As our resident Brazilian has said, we've decided to stick it out on Lightning's Blade(US). I'll update within a day or two with the minutes from the meeting.
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Canada1792 Posts
As our resident Brazilian has said, we've decided to stick it out on Lightning's Blade(US). I'll update within a day or two with the minutes from the meeting. | ||
United States2821 Posts
email address: | ||
United States11681 Posts
Planning on coming over to LB with us? :D | ||
Brazil5259 Posts
Blackhorn Heroic is a quite fun fight imo. And so is zonozz. Blizz actually did a pretty good job with these heroic modes -- unlike Ultraxion which is a pretty terrible boss PERIOD. Anyway, let's go for dat 8/8h :D | ||
United States11681 Posts
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Brazil5259 Posts
![]() The guys from AM need to join IMBA imo... | ||
United States11681 Posts
On August 14 2012 22:49 Zephirdd wrote: yeah but the last member is always a pug ![]() The guys from AM need to join IMBA imo... We haven't pugged for over two weeks now. That was Pregame's Mage a few weeks ago, and the other guys we pulled in were Aftermath. I'm pretty sure they are swapping soon though, I think they were waiting for guild level or something. Nessah already joined. | ||
Canada1792 Posts
Sorry for the delay in posting this meeting review, we've been discussing some things privately and I wanted to hold off posting incomplete information until everything was more finalized. Also I'm watching IEM GC so hopefully it won't prove too distracting ![]() I'll briefly outline some of the topics we've discussed and I'll try to provide our reasoning behind some of our decisions. As we stated previously, we've decided against transferring servers due to people being too invested into Lightnings Blade now, and their unwillingness to transfer multiple character/alts. Some people are hopeful that the server will improve come Pandaria release. Additionally some things like World Bosses, resources (herbs/ore) will be a lot more scarce on a higher population server. Our second topic and third topics that was discussed was regarding people changing classes if they desired, and also our general raid roster makeup. We were trying to achieve a general 'class balance' to ensure we don't have too many of X class, and too few of Y class (as this happened to us regarding Warlocks, Rogues, Hunters, etc). Our conclusion was that we have several healing classes (but less so in regards to Resto Shaman, Mistweaver Monks) and also we're quite light on ranged DPS (Warlocks/Hunter/Mages). In a spoiler I'll include our current Pandaria class outlook, however this list will likely change and we have another meeting on September 11th to finalize this list closer to the expansion release date. + Show Spoiler + Paladins: 1Prot, 1Holy, Hunters: 1 Warlocks: Rogues: 2 Warriors: 1Prot/DPS Deathknights: Priests: 1Disc Shamans: 1Resto, 1Enh Druids: 2Resto, Monks: 1Brewmaster, 1 Windwalker Mages: 2 NEEDS: Deathknight/Warlocks ------------ Healers: Pregame(Holy), Tisele(Disc), Hirari(RestoDru), Torve(RestoDru), Llotte(Resto) Tanks: Toren(ProtPally), Zephirdd(Monk) Range DPS: Solidux(Hunter), Scint(Mage), Conf(Mage) Melee DPS: Spacek(War), Datte(Rog), Pert(Rog), BankAlt(Enh), Bras(Monk) Our final topic was regarding our raid time and raid group type (10vs25). We initially decided that we would stick to 10mans because they're simply easier logistically and its also easier to segregate the more hardcore progression players from the more casual (but still raid willing) players. Our definition of Hardcore/Casual was basically that 'casual' people wanted to raid 1-2 days at most, whereas the more hardcore were willing to do 3-4 days. Aside from that, we decided that we'll be sticking with our current raid schedule (Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday 9pm EST to Midnight) going into Pandaria. However after further contemplation, the officers decided that it was probably within the best interest of the guild to at least attempt a 25man raid for several reasons. This change should foster a more community oriented feel for the guild, without segregating the progression from the vast majority. Also with an influx of friends/family returning to the game, many would be forced to choose between progression and playing with friends. So we've decided to ramp up recruitment from the officers (each officer being assigned to two classes to recruit for) and we'll be attempting to run 25man raids by the end of August until Pandarias release. Our GOAL is to have recruitment mostly finished by Aug 21st. That's about the jist of what we've discussed in the past week or so, and I'll post a small TLDR part below for the lazy. If you guys have any further questions feel free to either reply or send me a PM and I'll try to answer it. Summary: - We've decided to stay on Lightning's Blade Horde (US-PvP) - Our Pandaria raid schedule will be Tue/Wed/Thu 9pm to Midnight. - We've decided to give 25man raiding a shot, with hopes to start the transition from 10 to 25 by the end of the month. - Pandaria Class Balance will be reviewed again at our next meeting, Sept 11th @ 9pm EST. | ||
United States643 Posts
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United States70 Posts
Reading Masq's post, they were indeed doing 3 days to start. | ||
United States37 Posts
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United States70 Posts
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United States643 Posts
On August 20 2012 14:09 Clemz wrote: My hunter in the guild hit 85 on 4/14, the guild wasn't really up and running too long before that. I think they were doing 3 days a week for a little bit? But they crushed through DS(because it's super easy if your group has half a brain at this point). For reference, they got their guild tabard achievement on 3/11, so likely the guild is only that old. Reading Masq's post, they were indeed doing 3 days to start. I was just curious about their schedule in Cata, since I vaguely remember reading a few pages back that they were only running on Saturday. | ||
United States70 Posts
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United States643 Posts
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Brazil1631 Posts
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United States2821 Posts
On August 24 2012 06:27 Jojo131 wrote: WoW on sale for 20$ (all the way up to Cataclysm expac), great time to get your friends into the game ![]() Blizzard is getting desperate. ![]() I may start playing again when MoP comes out... that's probably only if GW2 doesn't live up to its hype. | ||
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United States6173 Posts
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