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♥.♥ pwing pwing so cute As for the preview, I kinda liked it to be honest, hard to understand but I'm gonna wait for the full version to pass judgement
Seriously, I was watching kpop vids today at school (as I usually do, huge loser here watches stream and kpop during lunch and class LOL), and 2 of my asian friends were just ripping on me, being complete assholes about it. My white friends usually look at it and are like wtf is that. It was honestly really annoying, but my point is that no one in the room liked it even though I a) had my headphones on and b) didn't even fullscreen the video or ask them to stand behind me, but they were perfectly ok with people blasting their shitty American pop from the speakers... zzzzzzzz
edit: yeah this was a poorly disguised rant post about me being annoyed at people giving me shit for what I listen to, I never say a thing when I hear people talking about how great [certain bands which suck] are
Lol dude don't even begin with people that don't like Kpop :p Every single time I'm on Skype gaming with people I will have music on. All of them: "OMG Sable, turn your 10year old girl music off" "That shouldn't be called music" "Sable seriously..." "YOUR MUSIC SABLE!"
GL to SNSD seriously but I'm not sure, even Utada Hikaru couldn't make it, she's epic ^^
On October 15 2011 09:14 Katsuge wrote: ^ why not? great escape and bad girl were really decent songs for me.
that being said...anything but english.
Yeah the Japanese stuff is pretty good. In a normal conversation I'd say what exactly I think is the difference between Japan and the USA but the censors been getting a bit out of control around here lately
And coming back to the previous discussion, BoA is as SM as it gets and it still kinda failed which gives me hope. I'm obviously hoping SNSD fails miserably, and for their own good too. But this could already be getting too big, it might snowball if you know what I mean. If you pump enough money into marketing it even the worst shit possible will sell. And SNSD isn't the worst shit, so unfortunately it's just a question how much cash do the people behind them have to spare at this moment.
Anyway as long as they're based in Korea I can live with all that. Engrish is part of kpop anyway, doesn't matter, wtf do I care if people are buying their album anyplace around the world, right? Well the real problem starts here, if this song sells they might get sent to the sh... sorry I mean to the United States of America. Like WG were.
You gotta wonder what LSM is thinking, maybe he's looking farther down the road, who knows how many more years they still got in them, well if anybody knows it might as well be LSM, maybe he's thinking: let's throw them out there right now since they still here and see what happens, make some good connections and pave the road etc, and who knows maybe they even make it big and then I can buy a few more yachts and shit. Okay I doubt he knows exactly how much more he can expect to get from SNSD, but if there are any reasons to make him think it's not that much more then this could be a simple decision for him.
LOL Unichan... I know what you mean. I get A LOT of shit for listening to K-pop. They always tease me about my "Daily new japanese girl wallpaper". People immediately switch the radio in my car to some generic, with commercial filled, station.
At my school we're all geeks too, quite a few people play/watch StarCraft or like Japanese Anime. Some of them listen to anime songs all day, and yet they can not seem to get over the fact that I listen Kpop.
They don't mind to look at some of the pictures though Got lots of comments on nanashin's gif spam...
On October 15 2011 09:46 Kipsate wrote: Its only weird if you are white.
if not they think, hmm asian guy listens to asian music
k its fine.
but i am asian
and kaiwa yeah, the guy was like ok that's hot i admit at some of the gifs (he doesn't like asian girls) but when i started to watch the videos he called the girls ugly and disgusting and i was like these are the same girls... T_T
hmm weird. I guess cause in my high school pretty much all the Asians were Korean and a great deal of them moved from Korea, so alot of them listened to kpop anyway.
sorry guys, unless it's the godtierest of godtiers that can speak english (cough krystal cough) that's promoting in america, all korean artists will flop.
KPOP isn't KPOP without the mix of Korean and Engrish..
If Korean artists want to succeed in America, they'll have to adopt the styles of the current western music scene, which is probably impossible unless they were raise in America...
On October 15 2011 10:52 Craton wrote: Speaking it isn't enough. You have to be fluent without a fob accent and pretty much a solo or duo act., Jay, etc etc Only they'd be doing english only music in an American style anyway, so what's the difference? Even if they make it big they won't be known for kpop, they'd be known for having a career in Korea before making it big in the US
On October 15 2011 00:42 unichan wrote: Asian accents are enough to put off 99% of Americans already anyways, no one like asian accents
im a snsd fan, but you are right Americans don't care about 9 Asian singers .... i cant even think of any Asian mainstream singers here? maybe some one hit wonders like far east movement or something, i don't think the majority had any idea they were even Asians.
see the wonder girls and boa as examples of failed tries in English/US market.
p.s .... what are the wonder girls even doing???
While I agree with you about an anti-Asian bias in the US when it comes to singers, you can't really say that just because Wonder Girls and BoA were failures, other Asian artist will be too.
I'm rooting for some success for SNSD, but I recognize the EXTREME difficulty of the whole thing. It's partly out of their control, though, and dependent on American views(wholly biased against Asians imho) on foreign artists.
I wonder if the mainstream market will ever even hear the song...I mean BoA and WG were promoting and the average person didn't even know it. SM and SNSD are a whole different beast but I wonder how many people will actually hear it, and then how many people who do will actually like it.
With Interscope behind it, you can bet on at least some limited radio play to market it. I was talking with some k-sones about billboard chart and things like that, and they are going to try and get Ryan Seacrest to notice it and play it on his show, which will definitely be a big audience. The best we can do is hope people like it at that point.
True, they have way more promotional force behind their English debut than the wonder girls did, but i just spent a week in Virginia on vacation and was telling some about sc2 and kpop cause they asked me what music i liked .... they had no idea what i was talking about and the only thing they knew about Korea was some cooking show they once saw ... so i wish snsd well but its going to be hard for them to break out of the already sones fan base.
I also think kpop is setup for the system they have 4+ shows to perform on live as most acts are as much dance groups as they are singing groups .... we have nothing like that in America, sure some talk shows but you appear once and that's it and the age group they are trying for generally doesn't see them as they are on during the day ... like someone said Jay Park could do well if he was able to release some English songs, but otherwise its going to hard for them.