On April 24 2015 20:18 SF-Fork wrote: I meant characters within the whole game, not companions.
Everything is in the grey area. Everyone has a good reason for what they are doing in their own mind.
That's evil in a nutshell. There's a category for evil characters that don't justify their actions somehow: stupid evil. Thaos is evil. There is no question about it.
Thaos wants to save the world even if it is through his own twisted logic.
I think BG villains characters are way more evil. Additionally there are plenty of people trying to make unethical profits from the iron crisis in BG1.
BG1/2 have very straightforward interpretations of good and evil, but that's much more a Bioware thing.
Obsidian/Black Isle have always tried to play with the gray areas a lot for when it comes to interpreting good and evil, all the way back to Planescape Torment (which is pretty much the hallmark of this, lol). Games like KotOR 2, NWN2: MotB, and even the FO:NV DLCs all do this to some extent
without being lvl 12? Even on easy/normal difficulties? The end game kinda snuck up on me and I ended up there only level 9 and couldn't get the bosses past 1/2 health after like 10 tries.
On April 30 2015 14:22 StalkerFang wrote: Hey guys is it a good idea to try and beat + Show Spoiler +
Thaos (does this need a spoiler?)
without being lvl 12? Even on easy/normal difficulties? The end game kinda snuck up on me and I ended up there only level 9 and couldn't get the bosses past 1/2 health after like 10 tries.
Check this speed run at like 26 min. Didn't even bother levelling up to max level with 2 characters in the party. (Though he is using the built in debug character as his PC char.)
The loading screen crap is the worst though, after having played through around ?half? the content I found myself thinking, " Let's see, turning in this quest will take about 4 loadscreens.....yeah......fuck that, moving on !".
On April 30 2015 15:32 Silvanel wrote: I have heard a lot of people complaing about bugs in this game. Are those fixed now?
Not all of them but the most nasty ones are
the infamous hostile sanitarium bug has destroyed my save, but they say it will be fixed with the next patch (hopefully retroactively so I don't have to start over) haven't been playing the game for almost 3 weeks now because of it.
I had the sanitarium bug as well, but you can get out by killing only a single guard if you have decent stealth (2-3) on your entire party. You can easily finish the game then with no noticeable consequence.
Decided to tinker with IEmod a bit, wanted to see all visitors you could get to stronghold. StrongholdForceVisitor 1 Gafol the Drunkard, -2 / 0, 4 day visitor 2 Nyry the Deft Hand, -3 / -1, 6 day visitor 3 Odeyna Fyrgest, +5 / +5, 9 day visitor 4 Lord Sidroc, +3 / 0, 9 day visitor 5 Thyrsc, +3 / +2, 9 day visitor 6 Azzuro, 0 / 0, 1 day merchant, Wurmwull, Medium Armor (Fine, 3 Burn and Slash Proof, +15 Max Endurance) 7 Azzuro, 0 / 0, 1 day merchant, Rebel's Call, Medium Armor (Preservation +20, Spellbind: Armor of Faith) 8 Azzuro, 0 / 0, 1 day merchant, Husk of the Great Western Stag, Light Armor (Exceptional, Athletics +2, Perception +2) 9 Supplicant, -3 / 0, Minor Negative with Gilded Vale if not fixed 10 Supplicant, -5 / 0, Minor Negative with Defiance Bay if not fixed 11 Supplicant, -4 / 0, Minor Negative with Twin Elms if not fixed 12 Azzuro, 0 / 0, 1 day merchant, Scâth Gwannek, Medium Shield (Superb, Spellbind: Winter Wind, Bashing 1) 13 Azzuro, 0 / 0, 1 day merchant, Mabec's Morning Star, Morning Star (3 DR Reduction, Fine, Stunning, Slaying (Wilder)) 14 Azzuro, 0 / 0, 1 day merchant, Rimecutter, Battle Axe (Bonus Speed, Speed, Freezing Lash) 15 Azzuro, 0 / 0, 1 day merchant, Hiro's Mantle, Neck (Retaliation, 3 Crush and Pierce Proof) 16 Azzuro, 0 / 0, 1 day merchant, Malina's Boots, Boots (+1 Move Speed, Preservation +10) 17 Azzuro, 0 / 0, 1 day merchant, Gyrges' Gloves, Gloves (+1 Dex) 18 19 20 Supplicant, -8 / 0, Minor Negative with Dyrford Village if not fixed 21
Man, I finally finished up the Endless paths last night. Holy smokes that fight at the end is brutal. I don't want to spoil what it is for those working their way down, but I had to reload probably 10+ times to find a strategy that even gave me a shot. Even then I needed my wizard to get off the petrification spell before he got OHKO'd by the boss. Basically, what I'm saying is that Petrifiication is OP and if your wizard has access to it you can probably beat anything in the game just by using that over and over.
