Evryone should send email for it to have an effect. Doesent need to be a long one. Just protest the decision and politely ask for them to rethink. I mean comon its even christmas give the kid a break, + he dident break any rules.
They said he offended someone, which is one of the GSL-rules, but frankly Naniwa did not act offensive at all, if he would have showed the middlefinger to the camera or Nestea or something then that would be offensive. Proberushing offensive? Who exactly is offended byt a proberush and if we start going down that road then I could say I get offended by 6-pools against terrans because it has nearly 0%winrate.
Second, Naniwa did not plot this as an action to offend anyone, he allready explained the reason behind it, so clearly he was not trying to offend anyone, which is what he is being banned for.
So by the rulebook he did not break any rules, Koreans like others must follow the rules they set up, no matter if they respect the player or not, otherwise the Tournament-Player relationship is not balanced and tournaments can treat players how they whish.
Remember that Naniwa plays to win, always, he doesent play to please a crowd or "show good games". If he needs to do that then that has to say in his contract. Since Naniwa plays to win and there was nothing on the line and he was tired and frustrated he made a decision in haste that meaby you and I dont like, but it DID NOT BREAK ANY RULES.
tldr: Naniwa broke no rules > he is unrightfully banned
It looks, like i did not sign up already, so please sign me up.
I liked Naniwa before the Blizzard cup but turned into a big fan after. He is always going for it with his whole heart and a determination which is unmatched even by other pros. His actions are an expression of exactly that determination and dedication to the game. Nothing else. Keep it up Nani, you will be back faster than you might think.
Naniwa you have my support!
Nani, don't let the stupid people get you down 
You will be the best and once you have fought your way into GSL Code S and won a championship, the people will do what they should do, judge you by your skill ^^
Lol I'm not necessarily your fan, but if its any conciliation, This whole thing is just a whole bunch of butt hurt people. SC2 Gamers/viewers get really emotional in general, It'll blow over.
Also if you earn another Code S Spot, probe rush they shit outa someone again. You would be my hero lmfao.
Im still a fan of you Naniwa!!!
After the loss vs MMA I stopped watching, it made me really sad. Don't care about the probe rush, technically it's just a strat. The backlash to this is disgusting. And GOMTV's verdict even more so, something that I became really afraid of. Looked forward to your Code S so much, it's been a really long journey to get there.
The verdict is unacceptable and I truly believe it will get reverted into a different punishment that won't hinder Code S participation and even then I'm not sure if a punishment is even fair. There are a lot of things from GOMs side that should make it really hard for them to be correct. As can be seen by the swift sudden decision making and the blatantly subjective way the delivery of that message was carried out.
Anyway I'm hopeful the situation is going to change and that you keep your head up and spirits high. Something that can be seen as a good thing that comes from this is the amount of support you are getting. Whether it's as a player or a victim. In the future you will gain much larger support from many people in general. Hope that is something to keep the negative pressure low for now so you can practice freely.
Also I like Quantic. Mark seems like a real good guy. From what I've read the fit is great from both sides so it should go on well in the future.
"Play the ball, not the man"
Edit: First paragraph was telegram style, cleaned it up.
Sign me up!
We need more Nordic progamers!
You have my support :D
SIGN ME UP!!! and Since his code S was revoked shouldn't we as his fanclub do something like send emails to gomtv to take back there decision?
On December 15 2011 04:44 AntiSleep wrote: SIGN ME UP!!! and Since his code S was revoked shouldn't we as his fanclub do something like send emails to gomtv to take back there decision?
If you read a few pages back some people did sent e-mails to GOM. You can even find the e-mails to where to send to if you want to do the same. 
This is a joke. He didnt break any rules. Koreans think the world revolves around what they think is right and wrong. FOLLOW THE RULES after talk about professionalism.
"he didnt act as a gamer" What defines a gamer? Are you kidding me?
Naniwa Castign together with Khaldor on khaldors stream. doing really great nice to get his mind on something els
hi nani I still love you, stay strong please
sign me up please
nani i love you and your scarf, keep being human.
Sing me up please, i wanna show my support to naniwa because of the stupid GOM nonsense.
yo Johan, I'm supporting you, go qualify for Code A and fuck them up next season
Naniwa you're an amazing players. Keep up the hard work. Fans are behind you always.