Crusader Kings II - Page 42
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Denmark1037 Posts
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11692 Posts
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Canada2719 Posts
Would be a really sad thing since it would simply kill my project... And would decrease the fun of looking at dead characters scores too. Edit: Hmmm maybe it can still work somewhat. | ||
United States13754 Posts
+ Show Spoiler [patchnotes] + MAJOR: - Added a "Retract Vassal" interaction - Disallowed destruction of non-titular titles under Gavelkind INTERFACE: - Added lots of portrait fixes from the "CK2 Portrait Fixes" mod by zebez - Adjusted the random CoA colors and color choices - Scripted a lot of CoAs for various dynasties - The CoAs of titles named after a dynasty now match the dynasty CoA - Bishops no longer wear pope hats, but the pope does - Livonia now has the correct pagan flag - Buildings requiring a coastal province now show up in the tech tooltip even if the capital is not coastal - Fixed some tooltips in the settlement view not showing building levels with the name - Nicknames are now shown for heads of religion - The 'Grant Independence' action is no longer even shown if the recipient is not your vassal - The 'Prepare Invasion' action is now shown but grayed out if you are at war with the recipient - Added missing Bektashi religion description - Endgame screen now shows correct score for characters - Added missing name of the Reformed Aztec Church title - Tweaked the religion colors to make them more distinct - Corrected some event text typos GAMEPLAY: - Norse Pagans can no longer employ the coastal conquest CB against other pagans (neighboring counties can still be taken though) - The Subjugation CB can now only be used once per lifetime instead of every 10 years. (Unless you have the 'Become King' ambition.) - Characters with the "Become King" ambition and access to the subjugation CB can no longer move their capital out of the de jure kingdom - Subjugated rulers of another religion now get a smaller opinion bonus vs the winner, lasting for a shorter time - Fixed a bug with many vassalizing casus bellis where the target's own counties would be seized when they should not be - Tengri Pagans are now limited to Agnatic succession - The Jomsvikings now reform if the Norse reformation takes place - Fixed an issue where the primary heir under Gavelkind would not inherit the capital county - West African pagans can now also raid - Lowered the spawn rate of TOG rebels by 20% - Added the "Ghanan Band" mercenary company - Slavic, Baltic and Finnish Pagans now get a bonus to their levy sizes, at the cost of their garrison bonus - Fixed a problem with the decadence invasion event - Fixed a bug with decadence revolts ending strangely on the attacking ruler's death - Court Chaplain job events no longer restricted to men for pagans - Made the Chancellor job to improve relations more effective - Mercenary ships will no longer spawn in major rivers - The Viking trait can now only be gained by adults - Heirs returning from the Varangian Guard to take the throne of their dead father can no longer get the same event twice - Piast the Wheelwright and his son are now of the Piast dynasty - Pagan festivals can now only be held in summer as intended - City Shipyards now produce slightly more galleys than their Castle and Temple counterparts - Fixed a bug where banishing landed vassals would not take all their titles - Under Gavelkind, your oldest son will no longer ask for titles - Added additional names and dynasties for Roman characters created in the Ruler Designer - Added an earlier king of Ireland to make Irish liberation revolts possible - 867: Strengthened the coastal Baltic, Slavic and Finnish tribes with better Holdings - 867: Slightly strengthened the initial forces of Ivar and Halfdan - 867: The Karling kingdoms are now on Agnatic succession - 867: Moved Uglich from the Meryas to the Vyatichi - 867: Byzantium is now properly on Primogeniture, not Gavelkind - 867: The Duchy of Meath now exists, called "Tara" by the Irish - 867: Made some important vassals to the King of Italy Italian culture to prolong the survival of the culture and ensure more internal troubles - 867: Adjusted the initial political and dynastic setup among the Baltic tribes to make them more resilient - The vassal opinion for free investiture law now correctly only applies for Catholics - Build cost and time is now affected by your capital tech, not the average tech in your realm - Ignoring pagan defensive attrition is now controlled by your capital tech, not by the average tech in your realm - Own fort level no longer affects ability to navigate major rivers - Tweaked the AI bonuses on Hard and Very Hard difficulty settings - Successful non-claimant adventurers are now known as "the Conqueror" - Fixed a bug with weird dynasty names for the commanders of Liberation rebels - Castrating or blinding a prisoner now removes the righteous imprisonment cause when they are released - The ambition to gain a council position now only increases a skill the first time it is successful - The generic Pagan religion now has a description and holy sites - Added the Hellenic religion - The events when certain cities are sacked now properly trigger for the Mongol Empire - The event when you raise a runestone as a zealous Reformed Norse character no longer treats you as a Christian - Captured Rebel leaders now have a "Broken Spirit" modifier, making them pretty useless - Fixed a bug where Gavelkind could produce republics - Fixed a general