Day 4: I spent most of the day paving and stomping on crickets. I traded some items away and now I am quite rich... but I won't have anything to spend my coin on for at least another week at the current rate I'm getting learning points. I haven't unlocked a new object to build since Day 1.
I also built a fish trap today. It took a while to gather the needed materials but it would be worth it in the end! I loaded it up with bait and went to do other things.
My fish trap was stolen.
I must say today was pretty uneventful overall. I had a chat with a fisherman in town. I had a chat with a prostitute in town that led me into an abandoned windmill and offered me the chance to have my way with her in exchange for some coin. I don't think actual females play this game.
I attacked my first deer today. It did not end well.
I browsed the forums for a bit, too. Moderators are calling players retards and faggots. Doesn't seem like anything has changed on that front. They also added some new items to their pay to win shop. $25 a pop for some purely cosmetic badly-drawn clothing. People on the forums are praising these new additions.
Oh, right. That village I live next to - the MM Tribe. Today they claimed 90% of the entire map and stated anyone living in their 90% will be brutally murdered. Not only do I have to continue paying them 100 coin per day to live but now I also have to relocate or they will kill me regardless of my payments.
Day 4 was not better.
On February 25 2014 18:02 Serejai wrote: Oh, right. That village I live next to - the MM Tribe. Today they claimed 90% of the entire map and stated anyone living in their 90% will be brutally murdered. Are they that much stronger than everyone else in the area? I mean, claiming 90% of the map seems to be kind of ballsy to me.
I browsed the forums for a bit, too. Moderators are calling players retards and faggots. professional!
Ideally some of the pay to win people will kill each other, making sure no one wins except the devs. If the devs are competent enough to encourage spending (emulating some chinese pay-to-win MMO mechanics would be a good start) it might work.
the pay to win chinese/korean mmos I've played have been utter trash too, so it could work just fine with Salem
Not only do I have to continue paying them 100 coin per day to live but now I also have to relocate or they will kill me regardless of my payments. I had a chat with a prostitute in town...I don't think actual females play this game. The next two visitors both threatened me with death in Russian. Nostalgia. It took a while to gather the needed materials...my fish trap was stolen.
You're welcome to join me if you'd like. You, uh, make it sound so enticing lol
I'll keep reading in any case
My experience is a little bit different - I think I moved further out than you. I've also avoided being ko'd. I also have a policy of not taking this game seriously - its always going to be impossible to "Win", but you can die well! Every time I've played, I've ended up having some sort of adventure which leads to my death by the top faction, but I can at least be content that I live free (and die).
Day 1: Spawn, get biles to around 10 and basic foraging skills up. Wilderness spawn looks reasonable, but I head west, away from the city (and the surrounding killing fields). Convince 2 of my haven buddies to play with me. Realise for them to spawn at me I have to grind up to 150 silver to make a claim. [This actually makes sense - means that noone can spawn hundreds of fresh alts at new leantos like in haven].
Day 2: Sortof get the basic skills up. Decide to focus on 2 things: a) hunting/fighting skills, grinding crickets with a sword is much easier. b) mining skills - finding a good location for a mine will decide where we put down our initial base. I experiment with recipes for food - cooking with foraged ingredients. Sadly none of them are that useful yet, because they are really too powerful for my baby character.
Day 3: Nothing really happens. The lack of inspiration is somewhat painful, I have to admit… I grind crickets, perfecting the shoot-stomp-uppercut combo . Early game feels a lot slower. But early game is the most fun part of these games, imo, so I dont mind. Also, I only have to play for a bit each day unless I have a specific building project - which is better for me since I have more work nowadays..
Day 4: Buy a sword from another player, but can't use it yet (waiting on inspiration). Buy a Woo-woo wand and find a mine a few tiles from a massive lime field, which is pretty promising. The only problem is that there is a lake nearby, which limits me to 2 layers of wall - 3 at a stretch, which wont be enough late game. But this base will be temporary I think, since late game I'll want to move into the darkness and have a purer mine. I can also put the mine in the "outer" section of the base and extend further into the woods if I choose, but that will leave my mining equipment exposed to being destroyed. The huge lime field, and the fact that the land is already perfectly flat, clinches it for me though. Put down another claim at the mine to protect it a little.
Today I hope to get Fencing, and start to grind out silver from crickets to extend the claim. Then I'll work on getting the skills to actually make the bricks I need for the mine entrance. I haven't seen a single other player outside Boston yet, apart from my two comrades. I think Serejai must have been unlucky with his spawns...
