On July 15 2012 01:32 Hesmyrr wrote: Is it 5, 6, 9 sou wait? Even an inkling of hand like that makes my head spin- which is why I usually end up in furiten upon choosing the build complex hand like that T_T Yes, it is. I barely end up in furiten unless I get all the wrong tiles which require then something I discarded early on.
Meh. By the way anyone feel free to drop in #TLMahjong if you guys have time to play. Haven't had chance to play against TLers for awhile. No longer available
So I'm participating in this team tournament with 4 other people The format is like each team starts with 100k and each person plays 2 hanchan (Saki style if you ever watched the anime) Any tips on improving?
The tournament is July 25th so I have about a week and a half
On July 15 2012 11:17 JSH wrote: So I'm participating in this team tournament with 4 other people The format is like each team starts with 100k and each person plays 2 hanchan (Saki style if you ever watched the anime) Any tips on improving?
The tournament is July 25th so I have about a week and a half
so seriously just general tips for improving your mahjong play?
don't deal in. folding is always an option. safe tiles are usually an option. safer tiles are the next best option. study up on tile efficency. don't deal in. play more agressivly as dealer. play more defesively aginst a dealer who richiis or looks to be in tenpai. never go for chanta. a default hand shape you should look for is tanyao, pinfu, richii. (metapin to use the japanese term) don't deal in. as this is a tourny with a large point poll, not a cash game, you should ask your self how many points you need to improve your position with each hand, E.G. if you have just richii but need at least say...5000 to move up a spot then don't richii just to get your hand done, try to evolve it to more yaku i.e., a three color straight, simples, half or full flush, doras etc. speaking of doras always check what the dora is. review all the yakus over and over again. score random hands yourself, check yourself aginst the computer to see if you missed anything. don't deal in. always check to see how far away from tenpai you are, check to see how many of your outs are still live, plan your discards around maximizing the number of live tiles that more you closer to tenpai. real mahjong is nothing like saki, do not go for 13 orphans unless you have a crazy starting hand. don't deal in. always ask if richii is worth it, know how much it expects to increase your payout with how many yaku you have already in hand use this to judge the risk. when trying to read the "Wait" of someone remeber the 1-4-7rule. EDIT: don't post mahjong advice while drunk kids, you forget things. play alot. and don't deal in.
On July 15 2012 01:32 Hesmyrr wrote: Is it 5, 6, 9 sou wait? Even an inkling of hand like that makes my head spin- which is why I usually end up in furiten upon choosing the build complex hand like that T_T You only really get furiten if you discard your plan halfway through the game. So if for some reason you deviate from your original plan, watch out.
On July 15 2012 13:23 Shymon wrote: when trying to read the "Wait" of someone remeber the 1-3-5 rule. e.g., some one discards a 3 pin then the 5 pin and 1 pin are "likely" safe tiles as a 12 or 45 wait would use the 3.
Whoa, 5 safe when he discarded a 3??? Nowai. 67 ryanmen wait. The enemy could be hoping to draw an aka dora, too. 5 is pretty damn dangerous, almost all the time. 1 isn't that safe either, 233 is a good shape, enemy discards 3 to get a ryanmen wait on 1 and 4. And since terminals are less useful than 2-8 most of the time, people are likely to discard those. So 1 4 is a pretty good wait if you're not aiming for tan'yao.
If someone discards a 4, however, 1 is relatively safe. He can't wait on 1 4 with 23 in hand now because he'd be furiten. 4 is obviously safe. 7 is kinda safe, because again the wait can't be 4 7 with 56 in hand. The penchan wait on 7 with 89 in hand isn't that great because there are only 4 tiles available at best, so it's not played as often, but still possible of course.
Here's some stuff about defense theory, sadly there seems to be very little english stuff available... http://www.osamuko.com/list-of-mahjong-articles-in-english-by-xkime/#more-3345 http://justanotherjapanesemahjongblog.blogspot.de/p/list-of-defence-theory-articles.html
Disclaimer: I'm not actually good at mahjong. I hope I provided enough reasoning to not rely on your trust in my skill.
I definitely agree with this, though: Don't deal in.
I agree with spine. I've never heard of the 1-3-5 rule and honestly I think its a terrible rule. If your trying to read your opponent just off a single tile without regarding when the tile was discarded then this is a giant hole in your game. The only read that you can really get off a single discard is the 1-4-7 or w/e rule where if you throw a 4, then 1 and 7 are usually safer throws.
If you really want to improve, post a link to one of your games and let people go through the game. Reading and following tips will only get you so far.
errr yeah, i sorta posted all of those "tips" while very drunk. so yeah the 1-4-7 is what i MEANT to post but in my haze actually made up a new bad rule for defense ;p
Alright I did up a quick analysis which took a bit longer than I thought. I noted down each of your discard and added notes to where I believe it was not the best discard. One problem that I came up often in your games is how early you discard prevailing wind and seat honor tile + dragon tiles. You need to hold onto these since drawing a second tile and help you earn a quick wind, and it also prevents your opponents to quickly obtain cheap wins. Your still making some mistakes here and there in terms of tile efficiency which is very important if you want to get better. Try to focus on improving this.