I'm about ready to push through the end of Act III and finish then game story though, since I doubt the last boss can be much harder than that encounter.
On May 05 2015 03:10 Yurie wrote: The last boss is easier than that fight for most groups. Could be a few groups where the opposite is true but it is unlikely.
whats the level you should have for the last fight in the endless paths? im down at level 12 and my party is level 6-7. and it feels like my party could be a bit underleveld. since my mechanics char has mechanics 8 and some locks now require mechanics 10 or 11 and i cant disarm any traps since level 9 or so
On May 05 2015 03:10 Yurie wrote: The last boss is easier than that fight for most groups. Could be a few groups where the opposite is true but it is unlikely.
whats the level you should have for the last fight in the endless paths? im down at level 12 and my party is level 6-7. and it feels like my party could be a bit underleveld. since my mechanics char has mechanics 8 and some locks now require mechanics 10 or 11 and i cant disarm any traps since level 9 or so
If you want to fight last boss I'd recommend being lvl12.
You likely can't get to the last level in the dungeon if you are that level. You need to complete a lot of the main quest line in order to get to the end. Level 12 is good though, most people die a few times before finding something in their group that works on the boss of the dungeon.
On May 05 2015 03:10 Yurie wrote: The last boss is easier than that fight for most groups. Could be a few groups where the opposite is true but it is unlikely.
whats the level you should have for the last fight in the endless paths? im down at level 12 and my party is level 6-7. and it feels like my party could be a bit underleveld. since my mechanics char has mechanics 8 and some locks now require mechanics 10 or 11 and i cant disarm any traps since level 9 or so
If you want to fight last boss I'd recommend being lvl12.
srsly?on what floor is he 15? because thats only 3 floors to go for my lvl 6-7 party :DDDDD
I think I've found a 100% reproducible bug, at least it happens over and over on my game. Black screen, same with map if you try to bring that up.
Invite Gjefa to your stronghold. Make her a guard when she arrives, explore her dialogue options (might need multiple times). Go to the Salty Mast and talk to her there and choose the first option.
Just my computer and resolution?
edit Done with my Triple Crown SOLO achievement without cheating this time. I think any patch prior to 1.05 is easy due to the debug characters stats and spells. Though I guess some people would consider using the debug character as cheating. Especially considering that you could cast two mind lances at the start of the battle prior to 1.05 lowering the amount of enemies needing to be stunned.
On May 05 2015 03:07 Rayeth wrote: Man, I finally finished up the Endless paths last night. Holy smokes that fight at the end is brutal. I don't want to spoil what it is for those working their way down, but I had to reload probably 10+ times to find a strategy that even gave me a shot. Even then I needed my wizard to get off the petrification spell before he got OHKO'd by the boss. Basically, what I'm saying is that Petrifiication is OP and if your wizard has access to it you can probably beat anything in the game just by using that over and over.
I'm about ready to push through the end of Act III and finish then game story though, since I doubt the last boss can be much harder than that encounter.
It *was* brutal. Definitely way harder than the final boss of the game. Maybe in spoilers I'll provide a small tip, though I'm not sure how much it will help. Also if I remember correctly I beat it at about level 7 (it is indeed on level 15 of the paths), before doing any of the quests in the hearthglen area (or the twin oaks). I played as a druid and recruited the other druid plus a sorcerer so I had plenty of spellpower. I can't believe how useful the level 1 oil slick spell is, even on bosses. This was all on hard difficulty:
If you talk to the dragon about why he is stuck down there, and how he might never get out, it will tell you to go search for a dragon hunter and kill her. Instead you can ask the hunter for advice, and she gives you a skill that points out the weaknesses of the dragon (and I think makes it weaker too). It turns out it is weak to frost magic (relatively speaking).
Also you may want to fight in the lower left part of the map. The dragon is so huge that all of its minions won't be able to go around it. But you have to permanently stun it - otherwise, at least on higher difficulties, it will basically kill or nearly kill all of you in one breath, which has a very long range and a large area of effect (its a cone). I was lucky I had two druids and a sorcerer so I had no shortage of spells to throw at it. But it was still a horribly long and precarious fight - if any of your stuns fail then it will wake up and breathe on you. And my casters die instantly, basically, since they have no health.