On March 28 2012 00:36 mememolly wrote: good interview with slasher, he seemed pretty pissed on his performance, be interesting to see how he reacts, whether he wants to improve and work to win in the future or just see what happens at IPL and quit or continue from there, hope he puts in the work because he could become a monster if he wanted to
Well he already is, he probably got overconfident after his convincing win at the Lone Star Clash, and didn't expect to encounter big resistance from players he already crushed. Tbh he dominated Polt in the first two games, losing because he didn't keep the pressure until the end. A game is not over until the opponent says gg, so it was a good lesson to be taught
I think his change to BLs in late game vs Terran was proven successful, he has now a slight edge vs Polt, and he should be able to give more problems to other top terrans. His late game vs Protoss is still very strong, but games at MLG showed he should scout a bit more and not rely only on his game sense for his openings (true vs all races btw)
On March 27 2012 10:07 dsousa wrote: I think he assessed his performance perfectly in that interview with Slasher.
1. First game vs Polt, he got tricked into thinking he could A-move and he did. Polt laid a great trap. 2. Second game was near perfect, I didn't see a flaw, but only saw it live. He handled harass immaculately with infestor/roach/ling. 3. Third game, he just didn't scout and he trusted his instincts, he was wrong. Polt tricked him twice basically, once to all out attack in game 1, and in game 3 with the build MVP used to beat him in Blizzard cup. During that game I hoped he'd catch on, but he got locked into the wrong idea. 4. He lost to Inori through similar lack minds game like he did via Polt. His lack of early game scouting cost him again. 5. As a reactionary player, the drastic jump in levels from NA players to KR GM's hurt him. He was unable to get into a groove.... as he is so capable of. He reads the tea leaves, so its hard when he plays randoms because it breaks his reactions in a sense. He needs to scout more early game, especially in short series. 6. He didn't practice in the days before MLG.
He didn't get outplayed, but he was barely out thought perhaps. Making key mis-reads in tough Bo3's. Basically, mind gamed by TSL. Which is no excuse, winning is all that matters and that's going to happen, but hopefully he's right and being in groups at IPL will make all the difference. No doubt the KR crowd will have new tricks for him, he remains a target.
Game 2 vs Polt was a beautiful show of zerg, pity it'll be lost under the MLG cloud.
yea, in the idra interview, he said stephano was really angry that he won because his zvp is way better than idra or something like that
On March 27 2012 10:07 dsousa wrote: I think he assessed his performance perfectly in that interview with Slasher.
1. First game vs Polt, he got tricked into thinking he could A-move and he did. Polt laid a great trap. 2. Second game was near perfect, I didn't see a flaw, but only saw it live. He handled harass immaculately with infestor/roach/ling. 3. Third game, he just didn't scout and he trusted his instincts, he was wrong. Polt tricked him twice basically, once to all out attack in game 1, and in game 3 with the build MVP used to beat him in Blizzard cup. During that game I hoped he'd catch on, but he got locked into the wrong idea. 4. He lost to Inori through similar lack minds game like he did via Polt. His lack of early game scouting cost him again. 5. As a reactionary player, the drastic jump in levels from NA players to KR GM's hurt him. He was unable to get into a groove.... as he is so capable of. He reads the tea leaves, so its hard when he plays randoms because it breaks his reactions in a sense. He needs to scout more early game, especially in short series. 6. He didn't practice in the days before MLG.
He didn't get outplayed, but he was barely out thought perhaps. Making key mis-reads in tough Bo3's. Basically, mind gamed by TSL. Which is no excuse, winning is all that matters and that's going to happen, but hopefully he's right and being in groups at IPL will make all the difference. No doubt the KR crowd will have new tricks for him, he remains a target.
Game 2 vs Polt was a beautiful show of zerg, pity it'll be lost under the MLG cloud.
That second game against Polt was a work of art. He was safe at all points and utterly destroyed all of Polt's drops. His late game is so good, notwithstanding his collapse in game 1. Given all of Polt's comebacks against Stephano you'd think he'd have been more careful in that first game. Live and learn.
