The game just kinda spits in the eye of everything that made ET so memorable for me. Me and a friend backdooring as covert ops and engi on Fuel Dump to win a game before a pub knew what was going on, fun situations that you just can't do in this. A skill game that actually requires aim where the best headshotter wins fights. The xp system, the interesting and incredibly fun maps like dump, radio, goldrush. Hell even getting smashed on the bad maps like Battery is better than the choke fests in Brink. The non consolized controls (I Press F and it magically targets and sprints me towards a teammate? What the fuck)
When a free game does literally everything better than your full priced product there's a serious problem. It's just such a shallow copy of an excellent. It makes me kind of sad/nostalgic to play it because I can't shake how much better it was in ET.
Although I pine for the days of playing TMA and BGH with my friends as well, SC2 never really made me feel the way Brink does. It's just not good enough in its own right.
On May 14 2011 09:22 Kurr wrote: I'll have to take back my positive post from earlier.
I can not even play this game anymore. Literally. I load it up and it's lagging so bad even in the lobby, the character animation looks like someone took still shots of it and it's unplayable. I have tried to put every single option to the lowest, turned off any optional stuff...nope, no fix. I looked online for the new ATI drivers that are supposed to fix it, no go either. It makes no sense. I played the first 2 days without much problems, even if it was a bit choppy, it was playable.
Sad to say I wasted money on a game that is unplayable.
Try turning off shadows and ambient occlusion. I got 50 more FPS just by doing those two things.
I have every option turned off and the graphics to low. Didn't help.
On May 14 2011 09:55 Teddyman wrote: If you have fps issues with ATI cards, downgrade to 11.2 drivers and type r_shadows 0 in the console (ctrl+alt+tilde). That seems to have mostly fixed them for me.
Tried this as well, didn't do anything either.
I'll put it on the shelf until there's an official fix. I know a lot of people have the problem. It's just ridiculous that one day it works decently (a little choppy but OK overall) and that 2 days later just being in the lobby makes it seem like my computer is about to die.
I own an aging laptop, so purchasing it for the PC is probably not the smartest choice, and I love the online experience of Xbox Live, but I was curious if anyone had experience on XBL playing Brink?
I read the Gamespot review (here) and it sounds like most of the major issues (lag and AI behavior) could be fixed with some DL updates.
Can anyone sell me on buying it now? I am a huge fan of Bethesda's games--like ES4: Oblivion--and I love FPS, but I don't know anyone who is playing it on Xbox.
On May 15 2011 02:57 wrote: hmm i played it but my pc cant handle it :/
If you have an ATI card you might need to change something in your .cfg file. If not then I'd just turn everything on low, unless your computer is actually that bad :x
I really wish the game was more successful in what it's trying to do. I just find it unfun to play. It's weird, I can pepper enemy players with headshots all day, and they don' die, while I get one-shotted.
I also dislike how it's impossible to tell each of the classes apart at a glance - they really didn't learn anything from TF2 there... The game basically suffers from way too much visual detail in general, and it gets fatiguing after a while.
And the reptition of the game really kills it for me when none of the other parts of the game works.
After 25 hours of active playing in it, i can say the game is just so fucking great.
The only big problem it have is the people playing it, the ones that don't get a damn clue about what kind of game this is :d I've seen people complaining about the lack of TDM on various forums, laughed so hard, this is an objective team based game, not a spray n pray casual fps for people with no brain that can push +forward and +fire all day, it take skills, à shit ton of teamplay, as much as an heavy knowing of the maps.
This game possibilities are definetly pretty big, just looking at ESL, the 1st tourney will have a cash prize of 15 000€, there are already a ton of teams playing around ( i should say, learning around since at that point in time, no one on hearth know how to play the game at it's max possibilities).
