On March 31 2012 19:53 paralleluniverse wrote: Just played this game.
Absolutely awful.
It's a complete ripoff of Diablo 2, and feels like it's been designed with game systems from 1999. Here are some of my problems with it:
1. No known way to get spells. I was stuck wanding and casting the same 1 spell for an hour. Absolutely boring and monotonous.
2. Inventory can only fit like 6 items. This is just stupid and makes it necessary to not pick up stuff or keep running back from town. In WoW, you have like 80 bag slots, not 5.
3. Can't buy TP scroll, which makes the above problem worse.
4. Text dialogue. No voice acting, no one is going to read the text, therefore the game has no appreciable story. Therefore, it's one massive grind, a grind that you do with only 1 fucking spell in an hour of gameplay.
5. It has the ugliest UI I've ever seen.
One of the worst games I've ever played.
Words cannot describe how BORING this game is.
It is ok that you feel the game is awful, but your reasons for it...
1. In one hour you should have gotten about 5 different spells if you completed the quests.
2. Comparing the game to WoW is a problem. You seem to confuse the genre.
3. Yes you can.
4. Voice acting is not implemented yet, meaning it will be there later in the development.
5. That is a fair point actually
I completed 3 quests, and only the first gave me a skill. I was playing this game for 1 hour spamming the same button for 1 hour.
Most boring experience I've ever had in a video game.
The door is that way ---->
The game is fine; you're complaining about lack of knowledge in a game that is designed for hardcore players. Path of Exile is not an easy game to get into nor is it exactly fun at the beginning stages. The game opens up more later when you start getting more support gems/interesting passives.
On March 31 2012 21:14 paralleluniverse wrote:
On March 31 2012 20:15 dust7 wrote:
You are not supposed to pick everything up.
Have you ever played a looter game before? -.-
I've already stopped playing. It's just mind-numbingly monotonous. A repetitious chore. No fun.
I've played Diablo 2. But again, why?
The inventory size is a pointless artificial restriction for which there is no justifiable more compelling gameplay rationale. The game will be more enjoyable with it's removal so that the inventory can hold, say, 50 items. It reeks of being stuck in the past.
Actually I find the restriction quite nice, because it forces the player to permanently think about what exactly he wants to take with him and what not instead of sitting in front of his screen for 50 minutes after playing for a couple of hours staring at 50 items trying to find out which ones to keep and which to sell.
Also I have to agree. If a person manages to completely miss the 2nd/3rd/4th skillgem (I really don't know how that should be possible tho, haha !) it could seem 'mind-numbingly monotonous'. But I guess that goes for any Hack n Slay game.
On March 31 2012 23:32 I_like_hydras wrote: I played a few hours,it's pretty good..Nothing special,or new ideas or anything though,it's more like an HD Diablo II, i wouldn't pay for it.
That's good because you won't have to, it will be free to play.
6. What does Path of Exile cost to play? Path of Exile is 100% free to play, for everyone, forever. Our website will allow the purchase of many in-game perks and aesthetic upgrades, but all of these are completely optional, and players can have a complete, fulfilling gaming experience without spending a penny.
On March 31 2012 23:32 I_like_hydras wrote: I played a few hours,it's pretty good..Nothing special,or new ideas or anything though,it's more like an HD Diablo II, i wouldn't pay for it.
That's good because you won't have to, it will be free to play.
6. What does Path of Exile cost to play? Path of Exile is 100% free to play, for everyone, forever. Our website will allow the purchase of many in-game perks and aesthetic upgrades, but all of these are completely optional, and players can have a complete, fulfilling gaming experience without spending a penny.
Something can be free to play and still not be worth playing.
On March 31 2012 19:53 paralleluniverse wrote: Just played this game.
Absolutely awful.
It's a complete ripoff of Diablo 2, and feels like it's been designed with game systems from 1999. Here are some of my problems with it:
1. No known way to get spells. I was stuck wanding and casting the same 1 spell for an hour. Absolutely boring and monotonous.
