[17:05] <@Harukakka> is that whoever stole the blue buff wasted the other 4 ppls' time
[17:05] <@Harukakka> at least when i was carrying with kass
[17:05] <@Souma> well anyway, 26th any time past 3:00 P.M. PDT or 27th any time past let's say noon PDT then. If you guys can make it work eca let me know, if you can't then we'll figure something else out.
[17:05] <ecael> mfw
[17:05] <ecael> lol
[17:05] <@Harukakka> but the new blue
[17:05] <@Harukakka> is pretty shit
[17:05] <ecael> well they've been nerfing it
[17:05] <ecael> for like
[17:06] <ecael> 3 years
[17:06] <Milkis> what am i training for
[17:06] <znf> good job roffles
[17:06] <@Souma> CS:GO Milkis.
[17:06] <WreakHavoc> good ol roffles
[17:06] <@Souma> 26th is Sat
[17:06] <znf> milkis is playing cs:go?
[17:06] <znf> o_O
01[17:06] <Anelace> this commentary by soft _-_
[17:06] <Milkis> isnt souma just going to play on my account
[17:06] <Milkis> and pretend it's me
[17:06] <znf> lol
[17:06] <Milkis> and just kill znf over and over again
[17:06] <ap0calypse> yo echo you here?
[17:06] <@Souma> Milkis top frags hard, znf.
[17:06] <@Souma> didn't you know?
[17:06] <ecael> 26th will probably be impossible unless we can get uta or wala
[17:06] <EchOne> sup ap0c
[17:06] <znf> no I didn't souma

[17:06] <znf> I didn't know he played csgo
[17:06] <ap0calypse> you guys figure out what you're doing for lunch?
[17:06] <EchOne> eca we have no other options?
[17:07] <EchOne> last I heard was tofu
[17:07] <ap0calypse> just so i know what time you guys are prolly gonna show up
[17:07] <znf> we can get wala
04[17:07] <blahz0r> spazer
[17:07] <znf> what are you guys talking about?
[17:07] <EchOne> also flight arrival is sposd to be 1030 actually
[17:07] <EchOne> znf wala said "I might be out of town"
[17:07] <ecael> wala dodging us pretty actively
[17:07] <@Souma> Sunday is impossible period? Can't even do it at night?
[17:07] <EchOne> which is like "pls"
[17:07] <blahz0r> can you code a program that informs us when its cheep vs roffles
[17:07] <znf> ooooh
[17:07] <ap0calypse> holy shit 1030
[17:07] <znf> well
[17:07] <@Souma> cheep: We were supposed to but nagi said he had a birthday to attend to
[17:07] <znf> I thought you were talking about yesterday
[17:07] <blahz0r> id paid
[17:07] <EchOne> nah eca I got wala to say he'll... play ... I think?
01[17:07] <Anelace> fuck that too toxic
[17:07] <@Souma> see
[17:07] <znf> wala said he wanted to dodge because he thought lol was going to be played yesterday
[17:07] <znf> lol
[17:07] <@Souma> the West knows how to cooperate
[17:07] <EchOne> we should really try to get a more reliable 5th though
[17:07] <@Souma> so don't give me that bullshit.
[17:07] <blahz0r> err pay
[17:07] <EchOne> like the fact
[17:07] <EchOne> that wala didn't know
04[17:07] * ap0calypse is now known as apoc-hw
[17:07] <EchOne> wtf was happening yesterday
[17:07] <EchOne> is kinda sketch
[17:07] <apoc-hw> i agree with cheep
[17:07] <znf> let's
[17:07] <znf> attack
[17:08] <@Souma> echo
[17:08] <znf> :3
[17:08] <@Souma> I think you just
[17:08] <@Souma> needa to go Seki's place
[17:08] <@Souma> and give him a blowjob.
[17:08] <@Souma> pls.
[17:08] <EchOne> ..
[17:08] <znf> ROFL
[17:08] <znf> wut
[17:08] <ecael> solves all issues
[17:08] <Sentenal> stop trying to force uta to play
[17:08] <@Harukakka> lmao eca
http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=42885468[17:08] <znf> oh no
[17:08] <znf> here we go
[17:08] <Sentenal> if he doesnt want to play, then leave him alone
[17:08] <@Harukakka> sennyuu plz
[17:08] <apoc-hw> can we please just quit the rest of the matches
[17:08] <znf> that would make sense
[17:08] <WreakHavoc> dat album so good
[17:08] <znf> then we can have someone carrying us
[17:08] <ecael> can we just say the league match can't happen and ignore it
[17:08] <apoc-hw> and decide it on a mario party 7 game
[17:08] <znf> from top lane
[17:08] <znf> and carrying from the bot
[17:08] <ecael> and ignote csg too
[17:08] <znf> while mid and jungle tag along
[17:08] <znf>

[17:08] <ecael> so you people can play smash
[17:08] <@Souma> lol
[17:08] <WreakHavoc> kaal would totally like it maybe
[17:09] <@Kaal> ?
[17:09] <ecael> like what it was supposed to be about originally
[17:09] <@Souma> if we ignore it then East gets 2 out of 3 and they won't play Smash
[17:09] <WreakHavoc> [16:08] <@Harukakka> lmao eca
http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=42885468[17:09] <@Harukakka> for ecael/caller
http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=42886316[17:09] <Sentenal> wait there is a chance we wont play melee?
