On August 16 2012 17:32 Superiorwolf wrote: hey guys, if you missed out on some epic games recently I uploaded some of them to youtube so you can watch ^^
for example ^^ Also some close games vs Maker are on there as well!
haha that game was so funny to watch live. I thought you were going to end up leaving him with no nexus before he would leave :D
Seems EG made a great acquisition! Suppy seems like a total bro and those were some nice games today. Shame inc lost and desrow was too good (fucking ZvP am I right), but yeah, suppy not bad ^^
I'm sorta mad that whenever I lose it gets on front page of Reddit T_T Last NASL Qualifier I rushed back from home back to Berkeley to play on my desktop, and skipped dinner with my parents, and I ended up playing one match against a mid masters. So I thought it'd be worth it this time to just stay home and have dinner with my parents and just play from my laptop. Well with the new patch I ended up getting 45 fps in the start of the game, 20 fps in the midgame, and I think he chose Metropolis game 3 because I told him I was lagging -_-;; On the positive side though, I did learn something regarding scouting in the match and also I got to spend a bit of time with my family, so that was nice ^^
Aww really? Well at least you're really well known (and deservedly as an awesome community guy, no less). At least you're getting recognized keke, and afaik they're not up in arms over you or anything, which is always a good thing. Never know with reddit. Dat metagaming, ouch, but well-played of course