If you come in here looking for "anime recommendations" then please refer to this chart before posting: Anime Recommendations (as of may 2014). We also have an IRC channel called #tladt where we all hang out. The channel is on Rizon, not QuakeNet! Feel free to check it out. TLADT discord is Discord.gg
For currently airing anime, please see Anichart.net
On March 07 2013 01:28 ragz_gt wrote: Sora no Otoshimono manga is going into grimdark phase again
I... Must ABSOLUTELY start reading the manga. I didnt even know there was one. I really loved the anime, it was one of the first I started watching, and I got attached (strangely) to most of the characters.
Have fun. The manga shifts between most random slapstick comic to most chaotic grimdark every other month.
On March 07 2013 04:38 EchOne wrote: Btw Team Courage needs new members for the current season of DRTL so if any of you anime fans wanna play some Starcraft: Brood War and chat with us on #TLADT, let me know please.
I used to be 1700~ on Game-i... but haven't 1v1 since college (and more importantly, FF11) and that's 2004 LOL.
It's D ranks so it doesn't matter if you're bad. We're fielding people who haven't even played 50 games of BW yet.
On March 07 2013 01:28 ragz_gt wrote: Sora no Otoshimono manga is going into grimdark phase again
I... Must ABSOLUTELY start reading the manga. I didnt even know there was one. I really loved the anime, it was one of the first I started watching, and I got attached (strangely) to most of the characters.
Have fun. The manga shifts between most random slapstick comic to most chaotic grimdark every other month.
On March 07 2013 04:38 EchOne wrote: Btw Team Courage needs new members for the current season of DRTL so if any of you anime fans wanna play some Starcraft: Brood War and chat with us on #TLADT, let me know please.
I used to be 1700~ on Game-i... but haven't 1v1 since college (and more importantly, FF11) and that's 2004 LOL.
It's D ranks so it doesn't matter if you're bad. We're fielding people who haven't even played 50 games of BW yet.
What's the schedule like? If I can manage then it might be fun.
On March 07 2013 01:28 ragz_gt wrote: Sora no Otoshimono manga is going into grimdark phase again
I... Must ABSOLUTELY start reading the manga. I didnt even know there was one. I really loved the anime, it was one of the first I started watching, and I got attached (strangely) to most of the characters.
Have fun. The manga shifts between most random slapstick comic to most chaotic grimdark every other month.
On March 07 2013 04:38 EchOne wrote: Btw Team Courage needs new members for the current season of DRTL so if any of you anime fans wanna play some Starcraft: Brood War and chat with us on #TLADT, let me know please.
I used to be 1700~ on Game-i... but haven't 1v1 since college (and more importantly, FF11) and that's 2004 LOL.
It's D ranks so it doesn't matter if you're bad. We're fielding people who haven't even played 50 games of BW yet.
I've actually laddered a total of 77 games. That's honestly a coincidence, really. I'm not kidding, that wasn't planned at all. Now I don't want to ladder anymore...
On March 07 2013 04:38 EchOne wrote: Btw Team Courage needs new members for the current season of DRTL so if any of you anime fans wanna play some Starcraft: Brood War and chat with us on #TLADT, let me know please.
Saturdays at 2pm Eastern, though idk what your time zone is/if it'll fit.
Kaze you still have 777 and 7777 and 7777777 games to play.
I'm EST at least for another year.
Most times it would work but I do have to work on Saturday now and then (and without prior notice if it's a emergency with our live system, though this should be very rare or I might be out of a job soon).
OK ils and ragz_gt, give me your iCCup IDs and Race/Matchups and I'll add you to the roster. Also let me know if you're free for playing this weekend.
The league has accrued a lot of rules from several seasons of random talks/drama but for the most part the games are pretty casual.
ragz_gt since you last played in a way bygone era, here's a link to help you get started setting up iCCup, which is like the current main non-korean ladder. It's not perfect but it's what we got: http://www.iccup.com/starcraft/sc_start.html
On March 07 2013 06:21 EchOne wrote: OK ils and ragz_gt, give me your iCCup IDs and Race/Matchups and I'll add you to the roster. Also let me know if you're free for playing this weekend.
The league has accrued a lot of rules from several seasons of random talks/drama but for the most part the games are pretty casual.
ragz_gt since you last played in a way bygone era, here's a link to help you get started setting up iCCup, which is like the current main non-korean ladder. It's not perfect but it's what we got: http://www.iccup.com/starcraft/sc_start.html
OK Just registered iccup id "ragz_gt", gonna play T all MU I guess. I'm good this Saturday but is there someone who help me practice for a couple night EST time? Need remember hotkey and basic BO's
On March 07 2013 06:21 EchOne wrote: OK ils and ragz_gt, give me your iCCup IDs and Race/Matchups and I'll add you to the roster. Also let me know if you're free for playing this weekend.
The league has accrued a lot of rules from several seasons of random talks/drama but for the most part the games are pretty casual.
ragz_gt since you last played in a way bygone era, here's a link to help you get started setting up iCCup, which is like the current main non-korean ladder. It's not perfect but it's what we got: http://www.iccup.com/starcraft/sc_start.html
OK Just registered iccup id "ragz_gt", gonna play T all MU I guess. I'm good this Saturday but is there someone who help me practice for a couple night EST time? Need remember hotkey and basic BO's
Yea definitely this week the we're gonna try to practice on Thursday and Friday night. We'll probably talk about it on #TLADT if you wanna get exact time. Usually we hang out in channel Courage on iCCup. If we're in game, our IDs are:
prophecy_, Sentenal, KazeHydra, CptElem, Nagisama, SniperTerran, TheEmulator, aeghrur, shuruken, atombomb4peace, KaalVeiten, and now cowboyspc94 and you, ragz_gt.
I just watched the first subbed episode of Cardcaptor Sakura after fifteen or however many years, where my previous standard for anime was Pokemon. I don't know why I thought it would be bad. After watching only the first episode, I get the same feeling as watching My Little Pony. It's actually really funny. When the flying magical bear thing came out of the book and Sakura grabs the thing and starts asking where the batteries are made me laugh. It has that "well okay I'll go along with everything but begrudgingly so I can make snappy remarks" thing going on.
I watched it just after watching a lot of people die in fate zero so was pretty cool.