![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/KAu8I.jpg)
(thanks propulsion for banner!)
The Plan, The Stream
When Skyrim comes out (11/11/11) I'll be streaming it the full day it comes out (Friday) as well as the weekend. I start on: 11/11/11 at 11:00 AM PST. I also plan on making a Lets Play! series on it.
I decided to make things a bit more interesting for the playthrough though. I wanted to have everyone give a little bit of input on how they would like to see the runthrough be done! Inspired a bit by Gigaflop's play-by-play thread.
You'll decide how I play the first run-through! Well, character-wise at least.
So Far...
Trump is a Chaotic Good Dark Elf Rogue who also dabbles in a bit of magic. He doesn't constantly break the law, but doesn't see much value in it. His conscience is his own guide. Trump focuses on making sure everybody has their individual rights and freedoms respected and will help those who ask for it as he tries to make the world a better place in his own views.
His combat style is to initially sneak up to approach an enemy and stab it with a magically enhanced dagger. This is followed by a bit of debuffing spells in order to weaken the monster in order to fight it.
His primary skills are: Sneak, Light Armor, One-Handed, Lockpicking, Alchemy, Enchanting, and Smithing.
His secondary skills are: All magical skills, Pickpocket, Speech.
1) Alignment: CHAOTIC
2) Alignment: GOOD
3) Combat Opening: SNEAK
4) Combat Opening: STAB
5) Magic Use: SOME
6) Race: DARK ELF
Completed Polls
+ Show Spoiler +
Poll Ends: Sunday, 7 PM PST
As defined by this page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alignment_(Dungeons_&_Dragons)
Chaos implies freedom, adaptability, and flexibility. On the downside, chaos can include recklessness, resentment toward legitimate authority, arbitrary actions, and irresponsibility. Those who promote chaotic behavior say that only unfettered personal freedom allows people to express themselves fully and lets society benefit from the potential that its individuals have within them.
Someone who is neutral with respect to law and chaos has a normal respect for authority and feels neither a compulsion to obey nor a compulsion to rebel. They are honest but can be tempted into lying or deceiving others.
Neutral (43)
Lawful (34)
189 total votes
Your vote: What will be Trump's Alignment Outlook?
Second Poll: Good vs Evil
Poll Ends: Tuesday, 7 PM PST
As defined by this page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alignment_(Dungeons_&_Dragons)
Evil implies harming, oppressing, and killing others. Some evil creatures simply have no compassion for others and kill without qualms if doing so is convenient or if it can be set up. Others actively pursue evil, killing for sport or out of duty to some malevolent deity or master.
People who are neutral with respect to good and evil have compunctions against killing the innocent but lack the commitment to make sacrifices to protect or help others. Neutral people are committed to others by personal relationships.
These alignments will be in play whenever the adventurer must make a choice. Or even in daily activities, conversation responses, etc. This may be the biggest poll in how the game is played.
Evil (125)
Neutral (56)
318 total votes
Your vote: Will Trump be Good, Neutral, or Evil?
Third Poll: Combat Opener
Poll Ends: Thursday, 7 PM PST
I've kept the poll a bit vague and have done this instead of a "use of magic" poll (which could really skew results) on the advice of PrinceXizor.
This poll basically represents MAGIC vs PHYSICAL vs STEALTH but even more vague. Let me explain the choices a bit.
"Shoot the enemy from afar" (MAGIC or PHYSICAL Long-Range) basically means start off combat either with a long-range magical spell or with a bow and arrow. The next poll would be whether shooting from afar means with a bow or with a spell. It would also have a (continue to try to stay at long-range / close to close combat after initial spells) option.
"Charge the enemy for close combat" (MAGIC or PHYSICAL Short-Range) basically means run up to the enemy and either use short-range magical spells (touch spells) or swing with some sort of weapon. The next poll would be asking for either spells, 2-handed weapon or dual wield, or sword & shield.
"Use stealth for a sneak attack" (STEALTH PHYSICAL Short or Long Range) basically means that the character will make use of the sneak ability to get the jump on an opponent and do bonus damage with a sneak attack. This means either with a bow from afar or with a weapon up close. Note that spells do not get sneak attack damage.
