On July 30 2014 19:37 Khalum wrote: My outfit's leader made a new promotional video which I'd like to share with you people. Germans will need a proxy to watch, as usual.
If you're on Miller you've probably seen us, sporting the black & yellow camo!
Bvenged wrote: This is the latest WASP Inc video I made for recruitment purposes. It demonstrates our teamplay, our heavy-action tastes and our grand combined-arms campaign.
I took a minimalistic approach with this on. Most of the footage comes from operations in February 2014, shortly after the Amerish Revamp.
Music by LORDE. I heard it once I just had to use it to stitch my clips together. The lyrics play out like a story to the footage if you ask me, which is wonderful to watch.
The "Groog" in WASP doesn't happen to be Scottish does he?
I used to know a guy called that who was my brothers friend in secondary school, and he did play NC in planetside 1 :p
Edit: added the quote so the video Khalum linked isn't left at the bottom of a page already.
On August 03 2014 07:07 Gorsameth wrote: yeah this one was brutally one sided. Hopefully tomorrow is closer :p
I feel sorry for Ceres, that was a hard hit.
As for tomorrow, Hossin will force it to be closer since it's a lot more defensible. There are a lot more 7 minute caps and many more connections that force smaller fights. Also 336 vs 336 will make sure that the average skill is a lot closer. I think it will be fun.
I prefer Woodman as a name ;_; . When I heard about those smashes I was worried I end up in em on accident, so glad now I know when it is. And yay Hossin fun :3 sob for no Vanu on Hossin fun and now I play on Miller D:
On August 04 2014 08:56 Gorsameth wrote: F it. Forgot Miller vs Woodsman was today. Anyone have a recap of how it went?
Woodman brought 2 squads of air. Miller 5. From there it went downhill fast for Woodman.
It wasn't as brutal as Cobalt vs Ceres since the terrain on Hossin just doesn't allow for such a dominating victory, but Miller was never in any danger and advanced on all fronts.
On August 04 2014 16:58 Khalum wrote: I've been drinking from friday after work till 1am today so I missed both fights. Will watch later today; And hooray Miller!
Just a little warning before you watch: Cobalt vs Ceres was like Flash vs me in Starcraft would be. Maybe worse.
Alright I watched Miller vs Woodman and our air dominance really let the game snowball.. the previous fight between us was way more entertaining to watch! (and much closer)
Cobalt vs Ceres I'll probably watch tonight or tomorrow. Thanks for the warning though
So far, I'm cautiously optimistic. I sure see a lot more max suits. I think the intent was to stop people from zerging tanks by nerfing tank splash damage and pooling resources into one thing. However, the resources regenerate so quickly regardless of territory held/lost that players can continuously spawn tanks. By nerfing bulldog and rocket splash damage, I think SOE wanted to encourage more people to utilize infantry tactics (and aircraft?) but if sunderers can't use bulldogs to protect themselves against infantry, then they're going to get C-4'd much easier. Sure, if might be slightly easier to C-4 a tank, but since people can pull a tank again instantly, I don't think tank zergs will stop.
I personally never felt like the tank zerg thing was a "problem". Sure, they would overwhelm some territories, but the numbers would whittle down, and the situation would stabilize. In some cases, the tank zerg would run into a difficult base to capture with mostly vehicles, and would lose ALL their vehicles rather than capping the base. I always felt like a small amount of coordination by forces inside of a tower would be sufficient to win because you could have AV max suits being supported by engineers and medics firing continuously. My main concern now is that it will take too long to wipe out the tank zerg with max suits, and reinforcements of more tanks will just take their place and hold the spawn camp until the facility falls.
I actually like the Spiker for spy hunting with the flash light. Don't have to aim for basically a 2 shot. Which is good for me since I am bad when it comes to aiming. No need to try hitting something more the 10 meters away though.