OK, finally finished the turns. I went several over, sorry =[
The screenshots are on a different computer, but cliffs:
-I invaded Saladin -I pillaged a lot, took two cities and gave one back -I got alphabet from Saladin and have some semblance of an economy started
For the next guy: -We've got scientists running in most of our cities, and one of them is not too far from a great scientist popping. IMO the only reasonable thing to do here is to use use every GS to bulb, and trade the bulbed techs to backfill. That should quickly get us up to pace in the tech race. -I did a lot of whipping, and cities will be slowly working their way out of unhappiness. Keep an eye on our cities and grow them as unhappiness wears off. -We are still costing ourselves a lot in unit costs. We may need to consider deleting our warriors and some archers, or maybe the distant scouts. I leave that to you. -There is a great general taking a nap in Rome (or Antium, I forget). -I don't even know what I clicked to research, make sure you choose something appropriate.
The save (why are these always in spoilers?) + Show Spoiler +
The reign of the mighty despot Keilah (that's me) began less than spectacularly. Surveying the land (and the history chart), I saw that we... basically... sucked. Something needed to be done, and I was going to have to do it. With the help of my trusty advisors, I decided our best chance would be to use our totally imba praetorians to beat the infidel Saladin into submission, and hopefully force him to give us the crucial alphabet technology. Along with that, we need to build farms to support the scientists we need to bolster our rather sad economy. Being desparate as I am for cash, I decided to put our chariots to good use and plunder the barbarians. + Show Spoiler + After a few turns of chopping every pre-chopped forest and whipping every second turn, we've got ourselves a workable army of 9-ish praets and a few chariots, which the history graph says brings us... almost... up to par with our victim. It's ok though, the AI doesn't recognize the awesomeness of praetorians, plus it is terrrribad at tactics. Plus we're not gonna get a bigger army any time soon, so it's time! + Show Spoiler + A bit behind the enemy front lines is this little plum, ripe for the picking. A weakly defended city with loads of juicy cottage tiles to plunder; just what we need to give our economy a temporary boost. + Show Spoiler + It appears the slaves of Rome are unhappy with me whipping half of them to death over the last several turns, and with the army on the march, they decided to make their move =( Not exactly what we need, but you get what you get. I threw them some cash and they calmed down. + Show Spoiler + We also got this interesting quest while en route to Saladin. Not sure what the reward is, and probably not going to do it, but if we happen to be considering cavalry units in the near-ish future, it'll be nice to remember this. + Show Spoiler +
Ummm... unfortunately I messed up and lost the screensaves for the rest, but here's what happened: We declared on Saladin and took one of his border towns two turns later with no losses, and then he apparently convinced Hammurabi to declare on us. Not a big deal as he's so far away I don't even know where his civ is. I split the army after that, sending a few units northwest to plunder the cottages I saw earlier, and a few praetorians southward to take out the Southern border city. Since we wouldn't be finishing Saladin in this war, I decided that instead of razing, I'd attack the city down to one defender and then surround it, picking off reinforcements one by one and waiting until I finished pillaging the North before capturing the city. I unfortunately didn't have the manpower to capture a third city, but I get around 200 gold from pillaging Saladins villages and towns. In the end, it was a fairly successful war, resulting in one new city for us, several hundred gold from city captures and pillaging, and Saladin eventually giving us alphabet in exchange for peace. We only lost ONE CHARIOT, but just building those military units did cost us a fair amount. Oh and, I gifted Saladin back the southern city because it's total garbage and I figure the +1 relations is better than a -2 or whatever for razing it. While off at war, I finished the granaries/libraries and built a load of farms back home, in preparation for launching a specialist economy. I admit I was a little sloppy, just building farms on whatever grassland would allow it, but if someone wants to micro that later, they're welcome to do it.
and that's about that! Please excuse the fact that the pictures aren't up yet - they're supposed to be in the spoiler slots, but for some reason I'm having trouble uploading them. I'll try again tomorrow.
PS really sorry, I ended up going well over my turn limit - I got a little caught up in it while pillaging Saladin, and by the time I realized my mistake, the war was 2-3 turns from ending. I thought it'd be better for the next person to pick up at the start of peacetime, rather than running just a couple turns of war. I won't do it again ^^
+ Show Spoiler +none of your screenshots work for me lol XD
just empty spoilers ;(
oh shit didn't read everything ^^ sorry
anyway, seems you were pretty successful, not that much of a surprise since praets own
Most people in this thread use imageshack for their images, so if you're having trouble with them, try that.
Also, did you PM dobrev? If so, please put a little note at the end of your post so everyone knows.