Charge the enemy for close-combat. (59)
Shoot the enemy from afar. (58)
194 total votes
Your vote: What is Trump's Combat Opener?
(Vote): Shoot the enemy from afar.
(Vote): Charge the enemy for close-combat.
(Vote): Use stealth for a sneak attack.
Fourth Poll: Sneak Attack Style
Poll Ends: November 5, 7 PM PST
This one is pretty self explanatory. Combat has been decided will be started by sneaking around. Will Trump walk up to to the monster and stab it in the back, or fire a shot off from the shadows?
Shoot at range with Bow (52)
111 total votes
Your vote: What sort of Sneak Attack to start combat?
Fifth Poll: Use of Magic
Poll Ends: November 8, 7 PM PST
This next poll deals with magic. Magic is vast and various. There are five main schools of magic. Magic can: Deal Damage, Buff, Debuff, Heal, Cure, Summon, Trap, Charm, and a variety of other things.
You might have thought that given that the character starts combat by sneaking and stabbing, this would be easy. A stealth based "thief/assassin" type character! ezpz right? But here, there's the opportunity to see how much magic the thief/assassin will use, and perhaps even...make a...stealthy mage? what?
The first is a purely physical character with no (casted) magic. Magic isn't essential. This would be your traditional stealthy character wielding two daggers, perhaps enchanted, and sneaking up behind monsters and just stabbing them to death directly. As a best guess, this would look something like this setup...
![[image loading]](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v239/Luckay/nomagic-1.jpg)
The second is a sneaky character aided with magic. With magic, the sneaky character could sneak easier with invisibility spells. He could opportunistically buff himself or debuff enemies. Certainly, the addition of some magic would also weaken the "core" of the character as a stealth character. The flexibility of magic as well as potential strengths from it such as enchanting the dagger, paralyzing creatures if your first shot doesn't kill them, etc could be interesting.
![[image loading]](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v239/Luckay/somemagic.jpg)
The third is a mage. This gets into unusual territory since combat is started by sneaking up to something and stabbing them. This would mean that first stab would be enchanted as much as possible, and then the dagger would be put away to cast spells from close range. Not a very common type of character I'm sure, but that's the beauty of no set classes.
![[image loading]](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v239/Luckay/highmagic-1.jpg)
Lots of Magic (23)
No Magic (19)
94 total votes
Your vote: How much magic should Trump use?
Sixth Poll (Final Poll?): Race
Poll Closes Thursday, 7 PM PST.
What race will Trump play? Even though each race does have a specialty in skillset (which is why I made the race selection final, since everyone could see which skills I would focus on), that doesn't mean that the race which is "good" at those skills has to be chosen.
Sometimes, you just gotta choose a certain race because that race is...cool!
For the "statistics" behind each race though, here's a cool graph and here's a link to the powers and bonuses of these races.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/SQ5on.jpg)
Khajiit (Cat) (111)
Argonian (Reptile) (25)
Nord (Human) (13)
Bosmer (Wood Elf) (9)
Breton (Human) (8)
Imperial (Human) (8)
Orsimer (Orc) (7)
Altmer (High Elf) (5)
Redguard (Human) (3)
311 total votes
Your vote: What race will Trump be?
(Vote): Altmer (High Elf)
(Vote): Argonian (Reptile)
(Vote): Bosmer (Wood Elf)
(Vote): Breton (Human)
(Vote): Dunmer (Dark Elf)
(Vote): Imperial (Human)
(Vote): Khajiit (Cat)
(Vote): Nord (Human)
(Vote): Orsimer (Orc)
(Vote): Redguard (Human)
Polls will include:
1) Alignment Outlook (Lawful, Neutral, Chaotic)
2) Alignment Outlook (Good, Neutral, Evil)
3) Combat Style (shoot from afar, close combat, stealth)
4) Combat Style 2 (depending on previous poll, narrowing possibilities)
5) Use of Magic / General Skill Tree
6) Race
The first polls are pretty important so they'll both go a little longer. I swear to roleplay through the alignment outlook.
And I'm sure there will be more polls! I'm taking advice on what else to decide upon as well.