Quite enjoying the PvP in this game.
I've only played TDM so far and I've had my ass handed to me a few times but for the most part I'm doing fairly well. I'm no stranger to projectile based shooters.
Some players are obviously clueless when it comes to these kinds of fast paced fps games which is a bit of a shame when they are all on one team and it's a stomp either way (Happens fairly often :/)
Atm my favourite frame is the Mammoth for the fun factor, trapping people in the thunderdome and gunning them down is satisfying and I love the teleport shot, for the most part though the plasma HMG is hard to hit people with so I tend not to do especially well when using it.
My most effective frame is probably assault, the gun is kinda like babbys first Spinfusor and the afterburner is great for getting to health pickups.
I'm interested in the Nighthawk frame, I played a lot of sentinel in Tribes: Ascend and I loved that snipers were not useless deadweight "leet ninja assasins" that attracted every nubcake in the world in that game and really contributed (a bit too much some would say) in a support way if they could consistently make tough shots and pick off high priority targets.
Do any Nighthawk frame users have some input on how it fares in PvP? TDM or Jetball insight would be appreciated
8748 Posts
I haven't played Nighthawk but I haven't seen a good one yet. I'd suggest Electron. If you like Assault, you could try Tigerclaw. Its gun's splash is so small that you almost never do splash damage, but it hits harder and the projectile travels faster. Once you get the hang of it and start landing a lot of air-to-air direct shots, it gets really fun.
On an unrelated note, I've noticed that if you get 15+ kills in one TDM game, the chance that people will accuse you of cheating is pretty high. I have no idea how aim assisting programs work. Is it even reasonable to think people are already using them for Firefall? I thought it was ridiculous. I've gotten some scores like that and I certainly don't use one and I know there are a ton of players out there much better than me. I wouldn't be surprised if an experienced mouse and keyboard FPS player would seem to have inhuman accuracy, especially against opponents that don't know how to dodge very well and aren't even aware of how bad their movement patterns are.
People will always cry hack cheat foul in fps games.
Well, i guess i'mm give this game another go
Played in the extreme early beta (early 2011) and did all the stuff
Gonna give it one more go i guess!
Australia1187 Posts
On July 18 2013 01:58 NonY wrote: I haven't played Nighthawk but I haven't seen a good one yet. I'd suggest Electron. If you like Assault, you could try Tigerclaw. Its gun's splash is so small that you almost never do splash damage, but it hits harder and the projectile travels faster. Once you get the hang of it and start landing a lot of air-to-air direct shots, it gets really fun.
On an unrelated note, I've noticed that if you get 15+ kills in one TDM game, the chance that people will accuse you of cheating is pretty high. I have no idea how aim assisting programs work. Is it even reasonable to think people are already using them for Firefall? I thought it was ridiculous. I've gotten some scores like that and I certainly don't use one and I know there are a ton of players out there much better than me. I wouldn't be surprised if an experienced mouse and keyboard FPS player would seem to have inhuman accuracy, especially against opponents that don't know how to dodge very well and aren't even aware of how bad their movement patterns are.
Iirc someone was developing an aim assist program probably more than a year ago now, it got to the stage where it was reasonably effective.
But hack accusations just happen alot more than it is warranted because their matchmaking doesn't really operate very well on separating the good players from the bad.
And because for a modern shooter, the ttk is quite long (it's alot shorter than it used to be though ), there is alot of scope for worse players to get outplayed, it's not like cod/mw where if you sneak up behind someone your almost certain to kill them before they can respond. In FF they have a very realistic chance of turning around and just outjuking you with superior movement/aim.
The 15+ kills a match becomes quite a common occurrence when the player count queueing for pvp drops (which happens quite alot cyclically where it picks up after a patch/major overhaul, then tapers off again). I remember clearly at one stage just before the patch where they replaced medic with biotech, where you would only get pvp going maybe 4 or 5 hours a day and there was maybe 25 people queued max. Every game you'd see the same faces, and the same people would be getting 15-20 kills pretty much every match, sometimes one on each team.
On July 18 2013 01:58 NonY wrote: I haven't played Nighthawk but I haven't seen a good one yet. I'd suggest Electron. If you like Assault, you could try Tigerclaw. Its gun's splash is so small that you almost never do splash damage, but it hits harder and the projectile travels faster. Once you get the hang of it and start landing a lot of air-to-air direct shots, it gets really fun.
On an unrelated note, I've noticed that if you get 15+ kills in one TDM game, the chance that people will accuse you of cheating is pretty high. I have no idea how aim assisting programs work. Is it even reasonable to think people are already using them for Firefall? I thought it was ridiculous. I've gotten some scores like that and I certainly don't use one and I know there are a ton of players out there much better than me. I wouldn't be surprised if an experienced mouse and keyboard FPS player would seem to have inhuman accuracy, especially against opponents that don't know how to dodge very well and aren't even aware of how bad their movement patterns are.
i played tribes for a ages now and i have been accused of a lot of things on firefall
"nolifer" "virgin aim" "auto aimer"
i sometimes watch kids with no energy hop up and down and get upset they died lol. tribes is a better pvp game imo tho. its literally like a dumbed down tribes
I unfortunately did not enjoy PvP very much playing with a recon battleframe, i have played tribes1/2 as sentinel and CS as a professional and have eventually dropped off as an FPS player altogether.
