[wow] Warlords of Draenor - Page 164
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China6326 Posts
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Australia12814 Posts
On September 27 2014 14:35 deth2munkies wrote: Added everyone in this thread. Shooting for around 7:30-8PM CDT (GMT -5, rough estimate being 5-8 in the morning in Australia) start, but I'm going to be on for most of the afternoon and evening tomorrow so I'm flexible. I'll either be watching the dreamhack sc2 grandfinals, or be asleep. Sorry :\ | ||
United States24579 Posts
On September 27 2014 14:35 deth2munkies wrote: Added everyone in this thread. Shooting for around 7:30-8PM CDT (GMT -5, rough estimate being 5-8 in the morning in Australia) start, but I'm going to be on for most of the afternoon and evening tomorrow so I'm flexible. huhuhu | ||
Melbourne5338 Posts
On September 27 2014 14:35 deth2munkies wrote: Added everyone in this thread. Shooting for around 7:30-8PM CDT (GMT -5, rough estimate being 5-8 in the morning in Australia) start, but I'm going to be on for most of the afternoon and evening tomorrow so I'm flexible. That seems closer to 10am for australian east coast. I might be unavailable at that time finishing off cm golds around that time, but will be around before or after if needed. | ||
China6326 Posts
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Australia4315 Posts
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Netherlands21373 Posts
On September 27 2014 21:45 iPlaY.NettleS wrote: lol blizz giving out "free" lvl 90s now? Well at least that'll depress the market for people trying to sell their old toons.Suck eggs! WoD is aimed at former players. Its a logical choice to give those players a boost if you want to entice them back. Only disappointment I have is that you cant pay WoD without the boost for the old expansion price. And why would Blizzard give a damn about the character sell market when it is against the ToS lol. | ||
United Kingdom794 Posts
On September 27 2014 21:52 Gorsameth wrote: WoD is aimed at former players. Its a logical choice to give those players a boost if you want to entice them back. Only disappointment I have is that you cant pay WoD without the boost for the old expansion price. And why would Blizzard give a damn about the character sell market when it is against the ToS lol. I'm a little bit torn here...I didn't start playing WoW until a few weeks before WoTLK, and despite trying Cata and MoP, i've put less than say 30-40 hours into the two combined. That said, the first time levelling WoTLK and particularly the first tier while I was so new and then Ulduar raiding with a guild is without a doubt one of the best gaming experiences I've had. I don't have the time to commit to raiding like that again but it seems like there are now slightly more flexible ways of getting a decent challenge? That was my main issue other than raids the whole PvE experience was devoid of any challenge, and PvP isn't really for me. Still find myself tempted to try again on a casual basis with this expansion but need be able to have some stimulating gameplay. | ||
United States4051 Posts
On September 28 2014 05:24 Immersion_ wrote: I'm a little bit torn here...I didn't start playing WoW until a few weeks before WoTLK, and despite trying Cata and MoP, i've put less than say 30-40 hours into the two combined. That said, the first time levelling WoTLK and particularly the first tier while I was so new and then Ulduar raiding with a guild is without a doubt one of the best gaming experiences I've had. I don't have the time to commit to raiding like that again but it seems like there are now slightly more flexible ways of getting a decent challenge? That was my main issue other than raids the whole PvE experience was devoid of any challenge, and PvP isn't really for me. Still find myself tempted to try again on a casual basis with this expansion but need be able to have some stimulating gameplay. Challenge modes and proving grounds are both reasonably difficult, but raids are really where the PvE is at. | ||
Netherlands21373 Posts
On September 28 2014 05:24 Immersion_ wrote: I'm a little bit torn here...I didn't start playing WoW until a few weeks before WoTLK, and despite trying Cata and MoP, i've put less than say 30-40 hours into the two combined. That said, the first time levelling WoTLK and particularly the first tier while I was so new and then Ulduar raiding with a guild is without a doubt one of the best gaming experiences I've had. I don't have the time to commit to raiding like that again but it seems like there are now slightly more flexible ways of getting a decent challenge? That was my main issue other than raids the whole PvE experience was devoid of any challenge, and PvP isn't really for me. Still find myself tempted to try again on a casual basis with this expansion but need be able to have some stimulating gameplay. Realistically your not going to find a challenge outside of raiding with a dedicated guild. LFR is a way to get raids done without a guild but the challenge is not go insane from how dumb the other 24 people are. Challenge modes are maybe the challege your looking for with tighter turned 5 man's where you are scaled to a consistent gear level and then race against a clock.but it is not something you pug so you would need to find 4 others and personally i don't see it as something that keeps you playing for long. Once you got a good time on all of them there isn't anything left to do with them. | ||
