I really don't think she's that bad. She has a lot of drawbacks and vulnerabilities. You have to keep in mind that things get figured out over time. Just look at how the vs phoenix matchup has evolved in only 6 months time. Phoenix may not even be considered usable 4 years from now.
If you're familiar with Marvel 2: early in the game's lifespan people wanted Iceman banned because he was too broken. 10 years of playing experimenting later he wasn't even considered a decent character.
...Or, more probably, she's closer to 5 Rax Reaper and needs balancing. SRK and the professionals frequenting SRK seem to be of universal consensus concerning this, even more than the pre-patch Sentinel.
And there isn't going to be a decade more of this game. UMVC3 is coming out in November.
Way to ignore my point entirely. UMVC3 isn't a fundamentally different game. It's some new characters and balance tweaks. My entire point is that the game needs time to evolve because the community eventually figures enough out that there are drastic shifts in what works and what doesn't over time.
That was the entire reason I brought up Iceman. The community was in nearly universal agreement that Iceman was broken. He was not ever nerfed, and yet eventually that consensus changed because people had time to figure out how to deal with him until he became a non-issue.
As a casual watcher of this Phoenix is really ruining this experience for me. It's just a circle jerk until the player gets lvl 5 and if you don't kill her before then you might as well drop the controller even if you have 300% health.
I don't know the nuances of the game but man is this annoying to watch.
Edit: Oh woot! Somebody killed a dark phoenix!! :D