What is this? Welcome to the D Ranks Team League Season 4!
This is a for fun team league for players in the D ranks. The aim is to provide a team for new/lower level players to practice with. Hopefully, this will achieve two things: Interest more people in Brood War, and help you get better at it. While having fun!
When? The league starts on March 9 2013 @ 19:00 GMT (+00:00) and takes place on every Saturday following that. It will have a regular season of 8-12 weeks (TBD) and with the top 4 teams advancing to the playoffs.
Where? The tournament will be held in channel op DRTL on the iCCup server.
How to watch: L_Master will be casting sometimes, other casters that are interested please indicate your interest and I can add you to the list http://www.twitch.tv/l_master
Format: Teams will play one bo5 with an ace match. Team captains will have until the Thursday before the match to form their lineups and relay them to an admin. The selected players will play a bo1 to decide the outcome for that map. First to team to win three maps wins the match.
Rules: If you have an issue during match time please contact sGs.LMaster on iCCup to resolve it.
- No excessive BMing. Manner CCs, Hatcheries and Nexii, as well as pylon hearts, nukes and infested terrans however, are encouraged.
- Winning team sends replays to drits5@yahoo.com following the matches. All 5 replays must be put into one zip/compressed file for download
- Winning team's captain must PM me the result of their match.
- Standard ICCUP rules apply.
- No excessive chatting, e.g. do not be distracting during the middle of the game.
- If players are race pickers they must announce their races within 12 hours of the lineups getting posted.
- Players need to identify which team they are playing with in their profile during match time.
- Players must play using the ID they used to sign up.
- Games must be played on the maps listed in the schedule.
- Games may be postponed between players IF the postponement is scheduled at least 12 hours ahead of the match time and both captain were notified.
- Maps must come from the latest ICCUP mappack.
- If a player disconnects in the first three minutes then a regame will be granted. If the same player disconnects again they will be d/q. Any disconnect after three minutes will be reviewed by sGs.LMaster unless one of the players willingly forfeits.
- Race picking will be allowed, but if you pick to play a certain race on a given day, you must continue playing that race throughout the whole day. You will only be allowed to change your race for the next week. For the purposes of this league, random will not be allowed.
Teams:+ Show Spoiler [TAKK] + L3gendary  (Non-playing Captain)  Stardom(OD)  sGs.Lmaster  Artanis[Xp] (Coach, non-playing)  RedAxis  Bad]seeD  [BB]Kaigreene  Greenelve  Hyeon(PvP)  dazed_spy  sGs.Exy  Miss.Click..  Bad]Fry + Show Spoiler [Stealth Bunnies] + sB.Birdie   sB.Roy  sB.Taeyeon  sB.TheMarine  Arca(Crema)  sB.Ender  sB.icedraco  sB.LCC  sB.Stratos  sB.Cobaya  sB.Noddy + Show Spoiler [Courage] + prophecy_  KaalVeiten (pvp, tvt, zvz)  Sentenal  CptElem  KazeHydra  aeghrur  Nagisama  SniperTerran  shuruken  atombomb4peace (PvZ) + Show Spoiler [Airforce Ace of Spades] + L1ghtning   Floladriblere :king  Rlentless (maybe)  mG.arb  sgsFabiano  CityShuffle  CoughingHydra (TvZ)  pivert94  michamicha + Show Spoiler [Phoenix] +]ProForward  sonic1991  herokiller__  _Animus_  Daenil  (SNSD  refused) sgs.kalk  awerti  Duke  buddycasino  + Show Spoiler [DeSPA] +AtomicArchon  Squishy  sgs.DNG  (  v  ) Pyre_FLY  (  v  ) Rauk  (  v  ) Art_of_turtle  (  v  ) PsyonicReaver  Biolunar  + Show Spoiler [Sun Khan] + ,  v  pebble444   sGs.BaBo  Mellial  sGs.Gorg  xkcd[win]  NewJetCity  ,  v  KingGeedorah  ,  v  ImAtTheBeach + Show Spoiler [mSj] +![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/mirror/smilies/zerg-big.gif) mSj[abitStar]  (Non-Playing) ![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/mirror/smilies/protoss-big.gif) mSj[MinS] ![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/mirror/smilies/protoss-big.gif) msj[Ervin] ![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/mirror/smilies/zerg-big.gif) mSj[Holy] ![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/mirror/smilies/protoss-big.gif) mSj[duxx] ![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/mirror/smilies/protoss-big.gif) mSj[X_x] ![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/mirror/smilies/terran-big.gif) mSj[R2D2] ![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/mirror/smilies/protoss-big.gif) msj[I7aLLITeT] ![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/mirror/smilies/terran-big.gif) msj[Fury] ![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/mirror/smilies/zerg-big.gif) mSj[pururu] ![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/mirror/smilies/protoss-big.gif) mSj[prokaznik] ![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/mirror/smilies/protoss-big.gif) mSj[Eevy] + Show Spoiler [NetWars] + OpalonaLufa   BLATERO  NeBu  kura90  Siskin   Freedom  MoreAndMore -  Sprite  Star-10  Maciej  Cuber  Zbignieff2  Szafa92  TakiJeden  Ali.G  From0ToHero  DARKISS  Rohonin If you want to rename your team have the team captain send me the name in a PM please.
