On September 16 2012 14:50 HunterAMG wrote: Am I the only one that thinks this guy looks like the indian guy in The Big Bang Theory?
They're both tanned and have dark hair, thats as far as the resemblance goes xD looks nothing like each other
On September 16 2012 14:50 HunterAMG wrote: Am I the only one that thinks this guy looks like the indian guy in The Big Bang Theory?
haha holy shit
Sign me up please!
I always liked him (he is not only good but very nice person), but atm I just love him, he is amazing!
Could anyone link me to some recent replays form lucifron please ? (:
This guy is balling! Playing mech to a tee, Sign me up!
His play is so crisp, it's practically Korean.
Reaction time, micro, builds, macro, just impeccable play, sign me up.
sign me up! this guy is an amazing talent
Mind blowing TvZ performance
Whoah.. European terran hope! Yesterday games against Stephano were amazing hope we will see it again in finals! Will be intresting to see Lucifron vs Vortix i missed spain games, But both of them have really cool style so i think we will see great games. And also they are brothers and play in same team so they must train alot with each other so there might be some mind games.
He plays just amazing! Sign me up, this is so epic! Go lucifron, take down the swarm! :D:D
GO Lucifron! Hellion-master! Always a run-by ready to roast drones !
Sign me up please Love that he's keeping terran alive and kicking
Very impressive performance at WCS Lucifron. I hope you eventually switch to full time SC2 one day! We will be cheering you on!
Third place as Terran, heroic effort!!! So talented, Hope to see him playing more regularly but I doubt that will happen.
Best foreign Terran by far.
sign me up very refreshing mech play
Quality player, him and his brother could easily get into a top team!