United States2451 Posts
This was clearly a powerful dude, just as Mannoroth was, and Grom was able to defeat both using the demonic power (and of course by usual fantasy hierarchy, Grom was a named hero, not a grunt, therefore quite powerful for an orc). So why exactly was Mannoroth bested by these alternate universe orcs that did not drink of his blood? The only explanation given is the iron star that rolls into Mannoroth. Note that this was a weapon used against the raid in the Garrosh boss encounter. It was easy to avoid the direct damage, but even the blast of this thing hitting the end of the room did significant raidwide damage. That really stood out to me as the only thing that would make a huge difference. Otherwise, are we supposed to believe that these alternate reality orcs are stronger? After all, another important difference is raised by the trailer and story behind it. The orc invasion of Azeroth was supposed to have been initiated by Gul'dan and the demonic taint in the Orcs' blood (I don't know the specifics, but TL:DR, it's the demons' fault, or maybe that line if thought is faulty.). These alternate orcs set out to be conqueror's without drinking demon blood...why? I hope there is a reasonable explanation given at some point, part of a main quest line in WoW, and not something that's easily skipped if you start in Howling Fjord vs Borean Tundra, for example. Side note: now if I recall, Mannoroth did not actually have "divine" armor, as Cenarius did, but the in game stats were supplements which sometimes were really cool, but ultimately it wouldn't matter if there was a Kil'jaeden unit that did piercing damage. | ||
Netherlands21373 Posts
On September 28 2014 06:39 Ansinjunger wrote: We dont know if Grom could or could not kill Mannoroth without the demon blood. The blood more or less controlled him and until his redemption prevented him from trying to kill Mannoroth.So I've been thinking why was Grom able to kill Mannoroth, which was clearly meant to be similar to him killing Mannoroth in WC3. In WC3 he had Thrall's help, which may or may not have really mattered, but he was also empowered by drinking Mannoroth's blood. It always seemed that he was able to defeat Mannoroth with that power, just like he killed Cenarius. I still remember Cenarius' booming voice saying, "demon spawned wretches, you will all die!" on that level, and he proceeded to raze all your outlying bases with nothing you could do about it. Mannoroth also spoke of Cenarius as a worthy opponent in a cut scene. This was clearly a powerful dude, just as Mannoroth was, and Grom was able to defeat both using the demonic power (and of course by usual fantasy hierarchy, Grom was a named hero, not a grunt, therefore quite powerful for an orc). So why exactly was Mannoroth bested by these alternate universe orcs that did not drink of his blood? The only explanation given is the iron star that rolls into Mannoroth. Note that this was a weapon used against the raid in the Garrosh boss encounter. It was easy to avoid the direct damage, but even the blast of this thing hitting the end of the room did significant raidwide damage. That really stood out to me as the only thing that would make a huge difference. Otherwise, are we supposed to believe that these alternate reality orcs are stronger? After all, another important difference is raised by the trailer and story behind it. The orc invasion of Azeroth was supposed to have been initiated by Gul'dan and the demonic taint in the Orcs' blood (I don't know the specifics, but TL:DR, it's the demons' fault, or maybe that line if thought is faulty.). These alternate orcs set out to be conqueror's without drinking demon blood...why? I hope there is a reasonable explanation given at some point, part of a main quest line in WoW, and not something that's easily skipped if you start in Howling Fjord vs Borean Tundra, for example. Side note: now if I recall, Mannoroth did not actually have "divine" armor, as Cenarius did, but the in game stats were supplements which sometimes were really cool, but ultimately it wouldn't matter if there was a Kil'jaeden unit that did piercing damage. The iron star surely helped tho. But the main thing to take away from that scene is not the power of Grom but the way in which history tries to repeat itself. The similarity between Grom (almost) dying during the death of Mannoroth is no coincidence. Orcs have always been a warlike people demon blood or not so choosing conquest isnt illogical. The main change Gul'dan did was unite the orcish clans into the Horde with the aid of the Shadow council. The invasion of Azeroth was because the demons want to conquer Azeroth to gain access to the Well of Eternity and for it Gul'dan worked together with Medivh, who was possessed by Sargeras(leader of the Burning Legion) at the time. In WoD instead of Gul'dan the clans are united by Grom and Garrosh, the end result is pretty much the same and Garrosh helps with opening the portal to Azeroth because he is a sore loser. | ||
