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I've been re-reading One Piece recently and have been wondering about the 3 ancient weapons.
I think Uranus is a devil fruit.
We have a ship (Pluton) and a person (Poseidon) so I think it makes sense. It's supposed to control the skies. For me, this could be either Enel (lightning fruit) or possibly Dragon (wind fruit, probably or at least weather, cloud, rain, etc... something like that).
It would be really awesome if it turned out to be Enel and we didn't know all along. Hey, he was on Sky Island and I believe he got his fruit on a different floating island.
Honestly this manga always brings me back eventually because of the lore. I can spend hours reading the wiki about all the awesome stuff and mysteries this series packs in.
On June 26 2014 06:29 Kurr wrote: I've been re-reading One Piece recently and have been wondering about the 3 ancient weapons.
I think Uranus is a devil fruit.
We have a ship (Pluton) and a person (Poseidon) so I think it makes sense. It's supposed to control the skies. For me, this could be either Enel (lightning fruit) or possibly Dragon (wind fruit, probably or at least weather, cloud, rain, etc... something like that).
It would be really awesome if it turned out to be Enel and we didn't know all along. Hey, he was on Sky Island and I believe he got his fruit on a different floating island.
Honestly this manga always brings me back eventually because of the lore. I can spend hours reading the wiki about all the awesome stuff and mysteries this series packs in.
Are we 4 month ago already? The theory that the lighting fruit and Maxim's blueprint are the ancient weapon Uranus has been suggested already. It's not impossible but it seems a little far fetched, especially for a manga like One Piece which has always been pretty straight forward.
On June 25 2014 20:20 Eshra wrote: Well, to me, Doflaming feels more like a boss he should defeat a bit later on.
Where would be a more appropriate place to defeat Doflamingo, than on his home turf in the New World when threatening Doflamingo's entire operation?
On June 26 2014 00:07 shell wrote: DD should go down NOW and by luffy and Law!
He is a very good character but he must go down now.. sooner then later!
He is now reaching the half of NW and he has allready made 3 of the youkou his enemys (if you consider BB).. he must start to be able to solve is own agenda quickly and not always depend on others!
BTW what do you guys think of this?
I kinda like it
That is one of the most annoyingly cut videos I've ever seen, so I unfortunately can't watch it to tell you.
On June 26 2014 00:07 shell wrote: DD should go down NOW and by luffy and Law!
He is a very good character but he must go down now.. sooner then later!
He is now reaching the half of NW and he has allready made 3 of the youkou his enemys (if you consider BB).. he must start to be able to solve is own agenda quickly and not always depend on others!
That is one of the most annoyingly cut videos I've ever seen, so I unfortunately can't watch it to tell you.
Oh man, it's like he just found the video editing tools in Windows Movie Maker for the first time. It's annoying, but also sort of funny because I remember being young once too. Ultimately I couldn't watch it either. My eyes hurt 20 seconds in.
Sabo's abilities do not go well with the Mera Mera. The most he got out of it is the ability to dodge non-haki attacks and maybe clear out small frys with his flames. Both of those things can be solved with Haki. Fire isn't going to make his talons stronger and isn't going to make his staff harder. Fire really just gets in the way. I almost think that Sabo went down in power because now he can't swim and can be taken out with sea stone. I mean just take a second and analyze what he actually has done with the fruit. He punched a hole in the arena which he could have done with his hands, he survived a meteor attack which he could have done by getting out of the way and he dodged some bullets which he could have done with haki. I don't know why Oda gave him this fruit. I understand the whole sentimental thing but it just doesn't plain fit.
On June 26 2014 11:48 Hyperbola wrote: Sabo's abilities do not go well with the Mera Mera. The most he got out of it is the ability to dodge non-haki attacks and maybe clear out small frys with his flames. Both of those things can be solved with Haki. Fire isn't going to make his talons stronger and isn't going to make his staff harder. Fire really just gets in the way. I almost think that Sabo went down in power because now he can't swim and can be taken out with sea stone. I mean just take a second and analyze what he actually has done with the fruit. He punched a hole in the arena which he could have done with his hands, he survived a meteor attack which he could have done by getting out of the way and he dodged some bullets which he could have done with haki. I don't know why Oda gave him this fruit. I understand the whole sentimental thing but it just doesn't plain fit.
I don't agree. Sabo's close quarter abilities were already amazing with his talons, and his use of armament haki, but the Mera Mera fruit gives him greater destructive capabilities, greater resiliance, and greater range, since he can extend his talons in flames for example. Sure he hasn't done much with his fruit yet, but he's barely just gotten it. Once he gets use to it the Mera Mera fruit will definitely be a great asset to his fighting capabilities.