2. Inventory can only fit like 6 items. This is just stupid and makes it necessary to not pick up stuff or keep running back from town. In WoW, you have like 80 bag slots, not 5.
3. Can't buy TP scroll, which makes the above problem worse.
4. Text dialogue. No voice acting, no one is going to read the text, therefore the game has no appreciable story. Therefore, it's one massive grind, a grind that you do with only 1 fucking spell in an hour of gameplay.
5. It has the ugliest UI I've ever seen.
One of the worst games I've ever played.
Words cannot describe how BORING this game is.
It is ok that you feel the game is awful, but your reasons for it...
1. In one hour you should have gotten about 5 different spells if you completed the quests.
2. Comparing the game to WoW is a problem. You seem to confuse the genre.
3. Yes you can.
4. Voice acting is not implemented yet, meaning it will be there later in the development.
5. That is a fair point actually
I completed 3 quests, and only the first gave me a skill. I was playing this game for 1 hour spamming the same button for 1 hour.
Most boring experience I've ever had in a video game.
The door is that way ---->
The game is fine; you're complaining about lack of knowledge in a game that is designed for hardcore players. Path of Exile is not an easy game to get into nor is it exactly fun at the beginning stages. The game opens up more later when you start getting more support gems/interesting passives.
On March 31 2012 21:14 paralleluniverse wrote:
On March 31 2012 20:15 dust7 wrote:
You are not supposed to pick everything up.
Have you ever played a looter game before? -.-
I've already stopped playing. It's just mind-numbingly monotonous. A repetitious chore. No fun.
I've played Diablo 2. But again, why?
The inventory size is a pointless artificial restriction for which there is no justifiable more compelling gameplay rationale. The game will be more enjoyable with it's removal so that the inventory can hold, say, 50 items. It reeks of being stuck in the past.
You do understand that there is a stash right? And that if the game allowed you to pick up whatever the hell you wanted you wouldn't be forced to pick and choose what to keep depending on which characters you are building?
I think it is quite ok; like a new version of d2. Nothing special or really new in my eyes, but on the other hand, d3 offers really nothing new either. I think the genre is more or less stale and not evolving; maybe it can't evolve much anymore.
The fact that everyone is comparing it to D2 and not Titan's Quest which it is much closer too, makes me sad because it means so many have missed out on playing Titan's Quest which in many ways was superior to D2.
nothing new? what part of the massive passive skill tree and the ability for all classes to use all spells?
How is this not totally new from anything done in the genre?
I personally am so glad that this weekend happened, cause apparently back in February I got a key and haven't bothered to check since school has been schoolish. Now I just installed it last night and played around to get used to what's up. Gonna start up a HC character here in a bit to really have some fun.
On April 01 2012 02:37 NotSorry wrote: The fact that everyone is comparing it to D2 and not Titan's Quest which it is much closer too, makes me sad because it means so many have missed out on playing Titan's Quest which in many ways was superior to D2.
I hope youre joking, titan's quest was most horrible action rgp ive ever played, holy shit, i stll see nightmares about it. on-topic game's pretty fun at least ;D
On March 31 2012 19:53 paralleluniverse wrote: Just played this game.
Absolutely awful.
It's a complete ripoff of Diablo 2, and feels like it's been designed with game systems from 1999. Here are some of my problems with it:
1. No known way to get spells. I was stuck wanding and casting the same 1 spell for an hour. Absolutely boring and monotonous.
2. Inventory can only fit like 6 items. This is just stupid and makes it necessary to not pick up stuff or keep running back from town. In WoW, you have like 80 bag slots, not 5.
3. Can't buy TP scroll, which makes the above problem worse.
4. Text dialogue. No voice acting, no one is going to read the text, therefore the game has no appreciable story. Therefore, it's one massive grind, a grind that you do with only 1 fucking spell in an hour of gameplay.
5. It has the ugliest UI I've ever seen.
One of the worst games I've ever played.
Words cannot describe how BORING this game is.
It is ok that you feel the game is awful, but your reasons for it...
