lol damn that guys pretty lucky to get it twice in the game.
I think your play isnt too bad. From what I see you seem to be bailing and going for it when you should be. Im going to however talk about some of the small things that I notice in your play. Even though it might not have changed the outcome of the game, improvements in these areas can help improve your game 
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I've noticed twice in your game you threw out nonyaku paired honours very early on. Do this isn't nessecary bad play but it also isnt the best move you can do. Having a nonyaku paired honour in your hand has many benifits: - acts as a pair and can also be used in a pinfu hand - like any other pair if you pick up a 3rd tile it completes a set - and if you do pick up a 3rd tile, you get 8 additional fu for a hidden honor, giving your extra points when you do win - they become safe throws towards to middle-late game, and dosnt exactly break the hand Down sides are: - you use the tiles to make any runs - cannot get a tanyao
Looking at hand 1, having two 5s with no 4s or 6s does not guarentee you will be using them as a pair as either tile can come by anytime. You also only have 4 groups of completed/nearly completed hands: 2m3m4m, 5m6m7m, 5s5s, and the two honor tiles. Throwing the honor tiles in this case also pulls you further away from tenpai. The correct tiles to throw IMO is either the 1s or 9s, them being the most useless/most difficult to improve on tiles. I dont think I would chuck out the pair at any point with this hand. You'll be trying to form straights with the 5s and 8p and any other tile you pick up since you lack connectivity in the pin and sou suit.
Hand 2 is a bit more complicated since the hand is kinda crappy and difficult to win with. What I would throw out here first is the 9p then the red dragon. How you play this hand depends on the draw, but keeping the pair a few more turns give you the opportunity to play a chitoitsu hand if you happen to pick up another pair.
The next thing Im going to talk about is riichi and how you seem to be under using it. Ill put that in my next post
Thanks for the detailed response! I always tend to gravitate toward pinfu or tanyao, going for other hands very rarely and relying on random dora to give me han points, so that's probably why I show trend of discarding honour tiles early. I guess completing your hand quicker is more valuable than potential 1 dora from above yaku, but using the tiles that aren't prevalent wind forces me to riichi in the end... and I'm rather skittish about using riichi unless that one extra han point is enough to cause big difference (3 to 4 han, 5 to 6 han per say). I would be glad to hear about how to improve my riichi decisions!
Lets go through the pros and cons of riichi.
Pros: - You get one extra yaku. Assuming a 30fu hand, thats 1000 from 1->2, 1900 from 2->3, 3800 from 3->4, 300 from 4->5, 4000 from 5->6. - Chance of getting uradora when you win - Gives hands with no yaku a chance to win
Cons: - You throw 1000 points into the pot - Cannot change your hand - Opponents know your in tenpai
Riichi is so good its hard not to riichi when your in tenpai. Because your hand is close, unless they have a read on you, they have no idea how many point hand you have, nor what you are waiting for. It does not matter if you have a one tile wait. They do not know this In most situations the pros outweigh the cons. So instead of telling you when to riichi, ill give you a list of situations when you should consider not to riichi
Places where you might not want to riichi: - When you know someones got a big hand and is probably in tenpai (ex. someones going for a sou flush and has already thrown out a sou tile) - When someone has made a pon with 3 doras. Usually in this situation the guy with the dora wont bail. - When you have 4 points or higher and dont need to riichi to win (ex. pinfu hands with a combo of doras/tanyao) - When you want to make a better hand - When your wait tile is a dora tile - When most of your wait tiles have already been discarded - When someone else already riichi
These arnt the other things you need to consider. Opponents current points and position is also very important.
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This hand you put yourself in a difficult situation with the single dora white dragon. I like how you kept it on you and I too think its the right thing to do. One to prevent this is instead of waiting for the pair to finish off the hand, have a two sided wait instead so that you have the option of throwing the white dragon, not riichi, and be in tenpai with a decent wait. Of course the problem here is that is it safe to throw the white dragon. In this case probably not a good idea XD
You can be sure east does not have 2 white dragons. His consecutive 1s throws gives this away. If he had a yakuhai, he would almost never do this. In fact, chances are hes going for a tanyao hand. judging from his discards and his pon. Hes simply aiming for a quick win to defending his east position. Its also highly unlikely North is in tenpai and also waiting on the white dragons. The lack of melds usually indicates this. You only really have to worry about west in this situation. Since hes already has a yaku, theres also the chance he can win with only one white dragon in his hand.
When it comes to dora honors, if you have any doubt, dont throw it.
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This is one of the most basic situations where I would snap riichi. Your discards give them almost zero read. Your hand is a 2 point pinfu tanyao. You tenpaied quick which means its highly likely the other players arnt even close to tenpai. Even if someone feeds into this hand, its only 2900. Its almost too little to care about lol. Riichi here, and put pressure on your opponents and watch them break their hands. A riichi east is fucking scary.