[17:09] <ecael> fuck you uta
[17:09] <Sentenal> i thought we would play the whole thing out
[17:09] <apoc-hw> not playing smash isnt too big of a deal
[17:09] <EchOne> lol cmon like... we all like playing melee here, even outside this we'd play melee regardless for fun, I hope
[17:09] <apoc-hw> since we can all just play each other anyways
[17:09] <ecael> well at this rate playing anything at all is hard
[17:09] <ecael> ~
[17:10] <@Souma> yeah Echo
01[17:10] <Anelace> yeah when I wanna play I just ask lol
[17:10] <@Souma> you guys should just play it anyway for fun
03[17:10] * popo (popo@Rizon-6763D915.resnet.ucla.edu) has joined #tladt
01[17:10] <Anelace> hence why I'm not doing this shit anyways
[17:10] <@Souma> but as for as this whole thing goes I'm not sure people would want to play if East is already up 3.
[17:10] <@Souma> as far as*
[17:10] <@Souma> not really I don't give a shit, gl trying to make people play if they don't want to
[17:10] <EchOne> wanna just call off the event then? like we already play league and melee together, and I'm sure the csgo people play csgo together
[17:10] <@Souma> you're already having a problem with Seki
[17:11] <@Souma> no I'm talking about
[17:11] <blahz0r> guys wanna play a game of 4+teemo v 5?
[17:11] <apoc-hw> i have no problems with echo's prop
[17:11] <@Souma> I'm talking about if east is up 3-0
[17:11] <@Souma> then gl trying to get west coast to play the rest out
[17:11] <@Souma> and no one would care
01[17:11] <Anelace> kinky apoc
[17:11] <@Souma> because once it's 3-0
[17:11] <@Souma> then it's like w/e
[17:11] <@Souma> east wins
[17:11] <@Souma> congrats
[17:11] <ecael> anyway ummm
[17:11] <@Souma> etc.
[17:11] <ecael> the sunday times
[17:11] <ecael> you people can do from noon an on
[17:12] <ecael> for 27th?
04[17:12] <blahz0r> oh wow spazer
[17:12] <rlentless> play all the games souma
[17:12] <rlentless> whatever
[17:12] <blahz0r> getting +eggs today
[17:12] <@Souma> yeah eca.
[17:12] <@Souma> I don't mind rlentless
[17:12] <blahz0r> ocean of heaven wee
01[17:12] <Anelace> lol
[17:12] <ecael> that probably has the most potential
[17:12] <@Souma> the problem is the others being motivated enough to care
[17:12] <EchOne> I'd rather do earlier so I have to do cooking, errands, chores, and dm prep
[17:12] <EchOne> time to*
[17:12] <EchOne> but if that's the only option then I can play
[17:12] <@Kaal> this
[17:12] <ecael> when elem stops being a bitch and gets back on someone poke him about that noon time
[17:12] <@Kaal> 4 minute baserace
[17:12] <@Kaal> from CLB vs CA
[17:12] <@Kaal> jesus christ
[17:12] <ecael> and if not we tap into sketchland
[17:12] <blahz0r> what is CLB vs CA
[17:12] <@Souma> I'll have to reconfirm with west coast though 'cause we didn't suggest noon yet
[17:12] <@Kaal> challenger series game
[17:12] <@Souma> but it should be okay
[17:13] <@Souma> problem is kupon really
[17:13] <@Kaal> tier 3 half hp at 4:30
[17:13] <@Souma> dunno what kupon's sched is like and he doesn't read thread topic or anything
[17:13] <blahz0r> is this moba or inferiormoba
[17:13] <ecael> at this rate let's just
[17:13] <EchOne> eca can we ask like caller, zow, kibibit, tonight, etc?
[17:13] <ecael> go with cheep's suggestion
[17:13] <ecael> and schedule it at retarded time
[17:13] <@Souma> what was cheep's suggestion?
[17:13] <@Souma> what's retarded time?
[17:13] <@Souma> like late night?
[17:13] <ecael> to see who has the most people showing up
[17:13] <EchOne> lol that's not a real suggestion
[17:13] <Kibibit> my back is yelling at me tonight yo
[17:13] <@Kaal> ya i know
[17:14] <EchOne> it's either, we get this to work and play, or we just call the whole thing a wash
01[17:14] <Anelace> well tape your back's mouth shut
[17:14] <nagisama>
https://scontent-b-lga.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/t1.0-9/10007477_10152406918977518_1776759049513239072_n.jpg01[17:14] <Anelace> can't tell if cloud or just really bad focusing
[17:14] <@Kaal> lol
[17:14] <ecael> sometimes inhib pressure
[17:14] <ecael> yeah
[17:15] <apoc-hw> that'd be the stupidest looking cloud ive ever seen
[17:15] <ecael> anyway souma, far as our preferences goes
[17:15] <ecael> it is probably as early on weekends as possible
[17:15] <rlentless> lol ap0c
01[17:15] <Anelace> well there's still
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lenticular_cloud[17:16] <rlentless> those are mamatus clouds
[17:16] <@Souma> I can talk to my time about noon PDT on Sunday.
[17:16] <@Souma> talk to my team*
[17:16] <rlentless> mammatus
[17:16] <apoc-hw> thank god i've never seen one in person
[17:16] <ecael> cheep it wasn't coming remotely close to before noon
[17:16] <ecael> >>
04[17:16] <apoc-hw> lol spazer
[17:16] <EchOne> before noon for east is like before 9am for west
[17:16] <ecael> lol
[17:17] <EchOne> pls
[17:17] <apoc-hw> dis nigga
[17:17] <EchOne> dat manupsmash
[17:17] <@Kaal> psh
[17:17] <@Souma> So... noon PDT/3 EDT 27th? Is that what I needa tell my team?
...and so on