1. In one hour you should have gotten about 5 different spells if you completed the quests.
2. Comparing the game to WoW is a problem. You seem to confuse the genre.
3. Yes you can.
4. Voice acting is not implemented yet, meaning it will be there later in the development.
5. That is a fair point actually
I completed 3 quests, and only the first gave me a skill. I was playing this game for 1 hour spamming the same button for 1 hour.
Most boring experience I've ever had in a video game.
Same here.. Im stop playing it after 2h , only one button all over agine., yes yes you have huge skill tree so what ? where 90% of skills are passive.. I try it agine when official game will be out not beta , and then i write what i think of this game , in this stage i give this game 6/10 ( when i read abouth it , and watch some vods i was hoping it will be better , but the fact is fanboys with beta acces overrated this game so bad.. :/ )
Ps. Diablo 2 , titan quest , torchlight all this games are better then PoE. Diablo 3 and torchlight 2 will crtash this game easy , but like i write , lets wait to full game.
On March 31 2012 19:53 paralleluniverse wrote: Just played this game.
Absolutely awful.
It's a complete ripoff of Diablo 2, and feels like it's been designed with game systems from 1999. Here are some of my problems with it:
1. No known way to get spells. I was stuck wanding and casting the same 1 spell for an hour. Absolutely boring and monotonous.
2. Inventory can only fit like 6 items. This is just stupid and makes it necessary to not pick up stuff or keep running back from town. In WoW, you have like 80 bag slots, not 5.
3. Can't buy TP scroll, which makes the above problem worse.
4. Text dialogue. No voice acting, no one is going to read the text, therefore the game has no appreciable story. Therefore, it's one massive grind, a grind that you do with only 1 fucking spell in an hour of gameplay.
5. It has the ugliest UI I've ever seen.
One of the worst games I've ever played.
Words cannot describe how BORING this game is.
It is ok that you feel the game is awful, but your reasons for it...
1. In one hour you should have gotten about 5 different spells if you completed the quests.
2. Comparing the game to WoW is a problem. You seem to confuse the genre.
3. Yes you can.
4. Voice acting is not implemented yet, meaning it will be there later in the development.
5. That is a fair point actually
I completed 3 quests, and only the first gave me a skill. I was playing this game for 1 hour spamming the same button for 1 hour.
Most boring experience I've ever had in a video game.
Same here.. Im stop playing it after 2h , only one button all over agine., yes yes you have huge skill tree so what ? where 90% of skills are passive.. I try it agine when official game will be out not beta , and then i write what i think of this game , in this stage i give this game 6/10 ( when i read abouth it , and watch some vods i was hoping it will be better , but the fact is fanboys with beta acces overrated this game so bad.. :/ )
Ps. Diablo 2 , titan quest , torchlight all this games are better then PoE. Diablo 3 and torchlight 2 will crtash this game easy , but like i write , lets wait to full game.
I would hope a game 6years in the making (D3) with an unlimited budget from one of the largest developers in the industry or a development team responsible for 3 of the best APRGs ever made D1/D2/TL (TL2) would beat an indie developer making their first game out of pocket.
I will be playing all these games and more so I hope they are all badass and bring different aspects to the table for my entertainment, but the fact that you're already comparing POE to 3 of the best ARPGs ever says a lot about the game's potential.
Make sure you post your suggestions/comments on the POE boards as well, that's what betas are for. Help make the game the best that it can possibly be.
On March 31 2012 19:53 paralleluniverse wrote: Just played this game.
Absolutely awful.
It's a complete ripoff of Diablo 2, and feels like it's been designed with game systems from 1999. Here are some of my problems with it:
1. No known way to get spells. I was stuck wanding and casting the same 1 spell for an hour. Absolutely boring and monotonous.
2. Inventory can only fit like 6 items. This is just stupid and makes it necessary to not pick up stuff or keep running back from town. In WoW, you have like 80 bag slots, not 5.
3. Can't buy TP scroll, which makes the above problem worse.
4. Text dialogue. No voice acting, no one is going to read the text, therefore the game has no appreciable story. Therefore, it's one massive grind, a grind that you do with only 1 fucking spell in an hour of gameplay.
