Charlie Sheens House51449 Posts
World Premiere of Mists of Pandaria Opening Cinematic at gamescom 2012
Looks like the release date for Panda is going be released at Gamescom! August/Sept looks about right, PTR beta is coming online very soon as well (next 1-2 weeks)
Looks like they want to go head to head with GW2 release date, could be catostrophic buisness idea.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/FYzZx.jpg)
Heroic Madness finally down! :D
We're still looking for new members!
Wow, this looks awesome. I quit because all my friends stopped playing. But playing with fellow TLers will be awesome. As soon as I get back from Korea, I'll be sure to join!
What classes are you in need of?
How can people still paly this game? you have to super super casual to still have fun with that (1-2hrs a day max). There is no challenge at all at endgame. PvE is a joke, PvP is bad and don't get me going with the Pokemon&Panda Expansion...
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I'm tempted to bring back my Warrior who I tanked from MC to the end of T5 with, but doubt I could invest the time anymore. Anyone from Dragonmaw here? :D
I was Greggy (later Aestus), human warrior. Was in Prominence, Venerable Brotherhood and Ascension thoughout the years.
I was watching an sc2 steam on twitch.tv the other day, and one thing led to another, and suddenly I'm watching some guys playing MLS (3v3 arena!) It made me want to start playing again myself!
I sent Masq a pm last week, haven't heard anything back yet and I'm growing impatient bahahaha...I'd love to join you TL dudes, requesting resurrection please! (Mroen17@gmail.com)
On July 26 2012 01:57 Lemonayd wrote: What classes are you in need of?
Right now, anything.
here's the rundown on the TL guild
Group 1 just downed Heroic Madness last week (woo) Group 2 has been going backwards in progression because people keep quitting.
The reason people are quitting and group 2 is suffering is because we've just been pulling the group 2 people to fill group 1 spots 
Really, any class, any spec, whatever. Whatever you enjoy the most, we can use you 
We're really lacking in caster DPS (we have two mages, one who doesn't really raid much) and we could use one tank to round out group 2.
On July 26 2012 02:16 DLJ wrote: How can people still paly this game? you have to super super casual to still have fun with that (1-2hrs a day max). There is no challenge at all at endgame. PvE is a joke, PvP is bad and don't get me going with the Pokemon&Panda Expansion...
Well, I play by clicking the icon in my start bar, and then I log in. It's really not hard. I'm sure you're capable of it too.
God forbid people like other games than you.
On July 26 2012 02:29 Greggle wrote: I'm tempted to bring back my Warrior who I tanked from MC to the end of T5 with, but doubt I could invest the time anymore. Anyone from Dragonmaw here? :D
I was Greggy (later Aestus), human warrior. Was in Prominence, Venerable Brotherhood and Ascension thoughout the years.
We aren't forcing people to raid or PVP. We're okay with people who log in once a week. We just want people!! :D
On July 26 2012 03:42 JJoNeEightY wrote: I was watching an sc2 steam on twitch.tv the other day, and one thing led to another, and suddenly I'm watching some guys playing MLS (3v3 arena!) It made me want to start playing again myself!
I sent Masq a pm last week, haven't heard anything back yet and I'm growing impatient bahahaha...I'd love to join you TL dudes, requesting resurrection please! (Mroen17@gmail.com)
We need more PVPers. I got bored of PVPing alone (Milqq sucks!! <3) so let's go PVP gg.
I sent a scroll :D
Torenhire, what are the raid times for the second group? I'm 2 weeks out from finishing my daggers on my rogue(fucking work), and we raid Tues-Thur 7-10CST. I've got some RAF time going and could get a mage(well 2, really) up in a couple days. Also I was glad to see my hunter hadn't been kicked yet.
I have a mage or warlock I'd be willing to play, unfortunately I'm pretty broke atm and can't afford the transfer, if things change I'll let you guys know. I've been looking for a wow group and I never even considered Tl ;o
Raid times right now.