Map Pool:Fighting Spirit Wind and Cloud Neo Electric Circuit Pamir Plateu Neo Jade Circuit Breaker Gemlong Resonance II Official Mappack Download
Who can play: This league is only for D-/D/D+ rank players who are willing to participate consistently. This means MAX RANK. On ANY account. You cannot signup with a D account if you have been yellow or higher on another.
You may ask to to play if you don't fit the criteria and we will review the case. IF you attempt to sign-up without notifying me of having achieved a higher rank on the listed account of any other account YOU WILL NOT PLAY. There are no exceptions to this. Don't fuck up here or you will just get banned
The exception is players in DRTL S3 or DRIT5. All players from those are exempt for having to inform me of their situation as I already am aware.
How to Sign up: Since this is the fourth season, previous season teams will be allowed to re-enter the competition. If you didn't participate in the previous seasons, but want to form a team with your friends and enter it, it will also be allowed. If you want to sign up as a team, PM me on the forums.
If you want to sign up as a free agent reply to this thread with the following info: Rank: ICCUP account: Race:
If you are a higher rank player, but think you'll have the time to help out, you can sign up as a coach.
Do you want to cast? If you want to cast the league, PM me or skype me (luciditymasters)
Thanks to: Link to the first season of the league. Link to the second season of the league. Link to the third season of the league.
Week 1 (Phoenix bye)
DeSPA vs mSj NW Power vs Airforce Ace of Spades TAKK vs Stealth Bunnies Courage vs SunKhan
Week 2 (Courage bye)
TAKK vs NW Power Stealth Bunnies vs mSj DeSPA vs Airforce Ace of Spades Phoenix vs SunKhan
Week 3 (Stealth Bunnies bye)
NW Power vs SunKhan Phoenix vs DeSPA Airforce Ace of Spades vs mSj TAKK vs Courage
Week 4 (NW Power bye)
Courage vs mSj TAKK vs DeSPA Phoenix vs Airforce Ace of Spades Stealth Bunnies vs SunKhan
Week 5 (Airforce Ace of Spades bye)
Courage vs Stealth Bunnies DeSPA vs SunKhan TAKK vs mSj Phoenix vs NW Power
Week 6 (mSj bye)
TAKK vs SunKhan Airforce Ace of Spades vs Stealth Bunnies Courage vs Phoenix DeSPA vs NW Power
Week 7 (TAKK bye)
NW Power vs Stealth Bunnies mSj vs Phoenix DeSPA vs Courage SunKhan vs Airforce Ace of Spades
Week 8 (SunKhan bye)
TAKK vs Phoenix NW Power vs mSj Stealth Bunnies vs DeSPA Airforce Ace of Spades vs Courage
Week 9 (DeSPA bye)
Courage vs NW Power Stealth Bunnies vs Phoenix SunKhan vs mSj TAKK vs Airforce Ace of Spades
Week 10 - Playoffs Ro4
1st Place v 4th Place 2nd Place v 3rd Place
Grand Final 3rd Place Match
Week 1 Map Order
<Fighting Spirit> <Neo Jade> <Neo Electric Circuit> <Circuit Breaker> <Fighting Spirirt>
Week 2 Map Order
<Gemlong> <Wind and Cloud> <Neo Jade> <Circuit Breaker> <Resonance II>
Week 3 Map Order
<Fighting Spirit> <Wind and Cloud> <Pamir Plateut> <Circuit Breaker> <Neo Jade>
Week 4 Map Order
<Gemlong> <Wind and Cloud> <Pamir Plateut> <Resonance IIr> <Fighting Spirit>
TAKK is back for another round of DRTL with the following lineup
L3gendary Captain
TAKK looks kinda scary this season, its like they have most of the good players in this league who aren't Polish or on Courage, lol
On February 11 2013 11:49 Sentenal wrote: TAKK looks kinda scary this season, its like they have most of the good players in this league who aren't Polish or on Courage, lol
Haha, that made me laugh out loud actually... Just getting ready for the season! :D
On February 11 2013 11:51 SynC[gm] wrote:Show nested quote +On February 11 2013 11:49 Sentenal wrote: TAKK looks kinda scary this season, its like they have most of the good players in this league who aren't Polish or on Courage, lol Haha, that made me laugh out loud actually... Just getting ready for the season! :D
Yea NW has some pretty good players. Masssssss, Ali.G, Freedom, maybe one or two others I am forgetting.
