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I love Sulli but Busker Busker was the best part of this video. Those guys always make me smile.
Oh man. I saw gifs of this and never found the source. Thank you very much. At one point I hope Busker Busker didn't think that they were being recorded, that would make me feel sad.
Even though I knew the SBS concert was going to be postponed, everyone is getting up in arms with the official twitter/facebook announcing it. I just hope SBS does better damage control than KKS did.
On August 07 2012 02:55 TunaBarrett wrote: Yeaaaah i probably should take that back but meh, i just dont understand why her popularity is 100x times higher than anyone else in the k-pop industry.
IU wasn't trained like most idols. She was just a kid who suddenly got popular because of her guitar and voice. It took three years, THREE years for her to get noticed... and unfortunately it was Marshmallow. However, with the success of Nagging with Seulong, Good Day was able to rise to the top and finally get the recognition she deserved. I'd like to think that she's unique and not one of the many clones/spin-offs of BoA.
I like her because she seems genuine, humble, and more talented than most idols out there.
Edit: She's also a super Taeyang fangirl, lol.
How was IU not trained like other idols? She was on Loen long before her debut and would have received coaching like any other of their trainees. Almost certainly the vast majority of her music is written for her, too, despite her being able to strum a guitar.
That's not to say I don't like her music or think she isn't talented, but trying to put her on a pedestal above other idols because she isn't manufactured is ridiculous, because everything about her image and music has been carefully planned. Not by her.
Well said. Although, of all fanboys, the IU ones are the least obnoxious. IU is adorable and relatively tasteful in her image/music so I don't mind seeing giant spams about her. And this is coming from a guy who is very much neutral/indifferent about IU.
Poop on the other hand is just... those twins are hard to look at. I like Bing Bing, but *puke* to their outfits/image. They don't act anything like their age so it becomes a lot harder to pretend like they're not 100% manufactured.
On August 06 2012 18:50 DwD wrote: If you wanna talk about something else, bring something up to talk about >< There is like 0 releases going on, kpop so slow at the moment and t-ara drama has stopped completely.
I read Rania got their comeback delayed (again) until September.. T_T Anyone got any source for this?
- 120902 RaNiA will comeback at Inkygayo (cr: Rania_areum, T-ae also confirmed)
- Their comback delayed to September because they have to change some lyrics and preparing more careful. (cr: raniatown)
- Its physical mini album, songs from famous producers from Korea and the U.S : Walton (Michael Jackson, Usher etc), Adonis (Beyonce, P. Diddy, Jennifer Lopez, Ciara, and Mariah Carey..) and YG Entertainment producing team will participated at songs, cherography, concept, mv… (cr: DRMusic,raniatown)
- They have 2 title songs.
- ‘Killer’ is just one song from album’s list. They just performed at Dream concert. They will have some english songs also. (cr: leo@twitter)
Looking forward to seeing some Xia
Bugger, another month's wait til we can finally get a regular fix of that killer leg lift and pivot choreo. Unless "preparing more careful" means they're removing that choreo so as to not set KCC to rage mode.
On August 07 2012 04:44 Nyorx wrote: Man everyone still talking about Crayon Pop... Still can't use Twitter ffuu. But at least I got to see them perform live so >=(
Funny story after hearing alot of Gangnam style during the recent esports event my friend got kinda interested in Kpop and knew I was a big fan since 2008 and asked for some good songs. Normally I lead them bit by bit with increasing quality but since I was busy I send him directly down the path with no return. The song of choice? OFC GEE
Our skype chat was literally:
me: yeah here check this out you might like it . . 2min later friend: wtf is this shit, 9 asian girls doing the cutesy stuff I gotta go puke me: yeah watch it again 2 times pls f: why? me: just do it . . f: hmm I guess they are kinda cute, all so skinny I like it . . f:WTF DEM LEGGZ IN SKINTIGHT JEANS . . . f:GEE GEE GEE GEE BABY BABY
Has been asking me for good songs/mvs everday ever since ^^ Gee formula does not disappoint.
Did I miss something in the Saturday Night movie or has Ellin really got NO lines whatsoever, apart from singing half an autotuned chorus at the last seconds?
On August 07 2012 05:03 Left4Cookies wrote: Hah, classic story. It always gets them
Did I miss something in the Saturday Night movie or has Ellin really got NO lines whatsoever, apart from singing half an autotuned chorus at the last seconds?
I really hope they put her forward in future promotions. Really, most idols can't sing anyways (there's always only one idol with decent vocals in the groups). She's pretty, she's cute, I don't see why she can't sing basic shit. At the very least they can make her rap.
Well I was scrolling over the blog section for fun and happened to see a post by the one and only firehand101. I skimmed it to see if he'd mention KMD, and he did. So here's a little excerpt:
...and now my makeshift 3rd community, good ol TL, is turning it's back on me. I've made no real friends on here. In fact, I thought I could share my passion of kpop derived from 6 months of non stop listening with the community's kpop group, but instead i get banned for 2 weeks and rejected by everyone there...
I mean, I did not like how he was posting, but I kind of feel a bit sad for him. He could have always came back and just be like "hey guys, sorry for being overzealous in my posting" and posted more "normally" (well, "KMD normally"). I think we'd all get over it.
Because people get banned doesn't mean they are rejected. Roffles has been banned multiple times, and correct me if I'm wrong, but most people here liked his posting. It's just that sometimes you need to be careful about the way you say things. IDK why he felt this way, I don't even remember why he got banned to be honest. I only remember that it wasn't that big of a deal.