Also, its fine to go over the 20 turn limit if it makes sense guys, so don't worry bout it.
Dobrev has been PMed
yeah i was using imageshack but the upload was frozen/super slow. Probably the fault of my internet, I live in Thailand and it's really spotty here.
Tips for easy screenshots Printscreen on your keyboard will automatically save screenshots to my documents/my game/beyond the sword/single/screenshots.
Download the imageshack toolbar. Now you can drag images from your screenshot folder onto a document/reply screen, and if you fiddle with the imageshack options (I believe it's forum(1) or forum(2), and make sure it resizes properly), it will automatically upload the picture and paste the embedded img link. Google gears also used to do this, but they discontinued support.
No more manually uploading and typing long urls!
I got the save. Will be playing later tonight after the football.
My reign follows the peace time after the war with the Arabs. The discovery of currency and beginning the build-up of forums was the focal point in my rule.
I find the empire with 6 cities all researching Currency like mad. Borders are calm so the troops can take deserved rest. There are still some resources to develop and a barbarian city in the near north is worth exploring.
+ Show Spoiler +
After killing a wandering Mongolian scout I hurry to sign peace treaty with them. The Goths get pissed somewhere and make massive uprising somewhere. All in the name of the Heavy Metal Gods.
At this point Nabu-rimanni, the nation's great scientist is born. He gives me the option to discover mathematics. But at this point most advanced civilizations already have it researched so I opt for him establishing an academy in Rome. + Show Spoiler +
Capturing an enemy spy is the only notable event as half my reign time has passed. At this point I finally develop the second elephants and immediately make a sweat deal to the English. By the start of next player the 10 turns should have passed so you can try to renegotiate it for more gold. But for now the cities can start to grow again.
+ Show Spoiler +
All is calm until the 400AD when the key events of my rule all happen at once. Currency is discovered and all cities begin building forums. The north barbarian city is raised. + Show Spoiler +
The historians issue update on the most advanced civilizations. As expected we are not in, but + Show Spoiler +
Only done reading their report I am approached by Churchill with a surprise offer. + Show Spoiler + You are welcome my friend. Only then I realize he is actually colonizing on the northern border.
In the last few years I am regrouping the army. Researching towards Monarchy and Feudalism when I should have grabbed Sailing fast to expand the trade routs. In the meantime the Arabs become Vassals of the French.
At the end I leave you the empire with steady economy, growing cities, and army ready for a quick skirmish (before it becomes obsolete). Expand by force or settlers, grow up the economy or something else is now up to you.
+ Show Spoiler +
Save file: + Show Spoiler +
PMed Energiser. You are next buddy.
given that point difference.. is it still possible to win at all? i quite wonder about it! :D well i shall be patient and wait.
finally some new pictures, from what i see you did keep that barbarian city, yes? seems to be in a very bad position now ^^
Got it, will play later tonight.
As for HolydaKing : It doesn't really matter about point difference. All that matters is either 1) Do we have a good amount of cities and 2) Are we able to at least maintain a 40% research rate?
If you got those two things, one could easily win a domination victory. Of course we could always try to win via diplomacy, but I'm not to good at making friends
Ok I lied, finished up my turn now as I have some free time
I opened my newly downloaded game as my eyes widened, How far have we expanded? How close are we to the lib race? How many vassals are under our control? Ohhhh the amount of sacrifices could- Wait.. what the hell? This cant be right...
![[image loading]](http://i194.photobucket.com/albums/z174/RaK-_-1992/TL%20Civi/Techscreen0000.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://i194.photobucket.com/albums/z174/RaK-_-1992/TL%20Civi/Thebeginingaa-10000.jpg)
Oh heaven lordy...We're behind in tech, researching meditation of all things, barley maintain a 30% tech rate, and our cities comprise of a few huts. Oh my.... Ok... we need coffee, gambling pits, and a hell of a lot of duct tape.
Alright.. to whoever thought it was a good idea to have more than 1 unit per city.. SHAME ON YOU! I quickly disposed of those useless infidels who we're doing nothing but gawking at the girls. They found their place cleaning up the sewers. Doing that alone brought us to breaking even.
I then turned my attention to spamming cottages in most of the cities who reached their happiness cap. Now, this is by no means a permanent move. In fact most of those cottages are on plains but I had no choice as I needed to fix the econ asap. Besides, it was better then letting those workers build roads... In the tundra... Seriously who put them on auto? Ughhh! Angry face!
