On February 03 2011 14:39 r33k wrote: Interrupts boring-.-
While I never considered myself a top GW1 player I consistently played with top smurfs and guested for a few top guilds, and really only if you never experienced a p-leak or a dshotted max-range infuse can you say that interrupts were boring. And by interrupts I don't mean "oh let's hope that the pug will actually hit the interrupt on that aegis", I mean "oh SP sin just jumped in, LOL dshot his combo, see you in 20 seconds".
You could call shame an underrated skill from a show standpoint, but the GW interrupt system was truly unique and IMO the best around. Attack animations almost reminded of the nightmare that was warhammer online, but ANet surely knows better.
I think you misunderstood my point. I didn't say anything about they power-usefulness or anything of the like regarding interrupts. "to showcase" was my point. They are showing skills that look pretty, and are different than people have already seen, if they show a skill that was used in GW1, people will get the "I thought this was a different game!" syndrome. There will probably be a fair amount of skills from all areas that were also in GW1, but they aren't going to show them in a class reveal.
I agree with you, the GW interrupt system was a very well built system. But that wasn't what I was talking about. I was saying that there might still be a fair amount of interrupt skills even though they haven't been shown yet, which you were worried about.
On February 03 2011 14:39 r33k wrote: Interrupts boring-.-
While I never considered myself a top GW1 player I consistently played with top smurfs and guested for a few top guilds, and really only if you never experienced a p-leak or a dshotted max-range infuse can you say that interrupts were boring. And by interrupts I don't mean "oh let's hope that the pug will actually hit the interrupt on that aegis", I mean "oh SP sin just jumped in, LOL dshot his combo, see you in 20 seconds".
You could call shame an underrated skill from a show standpoint, but the GW interrupt system was truly unique and IMO the best around. Attack animations almost reminded of the nightmare that was warhammer online, but ANet surely knows better.
I think you misunderstood my point. I didn't say anything about they power-usefulness or anything of the like regarding interrupts. "to showcase" was my point. They are showing skills that look pretty, and are different than people have already seen, if they show a skill that was used in GW1, people will get the "I thought this was a different game!" syndrome. There will probably be a fair amount of skills from all areas that were also in GW1, but they aren't going to show them in a class reveal.
I agree with you, the GW interrupt system was a very well built system. But that wasn't what I was talking about. I was saying that there might still be a fair amount of interrupt skills even though they haven't been shown yet, which you were worried about.
I think Killy is right on the mark with the idea that the devs would gain little in showing the skills that were in gw1 rehashed. They picked out some of the flashy/unique ones just for the sole purpose of saying "hey, thats different".
If they showed "shield bash" and "cleave" and "block", well suddenly guardian wouldnt feel so unique.
Unfortunately direct interrupt skills wont return in GW2. They were a great way to reward "skillful" play. You could see a huge difference even between the good and the very few extraordinary mesmers and rangers by their use of interrupts. And from my point of view as a monk it was great fun to play the mindgames vs your opponent mesmer trying to lure his pblock and knowing when you are safe to cast. On the other hand as interupts played such an important part a huge decider in international competition was on which servers you played. Quite the difference between 15ms ping on EU servers and 300+/500+ on US/Asia ones. GL trying to hit game deciding interrupts with a casttime of 1/4 second on a 3/4 second spell with 400ms ping.. So from what i heard the ping dependancy was one reason to remove direct interrupts, you can still get interrupted by knockback, knockdown, blackout, etc but the emphasis on shutdown by interrupts shifted away.
Oh yeah, about the assassins - I really liked the class in gw1 because it was using these teleport/shadow spells instead of the usual stealth. I hope they manage to do the same thing in gw2.