Stephano suggested that Polt's build in game 3 was something new, but Polt's used that exact marauder-hellion pressure build at least 4 times against him prior to that match. I found his saying that it was something novel truly bizarre. (Incidentally, the build MVP used against Stephano was blue flame hellion - marine, which is even a harder counter to mass zergling.) Polt has shown that he is capable of using pressure builds effectively -- e.g., their game on Metalopolis at the ASUS ROG -- and that he does not always play for the late game. This is why you have to scout.
As an aside, does anyone know where we can see the games against Inori?
On March 27 2012 10:07 dsousa wrote: I think he assessed his performance perfectly in that interview with Slasher.
1. First game vs Polt, he got tricked into thinking he could A-move and he did. Polt laid a great trap. 2. Second game was near perfect, I didn't see a flaw, but only saw it live. He handled harass immaculately with infestor/roach/ling. 3. Third game, he just didn't scout and he trusted his instincts, he was wrong. Polt tricked him twice basically, once to all out attack in game 1, and in game 3 with the build MVP used to beat him in Blizzard cup. During that game I hoped he'd catch on, but he got locked into the wrong idea. 4. He lost to Inori through similar lack minds game like he did via Polt. His lack of early game scouting cost him again. 5. As a reactionary player, the drastic jump in levels from NA players to KR GM's hurt him. He was unable to get into a groove.... as he is so capable of. He reads the tea leaves, so its hard when he plays randoms because it breaks his reactions in a sense. He needs to scout more early game, especially in short series. 6. He didn't practice in the days before MLG.
He didn't get outplayed, but he was barely out thought perhaps. Making key mis-reads in tough Bo3's. Basically, mind gamed by TSL. Which is no excuse, winning is all that matters and that's going to happen, but hopefully he's right and being in groups at IPL will make all the difference. No doubt the KR crowd will have new tricks for him, he remains a target.
Game 2 vs Polt was a beautiful show of zerg, pity it'll be lost under the MLG cloud.
That second game against Polt was a work of art. He was safe at all points and utterly destroyed all of Polt's drops. His late game is so good, notwithstanding his collapse in game 1. Given all of Polt's comebacks against Stephano you'd think he'd have been more careful in that first game. Live and learn.
Stephano suggested that Polt's build in game 3 was something new, but Polt's used that exact marauder-hellion pressure build at least 4 times against him prior to that match. I found his saying that it was something novel truly bizarre. (Incidentally, the build MVP used against Stephano was blue flame hellion - marine, which is even a harder counter to mass zergling.) Polt has shown that he is capable of using pressure builds effectively -- e.g., their game on Metalopolis at the ASUS ROG -- and that he does not always play for the late game. This is why you have to scout.
As an aside, does anyone know where we can see the games against Inori?
I don't know if MLG releases the replays of the entire tournament but the games was not broadcasted, but we know that it was some nexus first/2 base all-in and DT.
Also, it's fun to see Idra so pissed about Inori because he won against Stephano, Idra gives so much "love" to Stephano recently, at least in interview.
The second game was a great game by Stephano, but that's because Polt played for the late game. There were opportunities in that game for Polt to switch to an all-in and Stephano was not safe against it. For example, in the beginning of the game Polt had four hellions poking around Stephano's nat. At that time Stephano had very few lings. Had Polt went for a fast marine hellion scv bust on the nat, I don't think the roaches come out fast enough to stop it. Instead Polt opted to do that medivac elevator play he did last time against Stephano and Stephano was ready for it, after which the game spiraled out of control for Polt.
The danger with Terran for Zerg is that their early game timings are devastating but, at the same time, hard to scout. A Terran willing to take risks is able to make the match-up coin flippy, and meta-gaming against this type of Terrans is difficult because there's always the threat of them all-inning you. For a player like Stephano, who plays a lot on his game and meta-game sense, Terrans are a huge problem.
On March 27 2012 10:07 dsousa wrote: I think he assessed his performance perfectly in that interview with Slasher.
