The Witcher 2 - Page 9
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Belgium3115 Posts
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Finland561 Posts
On May 13 2011 18:33 maartendq wrote: A polish magazine giving a polish game top grades.. Not really that surprising, isn't it? What makes you say that? Does polish magazines have a history of biased game reviews or something? | ||
Canada540 Posts
On May 13 2011 19:33 11cc wrote: What makes you say that? Does polish magazines have a history of biased game reviews or something? I have no familiarity with the site, but they did give bulletstorm a 9.0 : / | ||
Australia2823 Posts
Changing one scence isn't a huge deal but i will for one be getting a user made patch to make the game the exact way the developers intended it to be. | ||
Poland5551 Posts
On May 13 2011 18:33 maartendq wrote: A polish magazine giving a polish game top grades.. Not really that surprising, isn't it? On May 13 2011 18:05 DarKcS wrote: they'd get paid so much $$ to review it no matter what. Uhhh do you ever read stuff posted right before your posts?: On May 12 2011 04:22 True_Spike wrote: The Pelit (the biggest Finish gaming magazine, at least I was told so) gave the non-final & pre-day 0 patch version a 9.3, which is supposedly a very rare sight in the case of the reviewer who did the article. Apparently, the reviewer said that DA2 isn't worthy of even standing on the same shelf as the second installment of the Witcher(...) But who cares? Polish magazine gave it 9.5 so they are 100% corrupted and biased. If the entire world gives a Polish game grages 9/10 and better then Polish magazines have to give them 1/10 just to prove they are unbiased ... BTW: The second page of that review is article in english: | ||
United States981 Posts
On May 11 2011 03:06 iCanada wrote: Having never played the first one, should I pick it up before I get The Wicther 2? Definitely. I'm playing through it for the 3rd time right now. It's an amazing game. | ||
Germany165 Posts
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Germany1406 Posts
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Scotland912 Posts
On May 13 2011 23:15 Corvi wrote: 24h playtime with "unhurried gameplay" does not seem so good. witcher 1 was a lot longer. well, wicher 1 didnt have crazy ass boss battles though ... That does seem on the low end. I started 'The Witcher' last Friday, and finished it yesterday - that's putting in roughly 8 hours a day, 'unhurried' so... 48 hours. Mind you, that's still for short of the 80 hours advertised on the box, | ||
Germany3392 Posts
On May 13 2011 23:20 Gnosis wrote: That does seem on the low end. I started 'The Witcher' last Friday, and finished it yesterday - that's putting in roughly 8 hours a day, 'unhurried' so... 48 hours. Mind you, that's still for short of the 80 hours advertised on the box, considering the multiple palythroughs you need to see what outcome every decision might have 80 hours is probably not so wrong | ||
Scotland912 Posts
On May 13 2011 23:25 Skilledblob wrote: considering the multiple palythroughs you need to see what outcome every decision might have 80 hours is probably not so wrong That sounds more right, I had forgotten about the decision outcomes. Which, as far as I've experienced, aren't all that significant. | ||
United States981 Posts
On May 13 2011 23:29 Gnosis wrote: That sounds more right, I had forgotten about the decision outcomes. Which, as far as I've experienced, aren't all that significant. + Show Spoiler + The end result is the same, but you get to see both sides of the story which is pretty cool. The 2nd play-through doesn't take nearly as long. You can glide through it in around 25 hours. | ||
United States5955 Posts
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Sweden1213 Posts
