On April 12 2012 01:56 epicdemic wrote: My chat also doesn't load in Twitch.tv in Chrome + Firefox....
I think he somehow disabled the chat because he was only using a sc2 ingame channel himself and it looked kind of disabled on his screen when he activated the advertisements and the chat should be right underneath that button...
Sign me up! My ZvP savior
He's playing NASL live tonight at 4 am CET - hope he doesn't fall asleep and miss the match
On April 12 2012 06:21 Azarkon wrote:He's playing NASL live tonight at 4 am CET - hope he doesn't fall asleep and miss the match  I wonder if part of those matchs will be casted from replays.
Oh yeah. Stephano plays starcraft that's right. Put me in this one too.
I didn't know it was possible to watch an interview more than twice in a row O.o
Can anyone point me to some replays of Stephano playing against mech? I have no clue what I'm doing so I would like to see how he handles it.
On April 12 2012 13:18 Aosi wrote: I didn't know it was possible to watch an interview more than twice in a row O.o
Haha, just got done doing the exact same thing when I read this. Stephano is amazing.
"you OBEY - it is different"
"I have absolutely no Idea what goes through my mind when I play"
"so I am prrruede of myself - prrruede"
pure gold
Hahaha awesome Stephano's interview
On April 12 2012 15:19 SamsLiST wrote: "you OBEY - it is different"
"I have absolutely no Idea what goes through my mind when I play"
"so I am prrruede of myself - prrruede"
pure gold
When he says proud, he says the "ou" part, french style. :p
the hell 11min max? SHOW ME THE VOD :DDD
On April 12 2012 01:04 Dingodile wrote: 199/200 at 11:00 on daybrak :D
That was sick. Perhaps even sicker was the game where he was at 192/200 on Korhal after losing his third to cannons. How is that even possible? He even built like 8 lings early game and was microing his lings around for a good portion of the early game. That is some pro multitasking. Before killing his poor Protoss opponent he danced his units around for a while. If I played Protoss (or didn't like Stephano) it would have been pretty disheartening, but neither is the case, so holy shit that was awesome.
Oh god, the interview is great. I had to laugh when they started touching his hair... incontrol and torch really need to watch out for their girls :p
Hahah awesome, Stephano! :D
he is actually cg vs kas ,http://www.teamliquid.net/video/streams/Empire.kas
Does anyone know how exactly does Stephano rally his units (such as mutalisks)? I think he actually explained it on one of his streams, but I couldn`t really grasp the specifics at that time.