+ Show Spoiler [East 1 South Seat] + 北 西 南 發 - dragon tile is thrown way too early, best tile to throw at this time is 8p 1p - as played 1p is fine here 2s 8s 白- should hold on to this tile since no white dragons have been thrown yet. would throw 4s instead 3p - not too sure about this move but it seems like you were worried about north having a half flush. You can be 90% sure that he is not aiming for a half flush base off his first three discards (being honor tiles). Thus the best discard would be the 8m since therse really no tells to indicate that 8m nor 3p are were dangerous. 8m would make your hand closerto tenpai. 5p
+ Show Spoiler [East 1 South Seat #2] + pon 南 北 1m 3m 4p 6m 西 2m 5p 8p North Riichi 7m 9s - here i prefer discarding 8s instead. 8s safe against both North and West (could be on a potential half flush). You also have around the same number of waits and most importantly, your waiting on the 9p which is a safe discard for other players against North. 8p
+ Show Spoiler [East 2 East Seat] + 1p 發 1s 9s - discarding 7p is the better choice here. 7p is a lone time in this hand. Your 899p has a higher possibility of forming a meld than having the 7p in your hand. 9s - again discarding 7p is better here 白 7p 南 8s West Riichi 9m Chi 345p 2p - your choice to push here is perfectly fine. 7p 7s 5m 中 8p
+ Show Spoiler [East 3 North Seat] + 2p 東 9m - discarding the lone 3p gives your more outs. 8m 6m 4m Riichi
+ Show Spoiler [East 4 West Seat] + 南 白 East Riichi 1p 9p - discard 發 first. Its alot safer 東 發
+ Show Spoiler [South 1 South Seat] + pon 發 9m 南 - hold onto this. Since you get 2 yakus for a set, it holds a much higher value. Throw 7s instead. 8p 9s - this discard seems a bit pointless. With this discard the 7s needs to be thrown due to the likely hood of being furiten. You lose two move without making any progress on your hand. 6m is a far superious discard. It gets you closer to tenpai and also a rare chance at a chanta 7s East Riichi 1p - your hand contants no guarenteed safe tiles so if you a bailing, this is a very easy 2p or 3p discard. The reasoning is because of East prioritize discarding 4p (valuable tile) before the 9m (not so valuable tile). This shows that the tiles around 4p have either formed a meld already or is a lone 4p. With the same read, I can also assume that 8 and 9p are safe. This is a very simple and reliable read that is based on how a normal person would play an efficient game. Take note that this type of read becomes less reliable if the riichi comes late. 白 2m chi 234s - this is probably not the best time to push. Your up against an East riichi and you can tell that West is bailing and north is somewhat bailing. Your hand is only worth 1 point if you win. Sure you may be able to deny a win off East but the risk is not worth the reward. Discard 6m instead. Relatively safe discard due to th 1-4-7 rule 東 1p - some indecision here. If your going to push, then push. By bailing after 2 melds, you put yourself in a situation where your probably furiten or not in tenpai while having not many tiles to play around with 2p 白
+ Show Spoiler [South 1 South Seat #2] + 西 東 5m - If you wernt thinking of going for a flush, this is probably one of the few times you want to hold on to some lone tiles. You have pair 1s and a 3s set that are almost guarenteed to stay that way for the rest of the game. If you picked up a 7s it would work well with this hand since you would have 2 set of pairs. Discarding 8s would be best here since you really only want to make one meld out of your 5568p combo. You hold on to the 5m becuase 23p and 56p share the same wait which is never a good case. The 5m would help improve the wait if you pick up a 4m or 6m. 9m 1s - This discard is pretty bad TBH. you were in the same situation as before the discard (2 set of pairs) but now you no longer have an out to triple up your 3s. 8s 5s 南 You Riichi 2m - This is a very good example of a bad riichi. It might not look bad at first since you have many outs but if you look around, its a really really bad move. First of all, both North and West have 2 open melds and should be commited in this round. North is forming a cheap hand so we can assume hes either in tenpai or relatively close to tenpai. West is forming an obvious flush or half flush. Since your hand is only worth 1 yaku, riichi does not give that much of a bonus. In other words, your risking 1000 points and a chance to deal into a flush, for roughly 1500 points (if we include uradora) and the chance to deal into a flush. Definitely not worth it
+ Show Spoiler [South 1 South Seat #3] + 北 西 中 - again a bit to early with these dragon tiles. Discard 9m instead 東 南 - same as above, its 2 yakus for you. Hold onto these a bit longer 白 2m 9m
+ Show Spoiler [South 2 East Seat] + This one is played fine. Though if i was going for a chitoitsu, id wait on the dragon tiles instead 北 白 發 中 西 發 3s West Riichi 7p 南 5m 2p 6m
+ Show Spoiler [South 3 North Seat] + 東 1m 南 - 2s first 7p 9p 3p 8s 8m - not so good of a discard. If you were planning a toitoi then you'll have a hand time since two 7m and a 西 are already discarded. Should have discarded the 9m and continue for a chitoitsu or a iipeko yaku 3m 白 9s West Riichi 5m 5s 9m 6s 6s 南
+ Show Spoiler [South 3 North Seat #2] + 西 East Riichi 1s - this might not have affected the game but it may in some others but I believe its important. When someone riichis and your 100% bailing, always throw the safe tiles provided by who ever riichi's pool instead of the others. This so you can stock up on safe tiles incase someone else also riichis. In this case, throw the 5s first and hold onto the 1s until you have no other choice. 1s
+ Show Spoiler [South 3 North Seat #3] + 東 中 - 1m first 中 1m 9s 1s 中 1p 1m 9m West Riichi 2p
+ Show Spoiler [South 4 West Seat] + 北 發 - this time its right to discard the 發 since thers are no lone tiles. 8p 2s pon 白
Thanks so much for the analysis!