Is there going to be a TL Village? I don't want to play this by myself, if someone wants to take me in PM me your hearth secret
Well I thought we might have a couple people but nobody that posted in this thread has responded so I kinda went the solo route. However, I'm set up to support at least half a dozen people so I sent you a PM and you're welcome to join me. Even if you don't stay here with me you could stay close and hermit. I'm in a really nice area for the most part.
Day 5: We are now two! A new member has joined my group. Hopefully life will get easier.
...But not today. I decided to hunt crickets. I was over confident in my abilities. I decided to take on two at once in a newly spawned pack. I used stomp, forgetting that the aggro range was twice the damage range. I KOed to a swarm of no less than six crickets.
I am now able to extract steaks from bunnies. I'm not sure this is much of an improvement as I was getting two slabs of meat before which added up to the same amount of healing but were more versatile. I mass murdered bunnies regardless.
I built a house. There is nothing in it and it serves no functional purpose.
This was a short day. Tomorrow I hope to learn how to craft a chest to better safeguard all of my loot. I also hope my new companion does not die a horrible and tragic death to a bear while foraging for berries and mushrooms.
On February 24 2014 16:29 Serejai wrote:Day 3: I decided to use this day to explore since I am waiting on my learning points to rebuild before I can actually do anything new. Spent three hours hunting beavers. Found zero. Killed two turkeys. I'm not sure why. They were there and I had Uppercut hotkeyed. Things just fell into place. Found a few neighbors. Was visited by three other players today. The first one told me he was friendly and lived down the river from me. I asked him which direction down the river and he quickly loaded up two of my crates onto his sled and ran off. The next two visitors both threatened me with death in Russian. Nostalgia. On the up side I found a house with no claim or fence. Stole everything I could and made my way back home. Passed another house on the way, except this one wasn't a house. It was a village. And not just any village but the village of the largest group in the game (MM Tribe). + Show Spoiler +Anyone who played Haven W7 with the TL group is probably laughing uncontrollably right now because in that game we had three spawn locations. First, we spawned next to the largest hostile group in the game. Relocated. Few days later we find out we've relocated next to the second largest group in the game and they are giving us 24 hours to move or we get killed. Relocated. This time we're in brand new chunks of the map - I was literally the first player in the game to discover the map had been expanded and so naturally I took advantage of it. Didn't stop the third largest hostile faction from doing the same two days later and moving right next to us. Everyone quit (I think). In order to save myself I was extorted into swearing my allegiance to them and paying them 100 silver per day in a protector's fee. I feel so dirty. But, I'm alive... so there's that. Servers go down for a restart right after I get back to base. Servers come back up and my claim is actually intact this time. We do have a slight problem though... my base is overrun by beavers and turkeys. Seven beavers, 11 turkeys. All spawned inside my tiny 20x20 claim in one big clump. Can't kill them so I'm forced to log off until they despawn. Oh hey! Those learning points that I've been waiting all day for. I finally have enough to get my new skill. The last inspirational I need is a Devil's Wort. Oops. Clicked the wrong button and it poisoned me and KO'ed me. All learning points and current progress reset to zero. Maybe Day 4 will be better.
OMG is W7 the one where he had our gate claimed and our key alt ended up having no hunger with no food @.@.
though sounds like salem has taken many turns for the worse since our first village.
Yes, that would be W7 lol. What a clusterfuck that was. KtheZ ended up being our combat guy but he quit like two days in so our only defense was me logging onto his account and trying to fight (I had no idea how) and using him to unlock the gate a dozen times a day because his character was the only one capable of breaking the hearthfire spam that blocked us in.
You should join me in Salem. Yeah, the game hasn't improved at all in three years (quite depressing how slow/lazy the developers are, even when they had a publisher) but I'm having fun and Pablols has joined me so I'm expecting the coming days to be more enjoyable. I shouldn't say the game hasn't improved at all; it's slightly more enjoyable. What I mean is they haven't really added anything noteworthy to the game in three years. An item here, and item there; still no witchcraft, darkness doesn't really serve a purpose, etc. There have been some minor tweaks to things, though, and those are worthwhile (ie no longer possible to have a 1,000 humour superman character that can one shot the strongest walls). I anticipate it will take much longer before anyone can come and murder me this go around.
