If you come in here looking for "anime recommendations" then please refer to this chart before posting: Anime Recommendations (as of may 2014). We also have an IRC channel called #tladt where we all hang out. The channel is on Rizon, not QuakeNet! Feel free to check it out. TLADT discord is Discord.gg
For currently airing anime, please see Anichart.net
On March 23 2013 22:42 Maxie wrote: So, SSY is over. To be honest, I liked it quite a bit. There were some issues with the pacing and some of the characters, I think, but in the end it's probably the best show from fall 2012 for me.
edit: Nanoha 3rd movie announced. I don't see a StrikerS movie working very well, please be about what happens between A's and StrikerS.
StrikerS had alot of boring stuff that could/should be cut, and it also had alot of awesome badass stuff that could be made even better, so a StrikerS movie sounds good to me.
StrikerS movie can work though it's true they'd be cutting a lot of material due to 2 cour->1 movie, but let's be honest, who didn't see this coming? I'm just hoping I get to see it in theaters :D
TBH I'm not satisfied with amount and quality of beam in A's movie... the first movie beam was much more impressive, Fate's phalanx and especially that SLB OMG. And from series A's beam was best...
On March 24 2013 03:16 MichaelEU wrote: As long as the important scenes make it...
If they are going to fit it into one movie the entire first cour might well be cut, lol.
On March 24 2013 03:02 KazeHydra wrote: StrikerS movie can work though it's true they'd be cutting a lot of material due to 2 cour->1 movie, but let's be honest, who didn't see this coming? I'm just hoping I get to see it in theaters :D
On March 25 2013 03:34 XiGua wrote: Just finished Love Hina and it was good, is his other manga Negima on par?
Also, what's with all these romance mangas having spa scenes every 10 chapters?
Well, that's Ken Akamatsu for you. Negima has its high and lows, and slowly becomes an action manga after a couple hundred chapters of rom com. If you want pure harem rom com, check out his prior series, A.I. Love You
On March 25 2013 04:17 XiGua wrote: Grr... Anyone else having issues with loading times on Batoto.net?
Do you guys know any other good manga sites?
Use mangatraders.com or the translators IRC channel, please don't use online readers they make a fat profit off of the free content that we, the fan translators, make available - online readers are one of the biggest things holding back the manga industry overseas.
On March 25 2013 04:17 XiGua wrote: Grr... Anyone else having issues with loading times on Batoto.net?
Do you guys know any other good manga sites?
Use mangatraders.com or the translators IRC channel, please don't use online readers they make a fat profit off of the free content that we, the fan translators, make available - online readers are one of the biggest things holding back the manga industry overseas.
Yes I know!
The quality is always better too. I only use online readers when I'm lazy and don't want to download stuff.
On March 25 2013 04:17 XiGua wrote: Grr... Anyone else having issues with loading times on Batoto.net?
Do you guys know any other good manga sites?
Use mangatraders.com or the translators IRC channel, please don't use online readers they make a fat profit off of the free content that we, the fan translators, make available - online readers are one of the biggest things holding back the manga industry overseas.
Maybe there should be a mod note of this above the thread. I had no idea about this, probably because I barely/don't read manga.
A bit late but I just finished the Fairy Tail movie. It was.... not up to to the hype and the creators obviously just wanted to appeal to the fans with lots of flashy looking moves and a surge of all the main characters in one showing. Quite disappointed.
Do you guys know a good image viewer that is free? The default for windows doesn't utilize the full resolution of the manga page and you can't scroll up or down easily...
On March 25 2013 04:17 XiGua wrote: Grr... Anyone else having issues with loading times on Batoto.net?
Do you guys know any other good manga sites?
Use mangatraders.com or the translators IRC channel, please don't use online readers they make a fat profit off of the free content that we, the fan translators, make available - online readers are one of the biggest things holding back the manga industry overseas.
Maybe there should be a mod note of this above the thread. I had no idea about this, probably because I barely/don't read manga.
Not really needed, it wouldn't make a difference because typical TL/reddit/liberal pirates don't give a shit because they're just thieves and just want the laziest possible option.
Do you guys know a good image viewer that is free? The default for windows doesn't utilize the full resolution of the manga page and you can't scroll up or down easily...
I just use default, mouse wheel zooms in, left click and hold moves up and down.