5. It has the ugliest UI I've ever seen.
One of the worst games I've ever played.
Words cannot describe how BORING this game is.
It is ok that you feel the game is awful, but your reasons for it...
1. In one hour you should have gotten about 5 different spells if you completed the quests.
2. Comparing the game to WoW is a problem. You seem to confuse the genre.
3. Yes you can.
4. Voice acting is not implemented yet, meaning it will be there later in the development.
5. That is a fair point actually
I completed 3 quests, and only the first gave me a skill. I was playing this game for 1 hour spamming the same button for 1 hour.
Most boring experience I've ever had in a video game.
Same here.. Im stop playing it after 2h , only one button all over agine., yes yes you have huge skill tree so what ? where 90% of skills are passive.. I try it agine when official game will be out not beta , and then i write what i think of this game , in this stage i give this game 6/10 ( when i read abouth it , and watch some vods i was hoping it will be better , but the fact is fanboys with beta acces overrated this game so bad.. :/ )
Ps. Diablo 2 , titan quest , torchlight all this games are better then PoE. Diablo 3 and torchlight 2 will crtash this game easy , but like i write , lets wait to full game.
It sounds like you guys didn't do much other than whine and complain during your time on the beta. The active skills do not come from the skill tree...if you couldn't figure that out...well then you really shouldn't be commenting on the quality of the game.
On March 31 2012 19:53 paralleluniverse wrote: Just played this game.
Absolutely awful.
It's a complete ripoff of Diablo 2, and feels like it's been designed with game systems from 1999. Here are some of my problems with it:
1. No known way to get spells. I was stuck wanding and casting the same 1 spell for an hour. Absolutely boring and monotonous.
2. Inventory can only fit like 6 items. This is just stupid and makes it necessary to not pick up stuff or keep running back from town. In WoW, you have like 80 bag slots, not 5.
3. Can't buy TP scroll, which makes the above problem worse.
4. Text dialogue. No voice acting, no one is going to read the text, therefore the game has no appreciable story. Therefore, it's one massive grind, a grind that you do with only 1 fucking spell in an hour of gameplay.
5. It has the ugliest UI I've ever seen.
One of the worst games I've ever played.
Words cannot describe how BORING this game is.
It is ok that you feel the game is awful, but your reasons for it...
1. In one hour you should have gotten about 5 different spells if you completed the quests.
2. Comparing the game to WoW is a problem. You seem to confuse the genre.
3. Yes you can.
4. Voice acting is not implemented yet, meaning it will be there later in the development.
5. That is a fair point actually
I completed 3 quests, and only the first gave me a skill. I was playing this game for 1 hour spamming the same button for 1 hour.
Most boring experience I've ever had in a video game.
Same here.. Im stop playing it after 2h , only one button all over agine., yes yes you have huge skill tree so what ? where 90% of skills are passive.. I try it agine when official game will be out not beta , and then i write what i think of this game , in this stage i give this game 6/10 ( when i read abouth it , and watch some vods i was hoping it will be better , but the fact is fanboys with beta acces overrated this game so bad.. :/ )
Ps. Diablo 2 , titan quest , torchlight all this games are better then PoE. Diablo 3 and torchlight 2 will crtash this game easy , but like i write , lets wait to full game.
The second quest, which is optional, gives you a skill. You can see your active quests and where you need to go by pressing "U" in game.
On March 31 2012 19:53 paralleluniverse wrote: Just played this game.
Absolutely awful.
It's a complete ripoff of Diablo 2, and feels like it's been designed with game systems from 1999. Here are some of my problems with it:
1. No known way to get spells. I was stuck wanding and casting the same 1 spell for an hour. Absolutely boring and monotonous.
2. Inventory can only fit like 6 items. This is just stupid and makes it necessary to not pick up stuff or keep running back from town. In WoW, you have like 80 bag slots, not 5.
3. Can't buy TP scroll, which makes the above problem worse.
4. Text dialogue. No voice acting, no one is going to read the text, therefore the game has no appreciable story. Therefore, it's one massive grind, a grind that you do with only 1 fucking spell in an hour of gameplay.
