On October 03 2010 04:30 Brambled wrote: Galio's ult doesn't seem nerf worthy imo. When ever I play him most of the time my ult gets instantly canceled.
Playing at a lower elo I would expect at higher elo this is more common.
If these game are any indication of higher elo (which I doubt most the time).... you would be very wrong.
There is 1 more game today. 2PM PST (aka 5 PM EST) which is the finals match of CLG Vs EU.
On October 03 2010 04:30 Brambled wrote: Galio's ult doesn't seem nerf worthy imo. When ever I play him most of the time my ult gets instantly canceled.
Playing at a lower elo I would expect at higher elo this is more common.
It wrecked them that game. He kept ulting the people with stuns (if he could).
The combination of awesome farm, great shield (2000 EHP?) and strong ult is what makes him so good. Even if your ult is canceled, you probably tanked a high value disable (unless it's against Garen/Udyr I guess) and caused a lot of trouble for the enemy team. And besides that you make your carry twice as tough.
Is EU vs CLG gonna be Bo3? I don't know but the last WCG game that was played I started watching late but was that game a bo3 or just a bo1?
both 3/4th place and the finals later today will be bo3.
I would personaly like bo5 more but considering the average time of a game thats kinda not doable for a tournament i guess
ok there is one more match for lastsaga. then its CLG. and no the match of Chinahero vs the other team, ( not worth the mention since they suck) was already played like 4 hrs ago
Marshall Islands3404 Posts
the difference with galio is that his ult has BASE DAMAGE.
interrupting it doesnt make you that sad.
So are these livestreams not operating until 2PM PST? Because all I've been able to see for an hour is black screen with rotating circle... I just want to make sure nI'll be able to catch it when it starts.
Correct, the streams are only online when the games are starting / in progress.
Are they going to stream the final? It's going to be terrible if they don't.
I'm asking, because the stream basicly redirected to the wcg official stream.
On October 03 2010 04:30 Brambled wrote: Galio's ult doesn't seem nerf worthy imo. When ever I play him most of the time my ult gets instantly canceled.
Playing at a lower elo I would expect at higher elo this is more common.
harder said than done, flash into their stunners means gg
also, he still does a fuck ton of damage with his ulti if his ult is cancelled. it isn't based off time, it's based off hits. the main reason why he's kinda imba is that he's a tank, got a cc that's comparable to the likes of amumu, and also he does a ton of damage. he's the whole package
England2656 Posts
You just advertised Warcraft 3, as League of Legends.
This is the third most henious ESPORTS deception possible.
can anyone please restream?
RayV? WTF is this shit? I notice there's no info on it whatsoever online. Probably full of spyware.
OMG i always thought that Cho is such a boring champ. Just played 1. game with jungle cho, he is so awesome! (i still lost it but was very close game). His gank srsly is so good, got my bot lane a double kill with 1 rupture + liz lol
User was banned for this post.
Must...get...stream to work.....
On October 03 2010 05:56 oberon wrote: RayV? WTF is this shit? I notice there's no info on it whatsoever online. Probably full of spyware.
Probably korean software so its not really popular on the english sites