I then put neoplois into starvation mode as I put in 2 scientists while I waited for the forum to finish to raise its happiness cap by 1 (btw, whoever is next, wait two turns, then bump up the scientists, and replace farms with cottages as the happiness cap will be met there until we get monarchy)
Ok.. Good... infrastructure is going to keep us afloat, but we still needed some much needed cash so I opted to start trading away;
![[image loading]](http://i194.photobucket.com/albums/z174/RaK-_-1992/TL%20Civi/tradeaa-20000.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://i194.photobucket.com/albums/z174/RaK-_-1992/TL%20Civi/trade-aa30000.jpg) I was tempted to trade our ivory to Napoleon for 10 gold/turn, but an old wise man once told me; Dont give your enemy a gun.
While this was going on, All of a sudden I hear the war trumpets and drums. It made me go SSSSSSSSSSHHHHHYYYYYTTTTTT until I saw this;
![[image loading]](http://i194.photobucket.com/albums/z174/RaK-_-1992/TL%20Civi/waraa-50000.jpg) YYYYYYYEEEEESSSSSS, ok, good, let them fight each other. May they both cause much blood between them!!!
Once our econ was in order, I started looking around for cities to loot, now we wernt ready for a war with any neighbor quite yet, so I sent about 4 prats and our lvl 3 chariot medic to the upskirts to take a very valuable barb city
![[image loading]](http://i194.photobucket.com/albums/z174/RaK-_-1992/TL%20Civi/cityaa-60000.jpg) Those spices will do just fine once we get calendar ^^
I then sent away that budda guy away to teach to some far off land. Who opt to get him in the first place? Bah, no matter. He made his usefulness as a entertainer in exchange for some jolly fellow.
![[image loading]](http://i194.photobucket.com/albums/z174/RaK-_-1992/TL%20Civi/tradeaa90000.jpg)
Hey, You member that war between the natives and hammy? Well it must not be going so well as he stopped by for a cup of sugar and nickles and dimes.
![[image loading]](http://i194.photobucket.com/albums/z174/RaK-_-1992/TL%20Civi/tribaa-70000.jpg) I sparta kicked him and haven't heard from him since. Though should be weary as he might go after us next.
Meantime, I was preping myself to attack the arabs. The juicy mountains and flood plains are all to good to pass up! Now, so long as he doesnt-
![[image loading]](http://i194.photobucket.com/albums/z174/RaK-_-1992/TL%20Civi/FFFFFF0000.jpg) DAMNIT!!!! They have longbowmen. Shyt. Our prats just went obsolete until we have cats. On the bright side, that isn't to far away, and our econ is doing very well now so that we can support our cities and the newly acquired arab states.
And I must say our luck never ceases to end, as Napoleaon, being the little general, heads off to war
![[image loading]](http://i194.photobucket.com/albums/z174/RaK-_-1992/TL%20Civi/waraa100000.jpg) That should make our war with the arabs that much easier as cats and war elephants are right around the corner.
And... Thats it.
Sadly, I wasn't able to catch up to... anyone really in the tech race.
![[image loading]](http://i194.photobucket.com/albums/z174/RaK-_-1992/TL%20Civi/techafter0000.jpg)
On the bright side however, we're at a perfect spot to gain a lot of land for ourselves and still have a chance to win the game. Whoever is next has to prep a war with the arabs as we would have not only the cats, but our war beasts as well! (Will have to research HBR though, not that much of a stretch as our tech is now doing well)
Save below, and next person has been PM'd
+ Show Spoiler +
let's not forget that Saladin is a vassal of Napoleon
On June 15 2010 13:06 Keilah wrote: let's not forget that Saladin is a vassal of Napoleon
We'll its either that, or fight much tougher opponents, or attempt to snag a culture victory.
Praetorians with military instructors don't do badly against longbows, but you guys are last in score, so you may not have enough production to overwhelm.
United States10264 Posts
I sense some mixed goals here. Now guys... It's no use going for a specialist economy if we don't pick up prime real estate! And by picking up prime real estate I mean going to war war war! We could have bullied a lot of civs with our Praets and forced them to give us more and more stuff like techs we never acquired! Since we went through ~40 turns of peace, we missed out on the best time for our Praets to dominate.
If Hannibal still doesn't have Longbowmen (unlikely situation looking at the tech chart above), we can pressure him a bit and perhaps save our stranded city. If not... Time for a new plan.
yeah this whole game has been horribly disjointed. I think this was what some people had in mind when starting a succession game =p
I'm loving the bleakness of our situation : )
it will make the eventual victory sweeter.
Damn it damn it damn it. I have to pass my turn that I've been waiting for for so long. Have 2 client jobs for a world cup promotion and getting ready for the shanghai expo, plus doing a project for Randomko_Orean. Sorry guys. Keep up the good fight.
We're in trouble