bug with multiple kingdom inheritance that could produce republics - The decision to create the Kingdom of Leon now makes it a de jure part of the Empire of Hispania - Trade posts are no longer counted towards the Prepared Invasion realm size limits - Fixed a bug with being able to semi-grant invalid duchies and kingdoms to your heir under Gavelkind - Heathen priests can now inherit titles - Mayors and heathen priests will now marry if they are heirs to other titles - Lack of Piety rumor event now only triggers for Christian lieges as intended - Trade post garrisons now give less retinue cap increase - Moved the counties of Loon and Julich from de jure Cologne to Luxemburg - Technology points are now gained by own demesne when containing buildings that give technology points - Baltic cultures can now also form the Wendish Empire - Finnic cultures can now also form the Russian Empire - Finnic cultures can now also form the Scandinavian Empire - North Germanic cultures can now also form the Empire of Britannia - 867: Greater Poland is no longer a republic after a resign - Norse Patricians are now correctly on Seniority succession AI: - Will not convert to Norman culture if in a huge Norse empire - Higher prio on building temple towns - Adjusted propensity to backstab brothers of the faith who are primary parties in holy wars - Behaviour is now affected subtly by the difficulty settings - Tweaked max field army sizes a bit - Will not agree to concubinage for title claimants The subujcate an entire kingdom cb was ridiculously overpowered for larger slavic nations and the piecemeal counties that exist at the start get wrecked with that coastal cb. they probably still don't have much of a chance not getting bum rushed from the start but it might be harder not to become the king of lith sweden finland and norway in a single generation. | ||
4596 Posts
Huge sale today, 75% off on Steam everything CK2 related until tomorrow afternoon. | ||
United States1273 Posts
On June 22 2013 08:10 Fruscainte wrote: Why not bump this thread too. Huge sale today, 75% off on Steam everything CK2 related until tomorrow afternoon. With the exception of the newest DLC, The Old Gods. | ||
Australia427 Posts
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United States1485 Posts
If I have multiple sons, and one of my younger sons tries to kill my heir, and then I imprison that younger son, for some crazy reason that younger son that I just imprisoned becomes my heir. The original heir is still alive. Why does this keep happening? it's screwing me up | ||
United States1273 Posts
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Sweden6375 Posts
How can I stop my country from going completely uncontrollable once I die? EDIT: I realize pagan countries are supposed to be balanced by the fact that they tend to fall apart when the king dies, but I was under the assumption that it would be possible to at least do some damage control so you don't go from being top 10 powerhouse in the world to a 2 county weakling). | ||
Germany11342 Posts
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Sweden6375 Posts
On July 29 2013 03:35 Simberto wrote: I haven't played pagans, but what i did with others to deal with a large country was to save up both money and gift a few conquered provinces to my heir, so once i died i could give out gifts and titles to influential dukes who didn't completely hate me, and hire a lot of mercenaries in the inevitable revolution. If you beat that one down you get a large increase in relations for beating a large rebellion. One thing that helps incredibly is having an outside ally that is willing to fight alongside you. I once had managed to marry the queen of France as the Holy Roman Emperor, so when my ruler died my mother was of course willing to help me smash those pesky revolutionaries, and 50000 frenchmen helped quite a lot in that war. Yeah, I wanted to give titles to people, but it was impossible since I was never given an opportunity to take titles from my vassals... even worse that my empire was split among my three sons, so I still only had two counties when I died... Another problem being that even if I had tons of titles to give out, it wouldn't have been enough since I had over 20 vassals, and at least 75% of them had a -50 rating with me... even though pretty much every single one of them had +80 with my father. It feels weird in a sense that there's so little you can do to prepare your population for your son... it at least seems reasonable to me that they shouldn't hate the son of the regent they loved. | ||
England2167 Posts
As far as I know all the stuff that came out with the Old Gods dlc is purely cosmetic, but have I missed anything? | ||
United States1273 Posts
On July 29 2013 06:25 jtype wrote: I just picked up Old Gods today at 75% off. Are there any other DLCs that improve it significantly? I've got all the DLC up to Sunset Invasion (or The Republic, whichever was later). As far as I know all the stuff that came out with the Old Gods dlc is purely cosmetic, but have I missed anything? Sword of Islam, Legacy of Rome, The Republic, and The Old Gods are the big DLCs. Everything else is cosmetic, yes. | ||
England2167 Posts
Looking forward to being a Viking!! | ||
United States9706 Posts
I'm playing project balance, if that makes a difference, but I doubt vanilla would make it easier x.x | ||
United States1874 Posts