On June 26 2014 11:48 Hyperbola wrote: Sabo's abilities do not go well with the Mera Mera. The most he got out of it is the ability to dodge non-haki attacks and maybe clear out small frys with his flames. Both of those things can be solved with Haki. Fire isn't going to make his talons stronger and isn't going to make his staff harder. Fire really just gets in the way. I almost think that Sabo went down in power because now he can't swim and can be taken out with sea stone. I mean just take a second and analyze what he actually has done with the fruit. He punched a hole in the arena which he could have done with his hands, he survived a meteor attack which he could have done by getting out of the way and he dodged some bullets which he could have done with haki. I don't know why Oda gave him this fruit. I understand the whole sentimental thing but it just doesn't plain fit.
Well, if Dragon does sort of have an ability/weapon that can manipulate wind/breeze, then fire can be made stronger by wind (if mixed right).
So you could argue that it would work in supporting Dragon's goals as well I guess. Which would make sense as to why Sabo would also want to get it for Dragon and the revolutionaries given that he is # 2.
I just haven't though about it but would the Mera Mera have the ability to "dissipate" hence somewhat float/fly over land/water?
And would it have the potential to boil seawater to make it steam in combination with the ability above? Hence providing a means to workaround and not completely being beat just because the bout happens in the sea?
On June 26 2014 11:48 Hyperbola wrote: Sabo's abilities do not go well with the Mera Mera. The most he got out of it is the ability to dodge non-haki attacks and maybe clear out small frys with his flames. Both of those things can be solved with Haki. Fire isn't going to make his talons stronger and isn't going to make his staff harder. Fire really just gets in the way. I almost think that Sabo went down in power because now he can't swim and can be taken out with sea stone. I mean just take a second and analyze what he actually has done with the fruit. He punched a hole in the arena which he could have done with his hands, he survived a meteor attack which he could have done by getting out of the way and he dodged some bullets which he could have done with haki. I don't know why Oda gave him this fruit. I understand the whole sentimental thing but it just doesn't plain fit.
I don't see how you figure it makes him weaker. He can still do all the old stuff he did, but now he can also do all the stuff that Ace did. And Ace was pretty powerful, don't you think?
Aside from not being able to swim. Mera-mera is a huge upgrade. All non-haki attacks won't go through him anymore and he doesn't need effort to block it. He can now take out multiple targets at one time. He can also now attack other logia users without relying on haki which sometimes hits back on the haki user whenever attacking a logia user.
There are still some fighters who doesn't have haki but are pretty strong. So all those enemies become useless. His mobility just exponentially increased.
I don't see how it weakens Sabo. Maybe it's not a ability that perfectly synergies with him but it still makes him far more stronger than usual.
On June 26 2014 11:48 Hyperbola wrote: Sabo's abilities do not go well with the Mera Mera. The most he got out of it is the ability to dodge non-haki attacks and maybe clear out small frys with his flames. Both of those things can be solved with Haki. Fire isn't going to make his talons stronger and isn't going to make his staff harder. Fire really just gets in the way. I almost think that Sabo went down in power because now he can't swim and can be taken out with sea stone. I mean just take a second and analyze what he actually has done with the fruit. He punched a hole in the arena which he could have done with his hands, he survived a meteor attack which he could have done by getting out of the way and he dodged some bullets which he could have done with haki. I don't know why Oda gave him this fruit. I understand the whole sentimental thing but it just doesn't plain fit.
The whole sentimental thing is good enough to eat the fruit. Sabo himself said that he wasn't used to the Mera Mera no Mi quite yet.
Still, if you have an already scary fighting style (such as the one that Sabo shows us), you're going to get even scarier if you get a strong Logia fruit. Haki and Logia would be a very frightening combination, think Akainu who used it to internally injure Ace.
More interesting is that he clearly has burn scars but also the fire fruit;
Okay look. Mera Mera benefits: 1. Area of effect attack for crowds 2. Dodge non-haki, non-power attacks 3. Strong single target attack - maybe Mera Mera cons: 1. Can't swim 2. Weak to sea stone, especially sea stone handcuffs With the assumption that Sabo has armament, observation and conqueror haki he already can: 1. Take out crowds of people with conqueror haki 2. Dodge all attacks with observation haki 3. Take out strong enemies with armament haki Except now he's weak to water and sea stone. Overall it's a net negative. The Mera Mera did nothing to increase his capabilities besides maybe enabling him to become lazy and let things pass through him instead of dodging out of the way. But the most important thing here is that he can no longer eat another devil fruit. A zoan would have been infinately better on Sabo because it would have worked with his already incredibly significant powers. A logia does nothing for him and even works against him in certain ways.
On June 26 2014 11:48 Hyperbola wrote: Sabo's abilities do not go well with the Mera Mera. The most he got out of it is the ability to dodge non-haki attacks and maybe clear out small frys with his flames. Both of those things can be solved with Haki. Fire isn't going to make his talons stronger and isn't going to make his staff harder. Fire really just gets in the way. I almost think that Sabo went down in power because now he can't swim and can be taken out with sea stone. I mean just take a second and analyze what he actually has done with the fruit. He punched a hole in the arena which he could have done with his hands, he survived a meteor attack which he could have done by getting out of the way and he dodged some bullets which he could have done with haki. I don't know why Oda gave him this fruit. I understand the whole sentimental thing but it just doesn't plain fit.
