On July 13 2012 14:31 duckii wrote: I saw someone driving a tractor near dubrovka a while ago. Too bad I didn't have my 50 cal out :p
That is probably pretty good for me, as I was driving one near Dubrovka earlier today haha.
On July 13 2012 10:38 tofucake wrote: 40 new M4A1 CCO SDs and 160 STANAG SD mags
Damn and I log off wtf. I need some more mags
lost my m4 sd to a random ak dude in the middle of a forest today, hacker gave me back silenced m4... i think it might be karma
Hey guys, got a simple question and need a quick answer!
Steam sale is on, and I have enough money. Can I just buy Operation Arrow head and still play this? Or should I just buy combined ops?
you need combined ops, you might be able to get it running with arma2 free and OA, but then you will only have low res textures. I tried that for a while, but not being able to read Town signs and stuff isnt that great.
How did this hacker dude hand out the m4? did he just teleport to everyone and give guns away?
On July 13 2012 15:43 Westy wrote: Hey guys, got a simple question and need a quick answer!
Steam sale is on, and I have enough money. Can I just buy Operation Arrow head and still play this? Or should I just buy combined ops?
You can use ARMA II Free and AO to play, but you will have lower texture quality. I would personally suggest getting combined ops, but that is my personal opinion.
On an unrelated note, I am going to proclaim myself Vehicle Jesus. To date I have found four vehicles searching the map. My first find was at the north east portion of the map, where I recovered our beloved Shaggin' Wagon, which we have gotten a lot of use out of. The next time I spotted two trucks, the Ural and the other military truck, its name escapes me at the moment; however, we didn't hide them well enough and they were gone when I logged back in the next day. Of all the vehicles we have lost, these are the ones I was least upset about, since they are nothing but giant, easy to see tents.
Today, I found a fourth vehicle. bK, Ghazi, and myself were looking for a white pickup truck, which we suspected was the one stolen from us about a week prior, on a tip from Mani.
+ Show Spoiler +
It didn't have much in the way of loot, mostly just extra car parts and some medical supplies, but now we have our pickup back!
On July 13 2012 16:03 oZii wrote: How did this hacker dude hand out the m4? did he just teleport to everyone and give guns away?
Basically it "stacked" on top of whatever primary you had. I still had my m14 out, and when I fired it made the m14 report. However, if you looked at the inventory it said that's what you had equipped. I ended up dropping it on the ground and then throwing it in my pack.
Maestro and I found 3 L85's and we couldnt pick them up sad day...
First time in a long while I did not shoot first. Found a noob on the beach who was unarmed. Just said whats up and left through direct chat. Even though he was telling me not to shoot him the whole time. Amusing expierence alltogether.
I wanted to train sniper rifles, acquiring range, shooting far away targets to learn on Arma2 engine. When I couldn't find any good way for it in Arma I've made a custom map with very little effort. It's very simple, NW Airfield bunch of human not moving, not shooting targets on the strip, and you player with a team equipped with all military sniper rifles (M40A3 = m24 and dmr when zeroed at 400, AS50, SCD camo). You start the mission with bots then kill your teammates and you have sniper rifles with bullets and targets at various distances to shoot. One more thing, it does not work with DayZ mode. You neeed to turn it off in command line by deleting "-mod=@DayZ;ca". And remember this is LAN play, you have 4-5 ping that's probably 10-20times less then when playing online don't get used to moving shots :D
+ Show Spoiler [link to download 28kb and instructions] +Just put it in: Arma 2 operation arrowhead/MPMissions folder and start multiplayer game, hit new, accept, pick Chernarus and on the list snipertraining. That's it, make sure you play with AI to have all the weapons http://speedy.sh/EsUVA/snipertraining.Chernarus.pbo
You can check it out/practice during downtime will be released today
+ Show Spoiler [source] +
So just bought CO, and is the game seriously 14gigs? Going to have to wait until tonight to download it as it will use up all my download allowance!
On July 13 2012 17:07 carmon wrote:Maestro and I found 3 L85's and we couldnt pick them up sad day... 
You do realize L85's is a "hacked" weapon and if caught and reported of using one you will get banned. Btw can't TL server ban the hackers that enter it or protect it against them?
the hacker who gave ppl m4a1 cco's name was candyman iirc
So I found an A10 airplane in Dayz just outside of Cherno...
I could get in it too, and I did but it was stuck against the wall and I could only go forward. It eventually exploded as I tried to get it going (while hilariously some guy was watching nearby and got damaged from the explosion) and now all that remains is its smoldering ashes.
I could fire the guns too. I'm guessing hackers? Anyways was fun while it lasted, I'm still stuck in it atm.. too awesome to respawn. Is fraps the only way I can get a screenshot? I tried print screen but it wouldn't work.
This was on US 755.
On July 13 2012 19:24 ffswowsucks wrote:Show nested quote +On July 13 2012 17:07 carmon wrote:Maestro and I found 3 L85's and we couldnt pick them up sad day...  You do realize L85's is a "hacked" weapon and if caught and reported of using one you will get banned. Btw can't TL server ban the hackers that enter it or protect it against them? http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=L85A2_AWS why should it be hacked l85s are legit weapons in the game, even found some myself at heli crash sites
I just bought this game and joined US 1337, but how do I chat with other people?
The "/" just brings up a menu of different orders or shouts.
On July 13 2012 19:59 OrcManneR wrote: I just bought this game and joined US 1337, but how do I chat with other people?
The "/" just brings up a menu of different orders or shouts. so far I haven't found a way to type to people, but you can hold caps lock to speak ingame with your mic.
On July 13 2012 20:02 xsksc wrote:Show nested quote +On July 13 2012 19:59 OrcManneR wrote: I just bought this game and joined US 1337, but how do I chat with other people?
The "/" just brings up a menu of different orders or shouts. so far I haven't found a way to type to people, but you can hold caps lock to speak ingame with your mic. Use . to change the chat channel and then when you are on direct chat press / and it types into direct chat which has the same distance as talking over your mic in direct coms afaik.
Otherwise get on the TL teamspeak to talk to everyone!
Press . to switch between communication channels then press / to type. This is all in the options of the game. C'mon.
Edit: Beaten to it t.t
On July 13 2012 19:24 ffswowsucks wrote:Show nested quote +On July 13 2012 17:07 carmon wrote:Maestro and I found 3 L85's and we couldnt pick them up sad day...  You do realize L85's is a "hacked" weapon and if caught and reported of using one you will get banned. Btw can't TL server ban the hackers that enter it or protect it against them?
Thats not even remotely true. Only way you could get banned for having a "hacked" gun is if you were the one who spawned it. If you pick it up off a dead body or player there is no possible way you can get banned for using it. You really should fact check before giving advice you probably scared the poor guy.