ps : < This is what is missing on every single "top review site" around, someone on their team that have figured out how to use the smart/jumps system/environnements so they can play the game the way it's designed and stop rating it 5/10 because it's not as good as cod series when it has NOTHING TO DO along with cod of bf games :d
The game grows on you, I've got 40 hours logged and I've just scratched the surface of this game. My first impression was good but the more I play it the more I love the game. It has allot of depth to it. My first character was an engineer who I respeced to soldier at lvl10 and I loved that class. No one can hold a chokepoint or area like the soldier. They can push areas and hold objectives better than any class. Then recently I started leveling up a light type operative and now I have to play the game entirely different. I'm going in disguised uprooting entrenched enemies so my team can move forward and doing hit and runs on the enemy while firewalling consoles making them impossible for the enemy to take without them getting shot up. I can understand why someone who plays TF or ET can hate the game mainly because they have expectations that the game will play differently then it does instead of enjoying the game for what it is a fresh gameplay experience. I can also understand the people who hate it because of the bugs on 360 or ATI cards but for ATI I kinda blame the user on that one because that company has had problems with open gl. What I don't understand is how deathmatch players who don't know jack about teamwork would even think they would like the game in the first place. Did they think the game was going to be a spam feast? From what I've seen skill comes out on top in this game not camping, random shots, or knifing. Even with a light body type I'm able to win fire fights by aiming for headshots and positioning myself along with some tackles and melee knockdowns even though I have allot less health. I honestly was tired of FPS games until this game had come out and had stopped playing them.
On May 16 2011 02:16 BentoBox wrote: Heard I would have to turn down my gfx settings to shit to be able to play on my ATI...
even turning down the graphics all the way and tweaking it with external tools (no shadows etc) its running bad on my ati. the forums are bursting with anger from ati-users. i get like 15 fps in battles with a hd5700 and the game looks like utter garbage with all the graphic tweaks having said that, the game itself has quite some potential imo...some patching and community-inputs and we have a fun shooter!
1xxxxx different customisations and heavies get generic shotgun, machinegun and a grenade lobbing piece of crap. Wheres mah rockit launcha or maybe a flack cannon. ;/
I love the mirrors edge like movement in an rts but sadly the maps dont fully exploit the Light vs heavy concepts.
if the developers are listening though then those maps will be subject to change right?
Starting about 36 minutes in (queued it up) Hutch does an interview with Richard Ham, from Splash Damage, about various things in Brink. I found it mildly interesting while trying to decide one way or the other on the game.
Of note is that Splash Damage specifically designed tons of things to be tuneable without needing an actual patch (heard of a few other games starting to do that), to let them tweak things as needed in real time. One thing he mentioned was that if they find that offense or defense is having a hard time on a particular objective in a level, they can do something like change the respawn timer of one or both teams for that section of the level so that one of them has maybe a 12 second respawn and the other maybe 25 seconds.
They also actually designed their bots to basically ignore the objective (aka, not plant the charge/hack/etc.) most of the time to let players "get the glory" so to speak, figuring that many players would rather do that than having a bot more or less beat the level for them. They do start trying when the timer starts ticking down (think 2 minutes or so was the example given) if the players haven't managed to get it done yet. That's tweakable as well and if feedback from the community says "make the bots try right from the beginning" then Splash Damage can make that change rather easily.
He also mentioned something about the bot's relative "skill" related to how many humans are in the match, I think. I'd assume rank is another factor (go easy on the level 1 people that just got the game, essentially).
The inclusion of bots (along with the limited number of maps) is one of my main concerns. Bots are great and all to have as an available option, but I'm not sure I'd want them in my online multiplayer. It sounds like you don't really get a choice, though. If there aren't enough human players/people drop out - welcome to playing with/against some bots.
Since I heard this game was running so badly on ATI's I couldn't wait any longer and I picked it up for my 360, my room mate has an Nvidia blessed rig and Brink looks sexy as hell on there
On my 360? it looks like the game is capped at 480p or something.. it looks horrific
gonna trade it in as soon as this things playable on ATI's .. it's a great game, just had a rough start it seems.. steer clear of the 360 version, honestly it looks terrible
On May 16 2011 09:16 Auru wrote: Since I heard this game was running so badly on ATI's I couldn't wait any longer and I picked it up for my 360, my room mate has an Nvidia blessed rig and Brink looks sexy as hell on there
On my 360? it looks like the game is capped at 480p or something.. it looks horrific
gonna trade it in as soon as this things playable on ATI's .. it's a great game, just had a rough start it seems.. steer clear of the 360 version, honestly it looks terrible
I would go trade it in now. Personally, I have an ATI Radeon HD 6870 and have had absolutely no problems running Brink.
I don't think people are giving the game a chance, and may have gotten the wrong impression from it at first glance. The game is still new, but there's a lot of potential here for a level of gaming that standard FPSes can't give atm. I would encourage anyone who brushed it aside to give it another look, either now or maybe after some more patching.
The lagginess of it will be fixed, eventually. I have it on a PC with a 5770, and it just took me a bit of tweaking to get it to run smoothly.