Canada4481 Posts
I'd be interested to cast! :D
On February 11 2013 12:06 Nagisama wrote: I'd be interested to cast! :D
You got it!
On February 11 2013 12:06 Nagisama wrote: I'd be interested to cast! :D Okay, THIS TIME I will cast with Nagi. I hope.
Stealth Bunnies is entering of course!
Team Stealth Bunnies! sB.Birdie   sB.Roy  sB.Taeyeon  sB.TheMarine  Arca(Crema)  sB.Ender  sB.icedraco  sB.LCC  sB.Stratos  sB.Cobaya  sB.Noddy  sB.Yadong
+ Show Spoiler + TheMarine and icedraco have reached C- before, but they've played in both the previous DRITs and DRTL3, and I'm pretty confident they aren't OP. I don't recall anyone else on the team reaching C- before. I won't be able to play on the day, so any of my matches will have to be postponed. I'd like to help cast some games.
Canada4481 Posts
wtf i just realized TAKK absorbed like 2 other teams into them. scary.
On February 11 2013 12:57 Nagisama wrote: wtf i just realized TAKK absorbed like 2 other teams into them. scary.
it's just because of me.
do i gotta sign up again or am i on the same team?
You'll probably be on the same team, that is, if Airforce Ace of Spades signs up again, and I wouldn't see why not.
On February 11 2013 13:27 arb wrote: do i gotta sign up again or am i on the same team?
Your choice. If you are gonna be on Ace just don't indicate that you are a free agent or something.
i'm interested in playing but don't have team
padthaispecial D+ (barely C- 3 years ago, played sc2 for 3 years, starting to play bw again now) Zerg but racepick TvZ
On February 11 2013 11:10 L_Master wrote: Who can play: This league is only for D-/D/D+ rank players who are willing to participate consistently. This means MAX RANK. On ANY account. You cannot signup with a D account if you have been yellow or higher on another.
You may ask to to play if you don't fit the criteria and we will review the case. IF you attempt to sign-up without notifying me of having achieved a higher rank on the listed account of any other account YOU WILL NOT PLAY. There are no exceptions to this. Don't fuck up here or you will just get banned
The exception is players in DRTL S3 or DRIT5. All players from those are exempt for having to inform me of their situation as I already am aware.
For clarification, are you saying that old players who have hit C- are allowed to play, while new players at the same rank are not? Or do you mean that new players who have hit C- will just be reviewed more in depth?
Anyway, the TAKK+Despa+Freedom team is way op. This is a joke...right? TAKK on their own with last seasons lineup and a few midrange D free agents would still be one of the favorites, if not the favorite, especially if L3gendary is going back to zerg, and Bad]Seed is playing more regularly.
On February 11 2013 18:59 ninini wrote:Show nested quote +On February 11 2013 11:10 L_Master wrote: Who can play: This league is only for D-/D/D+ rank players who are willing to participate consistently. This means MAX RANK. On ANY account. You cannot signup with a D account if you have been yellow or higher on another.
You may ask to to play if you don't fit the criteria and we will review the case. IF you attempt to sign-up without notifying me of having achieved a higher rank on the listed account of any other account YOU WILL NOT PLAY. There are no exceptions to this. Don't fuck up here or you will just get banned
The exception is players in DRTL S3 or DRIT5. All players from those are exempt for having to inform me of their situation as I already am aware.
For clarification, are you saying that old players who have hit C- are allowed to play, while new players at the same rank are not? Or do you mean that new players who have hit C- will just be reviewed more in depth?Anyway, the TAKK+Despa+Freedom team is way op. This is a joke...right? TAKK on their own with last seasons lineup and a few midrange D free agents would still be one of the favorites, if not the favorite, especially if L3gendary is going back to zerg, and Bad]Seed is playing more regularly.
It always a case by case basis thing.
The "old player higher rank thing" is there because if you hit C 5 years ago and haven't played since it's very likely you are anywhere near yellow ranks currently. Obviously, if you just got C-...well you're currently active, but that's not necessarily a "you're out" kind of thing as borderline C- players have generally been allowed to play.
Everything is reviewed though. Basically I'll want to see someone who has previously been C- but claims they aren't currently that good have at least 15-20 ladder games (plus some replay review) to see where they are at.