On February 03 2011 18:05 dEphria wrote: Unfortunately direct interrupt skills wont return in GW2. They were a great way to reward "skillful" play. You could see a huge difference even between the good and the very few extraordinary mesmers and rangers by their use of interrupts. And from my point of view as a monk it was great fun to play the mindgames vs your opponent mesmer trying to lure his pblock and knowing when you are safe to cast. On the other hand as interupts played such an important part a huge decider in international competition was on which servers you played. Quite the difference between 15ms ping on EU servers and 300+/500+ on US/Asia ones. GL trying to hit game deciding interrupts with a casttime of 1/4 second on a 3/4 second spell with 400ms ping.. So from what i heard the ping dependancy was one reason to remove direct interrupts, you can still get interrupted by knockback, knockdown, blackout, etc but the emphasis on shutdown by interrupts shifted away.
Ahhh, yeah. I have to admit, I was misinformed. I did actually read this article, but I forgot it's contents. There probably will still be interrupts, but not as much as in GW1.
He took rupts examples on the matter. Dshots, pblocks, pleaks winning matches happens often, but the lambda player is likely to miss them. Considering the rupts are entirely ping-dependant, you're left with a system quite competition-unfriendly.
Their importance in GW2's shutdown are therefore gonna be reduced and, quite obviously, is pictured by the lack of enemies cast bar (at least in the demo). Instead of that, Izzy would like to see skills like Shield Bash. In GW2, this skill is highly graphic, very easy to understand and can serve a lot of functions: speed boost, blocking and KD. All of these put in the hands of a competent player will just rock.
On February 03 2011 18:07 Jimmy Raynor wrote: Oh yeah, about the assassins - I really liked the class in gw1 because it was using these teleport/shadow spells instead of the usual stealth. I hope they manage to do the same thing in gw2.
My build pretty much 24/7 in pvp involved a teleport -> trampling ox -> falling lotus strike. Cheapest combo ever. Killed clothies before they could even stand up.
It seems ArenaNet is having a "Human Week" where they are going to discuss the race and the new stuff that's associated with them. The first day of substance came out and there are a bunch of cool audio clips (zomg voice actors in a MMO?!?!?)
Updated main thread with the new video, showing off the human main town, Divinity's Reach. Epic doesn't even start to describe the depth and scale of just this one city.
Now imagine Divinity's Reach without the old GW1 instancing where you can seamlessly run out and about and through the city without going through load screens. [Although the artistic flare of the load screens never bothered me]
Now imagine Divinity's Reach without the old GW1 instancing where you can seamlessly run out and about and through the city without going through load screens. [Although the artistic flare of the load screens never bothered me]
Hi, I’m Jerramen “Yamen” O’Donnell, a member of ArenaNet’s Quality Assurance (QA) department. As a longtime Guild Wars player, I was lucky enough to join the company just in time for the big unveiling of the Guild Wars 2 demo at gamescom last year. During my time here, I’ve been really impressed with how ArenaNet incorporates QA as an integrated part of the development process, and I’d like to share with you what we’re doing to make sure Guild Wars 2 is the best game it can possibly be.
You may have read about working as a game tester, or maybe you know someone who works in QA at a game studio. Perhaps you’ve been told that QA is a dream job where testers get paid to drink soda and play video games all day. Alternatively, you may have heard that QA work consists of long hours of mind-numbing grunt work, or that QA testers are easily replaceable drones who don’t contribute to the actual development of a title. The truth is that across the industry there are companies where these descriptions aren’t far from reality.
ArenaNet is different, though.
QA members here are given a lot of responsibility and a lot of respect. We are a company that strives for excellence—not just in the titles we produce, but also in how we develop those titles. So it’s only natural to fill our workplace with people who want to work hard and then let them. This passion for quality extends throughout every department at ArenaNet, including QA. At ArenaNet, we genuinely are “Quality Assurance” not just “Functional Assurance.”
To build incredible online worlds, ArenaNet starts by hiring incredible people. You’ve seen some of the breathtaking work our artists have produced, and you’ve undoubtedly heard the groundbreaking ideas our designers have incorporated into Guild Wars 2. Well, even though QA isn’t responsible for making art or designing game systems, ArenaNet ensures that our team members are the best in the industry. (Although, I should point out that a lot of our designers, programmers, and other staff got their start in the QA department.) QA team members come from a wide variety of backgrounds, and each person brings a unique set of skills and talents to the table. Some are programmers, some are designers, and some are even editors. This broad range of skills allows us to support the company above and beyond simple bug hunting.
