*shameless bump*
Come on people, I didn't make this post so it can be ignored 
I spent a good 30+ hours on this game and really enjoyed myself. It definitely has a lot of potential. IMO it deserves some attention.
What's new in Super besides being free?
Dude...you have no idea how awesome this is to people who are super financially conservative.
On January 24 2012 13:55 Durak wrote: What's new in Super besides being free? They are trying to make the game a lot more competitive by removing 1-hit-kills (excluding ring-outs) and increasing health (basically making it more like a DOTA-style game) while adding more variety and customization.
They will also be supporting the game with free content updates that add Characters, Maps, Gameplay Modes and more.
If you have the time, watch that Quick Look in the Videos section I posted. The developers talk about pretty much everything in that video.
Seems interesting. May check it out next time I need something new to play.
Holy crap! I love Monday Night Combat, and this sounds like a great way to move the franchise. Very very very excited for this now, thanks for posting it
I wasn't blown away by the game, in it's first iteration, but it was very very solid. I like the concept and I was really sad that it didn't get more attention.
I'm really hoping that this one is successful as the developers deserve it. They've obviously put a lot of work into creating a very lighthearted and fun game.
Nice! I just got into the "Invitational" haha :D excited to play some!
I liked MNC, but yeah, some of the moves were so overpowered. Was definitely fun, but really not worth more than a week of play. The F2P thing is a good move, but feels like a gimmick or something that won't really make it all the more worthwhile.
I recently played one of the best/worst matches ever:
My team was getting dominated pretty hard, the top 2 players' stats of the enemy team were 10+ kills, 0-1 deaths, 5+ assists. While I was the best player on my team and had 5 kills, 4 deaths, 4 assists. As soon as I saved up $4000 for one of those big robots I bought it and pushed the left lane. And what do I see when I get to the enemy base? There's NO ONE there! It's completely undefended! So I just get into turret mode (I was playing the Gunner) and together with that robot I destroyed their entire base, winning the match for my team. After the the game everyone in chat was like "WTF!!? WHAT HAPPENED?"
I spent at least 3 minutes giggling to myself. That match made my day!
And it's not like their loss was undeserved. The game is very good at notifying you when your base takes damage and you can also see the status of each lane on the UI. They definitely could have stopped that. I have no clue why they didn't.
I have 72 hours of MNC logged on my steam account, loved the shit out of that game - would've played it a lot more if not for some crashing issues. Getting a beta key would definitely be neat, Terr are you in the beta? Because I can't gather from your posts if you're playing SMNC or regular MNC... and if you are what do the new classes do?
Yeah, I'm in the Beta. I've heard of MNC before, but I didn't play it until SMNC.
I can't tell for sure because I didn't play MNC, but there's at least 1 new class in each class category( Commando, Striker, Enforcer, Sharp Shooter, Defender) The new classes definitely are interesting, check out that Quick Look in the Video section above to see them.
There are 13 classes in total and Uber Said They'll be adding one more (A Striker) in the coming weeks.
I got into the beta last week and I have to say it sucks at first, but once you get a better understanding it's pretty damn fun. I don't think it will ever be some major esports title but it's a blast to play with a group of friends. The only major flaw so far is that you can't queue as a group unless you have 3+ people. So if you and a friend want to play on the same team you have to find some random pubbie in chat that's willing to queue with you.
I generally play combat girl and have the most success but lately I've been mastering capt. spark.. melee heros are extremely frustrating or extremely rewarding depending on how the game is going.
PS I have another invite to give out if anyone wants to trade for diablo 3 access. (Yes, this is a pathetic long shot that doesn't really belong in the thread.)
Finally got beta access, and after getting used to the changes from MNC I'm starting to get really into the game. There's a funny bug where if you queue as a team, you get put on different teams, and thus get play vs the people you queued with. They also need to add some kind of MMR, because from what I can gather the quick match button randomly throws people together.
Other than that the actual gameplay is quite solid, but tbh I kind of miss the original MNC vibe which was more FPS less DotA.
It's already in the OP read the spoiler tags
On February 01 2012 02:29 crms wrote: I got into the beta last week and I have to say it sucks at first, but once you get a better understanding it's pretty damn fun. I don't think it will ever be some major esports title but it's a blast to play with a group of friends. The only major flaw so far is that you can't queue as a group unless you have 3+ people. So if you and a friend want to play on the same team you have to find some random pubbie in chat that's willing to queue with you.
I generally play combat girl and have the most success but lately I've been mastering capt. spark.. melee heros are extremely frustrating or extremely rewarding depending on how the game is going.
PS I have another invite to give out if anyone wants to trade for diablo 3 access. (Yes, this is a pathetic long shot that doesn't really belong in the thread.)
I've had similar experiences with a lot of games. For example, when I first played Tribes: Ascend I couldn't help but think "Maybe this game isn't for me" but I stuck with it and now I love it, same with Super MNC. Sometimes you just gotta give a game a second chance. And Super MNC at its current state isn't really finished I bet Uber will improve it a lot in the future. They are already doing so at a pretty solid rate.
PS I've updated the main post. I hope it's a bit better now.
I'm @ 56% download atm for beta. Super excited to try this out and hopefully I won't drag my team down too bad for my first match.
I'm not sure how many of you TLers out there have played vanilla MNC before but it was actually a lot of fun especially for a Xbox live arcade title. I watched the whole interview thing the other day and I gotta say it looks like quite an impressive and fun re-imagining of the game. I'll probably edit this after playing it a bit tonight, can't wait!!
I just received 2 Super MNC Beta Invites on Steam. If anyone wants one PM me your email address so I can send it to you.
I'll update this post when they are gone for clarity.
Edit: They are gone! Ettick and Mtndrew got them!