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Canada5847 Posts
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United States7087 Posts
On July 18 2010 21:42 NB wrote: dang! my annie raping hard on ladder so i decided to make a mini guide on her: Runes: seal mana, Red magic pen, blue cool down reduce, purple: what ever you feel like, may be more pen but since im main casters (ryze/annie/morg/ blah blah) i take mana for it. reconmending getting pure stuff for every runes instead taking per 5 levels since annie is not a late game champs but more like a mid game dam dealer. masteries: stick with 8-0-22 if you can survive well other wise 0-8-22 (22 does not included the last masteries since you are not relying much on summoner spells) spells: ignite + ghost is basic. might try flash instead of ghost to do sm crazy shits but ghost has more use than just escape + blinking in middle of the enemy. skills: Max Q -> W, ulti take normally. Q use to last hit but if the enemy got some heavy pusher like heim, strongly recomend taking W first! you might consider taking 1 level of E before maxed out Q and W if you cant control the count on annie's passive, otherwise skip it. items: core items in the recomend list + wards + comsumable items game: early: try to last hit with E as much as possible. keep your count around 4 to use combo QW on the enemy at the same time instead of keep it at 5 and they run away as they see the animation on you. try to harras and keep their HP low using Q (range of Q greater than W) occasionly until level 5 (if double lane) or (6 with solo). keep your count as 4 and QRWQ the enemy with some basic hitting + ignite in the middle => any squishy champ should hv died or else turn on ghost and dive turret take em' down. when you go back, you mostly will find yourself enough money for boots +2, the item that gv you mana per spell and an AP book. if you cannot afford all of though, buy 2 potion, 1 mana, 2 wards and go to lanes and start your ganking. mid: use your spells from fountain to keep the count at 2 or 3, when combat happen, always remember the count and use ur ulti for the stun to have a strong combat opener spell. stick with the team for some strong pushing action since your aoe spells basicly can triple kill the enemy. dont for get to spam wards at brushes b4 push any lanes to counter ganking the enemy effectively. the higher elo you are, the more imba you feel about wards play!!! late: dont try to TANK!!! stay behind and let your tank/lates allies open the combat, you will stand nearby them helping them to stun/ks the kill xP... mostly the game will end with your score like 12-5-16 with >120 creep stat. ![]() on a side note: banshee counter annies SO HARD!!!. if the enemies try to mass banshee, try to hit them using your Q, run away and start the combo as soon as your Q finish the cd. since the guide is made in 10 mins, questions are openly wellcome, critic gtfo xP The flat mp/5 is the same regen as mp/5 level at like, level 4 or 5. Its pretty terrible but if you mean just flat + mana, go 0/9/21 for the hp/5 for every 4% (?) of ur max mana w>q unless u for some reason cant get ur w off, for example kass, coz of silence. flash> ghost for annie. i could pretty much write an entire guide on the uses of flash, but you should try it. Actually shit, arent they taking out flash? lategame: yeah build tanky. ur gonna be the initiator, and DIE, that is your role. you nuke somebody , interrupt a buncha shit then die, as the real dps machines carry. You can grab GA if u have a bunch of stacks but tbh just sell ur mejais lategame if its not maxxed or close to it. All i do is, kite around with my team until i see a really good spot, flash in tibbers , W-> shield-> Q-> ignite whoever-> w/e. Then when i have my stun again i will interrupt someone, ideally. and hp quints are pretty much mandatory on annie. too many lane match ups where you literally have to Q+ ignite+ autoatack+ have that extra bonus HP, to prevent being zoned at level 1. Once u get to level 2 with ur stun everythings O K. namely, ezreal(red pot) OLOL i owned this bitch at level 1 because he was like hmm i jump on annie. -kat, -trist. -etc. And never buy a tear on annie, ever. double mp5/level at seals and glyphs will be enough regen (about 450 ish) every single time ur tibbers is up for a complete chain. ghost has more use than just escape + blinking in middle of the enemy. Like what? With flash, in teamfights, you GET to those squishes in the back, zhonyas or whatever, then ur team can mop up. with ghost, you can run at them and the tank is gonna be like olol cute annie, -disrupt- Ghost is silly. | ||
