On January 17 2014 05:14 Duvon wrote: I'm having Serana as my favourite, hoping to marry her later - please don't spoil me. She's decently strong, and I assume she also have the vampire sneak bonus? However, I discovered the Blackreach yesterday, and she had huge pathing issues in some areas. I'm playing a two-handed juggernaught style so tanking is seldom a problem. Also + SkyRe.
Btw, with SkyRe, aren't your skills supposed to go up to 150? My smithing capped out at 101 I think...
I think that pretty much all followers have pathing issues in Blackreach. I prefer just going it alone down there.
On January 17 2014 05:39 daemir wrote: you haven't correctly installed the elys uncapper ini made for skyre then. You can change them manually as well, it's just a text file.
I think it's more likely that he didn't install the uncapper and is missing the dll.
Legendary Difficulty+Frostfall+Live Another Life+Permadeath=Ouch
I've been through three characters and haven't made it past level 4 yet. I was doing pretty well on one until I made a misstep and got one-hit-killed by Havjarr Iron-Hand. On another I accidentally aggo'd the entire Redwater Den and got chased out by a bunch of drug addicts until a thief killed me so he could take my whopping one gold. Still, I did pretty well on that one considering that I started with only clothes and no weapons with four bandits and a saber cat laying siege to my shack outside Alftand Glacial Ruins. With Frostfall on.
My most recent attempt saw me dying at level 1 to an enchanted spider. That was a stupid one.
I took a shot at playing a "only destruction" mage and quickly noticed that all the mods combined with master/legendary difficulty make it really retarded, cheesy and gamey gameplay. Wearing heavy armor, I would still get 1 hit by an arrow from your lowest regular bandit until I dropped game difficulty to adept. I could also not kill said bandit without going through mana bar twice. Urgh, yea, not the most exciting experience, dodge back and forth between trees or rocks to avoid that 1hit kill from an arrow while waiting for mana to regen.
Added some follower enchancing mods to allow gearing them myself properly and now they kill pretty much everything, so that's not really what I want either. Clearing a giant camp with 3 followers who spam crossbow bolts feels wrong as a lvl 3 or 4 character. Then again, if that character was the sneaky type, could 4 hit sneak kill the giants during night anyway.
Tried playing a melee character, sword and board. Got 1 hit by killed by an arrow from that lowly low bandit while wearing heavy armor and actively blocking with a shield on master difficulty :D yea GG, not the type of gameplay challenge I look for in my single player games. Standing on top of a rock to fire arrows at that wolf who can't path there, because it also could 1 hit kill me gets old fast.
Funny starting story, picked random start on Live Another Life, got randomed a shipwrecked to the northern sea "near" dawnstar. With Frostfall on. :D Died to cold ice swimming 200 meters from the closes building in Dawnstar.
2nd start threw me into Blackreach. Brutal start, dwarven sphere sitting right outside the door of the building and naturally any enemy found within blackreach was unkillable for a level 1 character. Got some nice level ups to sneak while gathering the 30 crimson nirnroot before leaving for surface.
I found the best way to play was to tune the mods / difficulty until its a challenge to play without a follower. It takes some time to tune it so you arent smashing things in 2 hits at level 10 or getting 1 hit yourself but its rewarding once you hit the sweet spots.
I give spots the plural because rebalancing throughout the game is pretty mandatory to keep the rewarding difficulty going depending on your playstyle.
This is bound to work for those who love 1, 3 or 10 followers too.
Just play with the difficulty settings in your mods / game (or get more if it isnt enough!) there is a balance there for literally every playstyle.
Abusing the games mechanics isnt ever going to go away, you either ignore them or abuse them while making the game so hard you have to.
Hmm, I'll look into it. I do have uncapper installed though.
Omni you are so right, I started a new character that's going heavy armor shield/1hander (I've never actually played that before) and at early levels I had to turn difficulty down to adept to survive (running SkyRe+duel combat realism), but now after lvl 15 I'm up to master difficulty again. Trying to keep it where I don't get instantly killed by a single ranged attack while maintaining a combat where I also don't 1 hit things.
Currently using one follower from a popular mod Vilja, made her an archer as my backline while I tank the front with my shield and summons. Been fun so far, the timing block mechanics that skyre and duel build upon feel satisfying enough when you don't muck things up. And when you do, that giant you missblocked just shot you into orbit :d
Reinstalled myself a fresh installation and switched using to Mod Organizer, which seems a definate quality of life upgrade. Then having done that I wanted to give Requiem a proper try finally.
Damn, I was pretty blown away when at the end of Bleak Falls Barrow, I was about to run to the Word Wall to grab the word, kill the Draugr and get out, only be stopped by about 15 draugr blocking my way :D And also, finding a couple of what looked like Deathlord level Draugr in that dungeon was kind of a...ummmm oh shit, moment. Good thing about the develeved world is though that you can level up professions without fear and skills that you didn't plan to fit your character that much, because it doesn't scale the enemies up as well, so you won't find just death overlords if you did some alchemy to start things off.
In this case, I quickly found out my summoned monsters aren't really equal to dealing with all these draugr, so I picked up a sword from one of the dead ones and waded in while my summon was distracting them. Took a long while to clear the place, but I did it. Felt better than clearing the last temple in the main quest line with my last character.
really enjoying skyrim.
In 27 hours in and I feel like I've barely started the main storyline. Really enjoying the deadly dragons mod. Once I was just walking along the road, talking to one of those surprisingly rich travelling salesmen and BAM dragon starts raining fire.
Playing a nord shortbow archer, even in rpg's i tend to play fps games lol ><
The black book quest line has been awesome so far.
