Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim - Page 37
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United States1193 Posts
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United States44 Posts
I'd like to see the limitations (or lack thereof) that they put on this. Traditional RPG relationships generally limit this kind of stuff to story characters or other classifications of NPCs. For example, what happens if you decide to marry a local shop merchant? Does your house get filled with her merchandise? Do you get her shit for free or at a discount? What about marrying a guard? Can you commit a crime in your own house without her arresting you? I see the TES open-world model not working well with such complications. | ||
Croatia466 Posts
On July 08 2011 05:21 Logo wrote:Does anyone have a RPG game where an optional romance felt meaningful or added to the game play? Baldur's Gate 2 and Planescape: Torment definitely. They were meaningful because those two games had the best writing in a video game (and 90% of movies) I've ever seen (especially P:T, which encompasses some of THE most interesting, tragic and fleshed-out characters ever; if you don't care for almost every single one of them by the end, you're probably a heartless sociopath :D ). The alignments, personalities, and, IIRC, some skills of romanceable NPCs also depended on the respective romances. There are also lots of examples from KOTOR, DA and other BioWare RPGs where you can influence an NPC you're in a romance with. | ||
United States3481 Posts
On July 08 2011 08:21 Torte de Lini wrote: How do you know they took time away to work on this? How do you know more time was needed for other things? Hah! No game has ever been released with the developers 100% satisfied with the product. There's always more that could have been done, but all of the brilliant ideas they had during the game's multi-year schedule were not part of the original scope, and are often set aside for the sequel, or a spin-off. Blizzard is one of those rare companies who have the resources, and bureaucratic/political clout, to come up with a brilliant idea halfway through development, implement it and iterate it in time for the full release...a release which comes many months after the original plan (which they NEVER announce ahead of time, for obvious reasons). It's only because of their decade-and-a-half long track-record of doing this successfully that lets them get away with it. | ||
United Kingdom63 Posts
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Canada2436 Posts
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Canada676 Posts
So any news on this front in Skyrim? | ||
Sweden279 Posts
On July 26 2011 09:37 rebuffering wrote: new gameplay footage!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYq0FT4tw-w Thanks for that sick video man! Think ive said it in this thread before but this game is like one of the only games im gonna pre-order, the older elder scrolls games were sick! cant wait ^.^ | ||
Brazil4644 Posts
I might need to upgrade my specs :/ | ||
United Kingdom239 Posts
On July 26 2011 11:27 gosuMalicE wrote: So has there been word on weather or not there will be "unkillable" characters in this game? I loved the fact that in Morrowind you could roleplay a rampaging warrior and put entire towns to the sword, quest-givers be damned. Oblivion really killed the immersion when 1 out of 4 NPC's was considered essential and only fell unconcious. So any news on this front in Skyrim? Unfortunately yes, of course there will be unkillable characters. If they made it like morrowind it would cause rage / confusion in their new target audience. | ||
United States226 Posts
On July 26 2011 11:27 gosuMalicE wrote: So has there been word on weather or not there will be "unkillable" characters in this game? I loved the fact that in Morrowind you could roleplay a rampaging warrior and put entire towns to the sword, quest-givers be damned. Oblivion really killed the immersion when 1 out of 4 NPC's was considered essential and only fell unconcious. So any news on this front in Skyrim? There will likely still be unkillable NPCs for big quests, but they have indicated that their radiant AI can chose different people to offer the same quest based on variables they set. They even have specifically mentioned cases where you kill the original questgiver. Hopefully this significantly reduces the percent of critical NPCs in the game. | ||
United States6899 Posts
On July 26 2011 15:05 ChinaWhite wrote: Unfortunately yes, of course there will be unkillable characters. If they made it like morrowind it would cause rage / confusion in their new target audience. "new target audience" aka dumbasses | ||
United States820 Posts
On July 26 2011 15:05 ChinaWhite wrote: Unfortunately yes, of course there will be unkillable characters. If they made it like morrowind it would cause rage / confusion in their new target audience. I think they should just make resurrection spells/scrolls so you can revive essential quest characters. Makes a bit more sense than invincible NPCs. | ||