10417 Posts
LOL noob naw man we got this in the bag haha whatever we're just having fun 10 minutes later, they ace us for the fifth time straight and we lose nexus. | ||
Canada5484 Posts
Ghenxx, who buddied me for no reason a while back, just took me off his BL because I told our ezreal he shouldn't have lost 2 mid towers to sivir before our sidelanes hit level 7. I didn`t even rage, but apparently me saying ezreal can deal with sivir`s spell shield is being too bossy. | ||
Belgium288 Posts
I just hit lvl 20 and i already maxed my marks with arm pen and my quents with flat health. Should i use flat hp seals and flat mp regen glyphs? | ||
Canada5484 Posts
For glyphs, CDR or Magic resist, usually. I would go for magic resist. | ||
Netherlands12045 Posts
On July 18 2010 22:45 HeavOnEarth wrote: The flat mp/5 is the same regen as mp/5 level at like, level 4 or 5. Its pretty terrible but if you mean just flat + mana, go 0/9/21 for the hp/5 for every 4% (?) of ur max mana w>q unless u for some reason cant get ur w off, for example kass, coz of silence. flash> ghost for annie. i could pretty much write an entire guide on the uses of flash, but you should try it. Actually shit, arent they taking out flash? lategame: yeah build tanky. ur gonna be the initiator, and DIE, that is your role. you nuke somebody , interrupt a buncha shit then die, as the real dps machines carry. You can grab GA if u have a bunch of stacks but tbh just sell ur mejais lategame if its not maxxed or close to it. All i do is, kite around with my team until i see a really good spot, flash in tibbers , W-> shield-> Q-> ignite whoever-> w/e. Then when i have my stun again i will interrupt someone, ideally. and hp quints are pretty much mandatory on annie. too many lane match ups where you literally have to Q+ ignite+ autoatack+ have that extra bonus HP, to prevent being zoned at level 1. Once u get to level 2 with ur stun everythings O K. namely, ezreal(red pot) OLOL i owned this bitch at level 1 because he was like hmm i jump on annie. -kat, -trist. -etc. And never buy a tear on annie, ever. double mp5/level at seals and glyphs will be enough regen (about 450 ish) every single time ur tibbers is up for a complete chain. Like what? With flash, in teamfights, you GET to those squishes in the back, zhonyas or whatever, then ur team can mop up. with ghost, you can run at them and the tank is gonna be like olol cute annie, -disrupt- Ghost is silly. mostly i get flash only if they have some weird suprise shits champs like kat/rat/ blah blah to escape easily. excuse me for "cant use flash" since i despite the range of it. most of the time i vs a team with falsh i spam wards hardcore if i can farm.... W>E: great news ![]() Runes: really on lv 4~5 = flat? wow, my caculation is wrong? ~_~ will check it again but if its equal at level 5 which is b4 6, get it everyone!!!! hold on, scrolling up see what else u said... oh yeah, about mejai, hvnt had chance to use that yet due to the fact that i tended to farm too much, mejai would be nice though (guide for newb, dun expect much ![]() i HATE flash in tibber, the stun is not long enough for me to finish up combo that way, i tend to play a team fight instead of me vs the WORLD by letting the tanks go first, choose angle and turn on my camera, STUNNNNNN, most of my games went that way ![]() about lategame, i put some thought into it after i wrote that and i think its actually depends on the situation. there was a game i went completely seperate away from teams to push using ward support with survival rate 90% ![]() oh well w.e. | ||
Netherlands12045 Posts
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Deleted User 3420
24492 Posts