Just got into this and been playing a fair bit with the girlfriend. We had two questions: 1) What actually are the rules of Gavelkind? Everything I've found online is very vague. What gets parceled up? How does the game pick who gets what? Is there randomization, or is it just kinda strange? 2) I've been having a technical problem with getting the DLC to work. I own all of it, and Steam tells me to access it by playing the game, and on startup I have the boxes checked, but for some reason it won't let me start as Pagan or Muslim, making me think it's not working properly. That said, I'm got the "Hi, welcome to the Old Gods and here's how stuff works as it pertains to you, Catholic Ruler." So color me thoroughly confused. (Minor: On my mac, the shadows flicker like crazy. Any easy solutions to this?) That said, the whole thing has been a blast and I've been enjoying learning about the period via the accessory reading that comes naturally. Did you know the Duke of Bavaria is the current holder of the Stuart claim on the throne of England, Scotland, and Ireland? | ||
United States5162 Posts
On August 09 2013 06:56 Yoav wrote: Hail fellow conquerors. Just got into this and been playing a fair bit with the girlfriend. We had two questions: 1) What actually are the rules of Gavelkind? Everything I've found online is very vague. What gets parceled up? How does the game pick who gets what? Is there randomization, or is it just kinda strange? 2) I've been having a technical problem with getting the DLC to work. I own all of it, and Steam tells me to access it by playing the game, and on startup I have the boxes checked, but for some reason it won't let me start as Pagan or Muslim, making me think it's not working properly. That said, I'm got the "Hi, welcome to the Old Gods and here's how stuff works as it pertains to you, Catholic Ruler." So color me thoroughly confused. (Minor: On my mac, the shadows flicker like crazy. Any easy solutions to this?) That said, the whole thing has been a blast and I've been enjoying learning about the period via the accessory reading that comes naturally. Did you know the Duke of Bavaria is the current holder of the Stuart claim on the throne of England, Scotland, and Ireland? Gavelkind is kind of random and wonky. I assume there's internal rhyme and reason, but it often doesn't make sense why it divides things up like it does. It will generally give your 1st heir your primary title and capital, and then split up the remaining titles between the rest of them, with de jure counties going with the duchies. It seems to be the most strange when giving out counties if you have 1 heir getting a kingdom and another getting a duchy inside that kingdom and the counties aren't de jure to those titles. The only way I've found to affect who gets what is to destroy and recreate titles since it gives out secondary titles based on the order they're listed on the character screen. Unfortunately, that pisses off the de jure vassals of those titles. And it's not the first time I've heard about issues with the DLC's. Your best bet is probably to go to the paradox forums and register your game so you can use the bug forum. And yes, CK2 is definitely the reason I know a lot learn a lot more about the medieval period than a couple years ago ![]() | ||
United States59 Posts
+ Show Spoiler + With the new beta patch, the King inheritor will always get the capital county, plus the de jure capital and its duchy, if you own them. If you have as many duchies as eligible heirs, each son will end up with a duchy and its counties. The primary heir will get the kingship if you own it and the independent counties. If the primary heir is also an inheritor king, he only gets independent counties within the kingdom, and independent counties outside the kingdom will be distributed among the other heirs. If you have more duchies than heirs, same as above, and the extra duchies will be given out roughly in inheritance order. If you have fewer duchies than heirs, things get more complicated. Independent counties within the kingdom will be divided between the primary heir and any secondary heirs that both (a) did not inherit duchies and (b) did not already own duchies as vassals of the deceased King. Independent counties from outside the kingdom will be split only among the secondary heirs that have no duchies. If you have heirs who are already landed Dukes and your vassals, they will not get anything from your inheritance (except possibly under the foreign independent county exception, see details above). So if you want to limit a bad son to one crappy duchy and the succession process won't give the right duchy to him, you can grant the title to him directly before you die and he usually won't get anything else. Among the eligible inheritors of independent counties, the system will try to distribute those counties evenly and according to total tax value (or something very similar). If you want to keep not only your non-de-jure capital but also its duchy and its counties, you're still probably best off not incorporating the duchy title of your capital until after succession, even with the new beta patch. If you want to know how any of this works in more detail, read above. Leave questions and feedback below and I'll respond periodically. | ||
Sweden77 Posts
On June 05 2013 15:50 Yurie wrote: Is it possible to hand everything to AI control if you have a boring stretch of time now a days? On June 05 2013 03:34 jinorazi wrote: am i the only one that leaves the game on as observer for hours to see how my empire does? XD Yeah, open console, type observe I do this all the time, too bad that the vikings always give up their religion even when I console give them more land. | ||
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