1. First game vs Polt, he got tricked into thinking he could A-move and he did. Polt laid a great trap. 2. Second game was near perfect, I didn't see a flaw, but only saw it live. He handled harass immaculately with infestor/roach/ling. 3. Third game, he just didn't scout and he trusted his instincts, he was wrong. Polt tricked him twice basically, once to all out attack in game 1, and in game 3 with the build MVP used to beat him in Blizzard cup. During that game I hoped he'd catch on, but he got locked into the wrong idea. 4. He lost to Inori through similar lack minds game like he did via Polt. His lack of early game scouting cost him again. 5. As a reactionary player, the drastic jump in levels from NA players to KR GM's hurt him. He was unable to get into a groove.... as he is so capable of. He reads the tea leaves, so its hard when he plays randoms because it breaks his reactions in a sense. He needs to scout more early game, especially in short series. 6. He didn't practice in the days before MLG.
He didn't get outplayed, but he was barely out thought perhaps. Making key mis-reads in tough Bo3's. Basically, mind gamed by TSL. Which is no excuse, winning is all that matters and that's going to happen, but hopefully he's right and being in groups at IPL will make all the difference. No doubt the KR crowd will have new tricks for him, he remains a target.
Game 2 vs Polt was a beautiful show of zerg, pity it'll be lost under the MLG cloud.
yea, in the idra interview, he said stephano was really angry that he won because his zvp is way better than idra or something like that
On March 27 2012 10:07 dsousa wrote: I think he assessed his performance perfectly in that interview with Slasher.
1. First game vs Polt, he got tricked into thinking he could A-move and he did. Polt laid a great trap. 2. Second game was near perfect, I didn't see a flaw, but only saw it live. He handled harass immaculately with infestor/roach/ling. 3. Third game, he just didn't scout and he trusted his instincts, he was wrong. Polt tricked him twice basically, once to all out attack in game 1, and in game 3 with the build MVP used to beat him in Blizzard cup. During that game I hoped he'd catch on, but he got locked into the wrong idea. 4. He lost to Inori through similar lack minds game like he did via Polt. His lack of early game scouting cost him again. 5. As a reactionary player, the drastic jump in levels from NA players to KR GM's hurt him. He was unable to get into a groove.... as he is so capable of. He reads the tea leaves, so its hard when he plays randoms because it breaks his reactions in a sense. He needs to scout more early game, especially in short series. 6. He didn't practice in the days before MLG.
He didn't get outplayed, but he was barely out thought perhaps. Making key mis-reads in tough Bo3's. Basically, mind gamed by TSL. Which is no excuse, winning is all that matters and that's going to happen, but hopefully he's right and being in groups at IPL will make all the difference. No doubt the KR crowd will have new tricks for him, he remains a target.
Game 2 vs Polt was a beautiful show of zerg, pity it'll be lost under the MLG cloud.
yea, in the idra interview, he said stephano was really angry that he won because his zvp is way better than idra or something like that
Where did you get that interview ? :o
Idra interview. He talks about his games at MLG and mentions Stephano's games against Inori. Sounds like he does not like Inori! He also says that the Infestor play as shown by DRG/Stephano rather than Muta is the basis of Zerg going forward.
On March 27 2012 10:07 dsousa wrote: I think he assessed his performance perfectly in that interview with Slasher.
1. First game vs Polt, he got tricked into thinking he could A-move and he did. Polt laid a great trap. 2. Second game was near perfect, I didn't see a flaw, but only saw it live. He handled harass immaculately with infestor/roach/ling. 3. Third game, he just didn't scout and he trusted his instincts, he was wrong. Polt tricked him twice basically, once to all out attack in game 1, and in game 3 with the build MVP used to beat him in Blizzard cup. During that game I hoped he'd catch on, but he got locked into the wrong idea. 4. He lost to Inori through similar lack minds game like he did via Polt. His lack of early game scouting cost him again. 5. As a reactionary player, the drastic jump in levels from NA players to KR GM's hurt him. He was unable to get into a groove.... as he is so capable of. He reads the tea leaves, so its hard when he plays randoms because it breaks his reactions in a sense. He needs to scout more early game, especially in short series. 6. He didn't practice in the days before MLG.