On July 19 2010 01:36 Juicyfruit wrote: God I HATE playing with TL kids who get all ragey when I try to give them some feedback. I think if there's something wrong with your play, and we're in the same team, I should be allowed to tell it to you straight without having to sugarcoat it. Ghenxx, who buddied me for no reason a while back, just took me off his BL because I told our ezreal he shouldn't have lost 2 mid towers to sivir before our sidelanes hit level 7. I didn`t even rage, but apparently me saying ezreal can deal with sivir`s spell shield is being too bossy. well, I don't know how abrasive you are but being a pretty passive chill guy, I will say I have dealt with numerous tl people who are trying to give me advice during game but really are being pretty big assholes about it and won't give me an inch and act like everything in the game is my fault because I made a mistake what I am saying is.. if you want to have a positive effect be careful how u word you're shit. you probably were being an asshole and didn't realize it. It's not easy to take criticism in this game WHILE you are getting owned. | ||
Canada5484 Posts
On July 19 2010 01:52 travis wrote: well, I don't know how abrasive you are but being a pretty passive chill guy, I will say I have dealt with numerous tl people who are trying to give me advice during game but really are being pretty big assholes about it and won't give me an inch and act like everything in the game is my fault because I made a mistake what I am saying is.. if you want to have a positive effect be careful how u word you're shit. you probably were being an asshole and didn't realize it. It's not easy to take criticism in this game WHILE you are getting owned. I`m obviously frustrated, but definitely not abrasive in the way I speak. And yes, if two mid towers drop that early, then I definitely feel like pointing out that we`re at a disadvantage because their whole team is 1-2 levels ahead now, and yes, it`s mostly the fault of the person who let that happen. I already watch how I say things, and I doubt anyone can call me out for being rude. I shouldn`t need to speak like a mommy to get my point across without offending players, because if you`re that edgy we`re not going to be playing together a second time anyways. It`s not even the feeding or losing towers that bothers me. Shit happens, and I certainly don`t expect everyone to be super good. However, when I do my best to keep my frustrations under control and perform damage control and get attitude in return, it`s definitely not pleasant. | ||
Deleted User 3420
24492 Posts
This is why I think that it is in fact best to be very careful with your words when you are trying to give criticism. I mean, I've been the one getting criticised, and I couldn't help but get annoyed. It felt pretty unfair and unreasonable, as though I was the entire reason we lost the game - which clearly isn't true. And I am someone who isn't easily upset. | ||
Canada5484 Posts
It's a team game, I should be allowed to politely express my own unhappiness toward someone`s performance without being passed off as a whiny bitch. You want to know what I got after I told ezreal he shouldn`t have left the two mid towers to die? Something along the lines of, "If you don't get on vent, you don't have the right to complain". | ||
Deleted User 3420
24492 Posts
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Finland4559 Posts
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United States37500 Posts
"Uta, that Tear sucks, man up." | ||
United States37500 Posts
On July 19 2010 02:25 emucxg wrote: server down? Teemo says server's up. | ||
United States37500 Posts
On July 19 2010 01:42 Pakje wrote: Any advice on rune build for tristana? I just hit lvl 20 and i already maxed my marks with arm pen and my quents with flat health. Should i use flat hp seals and flat mp regen glyphs? Red Armor Pen Yellow HP/level Blue MR/level Quint Flat HP Granted this is for a very specific DPS build. I personally use an utility rune page for physical/tanks. Red Armor Pen Yellow Dodge Blue CDR/level Quint Flat HP | ||
Finland4559 Posts
i cant login | ||
United States150 Posts
Once the game is over, stress levels for all parties are down and I think it's much easier to both give and receive constructive criticism. On an unrelated note, it's kind of nice to be able to check your opponent's rankings. It made me feel a little less bad about getting destroyed in mid playing Trist vs. Ezreal when I saw that he was top 150 and I'm like in the 2000s. | ||
United States1372 Posts
... ... I'm definitely in the top 10% of players. I hate MM. | ||
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