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Riiching here isnt too good and isnt too bad, and I understand your choice not to. I would riichi here since its fairly early and noones made a meld yet. You are also coming last so you need points =]
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In this spot I would probably riichi, but its also ok not to. The 2m and 5m have been thrown so if north and west are bailing, those two will come out if they pick it up. One thing to note is north isnt bailing so id smash the riichi button
bah its a bit messy but i hope you can follow what im trying to say lol dont be scared to hit the riichi button xD
Wikipedia: This is a very common yaku, since it is rather easy to get. A no-points hand is just that—a hand that is worth no additional fu-points whatsoever. Specifically, the hand must have no triplets or quads, and must not contain any pair of dragons, player’s own wind, or wind of the round which is worth points, meaning the pair can be other winds. Oh wow, I never realized you could get pinfu with the honour pair. Just noticed this while playing the game. Also thanks for telling me to be gratuitous with the riichi! Though there were some... heart-stopping moments, it feels good to get 8000~12000 hands for once.
Interestingly, I've always had more success with going for cheap, quick hands rather than better hands + riichi.
lol 特上 is bloody hard. Im going 9-9-11-8 atm. Its ridiculous how well the R1900++ people play
I just got Dai San Gen  ...but I'm confused.
![[image loading]](http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/4835/tenhouq.png)
I won from weelo's (South) discard, but NoName (North) had to pay half for some reason. Can someone explain what happened?
replay: http://tenhou.net/0/?log=2012032712gm-0009-0000-e2caef71&tw=3
North was obviously a newbie, so my win wasn't really a big deal (I'm not very good myself).
edit: just looked it up: "In some variations the player who discarded the dragon tile that completes the third pung/kong when two are already melded, pays the full value of the hand for all players, if that player wins on a self-drawn tile. In the case that another player discards the winning tile to this player, the payment is split amongst the two." http://mahjong.wikidot.com/big-three-dragons
And thats why you never ever throw the last set of dragon tiles when someone has already pon 2 dragons :D. and that remind me that I havnt hit a yakuman in sooooooo long
Where do you play ranked games on Tenhou? I thought the default lobby was ranked but I've played a few dozen games (I think positive points overall) and no change. A friend told me you normally only have to win like 1 game to go up to 9 kyu or whatever it is.
You're not playing as NoName, right? Every game you play with ID is ranked.
If you look right below the first scrolly selecty thingy, you see there is 800/1600 pt. Left number is the pt you currently have while right pt is the point you need to get in order to advance.
Also fell down to 2 dan, I'm having massive mental slump at the moment *sigh*
LOL this whole time I've been unranked because I thought all I needed was to type a name to have an ID.
:D mahjong~
Also, a good thing to note is to not Kan like a retard:
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/AufB8.png) + Show Spoiler +I did kan once too so I'm partly to blame 
Five times 4th in seven games, f*** this game. Honestly, it's total bs how some players self-draw their single-waits or riichi after 3-4 turns while I have 1 1/2 rows full of 1s, 9s and honors >_<
lmao riichi only with 10 doras. I don't kan precisely because of the possibility of getting dora bombed and also I don't want to get Chan Kan'ed and look like an idiot.
Rinshan Kaihou huhu
Rinshan Kaihou #2
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/wP1DW.png)
Hey guys! Finally a seemingly active forum I found.. 
I'm a newbie at riichi, but advancing pretty well. I play a lot against pc and I am slowly learning to read discards and etc. So I thought let's go try tenhou, I'll probably lose, but meh, that's how one learns. So I played a tonpuusen, and ran crying back to my AI opponents... The problem is, it's way too fast for me. I can't decide in so little time, and I end up discarding tiles that even I know stupid. Is there some way to play against other people with more time to think, or should I just push it till I get used to it? Or better to play against pc until I get better?
Welcome to teamliquid 
I think it's best if you keep playing vs people. If you know the main yakus already, start getting use to the time limit (unless you can find somewhere to play with more time) because you will eventually have to in the end. Playing vs bots maybe okay but when you know you have unlimited time to think, theres really no pressure for you to think quick.
Probably the first thing you should focus on now as a beginner to online MJ is to not worry too much about other players discards but focus on your own tiles and try to constantly making a winable hand. Only once you have that mastered should you move onto looking at player's discards and applying basic reading to it.
I agree with Rhaegar99, and try to create the best possible hand you can with the tiles you are given and focus not so much on other players discards.
However, if you are really struggling with the time limit, perhaps you are not too sure of all the possible yaku or what sets your starting tiles might become. Try to quickly decide which tiles are useful and others not so useful and visualize what your hand might materialize to be as you keep getting new tiles. But don't lock your view on the hand and always keep a possible yaku in mind. And I do suggest you continue to play on tenhou, and get used to the time limit :>
Another tip that helped is collecting tiles from usually 2 suits instead of 1 or all 3 is easier in making a complete hand. However, this obviously varies with your starting hand and the tiles you draw.
am I the only one who keeps Dragon tiles as long as it makes sense? I had so many games where I just threw the single dragons away at the start of the game and then still got 2 other dragon tiles for a Pon. So now I just keep them until two were discarded