On June 26 2014 13:42 vndestiny wrote: I don't see why he can't use his physical claws for seastone cuffs?
Because seastone doesn't just nullify your devil fruit power, it also makes you weak. It's a solidified form the sea.
and kinda indestructible
1. Area of effect attack for crowds 2. Dodge non-haki, non-power attacks 3. Strong single target attack - maybe
what do you mean "maybe"? weve seen ace punch through 3 ships at the same time, imagine a full power dragon claw to the stomach then a point blank flamethrower and tell me that wouldnt hurt
also weve seen admiral level logias dodge haki attacks so if he can master that it makes im pretty much literally untouchable so lets put that in the "pro" collum as well
and he now has powerful ranged options so melee isnt his only form of attack
On June 26 2014 13:24 Hyperbola wrote: Okay look. Mera Mera benefits: 1. Area of effect attack for crowds 2. Dodge non-haki, non-power attacks 3. Strong single target attack - maybe Mera Mera cons: 1. Can't swim 2. Weak to sea stone, especially sea stone handcuffs With the assumption that Sabo has armament, observation and conqueror haki he already can: 1. Take out crowds of people with conqueror haki 2. Dodge all attacks with observation haki 3. Take out strong enemies with armament haki Except now he's weak to water and sea stone. Overall it's a net negative. The Mera Mera did nothing to increase his capabilities besides maybe enabling him to become lazy and let things pass through him instead of dodging out of the way. But the most important thing here is that he can no longer eat another devil fruit. A zoan would have been infinately better on Sabo because it would have worked with his already incredibly significant powers. A logia does nothing for him and even works against him in certain ways.
1.) Sabo isn't confirmed to have Conqueror Haki, plus can't instantly KO strong people, while a blast of fire definitely would do damage to a strong person 2.) Well, if people like Akainu and Aokiji are any indication, its possible to dodge Haki attacks as a Logia as well. Aokiji took Whitebeard's spear through the gut, and Akainu got his head practically severed by Marco and Vista, and just called them annoying Haki users. 3.) This isn't a maybe, Ace was incredibly powerful. He could create massive island destroying fireballs, if his fight with Blackbeard is any indication. IDK why you think the Fire Fire Fruit is weak. It isn't a "only works vs weak people" fruit.
On June 26 2014 13:24 Hyperbola wrote: Okay look. Mera Mera benefits: 1. Area of effect attack for crowds 2. Dodge non-haki, non-power attacks 3. Strong single target attack - maybe Mera Mera cons: 1. Can't swim 2. Weak to sea stone, especially sea stone handcuffs With the assumption that Sabo has armament, observation and conqueror haki he already can: 1. Take out crowds of people with conqueror haki 2. Dodge all attacks with observation haki 3. Take out strong enemies with armament haki Except now he's weak to water and sea stone. Overall it's a net negative. The Mera Mera did nothing to increase his capabilities besides maybe enabling him to become lazy and let things pass through him instead of dodging out of the way. But the most important thing here is that he can no longer eat another devil fruit. A zoan would have been infinately better on Sabo because it would have worked with his already incredibly significant powers. A logia does nothing for him and even works against him in certain ways.
1.) Sabo isn't confirmed to have Conqueror Haki, plus can't instantly KO strong people, while a blast of fire definitely would do damage to a strong person 2.) Well, if people like Akainu and Aokiji are any indication, its possible to dodge Haki attacks as a Logia as well. Aokiji took Whitebeard's spear through the gut, and Akainu got his head practically severed by Marco and Vista, and just called them annoying Haki users. 3.) This isn't a maybe, Ace was incredibly powerful. He could create massive island destroying fireballs, if his fight with Blackbeard is any indication. IDK why you think the Fire Fire Fruit is weak. It isn't a "only works vs weak people" fruit.
My main gripe is that the Mera Mera just doesn't fit sabo. It would be like if Zoro decided to master the spear and started devoting his time to that instead of strengthening his swordsmanship. Sabo was already a powerful brawler. If you want to bring power levels into it, he was most likely already above Ace. Him eating the fire fruit simply gave him a bunch of random powers that don't at all synergize with his kit. Ace's thing was that while he did have some physical power, he was ultimately a fire guy. Sabo, on the other hand is ultimately a physical fighter with some new fire powers. You can't wrap Haki around a logia attack. So if Sabo wants to make a punch, he either infuses it with fire or infuses it with Haki. Do you see how these things conflict? It's not like Sabo would have any trouble fighting Fujitora without the fruit. And it's not like Sabo would have any trouble dodging attack without the fruit. So basically the fruit ads nothing besides some small convenience features.