On May 11 2011 21:51 snotboogie wrote: Restarting my predownload so that I get the uncensored version. Thank you GoG. EDIT: ARGH! You have to set it to non-Australia before you purchase. Looks like I'm stuck with censored. Will be emailing GoG, hopefully they'll fix the issue. EDIT 2: I got this message 1 minute after emailing them my issue so it looks like a lot of people have made the same mistake as me. If you're in Australia, change your location BEFORE you purchase the game if you want to uncensored version! Here's their email: -- Hello, Unfortunately we're currently unable to change the version of the game that a user has on their account, after purchase. It's possible that “fan patches” that will re-enable the edited content will be released on the Internet shortly after the game's release, however we, nor CD Projekt RED, cannot be responsible for these patches, of course. We're also compiling a list of users interested in a version change, but we can't promise if and when this could be done. We apologize for the inconvenience. --- Regards Support <3 them for informing you about fan patches. Holy shit, I'd be so pissed off if my government censored games. I'd probably start avoiding paying taxes. | ||
Sierra Leone2268 Posts
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9553 Posts
On May 13 2011 17:31 Corvi wrote: cd-action, which is a polish magazine, gave it 9.5/10 cant read polish though, so dunno what else is written there. I'll translate that for you: The Witcher 2: First review in the world! Today, the newest issue of CD-Action was put on sale and with it, the most awaited thing in the world - a review of "The Witcher 2". Because soon the internet will be flooded with quotes from this article, we decided to post about 1/20th of the review here, and leave the rest of it in the actual magazine. The game was reviewed by enki and Monk who have courageously stayed in the offices of CD Project RED for long enough, to pass the whole game twice, and then some. They've prepared one of the best reviews we have ever had the pleasure of publishing. Here are some tidbits from the 8-page review [T/N: the review in the magazine is the one with 8 pages] + Show Spoiler [ORIGINAL POLISH TEXT] + Dziś do sprzedaży trafia nowy numer CD-Action, a w nim Najbardziej Wyczekiwana Rzecz na Świecie – recenzja gry Wiedźmin 2: Zabójcy Królów. Ponieważ za chwilę internet zaleją fragmenty tego tekstu, publikowane przez serwisy, które "wykorzystają prawo cytatu, jak Plotek/Pudelek", przygotowaliśmy z niego pigułkę. O objętości 1/20 tego, co w magazynie. Grę recenzował enki, któremu dzielnie towarzyszył Monk. Obaj spędzili w siedzibie CD Projekt RED wystarczająco dużo czasu, by grę przejść dwukrotnie i jeszcze trochę po niej połazić. I wyprodukować jeden z najlepszych tekstów, jakie mieliśmy okazję przygotować. Oto wycinki z tej ośmiostronicowej recenzji. Enik didn't have a doubt that... "CD Projekt RED created an RPG that only Mass Effect 2 can rival in quality and story. [...] Whatever the end of this series may bring, or when it may come, I will replay the game all over again at once! + Show Spoiler + Enki nie miał wątpliwości. Co do tego, że.... CD Projekt RED stworzył erpega, któremu fabularnie i jakościowo dorównuje bodaj tylko Mass Effect 2. […] Jakiekolwiek miałoby być jego zakończenie i kiedykolwiek miałoby ono nastąpić, natychmiast zacznę przechodzić grę od początku. The strongest element of the actual game? The Witcher 2 isn't linear. It beats many other developer's games in this field, and even manages to surpass the already dated "Bioware dual morality" system. The story of Witcher 2 stretches itself far with the help of the main story and the side quests - that little something that will make the gamers want to replay it over and over again. The main story of The Witcher 2 is divided into 3 acts, glued together by a pretty long prologue and a short epilogue. It will take about 24 hours to finish the game in a normal fashion, without rushing it. + Show Spoiler + Nieliniowość Wiedźmina 2 jest jego największą zaletą i przebija niemal wszystkie śmiałe i nieśmiałe wyprawy innych developerów na to pole, włączając w tym momencie przestarzały już „bioware’owy” system moralności. Bogactwo rozgałęzień fabuły – zarówno na poziomie zadań posuwających akcję do przodu, jak i questów pobocznych – to coś, co