QA is also one of the biggest departments at ArenaNet. Because of our iterative design process, we embed QA members in almost every production team. We have a team responsible for testing each and every one of the hundreds of dynamic events. Another team combs over each map, making sure no seam goes uncovered and no gap goes unfilled. We even have a “mercenary” team, which helps any team or department facing a particularly large workload.
Beyond that, individual QA members serve on ArenaNet’s strike teams. These strike teams, who are assembled from several departments, focus on one specific aspect of the game: crafting, PvP, story, and other cool things that I can’t tell you about yet. By concentrating our efforts like this, we’re able to provide insightful, well-informed feedback that we couldn’t give otherwise.
Of course, QA here extends beyond Guild Wars 2. Naturally, there is an original Guild Wars QA team that works tirelessly to make sure that each new costume, story arc, and holiday goes off without a hitch. There’s also a QA team dedicated to producing tools that make the development process easier and faster.
That brings me to my next point: ArenaNet QA does a lot more than find bugs. Starting off, I was in awe of the legendary designers and developers that make up the staff here. So, I took it with a grain of salt when my team lead explained that writing feedback was an important part of my job. I thought, “There’s no way these awesome people want to hear my opinion.”
I couldn’t have been more wrong. In order to maintain a firm understanding of how the game plays in its current state, ArenaNet frequently calls upon QA to play certain parts of the game and write up our thoughts and opinions, both as testers and as players. This helps the other teams get a ground-level perspective of what they’re working on, and lets QA express concerns beyond the limited scope of bug reports. What’s more, the other developers really take our feedback to heart. I can’t count the number of times a critique raised in QA has kicked off large, decision-making discussions throughout the company.
That’s not to say we don’t write bugs. As fun as it is to work in QA at ArenaNet, it’s also a lot of work. There’s a lot going into Guild Wars 2, and we test all of it. Since we use an iterative development process, we test some things dozens of times before they are marked “done.” In addition to our usual battery of test cases, we also pay attention to how each piece fits into the game as a whole, how it affects other aspects of the game, and, perhaps most importantly, whether or not what we’re looking at is fun.
To do that, we make a point of doing a lot of black-box testing. This means playing the game without any developer commands or cheats, with the same limitations that players have. By playing this way, we get a strong grasp of how the game plays, and where it needs improvement. Looking at the bigger picture allows us to find the tedious parts of the leveling curve, the plot holes, and other snags that are hard to see when we focus on just one component. We even regularly gather the whole company to spend an entire day just playing the game together and talking about it. Doing this gives everyone a chance to see their work in the context of the larger project. It also lets us see how the game plays when there are hundreds of players running around a map.
Why put in all this effort? Because we care. This is probably the most significant value of our QA department: we’re all invested in the success of Guild Wars 2, and not just financially. We truly want Guild Wars 2 to be the best game you’ve ever played. Even when we’re testing the “Pump House” event chain for the hundredth time, or scouring a map for texture seams again, there’s a pervasive attitude of optimism. We all care for the game personally, and it shows. Truthfully, when you spend as much time as we do in Guild Wars 2, it’s hard not to be excited!
Personally, I most enjoy watching our game grow. In the short time I’ve been with the company, Guild Wars 2 has grown by leaps and bounds. Every time a new feature gets implemented or a new boss gets hooked up, the Guild Wars fan in me jumps for joy. I was awestruck with how fun the game was when I first got my hands on it last year, and since then it has only gotten better. I would be excited to tell you about the adventures and experiences I’ve had in the world of Tyria—believe me, they’re amazing and plentiful. But I’m most excited to know that the work we’re doing now will make your own adventures and experiences even better.
Companies that really truly care are the companies I want to back.
They announced closed alpha and closed beta for 2011.
Release (and maybe open beta, should there be one) will be taken from there, if there are a ton of bugs and other issues, it will be 2012.
