this had me rolling laughing... maybe i am just tired... but zomg i was nearly crying laughing so hard.
"i may or may not have fallen off of the roof and lost my rifle"
and the cans at the guy in the tower "o sry" "sry " as he runs back and forth trying to stay out of his crosshairs and then "and stay out!" omg i was dieing laughing.
anyways... Dayz story of the day...
find our bus... that had exploded hours earlier back in tact. Log in to hear Carmon, Dense, and Nick screaming/crying as Anasthetic crashed it into every tree/fence/building he could find.... i happen to be close when i log in so i run over and they ask me to chauffer due to my previous trips driving the bus (i think its my calling in life)
Anyways.. we decide hiding the bus is a pain in the ass so we do the only logical thing.... We drive it to the balota airfield. We drive up and down the coast, we drive to cherno, with Dense being shot at the airfield at which point we decided to get moving again. We go to cherno to pick up.. someone? i dont remember who. Anasthetic dies to a sniper. Dense kills 2-3 snipers. Anastehtic runs back and kills Nick. Then dies again. I shoot Tosstriss, we kill 2 randoms, see Mani drive by in his own bus.
We pick up 4-5 other TLers.. and decide to go pickup all of our fresh spawned friends along the coast. We drive down to balota to get Tosstriss then head to the lighthouse near Prigorodky for Nick and someone else. We get Nick into the bus, head to Cherno to pick up Fraccus when suddenly 2 random dudes appear with AK and mp5. We spot them along the coast and TS explodes with "U SEE THOSE GUYS?!?! LETS GET EM" I proceed to romp the bus offroad in their direction. They both run for the ocean and get in up to their knees.
We could have just jumped out and had the 10 of us now riding in the bus shoot them... but instead I want to run them over. So im driving towards em from behind doing like 30 when they run for the water they turn and see me coming. One of em pulls out his AK and shoulders it. This is when suddenly i hear over direct chat "HOLY FUCK OMFG WTF IS THIS FUCKING SHIT" screaming at the top of his lungs.
I managed to run one of them over, but he manages to kill me in the bus had no windshield i was an easy target. The other 9 TL'ers jump out of the bus and unload on the lone survivor of the other party.
Minute later a sniper spawns in on top of the lighthouse. He shoots a 50 cal and kills a TL'er. Carmon spots him, and Nick ends up killing him with a CZ that he found in the barn at Prigorodky. While they are running up to loot the sniper (who had a Rangefinder, NV goggles, M107, coyote backpack, cco sd... the works) another guy logs in and shoots Tosstriss in the chest with a double barrell, and kills Tosstriss. Someone kills the guy with the double barrel... while this is going on... someone manages to steal the bus from the 5-6 TL'ers (pretty sure someone hopped on our teamspeak, asked for a ride... got one and then stole the bus and hopped off TS)... But then someone spots a tent on the coast near the lighthouse... more NVG's rangefinder, AS50, the works again....
So we had a helluva ride on the bus. Ended up trading a bus for M107, AS50, NVG's and Range finder... and had a shitload of laughs/fun driving around the coast with a bus full of TL'ers...
I will miss you bus =..)
also learned that the yellow hatchback does 10 on grass and 120 on roads... was fun as shit to drive on roads, felt like need for speed or something... and then we blew it up once we ran out of gas cause thats how we roll.
On July 19 2012 09:16 sereniity wrote: I just downloaded the game, when I tried to run it through steam it just opened the windows console for a brief second and then it didn't launch the game at all (basically nothing happened).
I then attempted to use the SixLauncher instead, but there I got booted with the message "Battleye: Bad Player Name" or something like that. I managed to solve that issue and finally got ingame, but my FPS was completely shit (I can play SC2 on max, yet I had like 10 FPS on lowest settings in Day Z... Giving up for the night (note, it was also night on the server, and the sky was like black and white and the textures seemed very low, I failed to take a picture as print-screen didn't seem to work...).
Any ideas?
Try playing when its day time since when its night time, its literally really night the texture is really bad when its night. Dark as hell but also mess around with your video. Like taking off the motion blur thing and stuff.
Tried that now, the game is really blurry for me (no matter what graphic setting) and when I look around it feels really sluggish still (as if my character is drunk, basically I have low FPS).
On July 19 2012 09:16 sereniity wrote: I just downloaded the game, when I tried to run it through steam it just opened the windows console for a brief second and then it didn't launch the game at all (basically nothing happened).