5. It has the ugliest UI I've ever seen.
One of the worst games I've ever played.
Words cannot describe how BORING this game is.
It is ok that you feel the game is awful, but your reasons for it...
1. In one hour you should have gotten about 5 different spells if you completed the quests.
2. Comparing the game to WoW is a problem. You seem to confuse the genre.
3. Yes you can.
4. Voice acting is not implemented yet, meaning it will be there later in the development.
5. That is a fair point actually
I completed 3 quests, and only the first gave me a skill. I was playing this game for 1 hour spamming the same button for 1 hour.
Most boring experience I've ever had in a video game.
Same here.. Im stop playing it after 2h , only one button all over agine., yes yes you have huge skill tree so what ? where 90% of skills are passive.. I try it agine when official game will be out not beta , and then i write what i think of this game , in this stage i give this game 6/10 ( when i read abouth it , and watch some vods i was hoping it will be better , but the fact is fanboys with beta acces overrated this game so bad.. :/ )
Ps. Diablo 2 , titan quest , torchlight all this games are better then PoE. Diablo 3 and torchlight 2 will crtash this game easy , but like i write , lets wait to full game.
It sounds like you guys didn't do much other than whine and complain during your time on the beta. The active skills do not come from the skill tree...if you couldn't figure that out...well then you really shouldn't be commenting on the quality of the game.
And i write it i got frost nove , collect monsters hit one button..Then why you need sooo big passive skill tree ? I didn't have beta account i played some in this stress test event.
Im disappointed now , just becsue all over the place people overrated this game. I was hyped to...but now.. dunno
I was really impressed by this during the public weekend. Gameplay felt solid. The passive skill tree is just awesome for those of us who are obsessive build tweakers. So much customization in general is really the selling point for me. Really love the economy and lack of a generic currency. I quit playing only because I don't want to waste my time grinding up a character who will be wiped, but I will definitely be playing this on release.
I tried it...I couldn't really get into it. It's hard to tell if it's because I know Diablo 3 and Torchlight 2 are coming out soon, and/or it's bad. General comments:
- Combat felt pretty solid, but... - Because the camera is far too close all the mobs are basically right next to you - Potion system is novel - Not enough inventory space make it quite tedious - The skill tree looks like it's big, but you're only going to use a fraction of it
I can understand why people might like it though, the gem system is something different from most ARPGs and it has very dark graphics.
On March 31 2012 23:32 I_like_hydras wrote: I played a few hours,it's pretty good..Nothing special,or new ideas or anything though,it's more like an HD Diablo II, i wouldn't pay for it.
That's good because you won't have to, it will be free to play.
6. What does Path of Exile cost to play? Path of Exile is 100% free to play, for everyone, forever. Our website will allow the purchase of many in-game perks and aesthetic upgrades, but all of these are completely optional, and players can have a complete, fulfilling gaming experience without spending a penny.
Something can be free to play and still not be worth playing.
Sure of course, but why do you bother saying that? the guy didn't say "it's not worth playing", he said "it's pretty good... I wouldn't pay for it [though]"
On April 01 2012 11:17 Netsky wrote: - Not enough inventory space make it quite tedious
WTF is with people saying this? Not only are games like torchlight and diablo 2 and diablo 3 the very same as this, but what the hell kind of stuff are you guys picking up? Most of the stuff on the ground is worthless. Whenever inventory is full, it takes less than a minute to portal, sell items, stash items, and return to the area.
You people virtual packrats or something? This complaint is analogous to saying the supply cap in Starcraft 2 is too small. It just doesn't really make sense; you're playing the game wrong if that's what you think.
On April 01 2012 11:17 Netsky wrote: - The skill tree looks like it's big, but you're only going to use a fraction of it
Strongest builds I've made go from one end of the tree to the other. One went diagonally across, another along the outside. characters can take 111 of the passives on the screen which really ends up accounting for quite a few passives spanning lots of areas.
I'm not any special fan of the passive tree or think it's great/ideal or anything, but it's certainly not too bad at all.