United States4051 Posts
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United States4051 Posts
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United States6994 Posts
On September 28 2014 06:39 Ansinjunger wrote: So I've been thinking why was Grom able to kill Mannoroth, which was clearly meant to be similar to him killing Mannoroth in WC3. In WC3 he had Thrall's help, which may or may not have really mattered, but he was also empowered by drinking Mannoroth's blood. It always seemed that he was able to defeat Mannoroth with that power, just like he killed Cenarius. I still remember Cenarius' booming voice saying, "demon spawned wretches, you will all die!" on that level, and he proceeded to raze all your outlying bases with nothing you could do about it. Mannoroth also spoke of Cenarius as a worthy opponent in a cut scene. This was clearly a powerful dude, just as Mannoroth was, and Grom was able to defeat both using the demonic power (and of course by usual fantasy hierarchy, Grom was a named hero, not a grunt, therefore quite powerful for an orc). So why exactly was Mannoroth bested by these alternate universe orcs that did not drink of his blood? The only explanation given is the iron star that rolls into Mannoroth. Note that this was a weapon used against the raid in the Garrosh boss encounter. It was easy to avoid the direct damage, but even the blast of this thing hitting the end of the room did significant raidwide damage. That really stood out to me as the only thing that would make a huge difference. Otherwise, are we supposed to believe that these alternate reality orcs are stronger? After all, another important difference is raised by the trailer and story behind it. The orc invasion of Azeroth was supposed to have been initiated by Gul'dan and the demonic taint in the Orcs' blood (I don't know the specifics, but TL:DR, it's the demons' fault, or maybe that line if thought is faulty.). These alternate orcs set out to be conqueror's without drinking demon blood...why? I hope there is a reasonable explanation given at some point, part of a main quest line in WoW, and not something that's easily skipped if you start in Howling Fjord vs Borean Tundra, for example. Side note: now if I recall, Mannoroth did not actually have "divine" armor, as Cenarius did, but the in game stats were supplements which sometimes were really cool, but ultimately it wouldn't matter if there was a Kil'jaeden unit that did piercing damage. Some things that Blizzard released answers some of those questions. I would recommend reading the short story they released called Hellscream. Basically, Kairoz chose this particular alternate reality because certain details are different and it while it wasn't perfect it was perfect enough to try and do all this. Garrosh wasn't born in this universe and neither was Thrall and etc. Instead of Gul'dan initiating the invasion, it was Garrosh. Garrosh manipulated his father Grom just like how Gul'dan manipulated the orcs, just the details of how it happened are different. I wouldn't say that this universes Orcs are stronger just that I would bet that Mannoroth most likely underestimated the Orcs and believed he could easily wipe them all out without breaking a sweat and thats where Garrosh comes in with bringing back the information of the technology that he had. Not only did they have the element of surprise but they also had the technology that ours didn't. So I'd say its a combination. | ||
United Kingdom794 Posts
On September 28 2014 05:57 Gorsameth wrote: Realistically your not going to find a challenge outside of raiding with a dedicated guild. LFR is a way to get raids done without a guild but the challenge is not go insane from how dumb the other 24 people are. Challenge modes are maybe the challege your looking for with tighter turned 5 man's where you are scaled to a consistent gear level and then race against a clock.but it is not something you pug so you would need to find 4 others and personally i don't see it as something that keeps you playing for long. Once you got a good time on all of them there isn't anything left to do with them. Thanks for the comments. I think that's the issue for me. I love the setting and feel of WoW but when you have an hour or two to spare with Dota or Starcraft you can sit down and have a challenging match or two, with a good single player RPG you can tune up the difficulty and enjoy it that way. I guess it's the genre I'm expecting the wrong thing of. | ||
Netherlands7028 Posts
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United States24579 Posts
Also, Manneroth is a demon, with magic blood and shit. | ||
6007 Posts
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United States4051 Posts
Case and point: I have killed (well captured, whatever) Garrosh Hellscream a bunch of times, I've killed the Dark Shamans, Nazgrim, and the Treasurer even more than that. Yet when I walk into Orgrimmar, they're all still standing around there. Is it really too much for Blizzard to at least use the phasing technology they're so fond of to make it look like you're at least having a nominal impact on the world around you? | ||
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