My get shit done loadout right now: Hemlok Starburst Stim Arc Grenade (partial damage really helps if you glance with your burst, but of course satchel complements hemlok very well too with the pop in and out style, just don't feel like using it) Quick Reload kit (cause starburst is very reload heavy, I think this is super strong) Minion Detector or Guardian Chip (if 40mm) Autopistol (Wingman has a similar click rhythm to hemlok, but you often end up with very low hp enemies to finish off and it's just making it harder for you and the reward is just overkill)
The more I play with starburst and better my aim gets, the better I feel like it is. So much power to tap with its ridiculous TTK up close and its ranged power.
I don't find it abysmal in long range and especially not mid-range where I still get some 1 burst kills. The only thing you don't want to do at long range is stand up (no cover) duel with a carbine, but I like it at long rang using it opportunistically, if I get good connections on the first burst then finish them off, but if not duck back and rearrange or do something else. Recoil compensation is basically pulling straight down and is not tricky once you get used to it really.
I have been rolling with the Kraber with a short range sight and active radar lately. I must say that it is quite a powerful combination in hardpoint and CTF. When taking an objective, I use active radar so that I can aim down sights and focus on a target before turning a corner. Likewise, it makes defending (or camping) a breeze since you can see enemies hurdling objects through walls and such.
The main drawback to the Kraber is the amount of time it takes to aim down sights and the slow bullet velocity. Active radar mitigates these properties significantly.
I feel like superior players can probably make this the most broken combination for objective based games ever.
On April 16 2014 05:07 ZapRoffo wrote: I don't find it abysmal in long range and especially not mid-range where I still get some 1 burst kills. The only thing you don't want to do at long range is stand up (no cover) duel with a carbine, but I like it at long rang using it opportunistically, if I get good connections on the first burst then finish them off, but if not duck back and rearrange or do something else. Recoil compensation is basically pulling straight down and is not tricky once you get used to it really.
Maybe cuz I play with a controller? The accuracy difference is bigger on this weapon.
I just won a game of Attrition 300-298. They had 298 and we had 292, so I just frantically killed minions, praying that no player on my team would go down. After the game, I was fucking exhausted, because I had gotten over 130 points, lol.
I've always thought that there's more joy in completely stomping enemies, but let me tell you something. Games where anything can happen, and it's way too close to call like that one? That. was. AWESOME. I love this game, although I still suck at it
Yeah last night I had 400-399 loss on hardpoint, I felt bad cause I lost a duel on a point when it was like 390-389, and it stayed 1-1 and one neutral for the rest of the time. That was intense.
Also it's weird that some maps go to 400 and some to 300. 300 feels too short unless it's a stomp. Or am I confusing it and it's always 300 for attrition and 400 for hardpoint?
On April 17 2014 09:08 ZapRoffo wrote: Yeah last night I had 400-399 loss on hardpoint, I felt bad cause I lost a duel on a point when it was like 390-389, and it stayed 1-1 and one neutral for the rest of the time. That was intense.
Also it's weird that some maps go to 400 and some to 300. 300 feels too short unless it's a stomp. Or am I confusing it and it's always 300 for attrition and 400 for hardpoint?
300 for attrition and 400 for hardpoint. Oh and I hate being the last frag. Even when we are losing horribly I hate the feeling to be the guy responsible for ultimately losing the map.
One thing I do all the time now: if I am using a close range primary, kill a grunt asap and switch my secondary for their carbine, so I can play ranged and close range superiority both depending on what's needed.
Also if you kills someone who's using an amped weapon, you can grab it and it's amped for you too. The other day I was running around with an amped CAR with an amped hemlok backing it up for range.
Yeah, I never really paid any attention to stuff like that, but I'm trying to change so that I can do that. I wish weapons were easier to see, though. Right now, you just suddenly get the prompt while running, and you have no idea where the weapon used to be.
On April 21 2014 01:09 ZapRoffo wrote: One thing I do all the time now: if I am using a close range primary, kill a grunt asap and switch my secondary for their carbine, so I can play ranged and close range superiority both depending on what's needed.
Also if you kills someone who's using an amped weapon, you can grab it and it's amped for you too. The other day I was running around with an amped CAR with an amped hemlok backing it up for range.
didn't know AI dropped weapons
pretty sure you can switch between Pilot Loadouts while spawned in though
On April 21 2014 01:09 ZapRoffo wrote: One thing I do all the time now: if I am using a close range primary, kill a grunt asap and switch my secondary for their carbine, so I can play ranged and close range superiority both depending on what's needed.
Also if you kills someone who's using an amped weapon, you can grab it and it's amped for you too. The other day I was running around with an amped CAR with an amped hemlok backing it up for range.
didn't know AI dropped weapons
pretty sure you can switch between Pilot Loadouts while spawned in though
Grunts drop carbines and spectres drop compact smgs usually. The ones that melee battle each other I think drop shotguns? I feel like I've seen a shotgun drop from ai before, but it might have just been left by a player. Or if they have it out, they drop the archer rocket instead.
Also has anyone done really well with the compact smg? It has an attractive TTK with scatterfire, but I'm not sure if it's not possible to shoot accurately enough or I'm just doing a bad job controlling it (I've been using it a lot cause I'm on that generation challenge). Otherwise it just seems like the CAR (esp with counterweight) is way better.
At essentially the end of this video the player states that minions only spawn near pilots. Is this true? Even if it is, this seems like a very broad statement. We're talking on the same quarter of the map or within 50 feet? I've never noticed this and if it is true i am not sure how I didn't notice it.
On April 21 2014 22:59 Zvenn3n wrote: Minions generally spawn near pilots, yes. So with Minion Detector, it's easy to see where pilots are at due to the mass amount of red dots there.
What I definitely notice with minion detector up is if I'm in a part of the the map with no minions around at all (like they are all past the minimap border), there's basically never a pilot nearby.
On April 21 2014 22:59 Zvenn3n wrote: Minions generally spawn near pilots, yes. So with Minion Detector, it's easy to see where pilots are at due to the mass amount of red dots there.
What I definitely notice with minion detector up is if I'm in a part of the the map with no minions around at all (like they are all past the minimap border), there's basically never a pilot nearby.
My fun and awesome titan loadout right now: Strider, Plasma Railgun ex mags, Esmoke, can't decide between rocket salvo and cluster missile (need a pilot killing one though), Fast Autoloader, Big Punch.
It's extremely fast paced, does huge damage at long range and in people's faces, chases and escapes very well, and is both aim-skill and thinking intensive (the playstyle involves a lot of railgunning while in the middle of dashes which is necessary to make this build any good--and I think make the railgun in general any good, and also knowing when to run, when to bait and when to fight). Some of the time you are basically doing all travel by dashing while staying zoomed.
People think they can rush you since you are a strider with a railgun, but punish that with ordnance, smoke, dash+zoom shooting backwards (preferably diagonally backwards to make you a bit trickier to hit) and to cover (any cover in the middle of the fight lets you get more charge up, just don't let them shield recharge, hit them with whatever charge level you can to stop that), and big punch (it's really freaking strong for this along with giving extra mobility).