I understand that my primary and secondary loadouts especially as recon don't serve a very good role in TDM/jetball though being able to deal very little damage compared to anything that most of the heavy-projectile based classes can use contributed a little to how badly and sorely i saw myself getting crushed, LOL. I suppose most of this game's content is not for me. lesigh, i am getting old, and it's back to entirely casual gaming/RTS for me. ):
souperior who is probably one of the best players (and like me, a GA recon lover) doesn't play recon cause i'ts not good enough atm
will probably get buffed
I like the jetpack changes from alpha. Definitely having loads of fun playing atm.
PVP is a little bit easy though, not enough player or MMR not rising fast enough
Any advice for a beginner? I've put a couple of hours in and don't see much more than just spamming thumper all day or going after the purple quests. I'd prefer to play solo, as I don't have any friends who'd play this game with me. Is the solo PvE in this game any good at all?
You've probably already seen all of it..
I'm having a lot of fun in this game, it keeps your busy really well
On July 31 2013 14:55 AnotherRandom wrote: Any advice for a beginner? I've put a couple of hours in and don't see much more than just spamming thumper all day or going after the purple quests. I'd prefer to play solo, as I don't have any friends who'd play this game with me. Is the solo PvE in this game any good at all?
It's terrible and non-existant.
So, should this game be played or should people wait for devs to release more content? What is general consensus?
So how majorly fucked is this game? Does anyone still follow its (tragic) development? If anyone does I'd like to hear how playable it is these days.
The endless beta is almost over apparently, red 5 announced Firefall to come out of Beta very shortly, introducing a lot of new playable zones and a soft item/resource wipe.
Would not recommend new players to start right now since everything is going to change a lot in the next months or so, but it is nice to hear from a game that I tough was dead and buried
Honestly, they've completely revamped the game so many times (instead of finding a good starting point and just iterating) that it's useless to play at just about any time.
I'm not goin back, and I was one of the biggest Red 5 fans there was. Sad fuckin day.
Since I had early access I decided to full power level to 40 which did not take that long (took like 2 days of playing, not even 24/7, something more like 8 hours a day spread out, though I did have a VIP boost).
The game has serious potential, and the company has taken the correct direction since they've ousted their once useless CEO. However, the problem has been Red5's name has been basically burnt to cinders due to various problems with the game in the beta (that are mostly attributed to Mark Kern).
Review of the game so far
I played a level 40 Dreadnaught the whole way through. I never unlocked a second class, and did some crafting along the way. The game was still confusing as ever, though it's better at explaining some things. Most quests are pretty similar to other MMOs, fetch, kill X amount of mobs, blah blah blah. Voice acting is pretty bad, though not unexpected for such a small studio. Where I say the game shines is that the gameplay is incredibly fun, especially at higher levels where the content becomes much more challenging. The early game is pretty much a cinch, once you hit your mid 20s to 30s though it becomes way harder. Your FPS skills will only take you so far, so yeah you'll have to do quests. However, there's at least a variety of quests to choose from, and there's random dynamic events that pay out pretty good.
The crafting has become much more simplified, and durability has been thrown out the window (as in shit no longer breaks permanently and disappears, which is originally what made me quit the game). It's pretty straight forward on how to craft, but I haven't done too much of it outside of a few things. Solid crafting system though for sure, much better then most games. No endless grind really either, you can get materials fairly regularly just doing thumping runs.
There are a few instances in the game, fun, challenging, and engaging. Similar to early game WoW raids. 20 man raids are standard end game, and are pretty damn hard. Takes alot of coordination and strong gear to complete them. There are some issues with hit detection at times, and latency is an issue. However, overall it's pretty impressive that hit detection is good as it is in a game where it's open world and an actual shooter.
What I will say is this, leveling wasn't too much of a chore compared to other MMOs, mostly because Firefall actually plays kind of like a shooter. Yeah the AI is abit stupid, but the content is challenging enough where you can't just stand there and eat damage, you do have to do some dodging, have to rotate skills, choose when to use AoE, etc. also you do have to legit have decent aim. It's fun, pretty fast to level, though I will say getting proper gear and modules together does take some time. There's some issues with the game, but it's come a very long way from what it once was. There's plenty more content, though not as much as say Wildstar. My main concern is that Firefall is really just directly competing with Wildstar in the Sci-Fi MMO market, and I don't think Firefall distinguishes itself enough to really compete.
What the hell happened to this game?
I played the early beta, had high hopes for it's pvp, it was almost like global agenda but not quite
What did the ceo do? He left?????
Anyone can explain or give a tldr to me haha
On July 22 2014 17:55 BrTarolg wrote: What the hell happened to this game?
I played the early beta, had high hopes for it's pvp, it was almost like global agenda but not quite
What did the ceo do? He left?????
Anyone can explain or give a tldr to me haha I wonder the same.
Wasn't there a small pvp?
tldr of the game Starts with big hopes, wants to be PvP oriented and develop a big E-sport scene. Also want a robust PvE economy using a complex crafting system and permanent break in items. PvE wants to be a very dynamic open word with stuff happening everywhere and somewhat of a horizontal-ish progression.
stuff happen, people get fired, pvp disabled for decades
fast forward some years, suddenly announce that the game is ready for official launch. Change absolutly everything, progression is 100% vertical now, with levels. Different zones of the map are scaled for a certain level. World is a lot more static and standard-mmo, quest board in citys, walk X distance, kill X dudes, interact with X guys, walk back. A massive amount of playable content is introduced with 3 massive new zones. Crafting was deemed too complicated and was dumbed down to what a basic mmo offers. IMO the game lost a lot of his identity during development, but it is overall still a very fun mmo, free to play. running around with jetpacks shooting stuff is always fun