I then attempted to use the SixLauncher instead, but there I got booted with the message "Battleye: Bad Player Name" or something like that. I managed to solve that issue and finally got ingame, but my FPS was completely shit (I can play SC2 on max, yet I had like 10 FPS on lowest settings in Day Z... Giving up for the night (note, it was also night on the server, and the sky was like black and white and the textures seemed very low, I failed to take a picture as print-screen didn't seem to work...).
Any ideas?
Try playing when its day time since when its night time, its literally really night the texture is really bad when its night. Dark as hell but also mess around with your video. Like taking off the motion blur thing and stuff.
Tried that now, the game is really blurry for me (no matter what graphic setting) and when I look around it feels really sluggish still (as if my character is drunk, basically I have low FPS).
Still no ideas :/?
make sure you have AA off, postprocessing off, blur off, and 3d res set to 100%. it should be crisp as hell.
if by blurry you only mean low FPS, that's just the game. it's rather poorly optimized.
On July 19 2012 09:16 sereniity wrote: I just downloaded the game, when I tried to run it through steam it just opened the windows console for a brief second and then it didn't launch the game at all (basically nothing happened).
I then attempted to use the SixLauncher instead, but there I got booted with the message "Battleye: Bad Player Name" or something like that. I managed to solve that issue and finally got ingame, but my FPS was completely shit (I can play SC2 on max, yet I had like 10 FPS on lowest settings in Day Z... Giving up for the night (note, it was also night on the server, and the sky was like black and white and the textures seemed very low, I failed to take a picture as print-screen didn't seem to work...).
Any ideas?
Try playing when its day time since when its night time, its literally really night the texture is really bad when its night. Dark as hell but also mess around with your video. Like taking off the motion blur thing and stuff.
Tried that now, the game is really blurry for me (no matter what graphic setting) and when I look around it feels really sluggish still (as if my character is drunk, basically I have low FPS).
Still no ideas :/?
I know what your problem is! I'm here to save the day! This pissed me off for a bit too, what you need to do is change the 3D resolution in your graphics settings to the same as your normal resolution. Also try putting shadows off and playing around with it a bit. Key thing is remembering to make sure the 3D resolution is right Edit: what draken said too
On July 19 2012 19:48 Scaramanga wrote: Why do you randomly spawn in the middle of an open field, all my gear gone with the server telling me I'm dead, its happened to me twice :|
Alpha baby, alpha. Its just a bug with the game, it used to happen alot if you were wearing a camo/ghillie, i dont know if it is like that anymore but it might be the problem.
On July 19 2012 19:48 Scaramanga wrote: Why do you randomly spawn in the middle of an open field, all my gear gone with the server telling me I'm dead, its happened to me twice :|
On July 19 2012 19:48 Scaramanga wrote: Why do you randomly spawn in the middle of an open field, all my gear gone with the server telling me I'm dead, its happened to me twice :|
debug plains?
I believe so, went to a different server and was back at kamenka
I'm not sure if I should fork up the 20euros to just play a mod. I've been watching streams for the last few days, seems really exciting, but I'm more like the solo playing kind of guy. Not sure if I will be done with the game after 2-3 days, seems kind of a waste then.
this had me rolling laughing... maybe i am just tired... but zomg i was nearly crying laughing so hard.
anyways... Dayz story of the day...
find our bus... that had exploded hours earlier back in tact. Log in to hear Carmon, Dense, and Nick screaming/crying as Anasthetic crashed it into every tree/fence/building he could find.... i happen to be close when i log in so i run over and they ask me to chauffer due to my previous trips driving the bus (i think its my calling in life)
Anyways.. we decide hiding the bus is a pain in the ass so we do the only logical thing.... We drive it to the balota airfield. We drive up and down the coast, we drive to cherno, with Dense being shot at the airfield at which point we decided to get moving again. We go to cherno to pick up.. someone? i dont remember who. Anasthetic dies to a sniper. Dense kills 2-3 snipers. Anastehtic runs back and kills Nick. Then dies again. I shoot Tosstriss, we kill 2 randoms, see Mani drive by in his own bus.
