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On July 11 2011 00:24 rea1ity wrote: Im searching for a song! It was played before the GSL finals on 27th June I think the date was, it was a female artist and the video involved her and a car driving down a long road or something like this?
It was a cool song and I dont remember what it is..her name might of being something along the lines of J___ S___ ___ or S__ J___ ___ or something, three words her name had I think..
On July 11 2011 00:24 rea1ity wrote: Im searching for a song! It was played before the GSL finals on 27th June I think the date was, it was a female artist and the video involved her and a car driving down a long road or something like this?
It was a cool song and I dont remember what it is..her name might of being something along the lines of J___ S___ ___ or S__ J___ ___ or something, three words her name had I think..
On July 11 2011 00:24 rea1ity wrote: Im searching for a song! It was played before the GSL finals on 27th June I think the date was, it was a female artist and the video involved her and a car driving down a long road or something like this?
It was a cool song and I dont remember what it is..her name might of being something along the lines of J___ S___ ___ or S__ J___ ___ or something, three words her name had I think..
Song Ji Eun QT!~
I love you.
On July 10 2011 16:41 XaI)CyRiC wrote: Please use the PM function for this kind of stuff.
On July 10 2011 19:33 NicksonReyes wrote: Being from the same company as Kara, and being able to do the A choreography freely, I expect Rainbow to take down secret, and possibly T-ara too. SNSD became a hit because of their legs, Kara became a hit because of their butt dance and Rainbow got their A choreography to start with. It is up to Secret and T-ara to have something against that(although Secret is coming out strong and Bo peep might be enough). I hate this let's-go-to-Japan-where-the-money-is trend but I'm actually hyped by these three.
T-ara is in the same company as Supernova, which is pretty big in Japan. They also did a CF there already. They had multiple offers from different companies already. They're pretty much established there because of all the hype and delays for their Japanese debut. Compare that to a girl group that just goes in out of nowhere relying on the fact that they're on the same company as another girl group that just recently got big there. -_-
They got a CF there already cause they're shopping around. Yeah, I think T-ara will do fine, no idea how Bo Peep will play in Japan though. CCM/J-Rock have stated they want T-ara to do all their multimedia (read acting) shit too, but I wonder how long it'll be before their Japanese is good enough to do so... However, I do think that KARA>Supernova in terms of groups you want to associate with, at least for now what with Jumping and now Go Go Summer doing so goddamn well, and with A being so sexy. The fact that there isn't all this hype behind them isn't exactly a point to their favor but I can see them doing better than a lot of other groups such as Secret and the other groups who haven't done well even in Korea.
somehow i find that the degree of success in japan depends heavily on how well the members can interact with the fans in japanese. kara had like fucking intensive japanese program prior to their crossover and snsd has some good japanese speaker and sooyoung debuted in japan as a kid. both groups are able to get onto japanese shows and so forth. same cannot be said for the groups that failed like beg and 4minute.
Definitely agree, but I'm sure DSP did the same thing with Rainbow as for Kara and made them learn some pretty adequate Japanese...not sure about T-ara but if they really want to become actresses I'm sure they've prepared similarly.
On July 10 2011 18:01 OopsOopsBaby wrote: @2.50 of roly poly utube. backup dancer stealing the show again. we didnt ctach his face cos the cameras were blocking him.
On July 10 2011 09:31 Kaiwa wrote: Damn I didn't know Brown Eyed Girls had a comeback lined up :O Always liked their style...
When is it? Do want!
Was supposed to be June but nothing yet.
"Nega Network continued, “It’s taking longer than we thought for their album. We’ve recorded over 15 tracks, but none of them came out the way we wanted them to, so we trashed everything. Even if their next album is delayed a bit, we’d rather fill it with tracks we’re satisfied with.”
So looking forward to BEG comeback. That and MissA. I don't know if someone posted it, but they released an audio teaser. Won't get really excited until they release a video teaser.
Edit: finally managed to embed audio teaser. Fail.
On July 10 2011 09:31 Kaiwa wrote: Damn I didn't know Brown Eyed Girls had a comeback lined up :O Always liked their style...
When is it? Do want!
Was supposed to be June but nothing yet.
"Nega Network continued, “It’s taking longer than we thought for their album. We’ve recorded over 15 tracks, but none of them came out the way we wanted them to, so we trashed everything. Even if their next album is delayed a bit, we’d rather fill it with tracks we’re satisfied with.”
So looking forward to BEG comeback. That and MissA. I don't know if someone posted it, but they released an audio teaser. Won't get really excited until they release a video teaser.
Ugh I can't figure out how to embed it, but here's the audio teaser. + Show Spoiler +
I don't know if this has been posted, I looked but I didn't see anything. I was watching Visual Dreams because I love that song, and I was watching their dance and I realized something. I noticed part of NaDa's dance from Introducing A Star's Friend. + Show Spoiler +