United Kingdom7236 Posts
You rampage across the entire towns population and moan because 3 NPC's didnt actually "die"...seriously? Heavily awaiting skyrim anyway, i did enjoy morrowind to an extent, i just didnt like the shoddyness to the game, maybe i should pick it up again...Oblivion seems good, although aimed at idiots playing their 360's as opposed to the true gamer, which i think morrowind did quite well, very intricate spell system etc, not that it mattered considering all you had to do was slash something with that dagger you find in the census office untill it was dead. I once went through ghost gate and killed the last boss without realising it, later looking at a walkthrough i realised, kinda funny considering i was like level 5... | ||
Switzerland10600 Posts
In BG2 and PS:T you also could kill basically anyone (with a few exceptions)... But chars that should not be killed either had Guards that made it impossible (Arthanis Gath or how is the Assassin called that instagibs you if you try to kill Aran Linvail? :D) or just weren't "there" to kill. The thing is... It felt as if you really could kill anyone just for the fun of it, but you actually never could kill a really important person for some reason whiteout it feeling forced. I played these games on and off and I never ever had the wish to kill an important person and never actually did because the ingame consequences for starting a rampage were dire enough to just not do it... It's just not fun when you can't walk around in Athkatla anymore because Guards/Mages would attack you everywhere (well, it's fun when you play totally and utterly evil, but when you are "able" to get along with that chances are that you played the game several times already..). In Morrowind? "Important Quest-Guy dead..".. What again?... ... ... I hated it and think it was one of the most boring RPG's ever, I took one walk around the Island, went into all the tombs I found and that was it, the story was just in no way engaging. | ||
Canada676 Posts
On July 26 2011 16:13 Capped wrote: Invincible NPC's have been an inevital part of RPG's for a long time, morrowind as an exception, but that game was (at the risk of hate) piss poor and more of a sandbox "go do what the f you like" style of game. Oblivion, i cant say much im only like 30 minutes into it haha. You rampage across the entire towns population and moan because 3 NPC's didnt actually "die"...seriously? Heavily awaiting skyrim anyway, i did enjoy morrowind to an extent, i just didnt like the shoddyness to the game, maybe i should pick it up again...Oblivion seems good, although aimed at idiots playing their 360's as opposed to the true gamer, which i think morrowind did quite well, very intricate spell system etc, not that it mattered considering all you had to do was slash something with that dagger you find in the census office untill it was dead. I once went through ghost gate and killed the last boss without realising it, later looking at a walkthrough i realised, kinda funny considering i was like level 5... Well there was no possible way you "Acedentaly beat the game at level 5" On your first play through unless you were playing on the easiest difficulty and/or cheated your character up with console commands (both of with ruin the game so bad it is understandable how you wouldn't enjoy it) also the combat system was such that unless you were level 75+ in a weapon skill you wouldn't even hit enemies 50% of the time. So only a dedicated shortblade/stealth character would be able to even kill a level 1 npc with an iron dagger without dying at the beginning of the game. There are also a plethora of mods to fix the "shoddyness" of the game, which I agree was a definite issue with vanilla (hell i run over 100 mods to fix basic bugs so I get no crashes, and make the graphics around fallout:NV quality) But that should never be a complaint when there exist fixes out there. | ||
Australia1786 Posts
On July 26 2011 12:30 Bamm wrote: Thanks for that sick video man! Think ive said it in this thread before but this game is like one of the only games im gonna pre-order, the older elder scrolls games were sick! cant wait ^.^ That's nothing new actually, that's just the gameplay trailer they showed at E3 with the voice filtered out | ||
United States76 Posts
http://store.steampowered.com/app/72850/ | ||
Germany3392 Posts
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Brazil54 Posts
On July 26 2011 17:02 brachester wrote: That's nothing new actually, that's just the gameplay trailer they showed at E3 with the voice filtered out I don't think it is the same video, it looks quite different but it feels the same because apparently the so called 'random events and dragon AI' actually aren't random, and they will always pick that troll like the guard will always attempt to attack that dragon, in every single playthrough. I sure hope that is the case of their preview version only, otherwise the game didn't even release yet and it will already be filled with lies. :/ | ||
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