Personally, I don't expect it to come out in 2011 regardless of any betas - If ANet kept to their dates, it would've come out at around the same time as Aion. Summer 2012 is my best bet right now.
I think they will try to push for a late spring (May or so) 2012 release. This would provide enough time for them to finish their testing as well as provide a buffer between Diablo 3, Mass Effect 3, and Guild Wars 2. It also provides enough time for casual gamers to finish one game and still have the urge for more RPG based games. Summer releases also can take away from the most active time gamers have, the summer. If they want a competitive scene developing quickly they would want to make the most of the summer.
Im super excited for GW2, im just worried that its going to come out at a point that i wont have time to play it or that it'll take over all of my free time like GW1!
I really hope that GW2 has a thriving competitive tournament scene. I loved the high level competition in GW1, it has been my favourite PvP scene (sorry SC!). Getting 8 people together all the time was often a hassle but it has given me some great memories and i hope to make more in the future with GW2.
For anyone interested my GW handle was "Darksbane" - and norad if you read this, you still owe me a bag of all dressed chips, though im sure you dont remember wtf im talking about =p
On February 03 2011 14:39 r33k wrote: Interrupts boring-.-
While I never considered myself a top GW1 player I consistently played with top smurfs and guested for a few top guilds, and really only if you never experienced a p-leak or a dshotted max-range infuse can you say that interrupts were boring. And by interrupts I don't mean "oh let's hope that the pug will actually hit the interrupt on that aegis", I mean "oh SP sin just jumped in, LOL dshot his combo, see you in 20 seconds".
You could call shame an underrated skill from a show standpoint, but the GW interrupt system was truly unique and IMO the best around. Attack animations almost reminded of the nightmare that was warhammer online, but ANet surely knows better.
I think you misunderstood my point. I didn't say anything about they power-usefulness or anything of the like regarding interrupts. "to showcase" was my point. They are showing skills that look pretty, and are different than people have already seen, if they show a skill that was used in GW1, people will get the "I thought this was a different game!" syndrome. There will probably be a fair amount of skills from all areas that were also in GW1, but they aren't going to show them in a class reveal.
I agree with you, the GW interrupt system was a very well built system. But that wasn't what I was talking about. I was saying that there might still be a fair amount of interrupt skills even though they haven't been shown yet, which you were worried about.
Historically interrupts have been pretty not fun to have prevalent in a metagame. Back when interrupts were actually good, games were decided by who has the lower ping and which team's monk's 40/40 sets are working better that day.
Don't get me wrong, I played a pretty damn good ranger in GvG for over 3 years, so I love D shotting RC as much as the next guy. But from a game design perspective they are very troublesome to balance. In order for interrupts to be balanced they can not serve as a balancing mechanism. In other words, a team should not have to rely on interrupts to win them the game, or conversely rely on interrupts to prevent them from losing the game.
In 2011, interrupts have been either nerfed out of use or overshadowed by power creep, games are decided by a team's decision making, choice of build, tactics utilized, and individual player skill instead of by whose mesmer has the lower ping. This is what a balanced game should look like. Interrupts should not be your team's sole path to victory; They should be one step out of a hundred or so other steps that help to win you the game.
But it took Anet like 4 years to figure out the balance between interrupts and the skills that they were interrupting. In guildwars 2 they just said "screw it" to actually trying to balance a very fun mechanic and got rid of active interrupts entirely. As far as I know you will still be able to knock someone down as they are casting a skill or hit them while they are dazed to interrupt a skill, but there will not be an attack skill or a spell which interrupts targets in the sense that there was in guildwars 1.
If that wasn't bad enough their philosophy on decentralizing healing and damage and distributing it around to every character sounds like the dumbest shit I've ever heard. There will be no single target healing or protection skills, no interrupts, only two weapon sets, and half of your skill bar is fixed based on your weapon. There is also no bodyblocking, which ruins the art of chiizu dancing entirely. Don't get me wrong, I will buy Guildwars 2, but I think it's PvP will not be as good as GW1's PvP.