Been reading your past posts on your salem playthrough cause I played with you in haven and hearth and finally I remember the other guy I played with since you mentioned him in your last post(KtheZ). I joined you and KtheZ when you left the main TL village and made one northeast of it. You still like to suicide? You keep dying from animals lol. Dying never stopped you anyway and kept coming back. I'll try the game when I finish the current game I'm playing(Cave Story).
I remember you
We had to make that second village because the official TL village invited in some Russian murderers for some reason lol. There were two other "unofficial" TL villages that left the main one, too. One was directly south of us across the river and the other was west a bit.
The bright side to Salem is that none of the animals except Bears actually kill you. The rest just knock you out which makes you drop all of your inventory, lose your learning points, and respawn at your home. It's not too bad if done properly (ie don't go trying to get your first kill of an animal when you have 100k LP saved up).
I think there were 1-2 other people with us in Haven, and we had some other TL friends not in the main village near us (Durak I believe was one of them, hermitting between us and the main village). That was pretty fun. Shame that kind of peaceful gameplay doesn't work anymore. Too many botters and exploiters in Haven now that by day two you're basically being raided. Similar situation in Salem (rampant botting that is fully endorsed by the developers) but the new changes make it so I actually feel fairly safe even without a wall up.
You know Serejai, reading your descriptions of day-to-day life in Salem both really make me want to try out this game and also never want to play this game. It's a hard to describe kind of feeling
It's so bad that it can actually be good.
I tried salem back in the day but it has the same problem with haven, that you get stomped by botters and hardcore players like no other. I'm impressed you manage to swallow your pride and pay tribute to those assholes haha.
Yeah. It's infinitely better now. Before in Salem we all died in what, two days? There were about 30 of us and on day two a single botted guy came and took out a few of us. Then the next day he came back with like two friends and they completely wiped us out.
I tried playing again at some other points and same thing every time.
So far I'm on Day 6 (!!!) and aside from my initial run-in with some extreme pay to winners it has been smooth sailing on the staying alive front. This new system is pretty carebear because once you get a certain level of investment in your character it becomes too hard to remake it if you die, so raiders are... well, they're afraid to raid because death basically means stop playing until next world. There's no possible way to ever catch back up in the new system.
It's essentially like playing Mario but only getting a single life. You don't try to speed run it anymore; instead you take your time and stop before every jump, piranha plant, etc. Essentially you don't risk your life raiding unless you absolutely have to and/or are prepared to stop playing entirely.
There were a little over 20 of us, that were active anyway.
Essentially you don't risk your life raiding unless you absolutely have to and/or are prepared to stop playing entirely. Sounds like real life.
Day 6 post is going to be great. So much happening :D
Please continue posting your experiences they are entertaining! Now I am thinking about trying to play this game, and would most likely bring in 2 friends as well, would it be best to play it and learn it first before I bring them in or learn the game together?
Probably best to all start together. The game is not very forgiving with catch-up mechanics. If you started at different times your friends would always be behind you which might suck for them.
I'm going to start doing this with a Top Gear-style intro.
Today on Salem: Day 6
I meet a racist My neighbor gets punched I find a leaf
I made the mistake of visiting the forums again today. Not sure why. Saw a trade thread by this guy:
Yasso Posts: 125 Joined: Wed Aug 01, 2012 2:00 pm Location: The land of the Sandniggers
If TL moderated the game forums for a single day there would be nobody left to post.
Meanwhile I met up with a friend from Haven. He is well known for randomly killing people. I told him not to bring war to my peaceful encampment and he informed me that he had changed his ways. He replies again a few moments later informing me that he has just punched some helpless new player for no reason.
I decide to go exploring. I meet a new neighbor! We chat for a bit. I give him a deer in exchange for a snail. Not my best trade. He tells me his name. It's the guy my friend punched earlier. Awkward moment.
I dig around in a forest for a while. I find a leaf. It's the first leaf I've ever found. It's a special leaf and I store it in a special basket at my camp. It's not very useful... but it's my leaf and I will cherish it.
I notice the base design I've been working on for two days is off by 5%. I spend the rest of the day redoing all of my work from scratch. OCD sucks.
Someone got murdered. First murder of the game. I don't know who they were, but it wasn't me so does it really matter? No. It does not.
So I just downloaded this and can't click to move or interact with characters...
I'm on a Mac, have Java 7 update 51 (I think? I just updated it), and can click on things like equipment, inventory, etc.
I just can't walk unless I use WASD and I can't talk to NPCs, so I can't talk to the man in the brown hat to start.
I posted on the forums for Salem, but I'm going to try here as well.
Any ideas how I can start playing??