I have one question though. For the South 1 South East: You mentioned that it is better to discard 2p 3p because of 4p discard? Except East didn't discard 4p He discarded (in order) chun 7p 4s south 9m (riichi)
I'm guessing you mean 4s, so I should've discarded 2s and 3s
Ok, I'll try holding onto dragons and Seat winds longer than lone tiles
JSH one thing about dragons and wind tiles is:
if I see a yaku that I'm i a good position for and the dragon/seat wind spoils it (ex. 11 of my tiles that I plan to keep are tanyao) then I will discard the dragon early to prevent people from building up pairs for a yakuhai win. Alternatively, if I see somebody doing a lot of pong/chi, it's safe to say that they've already got a yakuhai set, especially if they are very agressive with their pong and chi.
That makes sense Caller
I dunno the reason I usually just discarded the dragon/wind tiles because it usually requires my hand to be open and usually isn't worth much, unless I get bunch of dora
But I should consider them more hmmm
you don't need an open hand for a yakuhai victory
TImes when I go for yakuhai- a) when I have a lot of dora and no easy way out b) when I have a mix of 2-9 and terminals/honor tiles c) DAI SAN GEN d) when I see somebody about to win or with a very dangerous looking hand (ex. a guy that has a set of dora)
Er yeah you don't need it to be open, but a lot of times it is 
I do agree with all the points you made too And depends on how behind/ahead I am too probably I need bigger hands if I'm behind But you can get some pretty big hands off honitsu + yakuhai too
Guess it all depends on starting hand
closed junchan 
Man, these early ranks on Tenhou.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/iPxEv.png)
Only getting rating for first place and no penalty for last place also is weird, no point in doing anything but shoot for first place no matter what. And then there always are these people way below first place who go for these pointless <2000 points hands just to crush my chances at a comeback with a big hand. Well, at least I'm placing first more than 40% of the time.
By the way: Does anyone know if there's a way to acquire actual files of Tenhou replays, not just links?
Super lucky here. Started with 9 and completed within ten tiles 
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/wkaZy.png)
On August 11 2012 16:16 spinesheath wrote: By the way: Does anyone know if there's a way to acquire actual files of Tenhou replays, not just links?
I too want to know this. All i know is that they are stored somewhere on your comp but Im not sure where either.
On August 17 2012 23:46 Rhaegar99 wrote: I too want to know this. All i know is that they are stored somewhere on your comp but Im not sure where either. From the Tenhou documentation, it sounds more like only the links are stored on your PC. You can access them from the client, but the client would just load the list from your PC then. Since you can watch other people's games, the replays must be stored online. They could be stored on your PC too (duplicated), but it doesn't sound like that's the case...
Sooooo awesome: + Show Spoiler +
Don't really want to nitpick at your play but I think this is very important. Your kan is very unnecessary and I would even consider it bad play in this current situation. We are currently in the west round so whenever one person reaches 30k the game ends. You are on 29k and your hand without the kan is already plenty for you to win the game if you do win this hand.
You also must consider the point difference between you and your opponents: 8k before riichi for west, and 9.4k for south, and also the 600 + 1000 extra bonus points. If you are to deal into mangan to any of your opponents, you would still be 3rd place OR in 4th place but the game will continue onto the next seat, giving you an extra chance for a come back. So in this case when you do kan, you are actually giving your opponents a greater chance to win (with a haneman), and a greater chance for you to lose.
Constantly being aware of little things like these will make you a better player. Remember that in tenhou where only your final position matters, its not about how hard you win but how you win. Also feel free to double post if you want to add something new. This way people will know when theres some new content