We pick up 4-5 other TLers.. and decide to go pickup all of our fresh spawned friends along the coast. We drive down to balota to get Tosstriss then head to the lighthouse near Prigorodky for Nick and someone else. We get Nick into the bus, head to Cherno to pick up Fraccus when suddenly 2 random dudes appear with AK and mp5. We spot them along the coast and TS explodes with "U SEE THOSE GUYS?!?! LETS GET EM" I proceed to romp the bus offroad in their direction. They both run for the ocean and get in up to their knees.
We could have just jumped out and had the 10 of us now riding in the bus shoot them... but instead I want to run them over. So im driving towards em from behind doing like 30 when they run for the water they turn and see me coming. One of em pulls out his AK and shoulders it. This is when suddenly i hear over direct chat "HOLY FUCK OMFG WTF IS THIS FUCKING SHIT" screaming at the top of his lungs.
I managed to run one of them over, but he manages to kill me in the bus had no windshield i was an easy target. The other 9 TL'ers jump out of the bus and unload on the lone survivor of the other party.
Minute later a sniper spawns in on top of the lighthouse. He shoots a 50 cal and kills a TL'er. Carmon spots him, and Nick ends up killing him with a CZ that he found in the barn at Prigorodky. While they are running up to loot the sniper (who had a Rangefinder, NV goggles, M107, coyote backpack, cco sd... the works) another guy logs in and shoots Tosstriss in the chest with a double barrell, and kills Tosstriss. Someone kills the guy with the double barrel... while this is going on... someone manages to steal the bus from the 5-6 TL'ers (pretty sure someone hopped on our teamspeak, asked for a ride... got one and then stole the bus and hopped off TS)... But then someone spots a tent on the coast near the lighthouse... more NVG's rangefinder, AS50, the works again....
So we had a helluva ride on the bus. Ended up trading a bus for M107, AS50, NVG's and Range finder... and had a shitload of laughs/fun driving around the coast with a bus full of TL'ers...
I will miss you bus =..)
also learned that the yellow hatchback does 10 on grass and 120 on roads... was fun as shit to drive on roads, felt like need for speed or something... and then we blew it up once we ran out of gas cause thats how we roll.
Epic just listening to you guys on TS was hilarious lol
On July 19 2012 22:17 Prox wrote: I'm not sure if I should fork up the 20euros to just play a mod. I've been watching streams for the last few days, seems really exciting, but I'm more like the solo playing kind of guy. Not sure if I will be done with the game after 2-3 days, seems kind of a waste then.
Screw it, I'm buying it from D3 Money from my paypal account ^_^ Won't feel like much of a waste haha
On July 19 2012 22:17 Prox wrote: I'm not sure if I should fork up the 20euros to just play a mod. I've been watching streams for the last few days, seems really exciting, but I'm more like the solo playing kind of guy. Not sure if I will be done with the game after 2-3 days, seems kind of a waste then.
Screw it, I'm buying it from D3 Money from my paypal account ^_^ Won't feel like much of a waste haha
Good! Solo play is fun, its what I do most of the time. However I do hop onto the TL server in the evening and team play is much more fun.
started near the barn to the left of cherno and I was going to meet my friends in the small town north of cherno.. ysp? something (I'm new so I don't know all of the names yet..
but there's a white barn we group up at and use it as a base of operations, well as I was running to this barn.. someone decides to start sniping me, so I'm dancing.. saying on direct chart, I'm new I have nothing please stop firing as I continue running towards the barn... he is to the left of the barn and has a great vantage point.. and I keep saying please please stop.. jerk keeps firing.. so I get into the town and see the barn and I hear him behind me and he keeps firing.. and I say .. last warning please stop. bastard chased me into the barn into an armada of weapons.. my friends wrecked his face.. gfg...
this game is annoying because people are dicks... I'm okay with it most of the time but if my party is north and we don't have a vehicle.. for instance I spawned in the town directly west of cherno and my party was in mogil.. I had to run over the mountain north and as soon as I got into the open field someone sniped me.. it's irritating sometimes :|
the guy that was chasing you was a noob, sir.kimmel. I can tell because nobody with half a brain would waste that many bullets on someone without a weapon. most of the people who play like that (like this is CoD) quit rather quickly.
On July 19 2012 23:57 KorvMoij wrote: Scaramanga we killed you because you shot me and fearman and we almost died. We didnt know it was you. And cause you werent on teamspeak
If you want your gun back you are welcome to join us on teamspeak right now in the elektro channel
I forgot completely to come on ts, my bad ^^ Enjoy my loot