On May 14 2011 04:37 xtfftc wrote: I'm assuming that their history doesn't start with Idra's "I consider the match a walkover" and Cruncher's in-game BM during TSL - they have probably exchanged pleasentries on ladder before that. It's all blown way out of proportion, as it usually is. Complexity's "disappointment" is hypocritical but they are expected to defend their player, even when he is BM. Similarly, no one expects Liquid to publicly say anything negative about Huk.
It didn't even start publicly at that, actually.
Was the first time I had heard of cruncher too; kinda makes his obsession for trolling idra understandable in a way. The embarrassment from this game and the walkover comment had to have left cruncher with some extremely bitter thoughts to mull over.
Ah, I had completely forgotten about that as I had no idea who Cruncher was at the time. Typical, really - Idra has his "he's just a skilless newbie" attitude, although he's lost some important matches against Cruncher, while Cruncher is "omg, I'm just having fun making him rage", yet he is ruining his own credibility by cheesing and BM-ing, not to mention the likely cheating. This is a major difference between him and drewbie, for example, who didn't jump on the opportunity to produce a ton of drama out of Idra's comments - and, unsurprisingly, no one seems to have negative feelings about him.
the cruncher/idra thing goes back into beta. I forget which patch but it was when idra was playing protoss and 4gate was seen like every single game. idra flamed him in ladder when he lost to crunchers 4gate. they matched again and idra tried to 4gate him and got demolished and flamed again. Its most definitely not a recent thing between them so you know :p There mighta been something before that but afaik that was the first time cruncher played him
kinda late but i don't really post often. Its too bad idra left gsl, those were always my favorite games to watch. Good luck in upcoming mlg tho
On May 15 2011 05:12 GuTTuRaLPanda wrote: Haha, I just watched some NASL, now I understand why people are talking about how horrible of a caster he is. XD Unstandable lol...
[/QUOTE] Because he knows what he is talking about?[/QUOTE]
No, but the fact the he is awkwardly trying a little to do some tone modulation and putting emotion into the casting but it´s just not coming out the right way
Because he knows what he is talking about?[/QUOTE]
No, but the fact the he is awkwardly trying a little to do some tone modulation and putting emotion into the casting but it´s just not coming out the right way[/QUOTE] I dont think a fanclub is the right place to whine about that.
Because he knows what he is talking about?[/QUOTE]
No, but the fact the he is awkwardly trying a little to do some tone modulation and putting emotion into the casting but it´s just not coming out the right way[/QUOTE]
Because he knows what he is talking about?[/QUOTE]
No, but the fact the he is awkwardly trying a little to do some tone modulation and putting emotion into the casting but it´s just not coming out the right way[/QUOTE]
Sorry, most people prefer someone who actually understands the game instead of some idiot screaming into his mic.
It's ok to use the preview button before posting to make sure html tags are ended and started correctly.
I think IdrA is doing a great job in tonights cast. It's definitely better than the other two days, he's much better paired with Incontrol than with Gretorp.
this just proves how easy casting actually is, a player randomly coming out of the blue and is a perfectly fine caster with barely any previous experience and he is already better than 95% of the casters in the scene
No, but the fact the he is awkwardly trying a little to do some tone modulation and putting emotion into the casting but it´s just not coming out the right way[/QUOTE]
Sorry, most people prefer someone who actually understands the game instead of some idiot screaming into his mic.[/QUOTE]
Most pepole would rather have someone who will entertain them, rather than someone who'll teach them.
Most pepole who watch SC2 aren't pepole who want to learn the game, and if SC2 will grow bigger as an eSport, the difference in numbers will be even greater.
IdrA is a great analyzer, and I would rather listen to him over almost any other caster, however, I don't fool myself into thinking that what I want is the will of all, or even that my point of view is superior.
Sports thrive on the casual viewers, because they are so much bigger in numbers, and thus, pepole who can attract others to watch the game are way more important to the expansion of the scene, attracting more viewers, getting bigger sponsors, than pepole like IdrA, who do NOTHING to help eSports grow, (from this practicular aspect) but rather make pepole who are already really invested in the scene understand more.
On May 15 2011 06:22 Essentia wrote: Idra/Incontrol casting duo is reallllly good. They have good chemistry and play off each other really well.
Incontrols huge personality with idras insane game knowledge really deliver!
Well they do practice with each other and communicate all the time, so casting should be easier. Gretop and incontrol are good, it's just that they always insult each other and make off-topic jokes too much.
No, but the fact the he is awkwardly trying a little to do some tone modulation and putting emotion into the casting but it´s just not coming out the right way
Sorry, most people prefer someone who actually understands the game instead of some idiot screaming into his mic.
Most pepole would rather have someone who will entertain them, rather than someone who'll teach them.
Most pepole who watch SC2 aren't pepole who want to learn the game, and if SC2 will grow bigger as an eSport, the difference in numbers will be even greater.
IdrA is a great analyzer, and I would rather listen to him over almost any other caster, however, I don't fool myself into thinking that what I want is the will of all, or even that my point of view is superior.
Sports thrive on the casual viewers, because they are so much bigger in numbers, and thus, pepole who can attract others to watch the game are way more important to the expansion of the scene, attracting more viewers, getting bigger sponsors, than pepole like IdrA, who do NOTHING to help eSports grow, (from this practicular aspect) but rather make pepole who are already really invested in the scene understand more.
I understand what you're saying, but this isn't WWE, this is a strategy game, and isn't as enjoyable if you don't understand what is going on. Lots of the casual viewers don't need the very specific details to enjoy it, but you can't just have a person screaming: "Big robot thingy takes out little soldier guy". The game inherently requires some technical knowledge to enjoy, and understanding the intricacies is, by my prediction at least, going to attract way more.
While chess isn't an esports, you wouldn't enjoy a boxing commentator casting that, would you? In my opinion SC2 is closer to chess than football.
Edit: Oh wow, those html tags are really broken. Don't feel like fixing it, but the spoilers work now.
No, but the fact the he is awkwardly trying a little to do some tone modulation and putting emotion into the casting but it´s just not coming out the right way
Sorry, most people prefer someone who actually understands the game instead of some idiot screaming into his mic.
Most pepole would rather have someone who will entertain them, rather than someone who'll teach them. .[/QUOTE]
People. they can't be entertained by being taught.
On May 15 2011 05:12 GuTTuRaLPanda wrote: Haha, I just watched some NASL, now I understand why people are talking about how horrible of a caster he is. XD Unstandable lol...
He's actually pretty amazing, most people think so.
Go back to 4chan with your 3rd grade level typing.
I'm fairly disappointed with Idra's performance casting the NASL. I used to be a pretty big fan but I am really not liking the unprofessional way he was BMing cruncher. Casters should be as impartial as possible, otherwise they seem biased and that really ruins the cast in my opinion. All the game knowledge in the world doesn't make up for it when you can't remain tactful on the air when commentating on a game.
Another thing that bothers me is the way that fans keep latching on to everything Idra says and taking it too far. I constantly see people bash Cruncher when he isn't even that bad of a player. The whole thing is being overblown. What it comes down to is: cruncher and Idra just don't like each other and there is no need for fans to get involved in perpetuating their bad manners against each other.