He didn't get outplayed, but he was barely out thought perhaps. Making key mis-reads in tough Bo3's. Basically, mind gamed by TSL. Which is no excuse, winning is all that matters and that's going to happen, but hopefully he's right and being in groups at IPL will make all the difference. No doubt the KR crowd will have new tricks for him, he remains a target.
Game 2 vs Polt was a beautiful show of zerg, pity it'll be lost under the MLG cloud.
yea, in the idra interview, he said stephano was really angry that he won because his zvp is way better than idra or something like that
Where did you get that interview ? :o
Idra interview. He talks about his games at MLG and mentions Stephano's games against Inori. Sounds like he does not like Inori! He also says that the Infestor play as shown by DRG/Stephano rather than Muta is the basis of Zerg going forward.
IdrA spilled the beans on how Stephano lost to Inori. Inori played a very risky, tailor-made blind nexus first build to hit a 7:30 2-base all-in timing instead of the 8:00 that other Protosses hit.
Stephano's timing was calibrated for 8:00 timings, down to the seconds. He got caught by the all-in 30 seconds earlier than his build was prepared for and got destroyed.
My verdict - he needs to scout. Inori is one of a large number of players who take whatever risks they think are necessary for victory, and now that Inori has done it and beat Stephano, other players are going to follow suit and do the same. The era of blind three hatching is over.
3. Third game, he just didn't scout and he trusted his instincts, he was wrong. Polt tricked him twice basically, once to all out attack in game 1, and in game 3 with the build MVP used to beat him in Blizzard cup. During that game I hoped he'd catch on, but he got locked into the wrong idea.
It was not the MVP's blizzard Cup build ( 2 rax no pressure expand into bfh+combat shield marine timing push right before ~10 ) at all, it was a very common stim maraudeur/hellions all-in (without bf ).
Btw it was very strange Stephano doesn't try to scout him, because Polt used this build 2 times in Lone Star Clash, on 2 decisive maps..... the exact games where Stephano made roaches/ling/bling all-in :p Maybe Stephano doesn't understand than Polt choosed to all-in before scouting Stephano's own push ? Stephano thinked it was a reactive composition from Polt ? Very strange because T had to decide his build a long time before seeing anything suspect from Z... He should watch replays sometimes...
On March 28 2012 08:43 Azarkon wrote: IdrA spilled the beans on how Stephano lost to Inori. Inori played a very risky, tailor-made blind nexus first build to hit a 7:30 2-base all-in timing instead of the 8:00 that other Protosses hit.
Stephano's timing was calibrated for 8:00 timings, down to the seconds. He got caught by the all-in 30 seconds earlier than his build was prepared for and got destroyed.
My verdict - he needs to scout. Inori is one of a large number of players who take whatever risks they think are necessary for victory, and now that Inori has done it and beat Stephano, other players are going to follow suit and do the same. The era of blind three hatching is over.
That's not true. In order to fend off a good 3 base all in the zerg kind of needs 3 bases so you still gotta make a blind 3rd hatch. The only thing to change is the timing on making units/spines/not drones.
On March 27 2012 10:07 dsousa wrote: I think he assessed his performance perfectly in that interview with Slasher.
1. First game vs Polt, he got tricked into thinking he could A-move and he did. Polt laid a great trap. 2. Second game was near perfect, I didn't see a flaw, but only saw it live. He handled harass immaculately with infestor/roach/ling. 3. Third game, he just didn't scout and he trusted his instincts, he was wrong. Polt tricked him twice basically, once to all out attack in game 1, and in game 3 with the build MVP used to beat him in Blizzard cup. During that game I hoped he'd catch on, but he got locked into the wrong idea. 4. He lost to Inori through similar lack minds game like he did via Polt. His lack of early game scouting cost him again. 5. As a reactionary player, the drastic jump in levels from NA players to KR GM's hurt him. He was unable to get into a groove.... as he is so capable of. He reads the tea leaves, so its hard when he plays randoms because it breaks his reactions in a sense. He needs to scout more early game, especially in short series. 6. He didn't practice in the days before MLG.