Only annoying thing is how easy it is to get gold / loot and how(atleast with the mods ive got) you have to really hunt for specific vendors to sell shit to. Spose it adds to the realism though so it has it's bonuses as well.
I just started playing this again for whatever reason, what are some good mods that are still being updated?
Just go over the last 20...50...100 pages and you'll find links and recommendations galore in organised format
To recommend some, heres my load order
+ Show Spoiler +GameMode=Skyrim
Skyrim.esm Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp ClimatesOfTamriel.esm DeadlyDragons.esp DeadlyMonsters.esp Convenient Horses.esp ClimatesOfTamriel-Dungeons-Hazardous.esp ClimatesOfTamriel-Interiors-Cold.esp ClimatesOfTamriel-Nights-Level-3.esp torches for realistic lighting.esp RealisticNeedsandDiseases.esp RND_Dawnguard-Patch.esp RND_Dragonborn-Patch.esp RND_PureWaters-Patch.esp RND_USKP-Patch.esp Purewaters.esp SkyUI.esp SoS - The Wilds-PatchSPO.esp ReProccer.esp SkyRe_Main.esp SkyRe_Races.esp SkyRe_StandingStones.esp SkyRe_Combat.esp SkyRe_EnemyAI.esp SkyRe_EnemyScaling.esp SkyRe_EncounterZones.esp Dragonborn.esm Dawnguard.esm Update.esm Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp WARZONES - Civil Unrest.esm SMPC.esp Ars Metallica.esp Ars Metallica - Dawnguard.esp Ars Metallica - Dragonborn.esp Chesko_WearableLantern.esp Immersive Battles.esp Immersive Brigands.esp Immersive Mercenaries.esp Immersive Factions.esp Immersive Patrols.esp Immersive Travelers.esp Immersive Werewolves.esp WetandCold.esp RaceMenu.esp RaceMenuPlugin.esp Inconsequential NPCs.esp Headtracking.esp SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators.esp dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp Populated Cities Towns Villages.esp SoS - The Dungeons.esp AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp posesivecorpses.esp
Might be a little outdated and i dont use some, but alot of those are solid as fuck.
Warzones + Alternate life gave me the most mindblowing experience ive had in gaming in about 5 years. I finally configured it all and even got my headphones outputting surround sound (finally.) i spawned in the northern frozen waters, swam to shore, ran up a hill and all of a sudden theres like 200+ guys fighting on the other side of the mountain i was on, fireballs blasting around me, people dying, i can literally see people fighting 200+ yards away. It was like i was in a fucking war, so amazing.
After only playing vanilla, i think i nearly cried out of glee. Also the sound the fireballs gave off when they exploded next to me made me pause the game, get up, walk in circles around my house and out into the garden and just say "what the fuck what the fuck thats so amazing" Im not even shitting you, i got choked up with happiness :D
And i cant recommend a good controller, large screen and a nice comfy chair more. It really enhances the experience when your sitting in absolute comfort.
Be very careful about using Warzones. It's outdated and known to cause lots of crashes, and since Skyrim saves scripts in your character save you can't really safely uninstall Warzones mid-game. If that possibility is ok with you (it doesn't happen to everyone) then Warzones is pretty cool (though imo it's better in New Vegas).
There's not really a great alternative that is less risky for your savegame but one option that is kind of close is using Immersive Patrols and Populated Civil War.
I really like the idea of Warzones, but it's so, so unstable. At its best it's marvelous; at it's worst it blows your game up.
I'm gonna give the Populated mod series a go, since Warzones apparently is far too unstable. Whiterun also always felt so empty for being the trade center of Skyrim province and I gave Requiem a go and Bleak Falls Barrow was so full of Draugr I had a ton of WTFun times there.
hopefully my rig can handle all this new traffic!
e: seems like a cool bunch of mods. Lags a bit when there's many actors on screen, but haven't CTDed so far. I love the extra enemies in camps and I observed one of the bigger battles which looked cool.
I'm using skyrim redone and wonder what is the best magic mod that is compatible with skyre. I want it fairly balanced and quality over quantity! Anyone got experience with forgotten magic? Cheers.
Also civil war overhaul is that compatible with skyre? Anyone has experience with that mod?
Ive not heard of warzones being unstable actually, in my ~37 hours of playtime with those mods ive crashed only a handful of times (Which, lets face it, for skyrim, is pretty fuckin good :D) and usually when loading / inside.
The game is so finicky though so what works for me could be a nuclear bomb for someone else. (lets not even go into the fact that fallout 3 refuses to work with my 560ti but is 100% stable on the same system using onboard GFX. dafuq. GG Bethesda :D)
Anyone looking for mod lists going back all those pages in this topic, if the mod Better Sorting is mentioned at any point, ignore that and pick something else, like Another Sorting Mod instead. Better Sorting is so outdated and breaks a LOT of shit due to it.
Warzones is like your FO3 example, for some people, it crashes the fuck out of the game, for some, never a hitch.
I like the Populated Skyrim mods, you can get warfare in with those as well and I love the random patrols that join fights or pick them.
For magic with Skyre, I've only tried Apocalypse spell pack and quickly uninstalled it, far too OP spells. Skyre's own magic is pretty okay, t3ndo made destro scale, so it's viable. Illusion is pretty much as bonkers crazy as vanilla game, fury is too good. Conjuration is okay fun, there's quite a bit of different monsters you can summon and the remade perk tree is fun.
Does anyone know the OP? It would be really nice if we could get that updated with some of the mods that people have mentioned so that folks asking questions like
I just started playing this again for whatever reason, what are some good mods that are still being updated?
could refer there without having to dig through 50 pages of thread.
Thats a good idea actually, the thread (and game) is still active enough to get the OP updated with some essential mod-lists.
My understanding is that threads can be "taken over", as needed.