sprawi, że gracze będą wracali do początku nawet kilkakrotnie. A i tak nie doświadczą całości tego, co przygotowali dla nich developerzy. […] Scenariusz Wiedźmina 2 składa się z trzech aktów, spiętych z obu stron całkiem długim prologiem i króciutkim epilogiem. Niespieszne przejście całości zajmuje zaś około 24 godzin. That was not the only thing that should earn a praise. The reviewers were also impressed by "few but unforgettable love scenes" and overall - the graphics. We can even quote "In it's current form, with a day/night cycle and the weather changes, The Witcher 2 looks simply stunning" + Show Spoiler + To nie jedyne, co zasługuje na pochwałę. Uznanie recenzenta zdobyły również „nieliczne, ale zapadające w pamięć sceny miłosne” i ogólnie – cała oprawa graficzna. Wyłuskać można choćby takie zdanie: W obecnej formie, z dynamicznym systemem dobowym i zmianami pogody, Wiedźmin 2 wygląda wprost zjawiskowo. There was also some talk about the control system, which can also point to, a possible console port of the game. Geralt can also be controled by a pad. This system is performing very well, allowing the player to fully control the mouvements of his character, while allowing him to amplify the excitement of skirmishes with monsters, humans and non-humans. With this, the game has become a lot more demanding and skillful than it's predecessor, following the recent trends in the RPG market. + Show Spoiler + Mowa jest też o systemie sterowania, który wskazuje, że już na tym etapie CD Projekt RED nie utrudniał sobie drogi do możliwej konwersji na konsole: Białowłosym sterujemy [także] za pomocą pada. System ten sprawdza się znakomicie, pozwalając w pełni kontrolować ruchy postaci, jednocześnie urozmaicając wrażenia ze starć z potworami, ludźmi i nieludźmi. Tym samym gra stała się dużo bardziej zręcznościowa niż poprzedniczka, podążając zresztą za „duchem” zmian, które przez ostatnie lata objęły gatunek. Faults? Very few: If you'd have to absolutely complain about something, it's the boss fights, which were, at least for me, too easy, especially since there aren't really a lot of them. At the end its worth to mention the pluses of the game - A though-through, mature story, dozens of branching out side stories from the main one, great humor in dialogues and greatly polished audio and video scenes to go with it. Also the minuses - the poorly implemented stealth parts [T/N: I'm not sure if it's supposed to be skradankowe, or maybe it's just a typo of składankowe. Skradanowe=Stealth, Składankowe=Puzzle.] and the ending (that there was one, because we'd like an open end with a possibility of a 3rd instalment ![]() Wady? Niewiele: Jeżeli miałbym tu koniecznie na coś narzekać, to na starcia z bossami, które na mój gust były nieco zbyt proste, zwłaszcza że gra nie serwuje nam ich wcale tak dużo. Na koniec warto wymienić jeszcze plusy – wśród nich przemyślany, dojrzały scenariusz, dziesiątki rozgałęzień fabularnych, świetne, humorystyczne dialogi, doskonała oprawa audiowizualna, oraz minusy – sekwencje skradankowe i zakończenie (bo było, chciałoby się, by go nie było...). Score? High. a 9+ + Show Spoiler + Ocena? Wysoka. SPOILER: 9+ Oh fuck me, LOL. The 2nd page was actually a review in English xD. Well I wasted my time I guess, rofl.... | ||
United States5110 Posts
![]() I know about the branching story lines and such.. but still. I demand more witcher!!!!!!!! | ||
Belgium92 Posts
On May 13 2011 23:47 ZeaL. wrote: Man, I really want to rerun through The Witcher 1 because my playthrough had me going with the scoia'tel and letting Alvin stay with Shani. I only did it because my first playthrough I went with Triss and I wanted to see what would happen bu I don't have that save anymore. Ehh maybe someone will make a save creator like they did for ME1->ME2 There will be one with the game, so no worries ![]() | ||
Serbia1416 Posts
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Croatia7457 Posts
![]() If that really remains the case I am not sure I will buy this as I planned. | ||
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