Group 1 (8/8hm): Tues 9pm-12am EST Group 2 (3/8hm): Sun 9pm-12am EST
Hopefully see you soon Lemonayd :3
On July 26 2012 14:39 Lemonayd wrote: I have a mage or warlock I'd be willing to play, unfortunately I'm pretty broke atm and can't afford the transfer, if things change I'll let you guys know. I've been looking for a wow group and I never even considered Tl ;o
I would hold off on transfering at the moment, we're having a guild meeting sometime soon within the next week or two to discuss MOP.
We'll be discussing server transferring to a higher pop realm, amongst other things. When we iron out an offical date for the meeting and time, I'll add it to the thread incase anyone is interested in listening in.
Tentatively the date is set for Aug 7th at 9pm EST.
Currently these are our topics for discussion:
- Moving to higher pop server (Server Transfer, Weekend Sale). - Class Changes (Guild/Raid Class Balance) - Guild Outlook (Casual / Hardcore / Casual+Hardcore, PvE/PvP, Revisit 10m v 25m) - Raid Groups in Pandaria - Raid Schedule (Time, Days)
Quick bump, meeting is tonight for anyone interested!
9pm EST, feel free to PM me if you want to sit in and listen/ask questions about the guild etc.
if you tranfer to earthen ring let mo know
On July 26 2012 03:42 JJoNeEightY wrote: I was watching an sc2 steam on twitch.tv the other day, and one thing led to another, and suddenly I'm watching some guys playing MLS (3v3 arena!) It made me want to start playing again myself!
I sent Masq a pm last week, haven't heard anything back yet and I'm growing impatient bahahaha...I'd love to join you TL dudes, requesting resurrection please! (Mroen17@gmail.com)
you have brought shame to our family!
On July 26 2012 03:42 JJoNeEightY wrote: I was watching an sc2 steam on twitch.tv the other day, and one thing led to another, and suddenly I'm watching some guys playing MLS (3v3 arena!) It made me want to start playing again myself!
I sent Masq a pm last week, haven't heard anything back yet and I'm growing impatient bahahaha...I'd love to join you TL dudes, requesting resurrection please! (Mroen17@gmail.com)
Did you ever get this? haha, I don't recall haha :x
Is Masq going to post the minutes again for this one? I'm in the middle of DS so can't sit in on this meeting. D:
Let me know if you need a resto shaman for group 2, the time fits my schedule perfectly. I'm an experienced raider, only 2/8H but I quit raiding in Cataclysm a couple of months ago because the guild I was in fell apart.
On August 08 2012 10:12 s0Li wrote:Show nested quote +On July 26 2012 03:42 JJoNeEightY wrote: I was watching an sc2 steam on twitch.tv the other day, and one thing led to another, and suddenly I'm watching some guys playing MLS (3v3 arena!) It made me want to start playing again myself!
I sent Masq a pm last week, haven't heard anything back yet and I'm growing impatient bahahaha...I'd love to join you TL dudes, requesting resurrection please! (Mroen17@gmail.com) you have brought shame to our family!
I'll still hang out in the Eve channel on TS, xoxoxxoxoxo.
Yeah, Torenhire, I got my scroll and played a bit. I held off on server transferring since it sounds like you guys might x-fer soon anyway (and I couldn't resist a level 80 priest without having to do any leveling). At the end of the week, I wasn't convinced I wanted to start playing again, and I ended up not subscribing. However, a few days later, I caved in and coughed up the credit card numbers ^.^
Leveling a rogue now, too fun. Cheapshot, kidney shot, blind, sap, vanish ,garrote, gouge, shadowstep, etc...muahahaha, 1v4 in low level battlegrounds and nobody can move as my cute little goblin stabs at their ankles ^.^
We ended up deciding to stay on LB until mop comes out at least, to see what the server is like and because it is really troublesome to make some people transfer, especially those with alts.
soh come join :D /who IMBA and do eet!