He didn't get outplayed, but he was barely out thought perhaps. Making key mis-reads in tough Bo3's. Basically, mind gamed by TSL. Which is no excuse, winning is all that matters and that's going to happen, but hopefully he's right and being in groups at IPL will make all the difference. No doubt the KR crowd will have new tricks for him, he remains a target.
Game 2 vs Polt was a beautiful show of zerg, pity it'll be lost under the MLG cloud.
yea, in the idra interview, he said stephano was really angry that he won because his zvp is way better than idra or something like that
Where did you get that interview ? :o
Idra interview. He talks about his games at MLG and mentions Stephano's games against Inori. Sounds like he does not like Inori! He also says that the Infestor play as shown by DRG/Stephano rather than Muta is the basis of Zerg going forward.
oO seems like Idra wants to make friens with Stephano and his fans;) I guess it's only a good thing if zergs start to like each other a little better - like terrans and protoss do.
On March 27 2012 10:07 dsousa wrote: I think he assessed his performance perfectly in that interview with Slasher.
1. First game vs Polt, he got tricked into thinking he could A-move and he did. Polt laid a great trap. 2. Second game was near perfect, I didn't see a flaw, but only saw it live. He handled harass immaculately with infestor/roach/ling. 3. Third game, he just didn't scout and he trusted his instincts, he was wrong. Polt tricked him twice basically, once to all out attack in game 1, and in game 3 with the build MVP used to beat him in Blizzard cup. During that game I hoped he'd catch on, but he got locked into the wrong idea. 4. He lost to Inori through similar lack minds game like he did via Polt. His lack of early game scouting cost him again. 5. As a reactionary player, the drastic jump in levels from NA players to KR GM's hurt him. He was unable to get into a groove.... as he is so capable of. He reads the tea leaves, so its hard when he plays randoms because it breaks his reactions in a sense. He needs to scout more early game, especially in short series. 6. He didn't practice in the days before MLG.
He didn't get outplayed, but he was barely out thought perhaps. Making key mis-reads in tough Bo3's. Basically, mind gamed by TSL. Which is no excuse, winning is all that matters and that's going to happen, but hopefully he's right and being in groups at IPL will make all the difference. No doubt the KR crowd will have new tricks for him, he remains a target.
Game 2 vs Polt was a beautiful show of zerg, pity it'll be lost under the MLG cloud.
yea, in the idra interview, he said stephano was really angry that he won because his zvp is way better than idra or something like that
Where did you get that interview ? :o
Idra interview. He talks about his games at MLG and mentions Stephano's games against Inori. Sounds like he does not like Inori! He also says that the Infestor play as shown by DRG/Stephano rather than Muta is the basis of Zerg going forward.
oO seems like Idra wants to make friens with Stephano and his fans;) I guess it's only a good thing if zergs start to like each other a little better - like terrans and protoss do.
Well Hopefully Idra and Stephano can team up and kill all these koreans:D
I'll never be a fan of idra because i don't like his attitude. He could be the best friend of stephano i wouldn't give a shit, because i don't care if they like each other.
I don't think IdrA ever disliked Stephano, I think he just doesn't like to hype up "new" players who do well one or two tournaments. That's why he wasn't very positive about Stephano when he first started winning stuff, he wanted to see more of his play to know it wasn't just a couple of fluke wins. Now he has seen how solid Stephanos play really is, and is starting to add some of them to his own arsenal.
Also, IdrA really doesn't like Inori. :O Those were some harsh words even from him
On March 28 2012 19:44 zodde wrote:Now he has seen how solid Stephanos play really is, and is starting to add some of them to his own arsenal.
Idra said in an interview that he thought Stephano was a maphacker before he went to offline tournaments, because he had such incredibly good game sense and map awareness. ^^ I think it would be great if they teamed up to crush some Koreans, because right now we have a hard time for zergs. Also, Idras attitude got way better recently.